Has NASA Mooned America?

Firstly, some quotes from William Branham:

"I tell you now, it's a program that'll take you a hundred billion, billion, million light years beyond the moon. That's right. And there if you go to the moon you couldn't set down because see, you'd jump right back up unless you had some magnet to hold you there. You couldn't stay over night; you'd freeze to death. In the daytime you'd burn up.* What you going to do when you get there?" (Basis of Fellowship 61-0214)

* The surface temperature at the lunar equator during the day is 134oC (+273oF), and at night is -153oC (-244oF).
* The lunar day (from sunrise to sunrise) is approximately 708 hours or 29.5 Earth days.

(NASA survey February, 2012 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera).

"Oh, now they're all wanting to make a whole lot of these astronaut cans so they can get into it. And the atomic age comes, they're going to bust up the world; they just pull this and all go over on the moon, taking a trip to the moon, and have it all over with, and so they'll just make them another economy on the moon. They ain't going to get there. I don't believe, with all my heart, they'll ever get there. See?" (Countdown 20:101 62-0909M)

"What do you call it the man's day for?" you would say. It's the day that the works by the knowledge of man is glorified. Look what all the brag of the Communists. Somebody try and get somebody to the moon. God's trying to get somebody to heaven. See? But look how they're spending millions, and billions, and trillions of dollars in a wasted effort. When they get there they ain't going to find nothing. What's the matter with them? I don't care about the moon. I want to pass the moon so fast I won't even see it, just keep going higher. I want to pass the milky, white way, go on, just keep going. Yes." (God of this Evil Age 18:85 65-0801M)

Now the Book reviewed by Wayne Green (W2NSD/1), (El Supremo and Founder of 73 Amateur Radio Today. See Issue #429, June 1996).

A book came a couple days ago from a reader who wanted to swap it for copies of some of my books. This one sure got may attention. I was busy trying to find out more about dowsing from a couple of new books l'd just bought, but this one made me put everything else down.

My first reaction was probably what yours will be. It's "NASA Mooned America!" by Rene, 196p, 1994. The ridiculous claim is that the Apollo missions to the moon never actually happened. Oh, Lordy, give me a break! What is this, some Flat Earth Society-type crappola? However, not being completely controlled by what I have been conditioned to believe, I read on. Rene has done a masterful job of destroying what little faith I had left in NASA. He shows evidence that many of their photographs of the moon missions are clearly bogus; he proves beyond a reasonable doubt that nobody can survive in space beyond the protection of the Van Allen Belt: and so on. By the time he's through, there's just no doubt that our government has produced a $40 billion space opera for us.

Yes, of course, Wayne has gone off his rocker with this one. Sure. Okay, smarty, what's the temperature in space? Hot? Cold? We all know it's awfully cold, right? The fact is, when the sun is shining on anything it gets blistering hot. The surface of the moon is 243øF in the sun and for the two weeks of night. Our astronauts were just there in the daylight, so they were dealing with an environment that was around 250ø, with nowhere near enough power to run the cooling system needed to deal with that. Rene goes into every aspect of the inability of any living thing to survive the solar flares that occurred during the missions with the little shielding used, the temperatures involved in space and on the moon. The astronauts reported that the LEM blasted a deep crater in landing on the moon. Why has not one NASA photo of the LEM on the moon ever shown a hint of this crater? They do show undisturbed dirt, complete with footprints (more about this impossibility later).

There are endless holes in the NASA production. Wait'll you see the not quite hidden power cords in some photos supposedly taken on the moon. Then there's one photo in the book of Aldrin and Armstrong saluting the flag, where they claim the sun is at about 13ø, but Aldrin's photo was taken when the sun was at 26.4ø and Armstrong's was taken with the sun at 34.9ø, if one goes by the shadows they cast. Worse, the shadows are in two different directions, and the flag casts no shadow at all. The angles of the sun were calculated by the lengths of the shadows compared to the height of the men. The sun moves about 10ø a day, so Aldrin's photo would have had to be taken a day after they claimed, and Armstrong's a day later, all followed by some computer trickery to combine them.

Or was all of this done in a secret Nevada CIA base?

Rene provides a book full of proof that the whole moon deal was a fake put together by NASA and the CIA. It's a very well-written and researched book. It reduces our Right Stuff heroes to mere actors who have gone along with a Hollywood-type production. And those who caused any problems were killed! Did the "accidents" which killed 11 astronauts in 1967 raise any questions in your mind?


