Bible Believers' Newsletter 1297

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"We focus on the present Truth — what Jesus is doing now . . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God's unchanging Word. It's not too late if you act now! However the Lord blinded His Servant nation by the over weaning gall of chutzpah and lying unbelief that us Gentiles might become His Sons and Daughters.

Clearly He is now blinding the non-elect of every nation; we will be gone before Israel is defeated and finished as a military power—even before Moses and Elijah commence their ministry following earthquakes that shake earth on its axis, blackening the sun; reddening the Moon with lunar volcanism; sending tsunamis across oceans. Events are fulfilling Scripture and the closing pages of history. As I write, Faux Israel, the homosexual capital of the Middle East is not what we are told to believe, and is a lie. Anyone able to read the Bible and the true record of history can see.

The prophesied mass exodus of non-Semitic Mongol-Turkic self-styled Khazar Jews from Israel's Promised Land to the lands of the Hun and Genghis Khan is beginning to unfold in the media. Repatriation of the pure lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to the Land of their Covenant is essential. Men of the purest lineage living without the Land are without the Covenant. "If Israel's casting away enabled whomsoever will of Adam's race to be reconciled to God, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead" (Romans 11:15).

I pray the Light of our main article, Zechariah Chapter Fourteen - Part IV serves as a foreshadow of things that are to be, for the Capstone came down in 1963. It will not be long before the two olive trees empty the Golden Oil to 144,000 elect Israelites (Zechariah 4:7-14). Our items of current news confirm this editorial.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

US' Naval Strategy in Black Sea, East Asia, Japan & Pacific: Russia's Response: Putin's Aide Nikolay Patrushev

August 7, 2024 — Former Secretary of the Security Council and incumbent Presidential Aide Nikolay Patrushev shared some updates about the US' naval strategy in his interview for Rossiyskaya Gazeta last week. He said that it's called "Sea Superiority," which is self-explanatory, but he added that it also implies integrating the US Navy with its regional satellites' in order to contain the Russian and Chinese Navies. This strategy accordingly focuses on the Black Sea and Asia-Pacific regions.

The US is trying to pressure Turkiye into loosening its enforcement of the Montreux Convention so as to allow more extra-regional NATO naval assets into the Black Sea. In parallel with this, the US is building new logistics centers in Bulgaria and Romania as well as planning to deploy long-range weapons there too. There's also some superficial talk from Ukraine and its partners about ensuring "freedom of navigation" in the Azov Sea, Patrushev said, but that's unrealistic of course.

Japan is designated as the center of NATO's attention, and it's already carried out a whopping 30x more drills with the bloc and other US military allies this year compared to the last one. Apart from that island nation, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea—all of four of which are collectively called the "Indo-Pacific Four" (IP4) by NATO—round out the rest of its partners. Altogether, they're having a very destabilizing effect on the Asia-Pacific, but the US lies that they're stabilizing it.

Russia is comprehensively modernizing its fleet and building many new high-tech vessels . . . the Kremlin is well aware of the US' newfound naval threats and preparing to properly handle them . . . Russia does indeed consider itself and China to be the targets of what Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov earlier described as the US' "dual containment" strategy . . . Russia and China will not enter into a mutual defense alliance since neither wants to sacrifice their troops' lives for the others' halfway across the world in their respective regions. Any military alliance with China would instantly destroy the Asian balancing act that Russia has worked so hard to perfect over the past decade . . .
Full story:

America can be a Great Nation If . . .

August 5, 2024 — One wonders why America goes to war with other nations every few years. In its history of 248 years, it has been at peace only for 20 years or only 8% of its independent history! Rest of the years, America has been fighting wars with other nations involving killings, murders, looting, gobbling up territories of other nations, carrying out coups, overthrows, assassinations, regime change, etc. There is no continent where United States has not put its criminal footprints. Why should a nation based on democratic principles engage in such nefarious activities for so long? Today, United States maintains 750 military bases in 80 countries of the world. It deploys 228,390 military personnel in foreign countries as of September 2023. Some 168,571 of them are active-duty troops. Rather than minding her own business, why does America undertake such a colossal waste of money and materials?

