Bible Believers' Newsletter 1293

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"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God's unchanging Word. It is always a blessing to hear from you when you write, and to see you face to face when we are invited to visit your Church.

Pillar of Cloud February 28, 1963The title of our main article is "Shadows and Types" and the Good Things promised to those who love our Lord Jesus. In Revelation 1:7 John wrote, "Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him; even so, Amen." And in Matthew 24:3b the disciples asked Jesus, "What shall be the Sign of your (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming"? Jesus replied, "Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." In Acts 1:11, the angels told Jesus' disciples, "this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into heaven" (Matthew 17:1-8). That is how He came to us, and also how He will come to Israel upon the Mount of Olives at the close of the Gentile dispensation (Zechariah 14:4; Matthew 24:30-31). These verses speak of the second Coming of Christ the Word; first to us Gentiles and subsequently to the Israelites: not come as the glorified Man but as Christ the anointed Word.

Every one in the circle of the Message is familiar with "Sign of Christ's Coming" (right), but how many of us are aware that this Sign manifest on two occasions? The first appearing was in the evening on February 28, 1963. The second was in the morning on March 8, 1963. Although the first appearing was photographed, published in the press and magazines, recognized and astronomers Brother Branham was unawares until May 26 when he saw an article in Life magazine and recognized it as the Cloud that caught him up in March 8. The Pillar of Cloud first appeared as the Son of man in judgment upon the Pentecostals, expressing His displeasure over the World International Convention of the Full Gospel Christian Business Men.

Please follow the Full story in our news items to identify current events with the unfolding of "the present Truth . . . what Jesus is doing NOW!

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

The Supreme Court makes the President a Dictator for Life

July 3, 2024 — In a devastating 6-3 ruling in Trump v. United States that is equal parts politically short-sighted, self-servingly partisan, and utterly devoid of any pretense that the president is anything other than a dictator, the Supreme Court has validated what Richard Nixon once claimed: "When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal" . . . As law professor William P. Marshall explains, every extraordinary use of power by one President expands the availability of executive branch power for use by future Presidents. Full story:

Comment: The American President's new title is fitting for the Imperial image unto the beast (Revelation 13:11-20).

Journalist Bisan Owda Trapped in Gaza

14,000 2000lb bombs from USA to Israel to murder Semitic Palestinians

July 2, 2024 — Gazan journalist Bisan Owda, currently trapped in Gaza like so many others: "It's a Game of Death and Hunger." There is no place to go and it has been so for nine months. The terrorists, she explains, are wearing soldier uniforms. They behead children, they blow up homes with people in them. She correctly blames "silent spectators" to this Western/Zionist perpetrated genocide . . . The Israeli army has evacuated the northern part of the Gazan strip, using starvation, famine, and military operations to achieve their goals. Zionists bomb homes, businesses, buildings and tents, killing and maiming untold numbers of civilians. "Reuters just reported exactly what kind of bombs the US has been sending Israel. Biden sent 14,000 two thousand pound bombs—more than all other types combined. These bombs destroy whole city blocks. The destruction of Gaza is intentional . . . " Full story:

Comment: The "enmity" God set between Lucifer and the physical Serpent seed and the seed of the first and second Adam cannot be disguised. Neither can the apostasy of the spiritual Serpent's seed so-called Christian peoples and churches be hidden.

'Hamas has never been Stronger': Israel is stuck in a War it can't Win

July 3, 2024 — West Jerusalem claims it's close to defeating Gaza's militants but the facts show otherwise. "I don't believe Israel can destroy Hamas completely," said Shadi Abdelrahman, a political analyst and native of Gaza who left the Strip shortly before the war. "Hamas is not like any other group. They are not outsiders. They have an ideology connected to a cause, and that cause is to fight for their lands or to avenge the death of their loves ones," he added . . . "Militarily, their capabilities have also been damaged. The stocks of their weapons have been depleting, many tunnels have been destroyed, infrastructure has been devastated. Their combatants must be exhausted as they have been fighting for a long time. But from the political point of view, Hamas has never been stronger," added the analyst.

According to a recent poll, conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, 67% of Palestinians—both in the West Bank and Gaza—believe that Hamas was right in launching the deadly October attack; while 61% said they would want to see Hamas, not any other group, control the Strip after the war.
Full story:

Large Maneuvers of War in Europe under US Command

July 3, 2024 — President Biden authorized Ukraine to "conduct limited attacks inside Russia with American-made weapons," US officials said. Some US allies had already gone further. Britain weeks ago allowed Ukraine to use its long-range Storm Shadow missile systems for attacks anywhere in Russia, and France and Germany recently took the same position.

