Bible Believers' Newsletter 1287

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"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased to share fellowship with you around God's unchanging Word. Please welcome Thierry Meyssan, renowned journalist, analyst of history unfolding and publisher of which frequently contributes items of current news. Our Main Article is Thierry Meyssan's "The October 7 Narrative Contradicted by History" which expands and reinforces much of the history, shadows and types of prophecy we are studying.

Khazaria (i.e. the Ukraine) was converted over night in AD740 by Rabbinical Jews from Babylon. The Mongol territorial occupation was of a scope and range never equaled as stretching from Central Europe to the Korean Peninsula and from the middle of Siberia to Asia Minor and the Persian Gulf. As a direct consequence of the Mongol military invasion, the political-social organization of a bigger part of Asia, East and part of Central Europe was changed. The outcome of the Mongol invasion in Asia and Europe was the wide dispersal of the tribes of Turkic (Hittite) origin over the region of West Asia. Genghis Khan (1162/7-1227) augmented his armies from loyal Turkic tribes. The Turkic people outnumbered the native Mongols, and the Turkish language became widespread.

The Mongol Eurasian Empire AD1206-1405 was the Greatest Continental State in World History. At the height of its power in the 14th Century, the "Old Order" of Christendom succeeded in expelling Islamic Moors from Spain and subjecting elite Jews of Spain to the Inquisition. Many Moors (Bedouin, Berbers, Carthaginians, Greeks and Arabic Muslims) in the diaspora impersonated themselves as Jews. These non-Semitic Sephardim passed through Spain, Portugal and France, settling in Holland whence they invaded England on the coattails of William of Orange—by the intrigues of John Dee, Manasseh Ben Israel and the English traitor Oliver Cromwell, ruling England as a colony under the sovereign state of the City of London since the late 17th century. Today they rule the USA, Canada, Australia, your country, and much of the world.

Expelled Jews and Moors formed widely dispersed "Cabalistic" and "Sufi" commercial/intellectual networks that could be "organized" and utilized by "the City" to subdue and replace the old order of Christendom with a paradoxical modern mystical/scientific world order. Political Islam and political Jewry in spite of mutual antagonism are, through financial and secret society penetration, allied to the "Crown" of the City of London against Christendom.

The Judaeo-Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan was clearly a Jewish neocon trap and the Soviet Union collapsed economically. Whereas the US should befriend Russia, the neocons have them trapped in Ukraine, the homeland of non-Semitic Caucasian and Cainite "Jews." The non-Semitic self-styled Jew Barak Obama's conquest of the Ukraine is intended as a city of Refuge for non-Semitic Israeli Jews following the imminent Jew-engineered Muslim conquest of the modern Israel state whose people will be transported (without choice) to the homeland to fight Russia and die.

For over a thousand years the Khazars have sought to conquer Russia, the center of global population from which the Luciferians would rule. They conquered and communized Russia in 1917 but fell into Zbigniew Brzezinski's trap. They must evacuate Israel before Jacob's children can return to the Promised Land without "fear of the Jews." Then Israelites will repatriate the Land of their Covenant: Moses and Elijah will call 144,000 who recognize Israel's King Messiah, and the nation, born in one day, and martyred.

Citizens and vassals of the City of London harassed by the worldwide media monopoly and menaced by establishment lies find the pen mightier than the sword, yet restrained. This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Evidence Now Appearing Indicating Iran Presidential Helicopter Crash WAS an Assassination

May 20, 2024 — An account called "Israel War Room" on the Social Media Platform "X" (formerly Twitter) posted a message that was blank except for . . . a picture of a little helicopter: look at the TIME STAMP on their posting . . . . how would they have even known the Helicopter went down, to boast about it, when almost no one else in the whole world knew at that hour?

Is it possible they knew because the Israelis did it? Full story:

A Lawless World Driven to Brink of War and Political Assassinations. 'Signs of Endgame Collapse'

May 22, 2024 — On Monday May 20th, with the UN's International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor issuing arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant along with three Hamas leaders for war crimes, and President Joe Biden again repeating, "What's happening is not genocide. We reject that," still insisting that Zionist Israel is not engaging in genocide against Palestinian people, we live in an increasingly dangerous world. This comes just days after a failed assassination attempt on an EU national leader, and then the sudden death of Iran's president and foreign minister, today's outrageous tempo of disturbing world events is extremely ominous . . .

