“The Trump of God” will be marked by massive earthquakes that sink Los Angeles and large areas of California, split the Mount of Olives, demolish the Dome of the Rock, and ignite the “hot” stage of World War III. This will signal the end of the Gentile dispensation, the first resurrection and manifestation of the Sons of God, and call Israel to her feast of Trumpets (Matthew 24:31). So we see that Christ’s ‘parousia’ Coming is synonymous with the rapture, which is the threefold PROCESS of a “Shout, Voice, and Trump.” This is Brother Branham’s ‘third pull’ that began in 1963 with the revelation of the Seven Seals and will soon be completed following the Seventh Trump with the resurrection of the sleeping saints, the manifestation of the Sons of God and our translation (I Corinthians 15:47-56).

The elders of Israel said of Christ, “We know You are a prophet come from God for He has thoroughly vindicated your ministry.” Once again a man has been approved of God by miracles, and wonders and signs in the midst of us, and “He who receives a prophet in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ will receive a prophet’s reward,” which is to be a friend of God (Matthew 10:41; James 2:23). Like Israel, unbelieving Gentiles will soon be without excuse and the door of grace and mercy will shut. Peter said, “It shall come to pass that every soul who will not hear that prophet will be destroyed . . .” or cast into the tribulation. Incredibly, a majority of professing Christians have not received the restoration ministry of God’s vindicated prophet (Acts 3:21-23; Malachi 4:6; Revelation 3:17-20; 22:11, 17-19; Matthew 17:11).