It's difficult for me to get used to the real world. it sure isn't anything like I was taught in school, or anything my parents led me to believe. The more I learn, the less I have to believe in. Politics is crooked clear through, with money, via lobbies, firmly in control. The medical industry is just as crooked, protecting its $1 trillion business with the co-operation of the government. Our legal system is seriously corrupt, as is our educational Industry, again with the complicity of the government. Our academic system is corrupt, again in bed with our government. Should I mention our tobacco industry? And liquor industry? Our public water supplies, packed with chlorine and fluorides? Oh yes, our dental industry, with amalgams and root canals. Our food industry, providing us with hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, and de-mineralized produce.

So l suppose I am pretty dumb, or at least naive, to be surprised to read an expose showing NASA to be siphoning off billions to produce block-buster entertainment epics, hand in hand with the CIA.

The worst part is that even with our government and, as far as I know, every major industry, thoroughly corrupt, we seem to have the best country in the world. Maybe I should just shut up and go along to get along. Maybe I should go back to grumbling about the bad language, rudeness, and brain-free contacts on our ham bands. And fan the flames between no-coders and old-timers. The CW and phone ops. And any other ham schisms.

Say, those confounded packeteers aren't going to screw around with the Internet, are they?

Heck if you get to know many of the ARRL directors beyond the thoroughly white-washed meeting reports in QST, you'll find out in what contempt they hold the members. That really disillusioned me when I got on the inside and got to know all the players. Suddenly I found that the ARRL General Manager, the League counsel, and the directors all thought of the members as sheep, with no opinions worthy of consideration. It's the same arrogant attitude I see in most politicians.

Hey, if I suddenly "die" of a heart attack, I want you to know that my heart is in fine shape and that the CIA seems to leave a trail of heart attack victims who have caused trouble. Shades of the KGB! The Apollo mission data is still highly classified, so my reporting on the book may be endangering our country.

Exit Line

When this book arrived and I saw that it was an expose of NASA, claiming that the moon flights were all faked, I expected to start reading the unusual unsupported baloney like that which supports just about every claim I've read for zero-point energy, N-machines, and other mysterious new power sources. I was a 100% total believer in space flight. Oh I didn't think the potential benefits of visiting Mars were worth the investment, considering the federal deficit, so I was glad to see that program canceled last year. Ditto the super collider.

But I've been a space fan since childhood. I got hooked early by a cartoon strip around 1929 called "Jack Swift." No relation to Tom Swift, though later in my childhood I enjoyed those books. Buck Rogers was there, but he didn't hold a candle to Jack Swift. Nor did Flash Gordon. Heck, the early Buck Rogers cartoons still had people using airplanes in the 25th century. Tsk.

So the whole idea that the Apollo flights had been no more real than the recent award-winning Apollo-13 movie was totally preposterous. But once I started reading l couldn't stop. Indispnutable evidence piled up, fact after fact. As far as I know, no one who has read the book remains unconvinced that the world has been sucked in by one of the biggest snow jobs in history. If you read the book and aren't amazed at the enormousness of the deceit, and the success NASA and the ClA have had in keeping, it secret. I sure want to hear from you.

Well, they did as good a job with secrecy on the Manhattan Project back 50-some years ago.

And why didn't Russia blow the whistle, when they had to know early on that man would never survive in space beyond the Van Allen Belt without massive shielding against the intense radiation from solar flares? Read the book on our cost to bribe them.

Say, I wonder what else our beloved government has been doing that we haven't heard about? Let me know, okay?

NASA Mooned America!

Self-published by Ralph Rene, 176p, 1994 US$30.00 All inclusive! FOR USA Delivery Check or Money Order, "NO Credit cards"! Mail to: Ralph Rene 3321 West Weir Road, Scottsburg, IN. 47170 USA. Include your name & mailing address and Phone Number. (Or within Australia @A$45 from Mr. David Barton, "Derrima" Collarenebri, NSW 2833). Theme of this book is that NASA never put a man on the moon; that the whole Apollo saga was just a Hollywood-like production done with the help of the CIA. My reaction on opening the book was that this is totally ridiculous. Crazy. Impossible. By the end of the first chapter I was starting to wonder if I'd sucked in on a $40 billion NASA production. By the end of the book I was convinced that, as impossible as it seems, the whole world has been suckered. If you read this book and find any fault with any of the 30 "gotcha's" I want to hear from you. For instance, the moon's surface has no moisture whatever. So why do we see boot prints where the astronauts have walked? You've walked in dry dirt and sand. It takes moisture to hold a print. When I start listing problems, every scientist I've talked to has ordered a copy of the book. Also available from the same author is "The Last Skeptic of Science".

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