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was nearly murdered last Wednesday May 15th. He is only one of two EU national leaders friendly to Russia opposing military aid to Ukraine, and the only national leader alive in this world investigating Pfizer and the powerbroking co-conspirator culprits behind the COVID kill shot holocaust, determined to publicly hold them criminally accountable.

The three African leaders and last elected Haitian leader were all murdered several years ago for vehemently taking bold stands against the globalist agenda to commit human genocide with its bioweapon Big Pharma non-vaccine poison. Of course no accident that one of the largest globalist controlled news outlets Associated Press would a few hours after the Fico shooting, claim "Slovak authorities [are] saying he [the failed assassin] acted alone in a politically motivated attack." Like clockwork, every time the embedded Establishment deceivers purport their "lone gunman" trope, instantaneously they reach their standard criminal coverup conclusion. Yet facts so often prove otherwise as the CIA and Mossad are notoriously guilty in scores of assassinations and political coups. JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King all readily come to mind . . . Despite alleged bad weather, two other Iranian helicopters apparently carrying less important Tehran officials both made it safely back to their destination . . .

The genocidal Israeli government has not disclosed its official response to the death of Iranian leaders. Yet Israel's current Minister of Heritage Amichay Eliyahu, reacted to Raisi's death posting an image of a wine glass on X with the caption "Cheers" underneath. Avigdor Lieberman, former defense minister and leader of the opposition right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu party, told Ynet news that Israel "will not shed a tear for the death of the Iranian president" . . . It was under Israeli firster Donald Trump's presidency, bought and paid for by Israel first money, that his then Secretary of State, fellow West Point graduate a decade my junior and former CIA Director Mike Pompeo on January 3rd, 2020, launched his CIA drone strike on Iran's most senior military official, General Qasem Soleimani. Mike Pompeo is another boldface liar the day after he executed Soleimani, spouting off on CNN as a feather in his cap . . . effectively defeating US supported terrorist proxy groups like ISIS in both Syria and Iraq . . . Gen. Soleimani assisted Iraq in ultimately removing the US military as occupiers in Iraq delivering another humiliating US war loss in 2011 only eclipsed almost a decade later by Afghanistan debacle . . . Full story:

Commemorating Nakba, 76 years ago: Palestine Apartheid, Stolen Lives & Land, History Erased, UN Deaf Mute

Jew lobby

May 20, 2024 — Today our thoughts are with the People of Palestine. We commemorate the Nakba. Building solidarity requires confronting the crimes committed by the State of Israel from the very outset in 1948. The UN (US Congress and Senate) have made a mockery of the Balfour letter of November 2, 1917—"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine . . ."

This "Nakba" ("catastrophe") seventy years after Israel's final founding, is ongoing. So much for the "rights" of the Palestinians. Between November 1947 and November 1948 531 Palestinian towns and villages had been "ethnically cleansed." By 1952 it was 615.

The list of breaches of international law is near endless as are the attacks on a people with no army, air force or navy, plus the decimations of 1967, 2008-9 and 2014. Israel's violations of United Nations Security Council Resolutions, legally binding on Member-nations, include Resolutions—54, 111, 233, 234, 236, 248, 250, 252, 256, 262, 267, 270, 280, 285, 298, 313, 316, 468, 476—a small sample.
Full story:

International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan K.C. Accuses Palestine of Waging War against Israel

May 20, 2024 — There is a complex history behind Israel's October 2023 plan to "Wipe Gaza off the Map." Its genocide, an absolute slaughter:

"We are going to attack Gaza City very broadly soon," Israel's chief military spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said in a nationally broadcast address, without giving a timetable for the attack."

It's a criminal undertaking based on Israel's doctrine of "Justified Vengeance" which was first formulated in 2001. The "Justified Vengeance" doctrine propounds in no uncertain terms that Palestine (despite its limited military capabilities) rather than Israel is "the Aggressor" and that Israel has the right to defend itself.

Below is the statement of the ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC which accuses Palestine of committing crimes against humanity as well as war crimes, while carefully ignoring the evidence pertaining to the "false flag" operation which has resulted in the deaths of innocent Israeli civilians.

The realities of the Genocide conducted against the People of Palestine including the massacre of more than 35,000 civilians are simply not mentioned . . .

