As Jesus told Peter and Andrew, “Henceforth you will be fishers of men,” God spoke to Brother Branham from a vision wherein he was fishing for rainbow trout in a crystal clear lake, a type of Christ’s end-time Bride immersed in the perfect interpretation of the Word.

Employing the metaphor of fly fishing He said, “Like all great ministries, yours will consist of three ‘pulls.’ First, you will hold the hand of a penitent seeking healing, and a Supernatural sign will appear on the back of your hand by which I will indicate to you the nature of their disease. This will give them faith to receive their healing, confident that the God who knows their condition can also heal them.”

The Prophet’s ‘first pull’ attracted the attention of the little fish, and immense numbers of people recognized God is alive. However, his mission was not to catch the little fish, so he pulled the line just beyond their reach, and their swarming after the lure of divine healing attracted the attention of bigger fish.