Unfortunately our English Bibles do not differentiate between these two words but translate both as “come.” This has caused great confusion among those who do not “study to show themselves approved of God, rightly dividing the Word of truth” before offering the sacrifice of their faith. (In type of Paul's admonition to us, the Hebrew priests flayed and examined the flesh of the sacrifice, to prove it was without spot or blemish, before offering it to God).

Whereas the Greek word ‘erchomai’ means to physically arrive, enter or come, ‘parousia’ means an ‘arrival and subsequent presence’ that is not physical. For instance, if we were to speak on the ‘phone we’d be in one another’s presence, but I may be in Hong Kong whereas you might be in England; we may never have seen one another, yet we’d be in one another’s presence. Were you to see a film of Brother Branham he’d be in your presence, yet you won’t be in his presence until we’re caught up together with the Church Age saints.  

Jesus’ third Coming will be His second physical return. This will be the ‘erchomai’ Coming of the glorified Man as Son of David with the glorified saints of all Ages, to step out on the ashes of the wicked for a thousand years of peace (Malachi 4:1-3). This will be the restoration of the kingdom to Israel.