It is now firmly established that the Hamas October 7, 2023 attack was False Flag operation carried out by a "faction" within Hamas, in liaison with Mossad and US intelligence. In a bitter irony, the ICC Prosecutor's accusations against Palestine—which include alleged acts of "Extermination", "Murder" and "Torture" (see ICC statement) suggest that the State of Israel rather than Palestine is the victim of Genocide.

We are dealing with an absurd "upside down rhetoric" "Mundus inversus" on the part of the ICC Prosecutor.
The Lie has become the Truth: Amply documented Israel, rather than Palestine is involved in acts of "Extermination".

The Lie Prevails. International Law is Criminalized . . . The actual conduct of the genocide against Palestine—confirmed by numerous official documents—is casually ignored by the ICC Prosecutor. What we have on record is an official memorandum—released and declassified (made public) on October 13, 2023—by Israel's Ministry of Intelligence, which confirms the conduct of a Genocide against the People of Palestine. This intelligence memorandum was prepared well in advance of its release. The thrust of the document is as follows: Full story:

Comment: MOSSAD'S Creed: "By way of Deception Thou Shalt do War".

Putin's Strategic Blunder

Russian Crest

May 20, 2024 — The blunder began years before February 2022. Putin failed to realize that the US was preparing the overthrow of the Ukraine government. When the overthrow began, Putin took no action to prevent the overthrow. Instead, Russia permitted Washington to take over the former province of the Russian state. . . . The culprit in these strategic blunders was the Kremlin's lack of realism. Putin relied on diplomacy despite the fact that Washington relies on threats, bribes, and coercion. The Kremlin simply did not understand that with the Minsk Agreement it was saddling a dead horse that could go nowhere . . . This delusion persists despite Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov's acknowledgement that Washington intends Russia's destruction . . .By restraining Russia's use of force, Putin has opened the road to nuclear Armageddon. Full story:

Comment: Like the UK, the USA is ruled by non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Khazar Jews whose homeland is Khazaria (i.e. the Ukraine). MOSSAD'S Creed: "By way of Deception Thou Shalt do War." Russia will invade and conquer the United States shortly after "the day of Pentecost has fully come" again. And Mr. Putin, still playing the gentleman, will yield to the Judaeo-Roman Catholic FALSE church and its prophesied agreement with Jewry in Daniel 9:27.

Politicians are unfamiliar with history and ignorant of "the present Truth" of God's Word. Non-Semitic Jews have been trying to conquer Russia for a millennium.

Russia Captured more Territory in Recent Weeks than Kiev's Counteroffensive–Washington Post

May 21, 2024 — New US arms aid has had little impact on conditions on the Ukrainian battlefield, with Russian forces breaking through heavily fortified Ukrainian defenses in Donbas and advancing into the Kharkov region . . . even with Russian forces advancing, the Kiev regime is refusing to acknowledge the reality and engage in negotiations to end the bloody conflict, a point highlighted by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on May 19.

"It is time for the Kiev regime to recognize the realities on the ground. I hope that this message, which has been repeated many times, will be understood, and the West will realize that it is time to stop sacrificing Ukraine for its absolutely futile goals," Lavrov told the Rossiya 1 television channel.

Although it is widely accepted that the Ukrainian counteroffensive was a major blunder, the full extent of it is understood now that Russia has effortlessly captured more territory in a matter of weeks than what Ukraine achieved over an entire summer and with major Western backing. Although Lavrov's urgings will likely fall on deaf ears, it can be certain that Russia will continue to easily capture more territory as the Kiev regime refuses to engage in a peace negotiation with Moscow. Full story:

A military-Pharmaceutical Apparatus

March 21, 2024 — "Who knew we had a military pharmaceutical apparatus linking the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK . . . ?" In mid 2023 Australian Senator, Malcolm Roberts, asked this rhetorical question about the four-nation consortium for Medical Countermeasures (or "MCMs"—namely 'vaccines') under the American-led "CBR Defense Cooperative Program." He also demanded to know: "Did anyone in this country (Australia) accept orders from the United States military to do or not do a thing that may have interfered with this military pharmaceutical plan?" This speech remains the single most important overview to date by any parliamentarian in the world regarding the Covid Response, with more questions than answers.

CBR Defense Cooperative ProgramThe address by Senator Roberts delivered on 9 August 2023 was linked to in our initial post—"The Great Preset and the Biodefense Boondoggle"—which covered details of the US-led four-nation defense-and-health partnership and its "MCM Consortium".

