Bible Believers' Newsletter 1280

Android Phone"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It's good to see everyone present today because I expect circumstances will begin to change between Easter Sunday and Pentecost next year. In the mean time let us polish up our sanctification and sharpen our revelation as we "Study to show ourselves approved unto God, workmen that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth".

Today we will be studying "The Seven Trumpets" from Brother Branham's sermon, "The Feast of the Trumpets" to establish the Old Testament foreshadow under the Law reflected in our lively temples of New Testament grace.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

The Myth of the UN Creation of Israel

October 26, 2010 — UN Resolution 181 neither partitioned Palestine nor conferred any legal authority to the Zionists for their unilateral declaration of Israel's existence. There is a widely accepted belief that UN General Assembly Resolution 181 "created" Israel, on the understanding this resolution partitioned Palestine or otherwise conferred legal authority or legitimacy to the declaration of the existence of the state of Israel. However, despite its popularity, this belief has no basis in fact, as a review of the resolution's history and examination of legal principles demonstrates incontrovertibly. Full story:

About the Author Jeremy R. Hammond: The government perpetually lies to the public about important issues. The mainstream media dutifully serve to manufacture consent for criminal policies. I free people's minds by exposing state propaganda intended to keep them in servitude to the politically and financially powerful. My writings empower readers with the knowledge to see through the deceptions and fight for a better future, for ourselves, our children, and future generations of humanity. I'm an independent political analyst, journalist, publisher and editor of Foreign Policy Journal, and author of several books. Stay updated with my work by signing up for my free newsletter at

Comment: On Monday 26, February 2024, The Arab League, Zambia, and Turkey, addressed the World Court in The Hague, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), on consequences of Israel's occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.

See this video recording of the full Court session (2:42:15 h). Starting with min 00:57 of the Youtube recording, Dr. Ralph Wilde, Sr. Council and Advocate, speaks on behalf of Palestine (26 min): Dr. Wilde's plaidoyer—ALL based on legal facts and international law—completely destroys the legality of Israel, of Israel's existence. Going back over 100 years to the Balfour Declaration of 1917, all the way to the illegal UK "handing over" of Palestine in 1947 to the United Nations.

Arthur James Balfour was a Conservative British politician, then Foreign Secretary, and formerly UK's Prime Minister (1902-1905). The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during WWI, announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population about 11%.

The Brits claimed unrightfully—as well-illustrated by Dr. Wilde—having the "Mandate" for Palestine (1918-1948), because of the British occupation of territories previously ruled by the Ottoman Empire. However, the Peace Treaties that brought the First World War to an end, also established the principle of self-determination that emerged after the war. Meaning that Palestine already in 1918 had the right of self-determination without any mandate of the UK or anybody else over its newly gained sovereignty (

Arthur James Balfour was a non-Semitic self-styled Jew as are 90% of world Jewry, according to official statistics.

Banning TikTok is about Protecting Western Narratives and Israel's War Crimes in ME

March 26, 2024 — Most likely Congress is scapegoating China to protect Israel's reputation in the last bastion of its supporters in the United States . . . more than 170 million TikTok users . . . Israel's war crimes in Gaza and beyond . . . exposed on TikTok and it does not look good for the self-described "Jewish State."

Social Media platforms YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, completely hijacked by the government censorship regime. Western political establishment, Globalist bankers, Zionists, Multi-national corps., Big Oil and Big Pharma and others . . . facing an information war . . . clearly losing. Full story:

Holocaust Encyclopedia—Uncensored and Unconstrained

February 29, 2024 — The ongoing #GazaHolocaust is making more and more people wonder: Since the Zionists have been caught pathologically lying about pretty much everything, why should we uncritically accept their founding myth? Doesn't the fact that the guardians of the official Holocaust narrative have to terrorize and imprison historians who disagree with them suggest that they can't win the argument using logic and evidence?

Germar Rudolf's new Holocaust Encyclopedia (free online at offers "an uncensored and unconstrained look at the pertinent evidence that upholds the orthodox Holocaust narrative." Unlike all mainstream defenses of orthodoxy that I'm aware of, The Holocaust Encyclopedia is a very easy-to-use reference guide to the relevant evidence and sources . . . Full story:

Putin Implies Ukraine Played Role in Moscow Terrorist Attack

Russia's Crest

March 25, 2024 — Russia has charged four men with committing an act of terrorism following Friday's Moscow concert hall massacre that claimed the lives of 137 people and injured 182 more. The four men, citizens of the predominantly Muslim ex-Soviet republic of Tajikistan, are accused of being responsible for the attack that occurred during a rock concert at the Crocus City Hall on Friday night. Seven other people were also detained for their role in the assault. Verified footage showed camouflage-clad gunmen opening fire with automatic weapons in the concert hall, with screaming people rushing for the exits. Investigators said some died from gunshot wounds and others in a huge fire that was started in the complex. Reports said the gunmen lit the blaze using petrol from canisters they carried in rucksacks.