Recent genocide by Israel and indirectly supported by America, in Gaza has claimed over 40,000 Palestinians killed; many of them are women and children. Israel is bent on ethnic cleansing there. US leaders know this and indirectly support it. It is obvious to those who know it. In other words, it is America who is responsible indirectly for mass murders, ethnic cleansing and inhuman conditions of Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank. If America stops its military/economic aid, Israel will immediately settle for a two-state solution with the Palestinians . . . Why can't we be friends with Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua? . . . Doling out billions of dollars to Israel—a country richer than any country of Europe—while 11.4% or around 37 million Americans live in poverty—for what? Everything Israel does to the Palestinian people since its founding in 1948 is against the value and principle on which America was founded . . . Full story:

Comment: It is difficult to imagine Israel acted alone in the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran, which is tantamount to an act of war. The US, like Australia and most nations is ruled by the international usurers, the synagogue of Satan. In the US open resentment and disapproval of Israeli policies is being voiced for the first time.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov "called on all parties without exception that could influence the situation in the Gaza Strip and in the Middle East in general to avoid actions that could result in further destabilization of the situation and new casualties among the civilians." President Pezeshkian reaffirmed that his government's foreign policy will strive for constructive engagement with the world while upholding Iran's national dignity and interests . . . the spectre of a constructive engagement between the West and Iran haunts Israel.

Finland gives US Control over 15 Military Bases, on Russia's Doorstep

July 4, 2024 — Rabid Russophobia is an extremely damaging degenerative disease; it clouds people's judgment, leading them to make all sorts of rash and inexplicable decisions. On the other hand, it's impossible to explain NATO expansionism in Scandinavia without seeing it as part of a wider offensive build-up that aims to surround Russia with hostile states and other entities (including terrorist ones). In one of the latest such moves, Helsinki just gave the United States legal permission to station troops in the country. The vote in the Finnish Parliament was unanimous.

Starting from July 1, Washington DC has access to at least 15 Finnish military bases, with the possibility of deploying heavy weapons. It isn't specified what sort of arms and equipment that refers to, but it's not that difficult to imagine. Worse yet, the DCA gives America legal grounds to create military exclusion zones, areas that will be accessible to US personnel only . . . Finland effectively relinquished its sovereignty so it could become a legitimate target for Russian missiles . . . the US has similar "exclusive access" facilities all over the world . . . the Pentagon usually uses them for illegal programs and experiments, including with deadly biological materials . . . the Kremlin certainly anticipated such moves, which is why it started deploying new missile brigades in northwestern Russia, including those armed with ballistic and hypersonic weapons. Moscow's second-to-none missiles such as those used by the "Iskander-M" platform or the MiG-31K strike fighters with 9-A-7660 "Kinzhal" systems (carrying the 9-S-7760 air-launched hypersonic missiles) put the entire Scandinavia in range. In addition, the sheer speed of these unrivaled weapons gives the Kremlin the ability of a virtually instantaneous retaliation in case anyone gets any ideas. Unfortunately, none of this seems to have deterred the (obviously suicidal) ruling elite in Helsinki. Full story:

Hezbollah Drones attack Israeli Army Bases after Five killed in Israeli Drone Strike on Lebanon

August 6, 2024 — "In response to the attack and assassination carried out by the Israeli enemy in the town of Abba, the Islamic Resistance fighters launched an air attack on Tuesday with a squadron of suicide drones that targeted the headquarters of the Golani Brigade and the headquarters of the Egoz Unit 621 in the Shraga barracks north of occupied Acre, hitting their targets accurately and achieving confirmed hits," Hezbollah said in a statement. A Hezbollah member was assassinated in the southern village of Abba on Monday . . . Full story:

Solidarity as a Monolith of Love against Zionist Evil: 'Humans United by Love for Fellow Humans'

against Zionism

August 6, 2024 — Jews are not a monolith. There are plenty of Jews who abhor the racism and violence of the Zionist faction of Jewry. Yet, many uninformed people consider Zionism to express the ethos of Jewishness . . . Israeli Jews are carrying out genocide against Palestinians (something that has been ongoing for decades). Eliminating a grouping of people from existence is heinous enough, but there is also the horrific matter of what happens to the victims of Zionists before they are killed.