The Great Preset & the Biodefense Boondoggle. DEMOCRACY MANIFEST— January 6, 2023. The universal "vaccine solution" in search of a "biowarfare threat" Full story:

Note: We are interested to know what American (former) Senator Joe Lieberman—Co-chair of the US" Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense"—thinks about the speech by Senator Malcolm Roberts!

The video and transcript of the Senator's speech are below,
followed by a recap/review of relevant information for new readers including information on:

Did the Medical Countermeasures Consortium run COVID?—9 August 2023.

Transcript and video—Senator Roberts

Quote—'The consortium seeks to develop medical countermeasures to assist with . . . chemical and biological threats affecting civilian and military populations and on emerging infectious diseases and pandemics'—end of quote"

As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, tonight I speak to an aspect of COVID-19 I've not raised before. Information now in the public domain indicates the COVID response was not initiated through commercial interests but, rather, through an organisation called the Medical Countermeasures Consortium that Australia joined in 2012. According to Australia's website, the Medical Countermeasures Consortium is a four-nation partnership involving the defence and health departments of Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. 'The consortium seeks to develop medical countermeasures to assist with . . . chemical and biological threats affecting civilian and military populations and on emerging infectious diseases and pandemics. Medical countermeasures include drugs, vaccines and diagnostics.' Who knew we had a military pharmaceutical apparatus linking the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK, in place since the Gillard Labor government—an AUKUS for pandemics?

"The medical countermeasures unit within the United States Department of Defense has been in the vaccine business for many years and has been injuring people for many years—and getting away with it" . . . Full story:

The October 7 Narrative Contradicted by History
By Thierry Meyssan©2024 all rights reserved (

Abstract: We reproduce the text of a lecture given on May 4 in Boulogne-sur-mer. In it, Thierry Meyssan explains that the current conflict in Palestine is not the fault of the Arab and Jewish populations. It was organized, as early as 1915, by the colonial power, with the idea that the state or states to come would never be able to guarantee their own security. Unbeknownst to them and to their own detriment, the Palestinians and Israelis, by staging the October 7th operation and its aftermath, are simply implementing this policy. By failing to stop the ethnic cleansing of the Gazans, the Anglo-Saxons are not demonstrating their insensitivity, but the fact that they regard the massacres as mere adjustment variables.


May 7, 2024 — Although the massacres in Sudan and Congo are far more deadly than those in Palestine, it's the latter that I'm going to talk about today. Indeed, this is the first time we've witnessed ethnic cleansing live on our cell phones. I'd like to come back to some information that I've already covered in various articles, but which some media obviously don't want to include in their analyses. I would like to tell you that there is no community fatality: this conflict was not provoked by the people of Palestine, be they Jews, Christians or Muslims, but by outside powers who, for a century, have wanted them never to know peace.

Charles IIIBehind the screens, the Prince of Wales (protector of the Muslim Brotherhood) sees God and becomes King Charles III. To make myself clear, I'll start by telling you about the United Kingdom. You attended the coronation of King Charles III. You'll remember that, in the middle of the ceremony, he took off his rich clothes and dressed in linen. His pages set up screens to prevent the audience from being dazzled. When the screens were removed, he had become king. He was then presented with the symbols of his power, the sceptre and globe. What had happened in those few moments out of public view? The Prince of Wales had seen God, like Moses before the burning bush. This explanation probably sounds far-fetched to you, and you wonder how his subjects could believe such a tall tale. In fact, since James VI in the 16th century, British sovereigns have declared themselves kings of Israel. It was against his conception of divine right that Oliver Cromwell overthrew his son Charles and proclaimed the Commonwealth. However, the Lord Protector was equally enlightened, professing that all Jews should be regrouped in Palestine and Solomon's Temple rebuilt there. In the end, successive dynasties kept this myth alive. They adopted various rites and imposed others on their subjects, such as Jewish circumcision, which was performed in maternity wards on all newborn males in the Kingdom at birth, during the XIX century.

Two years before the Balfour Declaration (1917), which announced the creation of a Jewish national home in Palestine, a Jewish diplomat and future Foreign Minister, Lord Herbert Samuel, wrote a memorandum on the Future of Palestine (1915). In it, he argued for a Jewish state that would place the entire Diaspora at the service of the Empire. A little later, he specified that this new state should never be able to ensure its own security, so as to be eternally dependent on the English Crown. This is exactly what we are witnessing today. This is the fate that has cursed the people of Palestine.