The four men appeared in a courtroom on Sunday, March 24th, all of them seemingly bruised and battered. One of the men was seen sitting in a wheelchair, another with one of his ears bandaged. Video footage uploaded on social media sites claiming to be depicting scenes from the interrogation has not been officially verified. Three of the four men pleaded guilty to all charges.

The Islamic State (IS) terrorist group claimed responsibility for the massacre, and on Saturday released what it said was footage of the attack. The Islamic State's likely motive for striking at Russia is the latter's intervention against it in 2015 during Syria's civil war. In October 2015, a bomb planted by IS downed a Russian passenger plane over Egypt, killing all 224 people on board. The group has also claimed several attacks in Russia's Caucasus and other regions in recent years.

According to US officials, the United States has intelligence confirming Islamic State's claim of responsibility. The White House said it shared information with Russia early this month about a planned attack in Moscow, which Russia's ambassador to the United States denied.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, while calling the attack an act of terror, has so far not mentioned the Islamic State, instead implying that Ukraine—which was invaded by Russian forces more than two years ago—had a role to play. Of the fleeing gunmen, he said: They tried to hide and moved towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them on the Ukrainian side to cross the state border.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Putin of seeking to divert blame for the attack by naming Ukraine as a culprit. US National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said "there was no Ukrainian involvement whatsoever."

Friday's attack was the deadliest on Russian territory since the 2004 Beslan school siege when Islamist militants took more than 1,000 people hostage. More than 300 people died at the time, over half of them children. Full story:

Role of Turkey and Idlib in Moscow Attack

March 26, 2024 — The road to the Crocus Center in Moscow began in Turkey, as one of the attackers confessed . . . all attackers have been captured on their way to Ukraine . . . part of a Radical Islamic revival sponsored by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan . . . a follower of Radical Islam . . . asked to be a partner in the Obama-led war on secular Syria, to create a Muslim Brotherhood friendly state in Damascus . . . Obama launched a similar plan in both Libya and Egypt with varying success. President Putin saw the US-UK and Turkey sponsoring terrorists in Syria, and by 2015 made a decision to save Syria from becoming an Islamic State by entering the battlefield against the terrorists who were gaining territory . . . US stabbed their loyal ally Turkey in the back in Syria . . . Pentagon took the SDF and YPJ under its wing and provided everything a modern army could want, including paychecks in dollars. Erdogan complained to Obama, Trump and Biden . . . US and Turkey keeping Idlib safe from attack in order to use those armed assets when and where they chose. Full story:

Comment: Surely Obama is guilty of treason like so many Prime Ministers and Lawmakers.

Julian Assange Judge previously acted for MI6

February 26, 2024 — The judge set to rule on the Assange extradition case was previously paid to represent the interests of MI6 and the Ministry of Defence—whose activities WikiLeaks has exposed. Justice Jeremy Johnson has also been a specially vetted barrister, cleared by the UK authorities to access top secret information. He will sit with Dame Victoria Sharp, his senior judge, to decide the fate of the WikiLeaks co-founder. His persecution by the US authorities has been at the behest of Washington's intelligence and security services, with whom the UK has deep relations . . . As with previous judges who have ruled on Assange's case, this raises concerns about institutional conflicts of interest . . . Full story:

Comment: Five years caged in Belmarsh high-security prison, convicted of absolutely nothing. He is not a US citizen and none of the charges relate to activities in the US. A warning to those who expose state crimes.

Ad-Free Media? There is No Ad-Free Media

March 19, 2024 — Commercial media promotes goods, services, functions and political messages for those prepared to pay for this service. Government's ABC runs incessant ads to promote the ABC, its own programs and rainbow political agenda. This agenda does not serve most taxpayers who fund the propaganda.

William BranhamSince gold rush days and the wool boom Australia's economy has relied on mining, grazing, farming, forestry and fishing. Then processing, refining and manufacturing industries were developed with our cheap reliable coal and hydro-powered electricity. We built our own cars but their ABC opposes backbone industries and promotes the globalist agenda of expensive intermittent "green" electricity plus more electric vehicles demanding more intermittent and unreliable electricity: blackouts are inevitable.

ABC also supports migrants, even those that despise traditional Australian values, but opposes the expansion of industries needed to support more consumers. It promotes net zero energy but opposes net zero immigration, a recipe for impoverishing working people. For the real danger to life on Earth is the next Ice Age. The ABC magnifies and twists every weather event into "evidence" of global warming as their new scare story—"weird weather"—worships models of doom and promotes eco-anxiety among children and childish adults.

Despite our emphatic "No" to the black Voice referendum, their ABC gives that favoured group a loud tax-payer funded Voice. "Time's Up" for the ABC. We should sell it for whatever it will bring. Do it now—it will be worth less tomorrow (Viv Forbes, Washpool, Queensland, Australia).