Redacted interviewed Dan Cohen of Uncaptured Media to report a bloodlust where Israelis are torturing and raping Palestinian prisoners, and that Israeli protestors are in the streets claiming Israelis have a right to rape these prisoners . . . What happens there [in the prisons] is about the most cruel punishment. It is torture with electric shock, beating, severe beatings, where if you talk to someone you are beaten until your teeth break, until your bones break, if you fall asleep, these kinds of things. People are, as we know, anally raped. Prisoners are killed. There are many murdered . . . just [Palestinian] civilians, cause all their fighters are underground. So they take civilians from the neighborhoods, and just take them there and torture them and kill them, even top doctors. I think 39 medical professionals from Gaza have been killed in there . . . . . . Non- Zionist Jews, Jews opposed to the crimes of Zionists, must speak out against the evil, otherwise their silence may be criticized as complicity. The non-Zionist Jews are faced with the challenge of how to get their humanist message widely disseminated in opposition to Zionism.

Rabbi against ZionismIsrael is not alone in its evil. It is backed by governments in the West. The US is a staunch supporter of Zionism, funding it, arming it, and providing media and diplomatic cover for Israel. It points to the sine qua non of a monolith of humans united by love for fellow humans. This guiding principle would elevate humanity to the stratosphere . . . Full story:; (5:30 – 7:15 min).

Comment: Zionism was only inaugurated in 1897. According to Israelite statistics, 90% + Israelis are non-Semitic, whereas Palestinians are Semitic. This distinguishes the children of Cain from the children of Adam.

The United States government exists to wage war. In its present form, it would crumble without it. Only a radical structural change will prevent this. For war-making is at the core of its budget, its raison d'être—816.7 billion for the Fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act alone—a deficit-financed sum that tells only part of the story. This amount that finances the military-industrial complex and its blood money is for a country that has never been invaded, is bordered by friendly neighbors, and is oceans away from the multitude of countries its leaders attack and call our enemies. The US wages wars around the world because killing is its lifeblood, its structural essence

God is the Greatest Scientist – Atheistic Scientists are like Thieves

Atheistic scientists are like thieves—they take matter that God created, manipulate it, and then claim that they have created something wonderful. At least if they would admit that they have taken the matter from Gods creation, that would be good. Instead, they say that 'science' is the creator, and that everything comes from 'science'. Can any scientist create a flower in the laboratory from nothing? No scientist can replicate what a cow does—turn grass into milk. No scientist can replicate what a hen does—make an egg. A small seed can turn into a huge tree, but no scientist can create even the smallest seed. No scientist can produce a single living being in a laboratory. In vitro fertilization is merely a manipulation of sources of 'raw materials' that God created. They cannot even create even a few grains of sand. God created everything. Scientists cannot manufacture even a small mosquito. Science and engineering can manufacture a 747 aeroplane but a mosquito is actually far more advanced than a 747, a mosquito does not crash.

Scientists have taken from nature, but they are thieves because they have taken from God's creation. If we do not acknowledge that things have been taken from God's creation, and instead claim them as our own wonderful creation, then surely we are thieves. The perfection of science is to scientifically explain that God is the original source. Then your knowledge is perfect. The following are quotes from just few of the many scientists that have realized the existence of God . . . Full story:

Zechariah Chapter Fourteen – Part IV

In Isaiah 64:1, 9 the prophet pleaded with the Lord to put an end to Israel's misery by a visible and grand manifestation of vengeance upon their foes as when He came down upon Mount Sinai in Fire, causing the mountain to melt and flow, "that the nations may tremble at Your Presence . . . behold, we beseech You, we are all your people." Isaiah speaks as if Israel were a unity of blood and faith without distinction between the godly and the wicked, but his prophecy is set in the end-time when statistics in the Encyclopaedia Judaica show well over ninety percent of "Israelis" and so-called "Jews" are non- Semitic imposters: "aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope [of any kind (I Thessalonians 4:13)], and without God in the world" (Ephesians 2:12).

In response to Isaiah's prayer the Lord foretells how the Gentiles will find Christ. Isaiah 65:1-2: "I am sought by those who did not inquire after Me; I was found by those who did not seek Me: I said, Here am I, here am I, to a nation that did not call on My Name" (Romans 10:20). Then He retorts in their words the Jews' plea to being exclusively "called by His Name" (Isaiah 63:19): "I spread forth My hands all day long to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, after their own devises." However Israel will not be entirely cast off but an elect 144,000 will be converted, blessed with eternal Life and "called by another name": Christian (Isaiah 65:1-16)! And as there is no distinction between Israelite and Gentile Christians (Ephesians 2:10-22) the distinction between Israelites and the Gentile world will cease in the millennium when the entire Adamic race will be one Israel nation (Isaiah 66:15-24; Acts 1:6).