The decision announced by President Biden is due in particular to pressure from (Jewish) Secretary of State Antony Blinken to lift restrictions on Ukraine's use of US weapons. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was tasked with pre-announcing Washington's decision to the European Allies. Speaking at the Council of the European Union, he said . . . Conducting such attacks against Russia are actually US and NATO forces under US command. Countries like Italy, which "host" US nuclear weapons, violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty, are thus turned into the front line of a nuclear confrontation with Russia that is more dangerous than that of the Cold War. Full story:

Comment: The Russian military also intercepted several Western-made missiles and scores of drones, the defense ministry has reported. The Russian military has destroyed nine fighter jets operated by the Ukrainian Air Force in the past 24 hours, the defense ministry reported during a regular briefing on Tuesday.

It had earlier released footage showing an airstrike on Ukraine's Mirgorod airfield in Poltava Region. A total of seven Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jets were destroyed or damaged in the Iskander-M missile strike, the ministry said. A later update reported that another Su-27 and a MiG-29 had been shot down by Russian air defenses. They also intercepted six British-supplied Storm Shadow cruise missiles, a French-made AASM Hammer glide bomb, a HIMARS rocket and 81 unmanned aircraft, including a Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 drone, the report said. Full story:

The Resurrection of French Nationalism?

July 1, 2024 For many years the European working class has experienced their living standards reduced in the name of economy. Not long ago the French were protesting the rise in the retirement age, which forces them to work longer for their pension. The French have noticed that economy measures only apply to their living standards and not to the vast sums that Macron pours into the West's war against Russia in Ukraine. Now all of Europe hears continually that they must prepare, and cough up money for war with Russia. The French don't want war with Russia. Nor do the Germans, or the Italians. Only "their" governments do, and war is what Washington's puppets have put on the agenda . . .

Europeans don't want the high energy cost and lost profit and employment opportunities imposed on them by Washington's "Russian sanctions." It seems to Europeans that the purpose of Washington's sanctions is to make Europe more dependent on Washington, essentially reducing them to serfs . . .

Finally, after suffering decades of abuse, insult, and total disregard by their leaders, Europeans protested in the recent European Union parliamentary elections. The ruling parties were repudiated across the board (as in Britain – Ed.). The Belgian prime minister had to resign. The French president had to call national elections. I wrote that if the repudiation carries over into the national elections, we could see the unraveling of NATO, the European Union, and a return of sovereign European nations . . .

World War II gave control of Europe to the US instead of to Germany. The Soviet collapse gave Washington control over the Warsaw Pact, placing NATO on Russia's border. Washington's policy was to de-Germanize Germany and to destroy a national awareness. Washington controlled German education and indoctrinated Germans that nationalism was racist, produced Hitler and the Holocaust. Legislation was passed essentially criminalizing a positive attitude toward German nationalism. It meant that you were a Nazi. It still does. It is unclear if a German state can ever be resurrected . . .

Rid of the Germans, Washington turned its efforts on France. De Gaulle's departure weakened France. It took time, but eventually Washington controlled who the French president would be. With France, Germany, and the British in Washington's pocket, the rest of Europe went along . . . Today European nations that shared the rule of the world are puppets of a criminal regime in Washington. The notion that there is any military power in these puppet states is laughable . . .

The self-confidence that made the British the ruler of the world has long departed. It was destroyed at Oxford and Cambridge. No Western country has a positive opinion of itself. All are being keyed for war with Russia, China, and Iran (see Ezekiel 38 and 39 – Ed.).

The Kremlin does not understand the hollowed out, empty, West where there is no support for any government. Western peoples are brainwashed into impotence and cannot even protect their constitutional rights. Why would anyone fight for these governments, and if forced, with what spirit?

Putin sits there in his legalistic way accepting insult after insult, provocation after provocation, as his way of avoiding war with the West. It is not only Western provocations that are widening the Ukraine conflict into World War III. Putin has permitted the conflict to go on and on and on, and this has enabled Washington to get more and more and more involved, thus widening the conflict . . . If Putin does not immediately use sufficient force to terminate the conflict, World War Three seems certain. Full story:

Houthis Claim First Launch of Hypersonic Missile Targeting MSC Ship

June 26, 2024 — The Houthis military and spokesperson are asserting that they have launched for the first time a hypersonic missile which was used to target an MSC containership far out in the Gulf of Aden. This comes after several days of increased activity and additional claims that the militants are also launching a new, faster, and sleeker attack boat.