A Comet Twice the Size of Mount Everest is Approaching

March 27, 2024 — 12P/Pons–Brooks comet has an orbital period of 71 years. Comets with an orbital period of 20–200 years are referred to as Halley-type comets. It is one of the brightest known periodic comets, reaching an absolute visual magnitude of about 5 in its approach to perihelion. Comet Pons-Brooks was definitely discovered at Marseilles Observatory in July 1812 by Jean-Louis Pons, and on its next appearance in 1883 by William Robert Brooks. There are ancient records of comets that are suspected of having been apparitions of 12P/Pons–Brooks. The next perihelion passage is April 21, 2024, with closest approach to Earth being 1.55 AU on June 2, 2024. The comet is expected to brighten to about apparent magnitude 4.5. The comet nucleus is estimated to be around 30 km in diameter, assuming it was not producing too much dust and gas during the 2020 photometric measurements Full story:

The Seven Trumpets

The great St. Paul was not one of the Twelve Apostles, and did not know Jesus in his lifetime. Paul lived as a Pharisee, the ancient word for Jew, and participated in the persecution of the early Christians, prior to his conversion. Sometime after having consented to the execution of Stephen, while traveling on the road to Damascus hoping to find Christians that he might bring "bound to Jerusalem," as he approached Damascus suddenly a light from heaven shone and the risen Christ said to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me" (Acts 9:4-5). Paul died a martyr perhaps thirty years before Jesus delivered the Revelation to St. John.

We have studied the Seven Church Ages, and the Seven Seals, aligning the New Testament antitype with the Old Testament type. Today we will study the Seven Trumpet Judgments for the same purpose. Brother Branham said, "When the first Seal was opened up, the First Trumpet sounded and the First (Vial) Plague fell. When the Sixth Seal opened up, the Sixth (Trumpet) sounded and the Sixth (Vial) Plague fell. Just watch it, it's the most beautiful thing that you ever seen. And when I do, I'm going to get me a big, great big blackboard, bring it up here and just teach it right across here, so we just take plenty of time on each Seal and go back and take up the history and things, and prove just when it happened, and show right here in the Bible when It said it would take place, and right exactly when it happened, just the date and everything else. I got it, amen, got it from Him. That's right" (61-0618, Revelation Chapter 5 #2, par. 196).

"Notice Revelation 8:7, if you want to write down. We notice the First Trumpet, there scattered hail, blood, fire, upon the earth; just exactly with Exodus, when God was calling His people out, of the exodus . . . Bringing Israel out of spiritual Egypt, see, back into his homeland."

"But every Trumpet sounded (or revealed by Israel's two witnesses) under the Sixth Seal—AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE GENTILE DISPENSATION—the persecution of the Jews . . . was making them ready to come to the Feast of the Atonement (gathering the Israelites back to the Promised Land by the Ministry of Israel's two witnesses for) the feast of the Atonement (or new birth) . . . Notice, the Feast of the Trumpets was first, which was (gathering the Israelites, a type of) Pentecost (where the Church was gathered). Israel's Feast of Atonement followed it, fifty days later . . . They rejected the true Atonement and these years has been lengthened out through here, has been the year of Pentecost. See? Now the sounding for the Jews Israelites comes next . . . This has been the calling-out of the Church. Watch real close. Now, which, afterwards took them to the Land of Promise; which He will do the same thing, in which, in symbol, He takes the Church to the land of promise" (the Millennium, 64-0719M, The Feast of the Trumpets, par. 144, 147, 150-153).

"Notice, each Church Age had its Messenger. We know that. Paul was the first Messenger. And when the First Trumpet sounded, and the First Seal was tore loose. Paul . . . declared war on the Orthodox (Jewish) church, for not believing the Messianic sign that Jesus had produced to them. Why, they should have knowed it (Genesis 18:1-10; Luke 17:28-30; Hebrews 4:12). They should have knowed Him."

"Remember, Paul come at the end of the Age. All the messengers come at the end of the Age. It's at the end time, when these things are brought forth. "Paul, knowing the Scriptures, and knowing that Jesus was Messiah, and he blasted those synagogues, from place to place, with the Scriptures, and was put out of every one of them. Till finally, he shook the dust from his feet and turned to the Gentiles (Acts 13:46). What was it? Sounding of a Trumpet; an angel, Messenger standing there with the Word! Oh, my! Don't you miss that now. The Word, and Paul with the unadulterated interpretation of God's Word blasted every one of them synagogues. Cost him his life" (62-1230E, Is This the Sign of the End, Sir? par. 270-272).

Brother Branham referred to the first six Trumpet judgments as an "amateur tribulation" upon Israel as opposed to the Great Tribulation under the Seventh and Great Trumpet that will gather and sift 144,000 elect Israelites of the pure blood of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not Edomites, Khazars, Tartars and other Mongol-Asiatic non-Semitic races (like 90% of world Jewry according to official Jewish sources such as Encyclopedia Judaica). In Numbers 10:1-10 the Lord instructed Moses to make two silver trumpets to call the assembly to gather, sound an alarm, signal war, the full Moon, close of the Day of Atonement, and so forth.

