Within each fragment of rock blasted from the canyon walls by the whirlwind of the Angel of the Lord was a pyramid with the Headstone placed. Until the Lord broke open the rock to reveal its hidden mystery, these symbols were sealed from the foundation of the world like the mystery of the Seven Seals, the “Capstone revelation” that brought our Headstone back to earth in WORD form to complete the Body (Mark 8:38; I Thessalonians 4:14-16; Jude 14; Revelation 10:1-7).
Bible scholars know God wrote His first Holy Bible in the stars. Enoch wrote His second Bible in stone before the Flood; it is the Sphinx and Great Pyramid that symbolise redemption and New Jerusalem which is Christ’s Bride and the elect of all ages, whose Head and Chief Corner Stone the builders disallowed and crucified on mount Calvary as confirmed in God’s third Bible written in paper and ink.