"For the first time, the identity of the missile that targeted the Israeli (sic) ship MSC Sarah V in the Arabian Sea," was being revealed according to a posting for the Houthi spokesperson Yahya Saree. "It is a locally made hypersonic missile that possesses advanced technology, is accurate in hitting, and reaches long ranges."

Observers are raising new concerns based on the distance of the reported attack. The MSC Sarah V (67,795 dwt registered in Liberia) was 280 miles southeast of Nishtun in eastern Yemen near Oman. The vessel was sailing on Monday near Yemen's Socotra Island bound for Abu Dhabi. While the Houthis as always claimed a direct hit, the UK Maritime Trade Organizations said it received a report from the master of a "close proximity" explosion. They said there were no injuries or damage and the vessel was proceeding. Full story:

Be Ye Perfect

Jesus commanded you to "Be perfect: My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in weakness."

Paul wrote, that throughout the Church Ages "we knew in part, and we prophesied in part. But when Christ opened the Seven Seals and revealed their mystery through His Prophet William Branham that which is perfect—the fullness of the Word—had come and PART-W_O_R_D and Christ's mediation for ignorance of the fullness was done away."

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things such as running the aisle or speaking with unknown tongues was done away. Then it was as if we were peering at Christ's reflection in a poor mirror; but since the revelation of the Seven Seals became clear, we seeing Him in the completeness of His Word, face to face. Once all I knew was hazy and blurred; now I know Him even as He knows me. Now there are three things that remain—faith, hope, and love—but the greatest of these is love"
(I Corinthians 13:10-13).

"If a man does not have the Spirit of Christ he is none of His." Please listen to Derek Prince minister Be Perfect

Shadows & Types

City of London Crest

In researching this main article I encountered Newsletter 94"Invasion of the United States. Soon?" to which we added—"Not this year, but Russia will attack and invade the United States shortly after the resurrection and translation of Christ's Bride of all Ages. That is THUS SAITH THE LORD by God's vindicated prophet, the late William Branham." Russia is preparing to defend itself from attack by the United States and NATO, whose colonial troops enforce the edicts of the City of London and collect debt due the IMF. Following the agreement with President Gorbachev the US aided the usual suspects in looting Russian assets; sinking Russia in debt, and encircled by her previous satellite nations like Hungary, East Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic—now united with the West via NATO. The usual suspect, operating under a different name and in another occupation directs NATO and the United States from the shadows. Daniel and Jesus foretold how the conflicts of the past 2,000 years would be a power-play between Rome and "Jewry"—in whose service the real objective of NATO aggression in the Balkans is to break-up of Russia and control of her vast resources of untapped wealth.

Jesus portrayed America as a lamb rising in an unpopulated land free from authoritarianism. Jesus foretold that church and state will at last unite and America will speak like Rome demanding obeisance as a dog licks its master's hand and that those who decline should be killed (Revelation 13:11, 15; 17:5).

Notice how Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Panama, the Sudan, Grenada, Serbia and Palestine have paid for their insubordination. Now the lamb is speaking like the Dragon, its sights fixed upon North Korea, Pakistan and Cuba, Europe, the Ukraine, Russia and China on the pretext they pose a threat to world peace or for "humanitarian" reasons. Yet America imprisons more people than any other country—perhaps half a million more per capita than China.

The West is provoking World War III because vast and permanent geo-political changes can only be made in the extreme of all-out war. Islam is to be brought into conflict with the political Zionism, and like our so-called democratic nations, ruled by an unelected elite from behind the scenes . . . When the earthquake sinks Los Angeles, splits the mount of Olives and sends tidal waves around the world at the close of the Gentile dispensation, the West will be weaker and more disadvantaged than Russia is today. Russia will then invade mainland USA in the interest of global peace.

The Russian invasion of America is not Armageddon but it will set the stage. The 1871 plan of the elite calls for three World Wars and three major revolutions to give them absolute world dominion. Rather than ceding world dominion to Satan's synagogue it will destroy life on earth. "The final revolution will occur when the thousand years of peace have expired, the Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them to the great battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea" (Revelation 20:7-8).