Revelation 8:1-7, "And when Christ had opened the Seventh Seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets." The trumpeting angels are not men they are "heavenly beings" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 323:3). "And another angel—Christ, the Angel of the Covenant (Psalm 104:4; Acts 5-19; 12:7; Hebrews 1:7; Revelation 7:2; 14:18) came and stood at the altar of incense (Hebrews 9:4), having a golden censer; and there was given unto Him much incense, that He should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the Angel's hand. And the Angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake" (Revelation 6:12; 11:15-19; 16:18 . . . "and destroy them which destroy the earth"—His creation).

This parenthesis will mark the close of the Gentile dispensation one Good Friday very soon. "And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound" or reveal their mysteries through Israel's two witnesses. NOTE THIS IS AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE GENTILE DISPENSATION—AFTER the manifestation of the Sixth Seal, Seventh Trumpet, and the Seventh Vial—when the Lord turns to Israel.

In Revelation 8:7 "the First Trumpeted, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of earth was burnt up, third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up." As when God was calling the "third part" of Adam's race: Shem's people—Israelites—in the Exodus. In the Ephesian Church Age the spiritual war became the First Jewish–Roman War of AD66-70.

In his sermon "Recognizing your Day and its Message" Brother Branham explains how he was prepared to preach on the Seven Trumpets but the Holy Spirit would not let him do it. "And sincerely I knelt down before God, to pray. And He revealed to me that them Seven Trumpets sounded (or are revealed) under the Sixth Seal, and I've done preached it, supernaturally. See, it's the hand of God, the whole thing. It pertains to Israel, and we picked it up under the Sixth Seal . . . all of them was sounded (or will be revealed to Israel) under the Sixth Seal. And we picked it up last Sunday under the Feast of the Trumpets (64-0719M) if you all want to get it. What was it to do? To rush the Jews, from all parts of the world back into their homeland: it must be there . . . The Seven Trumpets sounded in the Sixth Seal." (In Daniel's Seventieth Week after the CLOSE of the Gentile dispensation).

"Now, the seventh angel's Message is to open the mystery of the Seals, calling the eleventh-hour Gentile workers to receive the same pay that the first hour workers got. See?"

"Now, Jesus taught it. He said there was some peoples went into the harvest. They were hired. And when they did, of early morning, they received a penny for the day. And then at noontime, someone else come in and went to work. And then at the eleventh hour, that's the last hour of the day, that someone come in and received the same kind of pay that they did at the first hour of the day; last hour."

"It's so perfectly, how the first-hour messengers with the Word, with the Gospel, with the Truth, they came in at the Day of Pentecost. (From Pentecost to the Pergamos Church Age congregations consisted primarily of converted Israelites until 606. Then the Dark Age of Thyatira blocked them out. Then at the middle of the day, Luther, and Wesley, and them, came in (with the Protestant Reformation). And then there is to be an evening-time Message Zechariah 14:4; Malachi 4:5-6b; Matthew 17:11; 24:27; Revelation 10:7), and to receive the same pay or baptism with the Holy Ghost as they did at the beginning. The evening-time Message is to restore back again, to bring back that same thing again."

Bride of Christ"And remember the vision of last week, that when the Bride came to preview . . . I heard a Voice by the side of me, said, "Here is a preview of the Bride." And She came by. I noticed Her, the way She was, very lovely, pretty, young. She was walking just the step as She could, not a march; just in the stride of a woman, how they walk gracefully, ladylike. That's the way She was walking, coming to my left on this side, and She went out of my sight."

"Then He turned me to the right side, and He showed me each church as they've come up out of the ages. And, oh, how vulgar! And the last one was this last-day church age, which was led by a witch. And they were so immorally dressed, so filthy-looking! And they were marching to the time of twist and rock-and-roll. And those women throwing themselves just in twists, with holding just paper, gray, hypocritical . . . The gray is between a white and a black, which is a deceiving color. Gray is neither white nor black. It's a deceiving color. And gray-looking paper, holding in front of them, with lace-like hula skirts holding in front of them, and completely nude from their waist up. And was marching or twisting, and carrying on with that music, walking up. And said, "That is the church."

"And when it passed by me, my heart like to fainted. I thought, "If that's what is trying to be presented to Christ, as a Bride? Of all the efforts and things that man has put forth, to try to bring forth a Bride for Christ; and a vulgar, dirty, filthy-looking prostitute like that to be the Bride of Christ?" It made me sick at my heart . . ."

"I'm not responsible for these things. I can only say what I seen. And God as my Judge, but that was the church from USA. Now, as she passed by, the whole back part had no covering at all. And then as she passed by, I felt faint and sickly."