Zechariah 14:1-4, "Behold, the day of the Lord comes, and the spoil taken from you will be divided in the midst of the city. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses plundered, and the women raped; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then the Lord will go forth, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle. And His feet [i.e. possession and judgment] shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives [in the theophany of the Pillar of Cloud and holy Fire], before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives will cleave in two from east to west by a very wide valley; so that one half of the mountain shall move northward, and the other half southward".

Christ's feet
on the Mount of OlivesThe Lord's standard, ensign or rallying point in Israel will appear as the Shekinah or glory of His Presence (Isaiah 11:10-12; 49:22; 62:10; Ezekiel 43:1-2; Matthew 24:30-31), and the Mount of Olives will cleave in two (Isaiah 29:6; Zechariah 14:4; Revelation 16:19). Preceding Zechariah 12:3 by three and a half years, the divided mountain will be an "everlasting sign" of the Lord's glory and the exodus from sin typed by their deliverance from Egypt. Israelites who escape through the valley of His new mountains will herald this sign of Christ's 'parousia' Coming to their brethren dwelling among the Gentiles in the now Muslim lands of the ancient Assyrian empire, to gather them for redemption to the Land of their Covenant (Matthew 17:1-8; Acts 1:11). The Edomite Jews will seek to slaughter them at the hands of the colonies of the City of London—Australia, Canada, USA, etc., and NATO (Genesis 3:15; 27:39-41; I Peter 5:8), making Zechariah 14:4-5 (Joel 2:32) the antitype of Matthew 24:16-21.

In Isaiah 66:18-20 the Lord declares, "I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see My glory. I will send those [Israelites] who escape to the nations, to Tarshish [Lebanon], Pul [an island in the Nile between Egypt and Ethiopia], and Lud [Lydia, now Turkey], to Tubal [south of the Caucasus Mountains, between the Black Sea and Araxes, probably Georgia, and Javan [Greece and Asia Minor], to the isles afar off, that have not heard My fame, neither seen My glory; and they shall declare My glory, [Jesus Christ "from whom the whole Family of God in heaven and earth is named," to the I raelites] among the Gentiles. [The glory of God is employed as the Lord's standard, His sign or rallying point in Israel (Isaiah 11:10-12; 49:22; 62:10, and Ezekiel 43:1-2)]. "And they will bring all your brethren for a [precious unbloody] offering to the Lord out of all nations upon horses, and in chariots, and in litters, and upon mules, and upon swift beasts, to My holy mountain Jerusalem, says the Lord, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel to the house of the Lord." These verses confirm that the Mount of Olives will cleave at the opening of the Sixth Seal beneath "the sign of the Son of man coming [to Israel] in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory" (Matthew 24:30-31; Ezekiel 43:2; Revelation 7:2).

Not only will Israel be attacked, Brother Branham taught us the United States, that rogue nation which is the image to the beast of Imperial Rome will be invaded, her homes plundered and the women raped. This eventuality will be obvious to anyone acquainted with the atrocities of America and her allies after World War II to date, devastating defenseless states whose leaders do not kowtow, looting their natural resources, slaughtering their citizens, and poisoning the land with carcinogens in their quest for global hegemony with massive world depopulation (Revelation 11:18). United States and French forces slaughtered 15 million Russians and Germans.

"What's going to happen? There's a sputnik up there. And what would happen? The nation would surrender, of course; that's the only decent thing the government could do. Then what happens? Wave after wave of ship loads of soldiers; wave after wave of airplanes would land in this nation. The women would be ravished in the streets. What would you do? It belongs to them. Kicked out of your home, they'll take it over.

What'll happen to you young girls, and you young men, and all of you at that time? Sin has to be paid for. No matter what nation it is, or who it is, it does it, individually, or a nation, it's going to be paid for. And a bunch of brutal, ungodly, whisker-jawed, communistic soldiers would grab your wives and ravish them, your young girls. And you'd stand and like it; there's nothing you can do about it.