Jesus was aware of Satan's plans. God spoke of them through Ezekiel, and typed them in Elisha (II Kings 2:11-24). Like Jesus, Elijah was translated, and a double portion of the Spirit came back upon Elisha. Jesus said, "Truly, He who believes on Me the works that I do shall he do also; and more than these shall he do; because I go to My Father" (John 14:20). Elisha types the Christ's end-time Bride with a double portion—new birth and translation without death.

The children of disobedience, "despisers of those who are good, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof," mocked Elisha, calling him "Baldy" as they mock Christ's Bride today. Judgment awaited them as it awaits America now for rejecting God's prophet whereby his Message is the Holy Spirit. Two she bears came out of the forest and killed forty two of these unbelievers and two invasions by the bear will erase the USA from the surface of the earth.

In 1961 the Lord showed Brother Branham the vision of a strange caribou that he would shoot and a silver tip grizzly bear which he would also shoot. From the base to the rack the caribou's horns would measure 42 inches, signifying that the United States, which is the image of Imperial Rome, will ride "shot gun" 42-months under Papal Rome. This will represent the first half of Daniel's Seventieth Week (Revelation 13:13-18; 17:16-18) during which the ministry of two Hebrew prophets, Moses and Elijah will call 144,000 elect Israelites. God will reveal Himself to an election of 144,000 blood Israelites as a nation ordained to receive the faith. He can only deal with Israel in the Land of their Covenant. Any Israelite living outside the Promised Land is as a Gentile having no claim upon God's Covenant.

Late in the second half of Daniel's Seventieth Week, the silver tip grizzly will eliminate America from the face of the earth for her perfidies. Perhaps a Panda will assist the grizzly because in the 2022 National Defense Strategy the United States declared itself "ready to prevail in a conflict, prioritizing the challenge of China in the Indo-Pacific region, and then the challenge of Russia in Europe".

[The Kremlin's mistake in the Ukraine was to defer reunion of imperiled Russians and treat the matter as legalistic, not strategic, even though Obama had conquered the Ukraine in his 2014 coup. Following the reunion of the Donbas President Putin sought peace and had no desire to absorb the Ukraine. Doubtless he thought the West would follow their "rules-based order" and refrain from calling Russia's intervention an "invasion of the Ukraine. However the United States is Jewry's poodle, doing the dirty Work to conquer their true homeland, the Ukraine, spending US blood and treasure conquering Russia. This was a trap.

The limited intervention was a strategic mistake. The Kremlin somehow overlooked the reality that Washington, having forced the Russian intervention, would not allow the conflict to be limited. Much had been said and written in US foreign policy circles about involving Russia in a "Vietnam" in the Ukraine in order to break off European business deals with Russia and growing energy dependence, both of which threatened Washington's hold on its European empire. Apparently, the Kremlin paid no attention to this dimension of the situation (

The apostate United States and NATO are fighting for City of London for dominion over Russia to bring the largest and wealthiest nation under Jewish one world government. President Putin is fighting for Russia's sovereignty and peace in a multi-polar world. Unlike the Jews' UN, WEF, WHO, Judaeo-Catholic, Rockefeller and Rothschild traitors who rule in our western, once Christian nations, President Putin has a tender heart and clear conscience. The downfall of America's global hegemony was represented in Belshazzar's impious feast. While the king of Babylon and his court caroused from the sacred vessels belonging to God's Temple, a Hand was seen to write their fate on the palace wall in unknown tongues, while at that very moment the enemy was marching under the city walls . . . as today the US unipolar world is being divided].

Jesus spoke of this in Matthew 24 when His disciples asked, "What will be the sign of the consummation?" He replied, "That sign will be the restoration of Israel (the fig tree) in the Homeland" (Matthew 23:3, 32-34; Isaiah 18:3). We take this to be May 15, 1948 when the British Mandate ceased. Legally, Israel was restored as a nation as May 6, 1946 as Brother Branham explained, "Remember the Jewish people was declared a nation [at Lake Success by the UNSCOP Committee on April, May 6 (UN docs. A/C.I/P.V.46-57 (May 6-13)] on May 6, on 1946, and the Angel of the Lord appeared to me on May 7, 1946 at Green's Mill, Indiana . . . come into the room where I was at, a Man walking. "He didn't have wings; He was just a big man, had a white garment down to His feet. And He said that I was born to pray for sick people. And I told Him I was uneducated, illiterate, and I wasn't able to go. He said I'd be praying for kings and monarchs, and Message around the world, a Message that would bring the second Coming of Christ was near . . . THUS SAITH THE LORD, I said, America made her final decision in 1946. Watch, since then. She's gone, and there's nothing left but judgment and chaos" (58-0309M, The Handwriting on the Wall, par. E-39).