Lord Arthur Balfour's declaration was followed by US President Woodrow Wilson's 14 points. In them, he describes the objectives achieved by his country during the First World War. Point 12 is strangely worded, but at the Paris Conference that drafted the Treaty of Versailles, he specified in writing what was to be understood: the creation of the State of Israel in Palestine (and Kurdistan in Turkey). The World War had brought about a rebalancing of forces, so that Washington was now working alongside London in the defense of common interests.

During the interwar period, Jewish immigration to Mandatory Palestine went smoothly. Arab landowners readily sold some of their land to Jews. However, as early as 1920, Arab terrorists began murdering Jews. Among the murderers was Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, who was sentenced by the British to 10 years in prison, but never executed. On the contrary, Lord Herbert Samuel (the man who had written that there should never be security in Palestine), who had become the British High Commissioner in Palestine, pardoned him and appointed him Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, ostensibly to maintain a balance between the two great local families.

Then came a Salafist (i.e. a Muslim wishing to live like the Prophet's companions in the 7th century), Izz al-Din al-Qassam, who had already organized a revolt against the French in Syria and became imam in Haifa. He decided to wage jihad, not against the British occupiers, but against Jewish immigrants. Various attacks and pogroms against Jews followed. To maintain civil peace, the British killed al-Qassam, after whom the current Hamas al-Qassam Brigades are named.

The death of al-Qassam had solved nothing. The British, true to their colonial technique of "divide and rule", have always developed with one hand what they fought with the other. In 1936, Lord William Peel, at the head of an official commission, assured us that peace could only be restored by separating the Arab and Jewish populations into two distinct states. This is what is known today as the "two-state solution".

During the Second World War, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem became an ally of Chancellor Adolf Hitler. In particular, he rallied the Muslims of the Balkans to join the SS and supported the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question." For their part, the Jewish fascists (the "revisionist Zionists") of Ukrainian Vladimir Jabotinsky fought alongside the Axis against the British. The Zionists, for their part, fought on the side of the Allies, while challenging the limits that the British theoretically imposed on Jewish immigration—only theoretically.

They met in May 1942 at the Baltimore Hotel in New York, under the chairmanship of David Ben Gurion. They laid down the principles of the future State of Israel. Until now, we have been assured that Ben Gurion was a man of good will. However, he had been Jabotinsky's companion during the inter-war years, and had spoken out in favor of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. A book, released in Hebrew in Israel two weeks ago and published by a major publishing house, assures that he was kept abreast of the Hungarian Rezso Kasztner's negotiations with Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Eichmann that lasted until the fall of the Reich. Kasztner claimed to buy the escape of a million Hungarian Jews. In reality, he saved only his family and friends. Above all, he extorted 8.5 million Swiss francs in gold (a colossal sum at the time) from wealthy Jewish families in Hungary, making them believe in a possible escape. If the documents quoted in this book are accurate, David Ben Gurion would also be a swindler, having deceived his own people.

The United Nations proposed

Conferences and negotiations followed in vain. On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly (which then comprised only 56 member states) approved the partition plan drawn up by a special commission. It was immediately rejected by all Arab countries.

On May 14, 1948 (two and a half months before the end of the British mandate), David Ben Gurion cut short the discussions and unilaterally proclaimed the independence of the State of Israel. The day after the coup, as the 100,000 British troops began to withdraw, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and North Yemen sent their troops to defend the Arabs of Palestine. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood also sent a group of fighters, under the command of Saïd Ramadan (son-in-law of founder Hassan el-Banna and father of Tariq Ramadan), to join them. At the time, however, none of these countries had an army worthy of the name. They were quickly defeated. The myth of the invincibility of Tsahal was born.

However, as my Lebanese friend Hassan Hamade told me, this narrative is a lie. In reality, the Arab heads of state were already committed to Israel, and the Jews were no more valiant than the Arabs.

In this way, Emir Majid Arslan, the Lebanese Minister of Defense, led his troops without encountering much resistance to Bethlehem, which he liberated. The Lebanese President, Bechara el-Khoury, immediately ordered him to abandon the battlefield, which he refused to do. He dismissed him, but he continued the war as a mere officer. In the end, his troops were not defeated by the Jews of Palestine, but by the "Jordanian" army commanded by a British general, John Bagot Glubb (known as "Glubb Pasha") and a hundred or so British officers. In reality, Jordan had no soldiers, but the Arab Legion, formed by the British during the Second World War, had changed its name to the "Jordanian Army" on the first day of the war, while retaining its British officers. It was the British and Jordanians who saved Israel from the start, just as they saved it again when Iran attacked last month. This war was not an attempt to crush Israel, but the first manifestation of Arab Zionism.

