"The JEWS who Run Obama and the USA"
"AMERICA'S RULERS – Are They All Jews?
Is this like the Jewish Administration of Hitler's Germany and Lenin's USSR?"THE JEWS IN JEWISH PRESIDENT OBAMA'S CABINET
Who Runs Usurper Obama – not a
natural born or naturalized US citizenThe Obama Adminstration in order of succession to the Presidency:
Vice President of the United States
Joseph R. Biden (Zionist)
Department of State
Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton (Jew)
Department of the Treasury
Secretary Timothy F. Geithner (Jew)
Department of Defense
Secretary Robert M. Gates
Department of Justice
Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Department of the Interior
Secretary Kenneth L. Salazar
Department of Agriculture
Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack
Department of Commerce
Secretary Gary F. Locke
Department of Labor
Secretary Hilda L. Solis
Department of Health and Human Services
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary Shaun L.S. Donovan
Department of Transportation
Secretary Raymond L. LaHood
Department of Energy
Secretary Steven Chu
Department of Education
Secretary Arne Duncan
Department of Veterans Affairs
Secretary Eric K. Shinseki
Department of Homeland Security
Secretary Janet A. Napolitano (Jew)
Positions with the Status of Cabinet-rank:
Council of Economic Advisers
Chairman Christina Romer (Jewish husband)
Environmental Protection Agency
Administrator Lisa P. Jackson
Office of Management & Budget
Director Peter R. Orszag (Jew)
United States Trade Representative
Ambassador Ronald Kirk
United States Ambassador to the United Nations
Ambassador Susan Rice
White House Staff Rahm Emanuel
Deputy Chiefs of Staff
Jim Messina
Mona Sutphen
Senior Advisors
David Axelrod
Valerie Jarrett
Barack Obama's Economic Team
Federal Reserve System
Chairman, Benjamin Bernanke (Jew)
Vice Chairman, Donald Kohn (Jew)
National Economic Council
Chairman, Lawrence Summers (Jew)
Economic Recovery Advisory Board
Chairman, Paul Volcker (Jew)
Chief Economist and Economic Adviser
Vice President, Jared Bernstein (Jew)
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Chairman, Gary Gensler (Jew)
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Chairman, Mary Schapiro (Jew)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Chairman, Sheila Bair (Jew)
Small Business Administration (SBA)
Administrator, Karen Mills (Jew)
Other Executive Positions include:
IRS Commissioner
Douglas Shulman (Jew)
Federal Communications Commission
Chairman, Julius Genachowski (Jew)
Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Chairman, Eric Lander (Jew)
TARP Executive Compensation
Special Master Ken Feinberg (Jew)
Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
Richard Holbrooke (Jew)
President's Automotive Task Force
Senior Advisor, Ron Bloom (Jew)
Dept. of Homeland Security
Special Representative for Border Affairs, Alan Bersin (Jew)
Special Envoy for Climate Change
Todd Stern (Jew)
Advisor to the President and the Vice President on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Issues
Lynn Rosenthal (Jew)
US Department of State
Special Envoy Guantanamo, Daniel Fried (Jew)
Special Advisor for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia (which includes Iran)
Dennis Ross (Jew)
Office of Management and Budget
United States Chief Performance Officer and Deputy Director for Management, Jeffrey D. Zients (Jew)
Office of Management and Budget
Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Cass Sunstein (Jew)
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Director, John P. Holdren (Jew)
White House Medical Czar
Ezekiel Emanuel (Jew)
Richard Haass (Jew)
Chief of Staff to Vice President Biden
Ron Klain (Jew)
Deputy Secretaries of State
Jacob Lew (Jew)
James Steinberg (Jew)
Deputy White House Chief of Staff
Mona Sutphen (Jew)
Federal Trade Commission
Chairman, Jon Leibowitz (Jew)
Food and Drug Administration
Commissioner, Dr. Margaret Hamburg (Jew)