Not only did the fig tree have its revival, so did all the trees. Former colonies received independence, and there was revival among the denominational people as when the three witnesses of Luke 17:28-30—William Branham revealed Jesus Christ in the first two "pulls" of his ministry, revealing "Jesus Christ the same, yesterday and today and forever," while Billy Graham preached a basic salvation Message, and Oral Roberts reached out with the Pentecostal Message.

In September, 1961, William Branham returned to northern British Columbia for another try at hunting in the Canadian Rockies. He met Ed Byskal at Dawson Creek and together with Billy Paul they drove 400 miles north to Bud Southwick's cabin. Bud was eager to tell Bill about his brother's healing. "Brother Branham, he hasn't had a seizure since the day my wife threw his shirt in the fire".

"And he won't ever have another one, as long as he believes it," Bill said.

"Now I'll tell you about a vision I had in August." He described the deer-like animal with antlers that were exactly 42 inches high, and he told them about seeing someone with a green-and-beige checkered shirt just before he shot a huge silver-tipped grizzly bear".

Bud Southwick rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I doubt any of that will happen on this trip. For one thing, we're not going into bear country; we're going into sheep country, high above the timberline. And as far as that big deer goes, I've never seen an animal quite like the one you're describing."

"That doesn't matter," Bill said, "because God can do anything. Let me ask you brothers, do any of you have a green checkered shirt?"

"I don't," said Bud.

"I used to have one," Ed Byskal said, "but it was worn out, so I threw it away".

"Then it must be another hunting trip when I'll shoot that bear. But it will happen; you just wait and see. It is 'Thus saith the Lord.'"

William BranhamIt took them a couple of days to ride their horses into the high country and set up a base camp near the timberline. Early the next morning they hunted along the alpine slopes. Later that afternoon about six miles from camp they spotted a herd of mountain sheep, including three rams with horns that curled so far around they made a full circle. It was too late in the day to pursue the herd, so the hunters went back to camp with the idea that in the morning they would get an early start, return to the same spot and catch the rams sleeping.

Early the next morning Ed Byskal crawled out of his warm sleeping bag into the chilly air of his tent. Lighting his kerosene lantern, he rummaged through his duffle bag looking for the warmest clothes he could find. He was surprised to find his old green-and-beige checkered shirt folded at the bottom of his bag—surprised because he had told his wife to throw it away. Instead she had mended the big tear in its side and had packed it for this trip. Ed slipped it on, then put on his orange coat, zipped up the front and went outside to start the campfire and make breakfast. The vision Bill had described four days ago was far from his thoughts.

By nine o'clock the hunters had hiked up to the ridge where the day before they had seen the rams and sheep. Today through their binoculars they spotted a bull caribou down in the timber. Ed and Blaine went after it, while Bill and Bud climbed higher up the ridge to look for that herd of sheep. After a while Bill heard a shot echo through the valley. He pulled out his binoculars and searched along the timberline until he saw the orange of Ed's coat. Ed Byskal was leaning over the carcass of a bull caribou.

caribouFeeling contented, Bill leaned back against a rock outcropping so he could rest and admire the beautiful fall scenery. Below him stretched a wide, expansive valley speckled red, yellow and green with tamarack, aspen, fir, spruce, and pine trees. The colors near the timberline were mostly the blue-green of pygmy spruce and the red of buck-brush. Above the timberline the slopes were carpeted with yellow moss and blueberry bushes that grew only a few inches tall. Farther up, the slopes turned into shale slides below majestic granite cliffs. Here and there, glaciers clung to the mountains like frozen tears. Scanning this panorama with his field glasses, Bill spotted a large animal just a few miles away. "Bud, what's that over there?"

Bud squinted into his binoculars. "Brother Branham, that's a caribou, but it sure looks different than any caribou I've ever seen before. Look at the points on that rack."

"A caribou, huh? Well, that's the animal I saw in a vision last month. Let's go get him."

"How are we going to get him? He's nearly two miles around the side of that shale slope".

"I don't care if he's twenty miles away. He's mine. The Lord gave him to me".