What causes that? Because you have listened to such stuff as these television programs on rock-and-roll and sin, and some cold formal preacher not able to interpret the Supernatural: the handwriting is on the wall. That's right. And we are weighed in the balance and found wanting" (58-0108, Handwriting on the Wall, par. 77, 84-90).

"There's not one thing left to keep it from happening according to prophecy" (58-0309M, Handwriting on the Wall, par. 54; Isaiah 13:9-16; Ezekiel 38:3; Daniel 11:40).

Satan, cast down to Earth at the translation of Christ's Bride, will incarnate Rome's pope. Marshalling "a universal assemblage of Catholics at the core; grouped with them the Protestant denominations, sects and churches; grouped around them believing Jews, believing Muslims, believing Hindus, believing Buddhists. . . . a universal religious assembly"  (Uri Dowbenko, Bushwhacked: Inside Stories of True Conspiracy, p. 213), he will restore peace, free the United States mainland from its Russian occupiers, and be acclaimed president of one totalitarian world government, the groundwork for which has been laid by a succession of reprobate US presidents.

His loudest cheerleaders will be (once) Protestant American citizens trained over a century, like Pavlov's dogs, to salivate for material comfort—souls imprisoned now in wage and tax slavery beneath the strong delusion of unthinking mushroom existence, avoidance of personal responsibility and accountability. Among Fabians, Lucifer is Maximus; his covenant with Jewry's banksters will refinance the failed US dollar with gold backing (Daniel 9:27), salvage their otherwise worthless script, restore international trade and commerce, and "all the world will worship the dragon [Lucifer] who empowered the beast: and they will worship the beast, saying, Who can compare with the beast? Who is able to make war with him"?

Brother Branham declared Revelation 13 "shows the power of the Roman Catholic Church and what she will do through organization. Remember this is the false vine. Let it name the Name of the Lord, it does so only in a lie. Its headship is not of the Lord but of Satan. It finally ends up completely identified with the beast. The whore riding on the scarlet beast distinctly shows her power is the god of force (Satan) and not our God, the Lord Jesus Christ" [Daniel 11:38].

"In verse 17, it emphatically shows that she will gain absolute control of the commerce of the earth, for no man can buy or sell apart from her. This is borne out in Revelation 18:9-17 that shows her involvement with kings, princes, and merchants, all of whom have to do with Rome and commerce."

"In Revelation 13:14, we learn that the beast spreads his influence through the image which was built for him. The image that is made is a world-wide ecumenical council, wherein all the organized churches will get together with the Roman Catholics (they are doing it even now). It is quite possible this union will come in order to stop the power of communism. But since communism like Nebuchadnezzar has been raised up to burn the flesh of the harlot, Rome will be overcome and destroyed. Take note that everywhere the Romish church went, communism followed. It has to be that way. And let me warn you now, don't get thinking communism is your only enemy. No sir. It is the Catholic church also, and even more so"  (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 236:1-3).

Daniel 11:33-34, "Those who are wise among the Israelites will have a wide teaching ministry in those days, imparting understanding to many, but they will be in constant danger, many dying by fire or sword, incarceration and plunder. Eventually these pressures will subside, and by flatteries certain ungodly men will pretend to offer a helping hand, only to take advantage of them." Thus it is not just the Judaeo-Roman church to which the Israelites will succumb but her two-horned image, the United States of America (Revelation 13:11) and the traditional treachery of the Khazars and Edomites within her gates.

Daniel 11:31-45 describes the first three and a half years of Jacob's Trouble, synonymous with Christ's unrecognized second or 'parousia' Coming to Israel. This is confirmed by Daniel 8:15-27 and 12:1-10 where it is called "the time of the end" when her Seven Trumpet mysteries revealed by the two witnesses of Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11 will be understood. In this period Rome will be consolidating global imperium as her US image is doing now by murdering recalcitrant national leaders, crushing nations with irresistible force, and taking over their natural resources. After Rome has restored peace and "divided the land [of Israel] for gain" under the 1947 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 as prophesied in Daniel 11:39, Zechariah 14:2 and Revelation 16:19, the king of the South (Egypt), "the king of the North" (Russia), and "the kings of the East" (Revelation 16:12, Genesis 14:1—Rome's historical protagonists, the now Muslim nations of the once Parthian, Assyrian, Median and Babylonian empires, and perhaps China which the US has encircled), will "trouble him".