Then He said, "The Bride will come into preview again." And here the Bride came behind her, the very same-looking Bride that passed at the beginning. Then my heart jumped for joy, to know that there will be a Bride. And She will be made of the same thing, and clothed in the same thing, that the One was at the beginning. She is to be called. And I know that is the Truth. If that isn't true, then every vision that I've had in the back has been wrong. And anyone knows, that, not one thing has He ever told us but what was the Truth. It come to pass, just . . . (64-0726M, Recognizing Your Day and Its Message, par. 38-63).

Under "the Great Trumpet," the Coming of the Lord, to announce Joseph returning, see, that all nations would assemble at Jerusalem. Amen. You find that in the Book of Isaiah. I just give it to you, a while ago, one of those chapters we read; that's in Isaiah 18:1 and 3. And in Isaiah 27:12 and 13, is where He sounds that "Trumpet" and all of the nations will recognize Israel in her homeland, God with her.

Then the Bride will come to be with the Bridegroom, and the Bridegroom with the Bride; and then the great Millennium, after the whole world is destroyed by atomic power. And there will be "a new heavens and new earth," shall live forever (64-0719M, ibid, par. 283-284).

In 780BC Hosea 6:1-2 prophesied "Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for He has torn, and He will heal us; he has smitten, and He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight." II Peter 3:8, "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." Thus 780BC + AD2025 = 2805 ears—almost three days, so we expect one more year of grace for Christ's end-time Bride plus a further seven years before Israel can live in His sight.

Papal tripple crownIn Revelation 6:2, "The Lamb opened the First Seal and John saw a white horse whose rider had a bow; and a crown was given to him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." When Christ returns riding a white horse at Armageddon, "the armies which were in heaven will follow Him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean." He is called "the Word of God . . . and on His robe and on His thigh is a Name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS." The nameless rider with a bow but no arrows was an impersonator, the antichrist spirit. He is a bluffer conquering by "the deeds of the Nicolaitanes which Jesus hates" . . . niko means to conquer and laos means the people—conquer the laity. "Out of Jesus' mouth goes a sharp two-edged sword" which is the Word of God revealed only to His saints. God and His Word is the selfsame Person. God is the Word! In the Second Church Age the church organized and "deeds of the nicolaitanes" became "the doctrine of the nicolaitanes" as the antichrist spirit established a clerical hierarchy usurping the Holy Spirit. While in the Third Church Age the Roman Catholic false church organized at the First Nicaea Council in AD325 and Imperial Rome began to morph into Papal Rome where the rider received a triple crown and became a false prophet (Revelation 2:1-18; The First Seal).

The Seven Trumpets do not apply to the Church because when Israel rejected and crucified Messiah, He divorced the nation and turned to "whomsoever of Adam's race would receive Him" (John 13:20). Hereafter Jesus called Jerusalem's Temple, "the Jews' House" and desolate of the Spirit. "You shall not see Me henceforth, till you shall say, blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord" (Matthew 23:38-39).

The first four Trumpets are only for Israel calling their gathering. The last three Trumpets embrace the three Woes of World Wars I, II and III, which will be Armageddon. I had generally separated the invasion of Israel and the United States World as War III and distinguished Armageddon as separate conflicts because I see them separated in time, the one quite early in Daniel's Seventieth Week, and the other at the end of the Week. However I will conform to Brother Branham's unitary description as one war.

Moses and Elijah will expound the Seven Trumpet mysteries to Shem, Israel, (the third part of Adam's race) during the Great Tribulation and the persecution of Jews under the Sixth Seal. Revelation 8:7 is now calling out Israel in the spiritual sense, making them ready to come to the feast of Atonement.

Israel's Feast of Trumpets foreshadowed or typed Pentecost and the Gentile dispensation with Revelation 18:1-4 separating Christ's end-time Bride from "that which was in part" ready for the resurrection of the sleeping saints and our translation "when the Day of Pentecost has fully come" at the close of the fifty days. Then Christ will take us to the Wedding Supper in the Air. Israel's Atonement will follow fifty days after their Feast of Trumpets sealed in martyrdom, thence to the Millennium.

Notice the continuity of the Scripture: in Egypt Joseph was silent, addressing his people by an interpreter until all members of his immediate family were gathered before him. Imagine the tension of his Gentile wife and children secreted in the palace—a type of our rapture. Under our Seventh Seal there is silence until the last member of Christ's end-time Bride is gathered before the silence is shattered as the Sixth Seal, Seventh Trumpet and Seventh Vial manifest in unison and we meet our Lord in the Air.

Addressing the Church in Romans 11:14-32 Paul explained: "If by any means I may provoke to emulation Israelites who are my flesh, and might save some of them. For if the casting away of them is the reconciling of the (Gentile) world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? (Israel's kingdom will be the Millennium on earth, the Kingdom of Heaven was preached to us Gentiles). "For if the first fruit (patriarchs resurrected with Christ) are holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root is holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches are broken off, and we Gentiles, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them and with them partake of the root and fatness of the olive tree; boast not against the branches. But if you boast, you bear not the root, but the root bears you. You will say the branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. Because of unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by faith. Be not high-minded, but fear: for if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest He also spare not you.

Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness: otherwise you also shall be cut off. And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again. If you were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and were grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which are the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree? For I would not, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part has happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles comes in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: for this is My Covenant to them, when I shall take away their sins. As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes. For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance, for as you in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. For God has concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all".

Thus under the Fifth Seal we find the souls of martyred Israelites under the golden Altar are given robes, not that they earned them, but because they were in the dispensation when God was still dealing with grace to us Gentiles, not Jews. And they are told to rest a little longer until the 144,000 are martyred as they were. God deals with Israel as a nation. Gentiles are "a people for His Name," not a nation for His Name!" (64-0719M, ibid, par. 144-155).

The Prophet said, "The Seven Trumpets was to call a day of mourning, for the Sacrifice, or Atonement. And we find out that the Seven Trumpets pertained only to Israel . . . the Holy Spirit revealed to me that them Seven Trumpets sounded under the Sixth Seal (AFTER THE CLOSE AND HOME-GOING OF THE CHURCH), and I've done preached it, supernaturally. See, it's the hand of God, the whole thing. It pertains to Israel, and . . . the persecution of the Jews . . . all of them was sounded under the Sixth Seal . . . To rush the Jews, from all parts of the world, back into their homeland. It must be there . . . The Seven Trumpets . . . all of them was sounded (or REVEALED) under the Sixth Seal" (64-0726, Recognizing Your Day and its Message, par. 35-37; 63-1110, Souls that are in Prison Now, par. 136).

Please read the Seven Trumpet prophecies in Revelation 8:6 – 9:21 and 11:15-19. After delivering the first Four Trumpets, the Apostle John who represents you, Christ's end-time Bride, throughout the Book wrote ". . . insert YOUR NAME . . . looked, and I heard one eagle flying in mid-heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to those who dwell on the earth, because of the remaining voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!"

These three Voices are not restricted to "the third part" of Adam's for they belong to the Reformers of the false worship of Rome and her harlot daughter churches. Revelation 14:6-12, "And I saw another angel (Martin Luther) flying in mid-heaven, having an everlasting gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people; and he said with a loud voice, Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come: and worship Him Who made the heaven and the earth, and the sea, and fountains of waters".

"And another angel (John Wesley) followed, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, that great city, she who gave all the nations to drink of the wine of the rage of her fornication."

"And the third (William Branham) followed them, saying with a great voice, If any one worships the wild beast (Rome) or his image (the United States), and receives his mark in his forehead, or on his hand, he also shall drink of the wine of the anger of God, which is poured out undiluted into the cup of His wrath; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment ascends into the ages of the ages: and they have not rest by day and by night, who worship the wild beast and his image, and if anyone receives the mark of his name. Here is the endurance of the saints: here are they who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus".

Revelation 9:1, 12, "The Fifth Trumpet angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit . . . "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations? (Isaiah 14:12).

"Revelations 17:8 . . . "And the beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell upon the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast which was, which is not, and which yet is".

See, "was," one pope dies, another one ascends. "Beast which was, which is not, which is; which is not, which is." Don't change its order; it's pope, the same time, everything. Everything has to go in the same system . . . "The leader of these fellows was from the bottomless pits, and that was their king," and he sets with a triple crown, and joining the Protestants with him" (64-0719M, ibid, par. 212-215).

The First Woe is past; (the Fifth Trumpet of World War I) and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter (World Wars II and III, or Armageddon)."

Revelation 9:13-15, "And the Sixth Trumpet angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the Sixth Trumpet angel, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates (Ezekiel 9; Revelation 7:1). And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men" Israelites and Jewry (so-called).

"Revelations 9:13, under the Sixth Trumpet, note, there was two hundred million horsemen that had been bound in the river of Euphrates, was turned loose under the Sixth Trumpet. Now there's not two hundred million horsemen in the world; but there was two hundred million horsemen . . . "

"They wasn't natural horses. They breathed fire, and they had breastplates of jasper, and they had tails. And the end of the tail looked like a serpent, a snake's head on the end of it, stinging. See? It was spiritual horses, spiritual devils, chargers, that had been bound in Euphrates all these years, supernatural devils. What was it? The old Roman Empire being revived; the persecution of the Jews: they had been bound for nearly two thousand years, at the river Euphrates, can't cross to the promise; a religious sect that was trying to get to the other side. Euphrates, you know, come through Eden. But they were bound there, two hundred thousand thousand devils of persecution."