First they went down to the spot where Ed and Blaine were gutting and skinning Ed's caribou. They arranged to have the younger men bring the packhorses along the timberline to a ravine below Bill's intended target. Then Bill and Bud hiked back up the slope. Eventually their path leveled off and they picked their way along the loose shale slopes as quietly as they could. By now they were hot enough to take off their coats. That singular caribou must have been sleeping in the warm September sunshine because Bill was able to work his way within 30 yards of it. One shot was all it took to kill the animal.

Bud scratched the stubble of whiskers on his chin. "You say these antlers are about 42 inches high?"

"Forty-two inches exactly."

"I have a measuring tape in my saddle bag, so we'll soon know. Now, what about that silver-tipped grizzly bear?"

"It's around here somewhere. What puzzles me is this—where is that guy in the green checkered shirt?"

Bud lifted his field glasses to his eyes. "Well, I'll be . . . Brother Bill, look."

Through his binoculars Bill looked down the slope to the bottom of a ravine a few miles away where Ed and Blaine were waiting with the packhorses. Ed had taken off his coat, revealing the green-and-beige checkered shirt he had donned that morning. Bill said, "Everything is in place. Somewhere between here and that green checkered shirt we'll see a silver-tipped grizzly".

Bud still had his binoculars up to his eyes, scanning the slopes and ridges. "I don't mean to doubt you, but I can see every inch of these slopes, and I don't see him".

"He's there somewhere. You'll see".

Tomorrow they would come back for the caribou's meat. Today the only thing they would pack out was its head, which Bill planned to stuff and keep as a trophy. Bill balanced the head on his shoulders and started down the mountain. Bud followed carrying both of their rifles. After a while they switched jobs. The caribou's head weighed over a hundred pounds, so it didn't take long to get tired while carrying it. They crossed a small glacier, and then stopped to drink ice water dripping from its base.

"What's that up there on the ridge?" Bill asked.

Bud focused his binoculars farther along the slope. "So help me, it's a silver-tipped grizzly."

Bill nodded. "That's him. Let's go get him."

"You're going to shoot him with that little rifle?" asked Bud skeptically, pointing at Bill's Remington model 721 with its small .270 inch bore. "Maybe you should use mine."

"This is what I used in the vision, and in the vision I dropped him with one shot."

"I know you've shot bears before, but those black bears are nothing compared to these grizzlies. When you shoot a grizzly, he doesn't go into shock like most animals; he just keeps coming. You'd better shoot this one in the chest. That way if you miss his heart, you could still break his back".

'The bear was about two miles away. As they stalked nearer, the two hunters dropped into a ravine that hid them for most of the remaining distance. When they came out of the ravine, there lay the grizzly a hundred yards or so up the slope, watching them alertly. It looked like a brown haystack. Its fur was dark brown close to its body, but the ends of the hairs were silvery-white; hence the name silver-tipped. Bill aimed for its chest and fired. With a ferocious roar the grizzly charged, crashing down the slope like an army tank, jaws open, lips peeled back in a snarl, teeth poised to bite and tear. Before Bill had time to bolt another shell in the chamber, the grizzly collapsed scarcely 20 yards away.

All the sunburn had drained from Bud's face. He sighed with relief and muttered, "I didn't want him in my lap".

Silvertip GrizzlyThey gutted and skinned the bear, but of course there was no way they could carry the skin by themselves. Just the bear's skin alone weighed 300 pounds. They would have to bring a packhorse up later and get it. Walking back to the spot where they left the caribou head, they picked it up and carried it down the mountain to the place where Ed and Blaine were waiting for them with the packhorses.

Eagerly Bill told them about his two kills. Then he said, "Brother Ed, you told me you didn't have a green checkered shirt."

"I'm sorry I told you something wrong, Brother Branham. My wife packed it and I didn't know it was there".

Getting his measuring tape out of his saddlebag, Bud knelt beside the caribou's head. He ran the tape up one antler from the base of the skull to the tip of the main beam, but because of the way the antler curved, the tape kept slipping off. The second time he tried Blaine reached down with both hands and held the tape in the middle. Bill elbowed Ed in the ribs, whispering, "See, there are those two small hands I saw in the vision." With the tape in place, everyone leaned over to see the results. The tip of the antler reached exactly to the 42-inch mark on the tape.

For sixty years we have looked upon the shadows and types with the promise THUS SAITH THE LORD. Soon and very soon the reality of the antitype will manifest, but we will not be witnesses. nl1293.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you know
Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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