Zechariah 14:3, "Then the Lord will go forth, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle." Brother Branham said, "God will stand like He did in the valley for the children of Israel and fight again. That'll take place until the Gentile dispensation will be finished. And when that time is finished, she's cut off" (COD, p. 77:111). I believe the Prophet means that this will be Zechariah 12 after the close of the Gentile dispensation and after the midst of Daniel's Seventieth Week. He was pointing back to II Chronicles 20:15, 22-24 in the days of good king Jehoshaphat when the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel the Levite and prophesied, "the battle is not yours, but God's. . . . And when Judah began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten. For the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir, utterly to slay and destroy them: and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, every one helped to destroy another. And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the wilderness, they looked to the multitude, and, behold, they were dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none escaped".

II Chronicles 20 indicates the general course, as shown in former instances (Joshua 10:14-42; 23:3; Judges 4:15) in which the Lord Himself went forth against the foe and fought for His people (I Samuel 17; II Kings 19; Isaiah 29:7-8). Zechariah 4:7 prophesied, "Then I asked [Brother Branham] the angel that talked with me, What are these, my lord? The angel that talked with me answered; Do you not know what these are? And I said, No, my lord. Then he said, This is the Word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by the might [of many], nor by the power [of one man], but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Who are you O great mountain in the presence of Zerubbabel? Be a plain! And He shall bring forth the Capstone [and the Temple of the Body of Christ] accompanied with shouts of, Grace, grace to it, [that it stands fast forever"].

Zechariah's vision embodied a compound prophecy intended in the first instance to encourage Zerubbabel in the work of reconstructing the Temple with the assurance the metaphorical mountain of difficulties before him will be made a plain by the grace of God, and without the intervention of human strength of any description the Holy Spirit will accomplish the work so that the Capstone shall be brought forth from the place where it was turned from rude matter into due form, and the completed work hailed as wholly of "grace" (Isaiah 46:30; Joel 2:32; Zechariah 14:4-8; Matthew 21:42). Zechariah looked forward to the completion of the body of Christ which is God's true Temple, and to the new heavens and new Earth promised by the cleaving of the Mount of Olives making ready for the Mount Zion rapture as the 1,500-mile high Mount Zion begins its rise so that the "great mountain will become a plain".

the Great
SealBrother Branham said, "There'll be plenty of room in the new earth. . . It'll be renovated by fire, but there'll be no more sea. The explosion dries up the sea, erupts the earth. Oh, my, and remember fifteen hundred miles square. What a City. But remember the sea is gone. . . In the earth's time of purifying by its baptism of fire, there will be volcanics, such as this earth exploding, and will push up a pyramid-like mountain. Plenty of room to do it; this whole thing'll be changed; the whole surface will be changed. You got it? It'll push up a pyramid-like mountain. This would exactly be with the Word if it does it, which it will. . . if you have a one dollar bill, they have the Seal of the United States, the eagle on one end, a-holding the spears, the coat of arms, as it were. And on the other end, it's got the pyramid with the all-seeing eye on top of it. See, they didn't know what they were doing. And on there it's wrote in Latin, and you'll find out it says, "This is the Great Seal. They [the Illuminati] didn't know what they were doing. (Maybe, but Thomas Jefferson and John Adams (FDR's kinsman) both became ardent Illuminati. This explains Roosevelt's policy. Alexander Hamilton was also in service to the Illuminati but the international money-lenders decided Hamilton knew too much and could not be trusted any longer. He was inveigled into a duel with an expert named Aaron Burr, who acted as his executioner). Neither did Caiaphas know he was prophesying). There's the Great Seal. Here it is. See? The City, it's not just a flat cube like this, but it leans up so it can be seen. And upon this Holy Mountain of the Lord, the Lord shall descend upon top of His Mountain. Here He is. That's the reason the Capstone wasn't put on by Enoch. See? That's the reason the Capstone has to come now. And the Mountain will be pushed up and it'll be the Mount of the Lord and in here will dwell the redeemed"   (64-0719M, The Future Home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Earthly Groom, par. 364, 369, 380, 411-412).

