We greet you in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and welcome you to Bible Believers Website. Your fellowship is appreciated, we pray you will enjoy our services and recognize the present Truth—what Jesus is doing now.
The Bible is the story of God unfolding Himself from the eternal Spirit alone with His thoughts—through the Spoken Word—to the manifestation of those eternal thoughts in the glorified flesh of His Family. Jesus Christ is the beginning of the creation of God; the New Testament saints are the continuation of the same Creation. Through election, the Creator is taking form by creating Himself a part of His creation.
His true revelation and purpose is being realized in a threefold manner. First He has revealed the fullness of Himself in Christ, so that second, He might have the preeminence in His Body of believers to live in His people, His Bride and Temple not made with hands; and thirdly, to restore the Kingdom to Eden's perfection.
God placed Adam's children on the basis of free moral agency—what we do with His Word once it is presented to us determines our eternal destiny, and in the House of God we live by the Word of God, and every one. Whenever we find we are in error we quickly repent and identify with His Word.
Because we preach it does not make it so. Though it be THUS SAITH THE LORD, unless you receive it by faith it will not profit you. So be guided by Acts 17:11; Romans 3:4; Galatians 1:8-9; I Thessalonians 5:21; II Peter 1:21 and Revelation 22:17-19. And study to show yourself approved of God, receiving His thoughts: private interpretations are sin and death, whereas His mind is faith and Life.
We each have freedom of choice and are individually responsible to God for our decisions. Thousands of denominations and sects claim to speak for God but He knows only one faith, has one Absolute, and He never changes His mind on His Word.
If you disagree with what we preach, do not reject what you cannot presently understand, note it down and ask God to reveal the Truth to you personally from His unchanging Word. Remember, if it is a revelation from God, faith will run in continuity from Genesis to Revelation.
The elect of God cannot be deceived on the revealed Word of God. We all speak the same thing because "the mystery of God is finished" and the Holy Spirit who guides into all truth is not the author of confusion (Amos 3:3; Matthew 24:24; John 10:1-5; 16:13; I Corinthians 1:10; 14:33; Revelation 10:7).
We believe the end of the Gentile dispensation is at hand. Christians are written epistles of the present Truth of the Word God promised to fulfill in their day while most impersonate the traditions of a day gone by. We respect your right to disagree with our teaching, asking only that you do so in a good spirit: pray for us and we will pray for you. Please do not upload unfriendly criticism or negative mail but find a venue that agrees with your views where you can make a positive contribution.
Certain pages have been published as historical documents without any claim by this Church or the Web Administrator that their contents are true or necessarily of immediate relevance to any contemporary person, group or event. The reader may inform himself as he sees fit.
(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Bible Believers' Church has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of news articles or historical references, nor is the Church Website endorsed or sponsored by the originators).
"Full story" and other links are provided as a convenience to readers and allow for verification of authenticity. However, as references are often updated or no longer posted by their originating websites, our quotations may differ with the current material readers find when visiting hyperlinks.
This Website serves those of like precious faith. Whosoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed his soul from the waters of the River of Life, proving all things personally in his own Bible. God is known by revelation, not debate.