The United Nations, worried by these developments, dispatched a special envoy, the Swede Folke Bernadotte, to recuperate the situation after the Israeli coup and the Arab-Israeli war. As soon as he arrived, he realized that the Special Commission that had drawn up the partition plan was ignoring demographic realities: the Israelis were claiming a territory disproportionate to their numbers, and enjoying the support of Arab Zionist governments that had first pretended to play the role of good offices and then to wage war.

On September 17, 1948, "revisionist Zionists" (i.e. Jewish fascists) assassinated Folke Bernadotte and the head of the UN observers, French colonel André Serot. My maternal grandfather, Pierre Gaïsset, was in the next car. He was unharmed and replaced Colonel Serot in his duties. The assassin, Yehoshua Cohen, was never arrested. Two years later, he became the official bodyguard of Prime Minister David Ben Gourion. The leader of the "revisionist Zionists", Yitzhak Shamir, was immediately appointed head of a Mossad department. He carried out secret actions on behalf of the United Kingdom and the United States throughout the Cold War, from Guatemala to the Congo, and later became Prime Minister (1983-84 and 1986-92).

On November 29, 1948, the Ben-Gurion government, which claimed to be searching for the assassins of Folke Bernadotte and André Serot, submitted an application for membership of the United Nations, accompanied by a letter declaring "that the State of Israel hereby accepts, without any reservation whatsoever, the obligations arising from the Charter of the United Nations, and undertakes to observe them from the day it becomes a Member of the United Nations". Convinced, on May 11 1949, the United Nations General Assembly accepted. Today, in view of Israel's systematic failure to respect its commitments, several states are calling for its membership to be "suspended".


Let's move on to the present day. On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Resistance, on the initiative of Hamas, launched a vast operation against an Israeli military base and also against civilians. Under international law, the Arabs of Palestine are an "occupied population" within the meaning of the Geneva Conventions. However, they can only attack military targets, not Kibbutz or raves. The aim of the operation was to take military prisoners and possibly civilian hostages too, in order to negotiate the release of Palestinian hostages in Israel, i.e. administrative prisoners. It is not known how many prisoners and hostages they have taken, let alone how many are civilians and how many are military personnel. According to Hamas, more than 30 officers are being held.

This operation, "al-Aqsa Flood", has been prepared over the last three years in full view of everyone (must read). Hundreds of kilometers of tunnels were dug using tunnel-boring machines, which could only enter Gaza with the approval of Israeli customs. At least 1 million cubic meters of earth and rubble had to be evacuated under the eyes of the Israeli security services. Several training camps were built and hang-glider training was carried out. Not only did the Israeli intelligence services observe all this, but so did other powers such as Egypt and the USA. Numerous reports were sent to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Yet he did not react. Worse still, he dismissed his Defense Minister, General Yoav Galland, in August 2023, because Galland complained about this lack of reaction in the cabinet. However, given the public reaction to this dismissal, he preferred to reinstate him rather than have to explain the reason.

photo long before Israel security intervenedIsrael accused the journalist who published the photographs of October 7, long before the security services intervened, of being a member of Hamas. The various Palestinian factions (Islamic Jihad, PFLP and National Initiative) were awakened by Hamas at 4.30 a.m. to take part in an operation starting at 6.30 a.m. (i.e. before sunrise). It began with the destruction of all the robots monitoring the Separation Wall. So, from 6.30 am, the alarm was sounded. By 8:00, news agencies around the world were broadcasting images of the attack. However, the Israeli security forces did not intervene until 9.45 am.

From the outset of their intervention, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) applied the "Hannibal directive"; an instruction that orders one to kill one's own soldiers rather than see them taken prisoner by the adversary. The Israeli government's casualty figures do not distinguish between attackers and defenders. Similarly, the Israeli government has reported exactions that fighters do not normally have time to perpetrate during a surprise attack. The Mauritian Pramila Patten, UN Special Rapporteur on sexual violence, interviewed victims and witnesses of Operation Flood of al-Aqsa. She concluded that some sexual exactions may have been committed, but that the most serious accusations (notably the castration of soldiers) were not credible. Reports of the beheading of babies were withdrawn after an investigation by Al-Jazeera.