UN logo(Euphrates was the Eastern boundary of the Roman Empire. The kings of the East and demonic paganism could not pass to the West; neither can Israel's Ten Tribes living in Muslim North Africa for almost three thousand years repatriate Israel. And receive Christ as individuals for Rome and her daughters have had the Holy Ghost bound at the door of creeds and dogmas for almost two thousand years. But they will be liberated when Michael and Lucifer meet again. Demonic spirits control the West through Jewish banking, media, entertainment and politics—Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and criminal organizations like the League and the United Nations that unite East and West, fostering the influence of supernatural demons by international travel).

"And notice what happens under that Sixth Trumpet (World War II). They were turned loose on the Jews; the persecution of the Jews. Supernatural devils, nearly two thousand years, then loosed by Stalin, Hitler, upon the Jews. You say, "Well, that isn't Roman." It's the same spirit. They done the same things they did to the Christians in the old pagan Roman days. Now watch natural Israel and the spiritual Church as we separate it here, turned loose on the Jews.

"You remember, under the Sixth Fifth Seal (Revelation 6:9-11), how every one of those martyrs are calling, according to the Word of God, receive robes. It was given to them by the grace, because they're blinded that they can't see their Gospel, that this people might be called out of the Gentiles for the Bride. They were given robes, the Bible says here, under that (Sixth) Trumpet. Them Jews, who absolutely is against Christ and everything; the reason is because the Bible said they are blinded. And they were blinded for your sake. And the just God knows they would receive It, but they were made blind for your sake. The Bible said so".

"There is that Roman Empire, bound there by what, the ecclesiastical powers. Which, Rome, pagan Rome become papal Rome, and was bound there in its traditions of Christian. What part of Christian, and superstitions it had of Rome putting together all these; worship of women, and all these other kind of stuff, and Christmas days, and holidays, and holy days, and things. It's been bound with that tradition that it cannot let loose, because it's against Christian principles. Still the same ungodly, pagan spirit! And that spirit caught into the nations of the world, according to the prophecies of Ezekiel and the rest of the them."

"And they were loosed upon the Jew, who knowed nothing of the Spirit. There is your mysteries that's hid under that Seal there. See? Notice it. We went through it. And I'll show you this Trumpet here, this last Trumpet, what takes place. There they are. These Trumpets are let loose on the Jews, (don't you see?) not on the Gentiles. The Gentile, when them Seals was opened, is sealed away; time is ended; the Church is called" (64-0719M, ibid, par. 159-164).

"The big fifty days has passed over. The Pentecostal feast has passed over, seven sabbaths months (COD. p. 965:205-205) until the trumpets, a type of the Seventh Church Age. Remember . . . Under the Sixth Trumpet, (Revelation 9:13-21) the Pentecostals reject the Bible; the lukewarm, not only Pentecostals, all the rest. The church world rejects Christ and He is put on the outside (Revelation 3:15-20 – Ed.). And in the same Seal (Revelation 6:12-17), rather, when it was opened, to show Jesus on the outside of the church, trying to get back in; at the same time the (Seventh) Trumpet sounds for the Jews, and the Jews recognize the Atonement. Glory! Hallelujah! Oh, my!"

"The Holy Spirit has been bound by these denominational rivers, for almost two thousand years, but is to be loosed in the evening time, by the evening-time Message. The Holy Spirit back in the Church again; Christ, Himself, revealed in (William Branham's) human flesh, in the evening time. He said. He promised it".

"There was three stages of it, as I said. The martyrs, age of the martyr, for it; and then the stage of the reformers; and now the calling-out time."

"When finished, at Laodicean Age, according to Revelations 10, the mystery of all the Bible would be knowed to the Bride. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen" – Ed.] Revelations 10. Listen close now. Uh-huh. Bride, called out by the Word; Christ Himself calling out the Bride, making plain Hebrews 13:8, that He's "the same yesterday, today, and forever," does the same, is the same. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." See? Or, Luke 17:30, and also Malachi 4, Hebrews 4:12, all these Scriptures that's promised, this is to be between the Sixth and the Seventh Seal, and the Sixth and the Seventh Trumpet."

"Pentecost feast finishes at the period of the . . . Seventh Seal, for the next is the mystery of the Coming of Christ, and, also, the Trumpet is sound for the Jews. Their Sixth Trumpet sound, and, when it does, it makes known to them the revealed Son of God; one-half hour of space. Remember, all Trumpets sound (or are revealed) on this Sixth Seal. The Sixth Seal finishes the mystery . . . just before the Seventh is opened" (64-0719M, ibid, par. 242-246).

Revelation 11:14-15, 19, "The Second Woe is past; and, behold, the Third Woe (Armageddon) cometh quickly . . . And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever. And the temple of God which was in heaven was opened, and there was seen in His temple the ark of His Covenant: and there were lightnings and voices, and thunders, and an earthquake, and a great hail".