Notice, "He shall bring forth the Capstone accompanied with shouts of, Grace, grace to it!" The Capstone to the Body of Christ is Himself, the Word, the corn of wheat reproduced without hybridizing or denominational miscegenation with man-made creeds but "that which is perfect" incarnate in His end-time Bride. "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout" (I Corinthians 13:10; I Thessalonians 4:16). The "Shout" is the "midnight cry" of the Prophet's Message, which is the fullness of the Word: it is Christ the Logos (Matthew 25:6; Revelation 10:1-7). His end-time Bride, who alone can receive it praises the Lord for His mercy, declaring their blessing is all of grace, grace: amazing grave.

This compound prophecy continues in Zechariah 14:4 where the earthquake cleaves the Mount of Olives when the Gentile dispensation ends in apostasy. The escape of certain Israelites through the valley thus formed was foreshadowed by the earthquake that terminated God's relationship with Judah's sinful king Uzziah and the escape of the Jerusalemites in his day. Zechariah 4:7 also prefigures the prophecy of I Thessalonians 4:13-17 and Christ's 'parousia' Coming to us Gentiles: "then the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with Him" for the resurrection and translation of His Bride of all Ages and His unseen 'parousia' Coming to Israel with the unrecognized "sign of the Coming of the Son of man" in the Shekinah over the Mount of Olives (Revelation 10:1-4; Matthew 24:3; 30).

This event will confirm the hour and strengthen faith in the heart of Christ's Bride for the manifestation of the Sons of God in the time of our latter rain, and confirm the hour and strengthen faith in the heart of believing Israelites in the time of their former rain (Hosea 6:3; Joel 2:23). The 'third pull' in Christ's end-time Bride cannot be impersonated by might nor power or by the will of man; it will be by grace through faith, as will the 'third pull' in the two witnesses by whom the Lord will fight for Israel in the first half of Daniel's Seventieth Week. Revelation 11:5-6, "And if anyone wants to harm them, Fire [of God's Word] issues from their mouths and consumes their enemies. Anyone wishing to harm them must be killed this way. These have power to shut the sky, so that no rain may fall in the days of their prophecy: and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with every kind of plague, as often as they desire".

Zechariah 14:6-11 continues the compound prophecy, describing the spirit of Laodicea upon all peoples in their attitude toward the Lord after the Church Ages and Christ's mediation were fulfilled in 1963: "lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot . . . clear nor dark, not day nor night"—while alluding to the vision in the heart of "we who are alive and remain," elect Israelites are not yet gathered to the land of the Covenant.

"And it shall come to pass in that time that the Light of God's Word will not be clear or dark: but [a Babel of confused opinion]. This unique period will be known to the Lord [and those who are constantly in the Word will know "the present Truth—what Jesus is doing now." Daniel said "the wise will understand and know their God, but none of the wicked will understand" (Romans 11:25; Revelation 3:17-20)]: but it will come to pass, that at evening time there will be Light." A clear understanding of Brother Branham's THUS SAITH THE LORD in the evening time of our Gentile dispensation after the end of the Church Ages has unveiled the mysteries of the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10:1-4 which are the revelations contained in the Seven Seals. These divinely revealed mystery-truths have literally restored the heart of the children to the faith of their apostolic fathers (Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 17:11; I Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 10:7). At the close of the Gentile dispensation the fallen stars or denominational ministers will have no Light to shine and the Moon or church will be as blood. Then two Hebrew witnesses will reveal the Light to Israel's elect remnant in their evening time, and following our translation Satan will be cast down to Earth for the "time of Jacob's trouble" (Revelation 13:15-18).

Isaiah 13:10-16, Joel 2:30-3:1, Matthew 24:29, Acts 2:16-21 and Revelation 6:12-14 identify Zechariah 14:4-5 with the opening of the Sixth Seal at the close of our dispensation, and Jeremiah 4:1-23 describes the people of Israel and Judah returning to the land of the Covenant presently occupied by non-Semitic Japhetic and Cainite impersonators (Jeremiah 30:3-8), while Revelation 7:2, Ezekiel 43:2 and Acts 1:11 show Jesus Messiah returning from the west to seal these elect Israelites with the blessing of Abraham. "And I saw another Angel ascending from the east, having the Seal of the living God: and He cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to smite the Earth and the sea [with the curse of Malachi 4:6, which will include the annihilation of the United States, Vatican City State, and the consummation of life]".