For the moment, the Israeli opposition refuses to address the question of the Prime Minister's possible role in the organization of this operation. But it must be asked: Benjamin Netanyahu is the son of the fascist Benzion Netanyahu, private secretary to Vladimir Jabotinsky (Benito Mussolini's ally, who died at the start of the Second World War). He has always expressed his admiration for both men.

Benjamin Netanyahu has always supported Hamas as a tactical ally in the fight against Yasser Arafat's Fateh. However, until 2017, Hamas referred to itself as the "Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood". This organization was restructured in 1949 by the British secret services on the model of the United Grand Lodge of England. In 1950, it became part of the Anglo-Saxon Cold War apparatus. That's when Sayyed Qutob, the jihad theorist, became its star. Admittedly, in 2017, Gazans who wanted to defend their country joined it, but they demanded that Hamas break with the Muslim Brotherhood and the British. In the end, the two currents coexisted. On October 19, 2022, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad received Khalil Hayya, leader of Hamas's revolutionary current. But he refused to receive Ismaël Haniyeh and Khaled Mechaal, leaders of the Hamas Brotherhood. From an Arab point of view, then, there is not one Hamas, but two. Indeed, throughout the Syrian war, Hamas fought alongside al-Nosra (the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda), the IDF and NATO Special Forces, against the Syrian Arab Republic. On December 9, 2012, Hamas elements came to the Damascus suburb of Yarmouk to assassinate leaders of the Palestine Liberation Front (PFLP), including a friend of mine.

Not only is it wrong to attribute the October 7 attack to Hamas alone, but it is also wrong to ignore the fact that there are two Hamas. These lies make it possible to present the "Deluge of al-Aqsa" operation as a vast anti-Semitic pogrom, in the words of President Emmanuel Macron, when in fact it was an act of Resistance, as pointed out by Francesca Albanese, UN Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.


We have witnessed the massacre of 35,000 people, the disappearance under the rubble of 13,000 others, and the serious physical injuries of a further 120,000. Anyone with human feelings can only be horrified. This has nothing to do with the identity of the victims; it's just a question of humanity.

According to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this is just a police operation to arrest the assailants of October 7, but everyone has understood that there is no connection between this attack and the current Israeli operation. It's all about making life unbearable for the Gazans until they leave of their own accord. This was the program of Vladimir Jabotinsky and his secretary, Benzion Netanyahu. It had been validated by the Nazi negotiator and founder of Israel, David Ben-Gurion.

Throughout the massacre, and even today, the Anglo-Saxons provide Israel with weapons to carry it out.

However, just as demonstrations against the bloodshed have begun in American universities and are spreading across the country and then to France, the Biden Administration has considered dismissing Benjamin Netanyahu in favour of General Benny Gantz. Admittedly, the decision is not legally his to make, but Washington has a long history of coups d'état and color revolutions. Secretary of State Antony Blinken therefore invited him to "discuss the situation". Benny Gantz accepted, while arranging a meeting with the Sunak Administration during his return trip. But things didn't go well: Benny Gantz understood perfectly well that Washington was asking him to stop the massacre, which he approved of, but he insisted on informing his interlocutors of his desire to protect his country by destroying Hamas. His interlocutors were taken aback and realized that he was not "a son of a bitch, but our son of a bitch", in the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. They immediately notified the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. When Benny Gantz arrived in London to meet the Special Security Advisor, Sunak invited himself to their meeting. He tried to explain to a bewildered Benny Gantz that the Hamas "sons of bitches" should not be touched, because some of them are "our sons of bitches". So the Anglo-Saxons didn't overthrow Benjamin Netanyahu.

Seen from London and Washington, the massacres of civilians are deplorable, but are merely adjustment variables. As it stands, Israel is an indispensable state. If it were to be pacified and become normal, it would no longer serve any purpose. Like the Republic of Corsairs in the 18th century, Israel enables the most extensive money-laundering operations and serves as a haven for some of the world's greatest criminals.

An official of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) told me that he was a waiter in the bar of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. One day, he witnessed the arrival of a group of diamond dealers, who had arrived without passing through customs and were being escorted by the military. These men and a few customers exchanged diamonds and cash, and then left incognito. This kind of deal could not take place in any other state.   nl1287.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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