"Look, I want to say one more thing. Closely now; don't miss this. How striking! From the seventh angel's (messenger of the Seventh Seal) Message in Revelations 10, was the Seventh Seal, to the Seven Trumpets, between those two times (Revelation 10:7 – 11:15) . . . The Sixth Trumpet (Revelation 9:14-21) and the Sixth Seal (Revelation 6:12-17) sounds (or manifests) at the same time. And between the Sixth Trumpet (Revelation 9:14-21) and the Seventh Trumpet (Revelation, 11:14-19), there is a prophet to appear before the Gentiles, to call the people back to the original Pentecostal Doctrine (Malachi 4:5, 6b); and the two witnesses of Revelations 11:3-12 appear to the Jews, to send them to Jesus, while the Church is being taken up. All of them, prophets! Amen! The Word of the Lord cannot be broken. It won't be a denomination! Do you see it?" (64-0719M, ibid, par. 264, 266).

"They're in their land. They were scattered, blinded, and now gathered. And it was all under that Sixth Seal, their Seven Trumpets . . . sounded to gather them together, the Sixth Trumpet. The Seventh is "that Great Trumpet," as we had last Sunday. The Sixth Trumpet sounded under the Sixth Seal. Just like our Sixth Seal opened, everything at the same time; only, theirs all sounded at once; where, we been two thousand years in the Pentecostal feast" (64-0726M, Recognizing Your Day and Its Message, par. 63).

"Now, a Trumpet represents war, a Seal, a mystery unfolding; and a Plague (Vial) is what follows every war. And by God's help, and with the book of history, I can prove to you that we're living at the Seventh Trumpet, for the Seventh Plague, and the Seventh Seal to be opened, and the Seventh Vial to be poured out" (54-0512, The Seven Church Ages, par. 28-29).

Trumpets & Vials

"It's been a bitter persecution against Israel, because it's been the time calling him now back to the Atonement. He is still under the atonement of a natural lamb. The real Lamb of God is the Atonement, and he has rejected It, and the Blood has been upon him ever since. Notice, making ready the people! How perfect then the Seventh Trumpet and the Seventh Seal is, perfectly together, the persecution of the Jews" (64-0719M, ibid, par. 158).

"Notice the loosing of this ecclesiastical spirit. Now twenty years later, after that (Second World War), we see the loosing of the ecclesiastical spirit. What under? The Seventh Seal; the Seventh Trumpet to the Jew."

"Look at the moon darkening out. What under? See it drawn out, the Son of man being drove from the church".

"What is it? Joining in with the ecclesiastical bunch. The ecumenical move, and with the World Council of Churches, has drove every man . . . What does that thing stand for? Why, you have to surrender all your evangelical teachings and things. "How can two walk together 'less they be agreed?" They can't. Jesus said they can't. And how can a church, the Methodist and Baptists walk together? How can the Church of Christ walk with the Presbyterians? How can the Catholic walk with the Protestant? How can Protestant walk with Protestant?" (64-0719M, ibid, par. 189-191).

"Between the Sixth Trumpet and the Seventh Trumpet, there is a prophet to appear before the Gentiles, to call the people back to the original Pentecostal Doctrine (Revelation 10:7); and the two witnesses of Revelations 11 appear to the Jews Israelites, to send them to Jesus, while the Church is being taken up. All of them, prophets! Amen! The Word of the Lord cannot be broken. It won't be a denomination! Do you see it?

"And at the same time . . . Now, as soon as this Church (the Bride) is drawed together, She is taken up; and that mystery of the Seventh Seal, or the Seventh Seal, the mystery of going. And the Jews Israelites is called by the mystery of the Seventh Trumpet, which is two prophets, Elijah and Moses, and they come back. And there is where the Pentecostals is all mixed up; they're looking for something to happen; the Church is done gone. And that's to the Jews" (64-0719M, ibid., par. 266, 270).

"Under "the Great Trumpet," the Coming of the Lord, to announce Joseph returning, see that all nations would assemble at Jerusalem. Amen. You find that in the Book of Isaiah. I just give it to you, a while ago, one of those chapters we read; that's in Isaiah 18:1 and 3. And in Isaiah 27:12 and 13, is where He sounds that "Trumpet," and all of the nations will recognize Israel in her homeland, God with her (Isaiah 11:10-13; 18:1; 27:12-13; Zechariah 14:4; Matthew 24:31-40; I Corinthians 15:52; I Thessalonians 4:16).

"Then the Bride will come to be with the Bridegroom, and the Bridegroom with the Bride; and then the great Millennium, after the whole world is destroyed by atomic power. And there will be "a new heavens and new earth," shall live forever."

"Look, right under . . . Now notice, the ministry of Moses and Elijah will . . . Now, everybody get it? Let me say it again. The ministry of Moses and Elijah, between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpet, will be two prophets that will . . . they . . . Israel always believe their prophets" (64-0719M, ibid, par. 283-285). nl1280.htm

Homework: Please review the following files: The Fifth Trumpet, Fifth Trumpet Further Understood, The Sixth Trumpet and the Present Reality

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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