"And it shall be in that day, that Living Waters [of the Gospel] shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former or Dead Sea [the former rain to Israel], and half of them toward the hinder or Mediterranean sea [the latter rain to "we who are alive and remain]: in summer and in winter shall it be".

In the renewed heavens and Earth there will be neither Mediterranean nor Dead sea—there will be "no more sea." Water is comprised of two explosive gases. Brother Branham said when Earth receives "her baptism of Fire . . . all the water will explode . . . and thousands of miles in the air will fly burning, hot lava" (64-0719M, The Future Home of the Heavenly Bride Groom and the Earthly Bride, par. 35:277; 64-1212, Harvest Time, par. 47:336). I expect this will restore Earth's protective canopy, diffusing the Sun's rays uniformly throughout the world so that subtropical conditions prevail from pole to pole. See Newsletter 715. But in the millennium Satan shall be bound, so "earth shall be full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" (Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14; Revelation 20:1-3).

In Palestine the rivers normally run dry in the summer. However this metaphorical ever-flowing ever-increasing volume of water will not come from occasional rainfalls or tributaries but from the perennial fountain of the renewed Presence of the Lord in Jerusalem. Joel 2:32 "And it shall come to pass, that whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord has said, and in the remnant the Lord shall call".

Ezekiel 47:1-2 describes how the Israelites will immerse themselves in the River of Life, which is the Holy Spirit, once represented by the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies now flowing from the riven side of Jesus Messiah, then flowing from the Throne of God . . . as three steps of faith: justification by grace through faith, sanctification, and the baptism with the Holy Spirit, which is the new birth.

"Be of sin the double cure,
Save me from its guilt and power".

Of course there will be no temple in the New Jerusalem, for Christ and His Bride is the temple. But the River of Life returns with the visible and grand manifestation of Christ's 'parousia' Coming to Jerusalem in vengeance upon Israel's foes as when He came down upon Mount Sinai in Fire. The River of Life is not a material stream but simply a testimony of His revelation of Himself and a further evidence that since Calvary the blessed embrace of heaven and earth is no longer restricted to the one people in one locality but diffused to "whomsoever will" throughout the whole world. This testimony will be reconfirmed through the ministry of two Hebrew witnesses anointed with the Spirit that endued Moses and Elijah "one on this side of the bank of the River, and the other on that side of the bank of the River." Christ, "the Man clothed in linen, who was upon the waters of the River" . . . [is] . . . "the tender twig" from the cedar of Lebanon gathering under its shadow "all fowl of every wing" (Ezekiel 17:22-24; Leviticus 16:4; Daniel 12:5; Matthew 17:1-9).

Even the desert places of Earth will be made fruitful by the healing waters of the Gospel (Isaiah 35:1; Joel 3:18; Daniel 12:5-7; Revelation 22:1-2), and the Dead Sea whose bituminous waters faced the doomed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and in which no vegetable or animal life is to be found shall give place to Life, as symbolized by the healing of its death-pervaded waters. So when the Israelites "make reconciliation for iniquity . . . the fountain will be opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness" and the nation will be born in one day (Daniel 9:24; Zechariah 13:1; Isaiah 66:8). "And at that time the Lord will be king over all the land of Israel: in that day He shall be recognized and named as such" (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 45:21-25).

The trees of righteousness on either side of the River of Life are the Old and New Testament saints, offspring of Christ, the Tree of Life (Psalm 1:3; Isaiah 53:10; 61:3). So we recognize that the prophecies of Ezekiel 40 – 48 are an allegory and should not to be understood as literal. See The Logos and the Rhema.

Zechariah 14:10-11 again takes us forward to the new heavens and new earth, "All the land from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem shall be changed into a plain: and [Mount Zion and New] Jerusalem shall be exalted, and inhabited in her place from Benjamin's gate to the place of the first gate, to the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel to the king's winepresses. And men will dwell securely, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited." The ground of this security is that in New Jerusalem "there shall be no more curse" (Revelation 22:3; Isaiah 2:2; Jeremiah 23:5). And by the grace of God we will all be there.   nl1297.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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