British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. Catalogue record for this book available from British Library. 1st Edition Printing 2005. This publication protected by copyright. ISBN.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright holder.Foreword
"The first casualty when war comes is truth." - Senator Hiram Johnson, 1917
After sixty-years of World War II indoctrination most people consider themselves reasonably knowledgeable about the events leading to and through this conflict. The most fascinating aspect of this compilation is the revelation that the victor's account of these events is pure bunkum. 'Round One to the Barbarians' rips the victors' propaganda to shreds and surely casts a new perspective on the great European tragedy of 1939 - 1945.
The post war propagandists' role is best summed up by George Orwell's analysis of their function in his satirical account in 1984 of the 'Ministry of Truth.'
"This government department spent its time around the clock falsifying the past. It did so by excising all uncomfortable previous events from the public record and burning them, and reprinting continuously revised editions brought up to date in harmony with the latest twist in the political line of his fictional, but terribly real, in fact, regime."
"The preparation of 'convenient history' has long been a lucrative undertaking. Besides making an Establishment feel comfortable and secure, and justifying its policies, it can result in the reflection upon its authors of official smiles and blessings which converts into such things as secure and generously paid official and academic posts, and many related prebends and benefactions.
"Their patrons can also have harnessed to such functionaries' machinery of favourable publicity, which unwearyingly promotes them and their works as paragons of veracity and literary brilliance, while showering them with prizes, awards and dazzling distinctions.
"Official accounts become the political Scriptures of powerful interest groups, and are repeated unceasingly in the Establishment mass communications media, while being assiduously log-rolled in the upper levels of the 'academic' watchdogs of the intellect' leading to additional veneration.
"The sanctified official chroniclers prefer to ignore inconvenient history and generally behave as though it never was written. If any of it manages to break through to their consciousness, they may stare at the producers of these uncomfortable and abrasive accounts in their sedate and chilly hauteur and sniff imperiously while dismissing the product with a casual and patronising wave of a frill-cuffed hand, as 'pseudo scholarship,' an ad hominem ploy to reassure the believers, and those who want to believe, alike, that they need not fear as to the rectitude and solidity of their established corner.
How perfectly this observation illustrates the allies' propagandists of the present day as cur-like they swallow 'convenient history' only to defecate it hours later in the face of their own. There have been many other wars since the 'world war'. The latest being the war on Iraq. Again this victim country was vilified for its 'weapons of mass destruction' (a refreshing change from gas chamber allegations). It too was said to be a threat to the world and/or freedom; mix as you wish. It also (yawn) was an 'exporter of terrorism' and much else.
Perhaps people are finally waking up to the duplicitous nature of their rulers, many of whom with shadowy interests they have no inkling of. This will leave only those who fall into the category: 'Convince a fool against their will; they'll hold the same opinions still.'
Why on earth do otherwise intelligent people, knowing their rulers have lied about every conflict they have engaged themselves in convince themselves they are told the truth about World War Two?
Is it because the truth is too awful to confront; that we prefer the comfort of self-deception? Round One to the Barbarians will be an enlightening experience. Those of weaker disposition may prefer to self delude themselves with the victors' propaganda.Michael Walsh
As any schoolboy knows the origins of the Second Word War can be traced directly back to the deeply flawed Versailles Treaty, imposed on Germany drafted following World War One. This unfairly relegated that nation to a pariah state with swingeing financial and trade punishments.
Such was the suffering of the German people that they eventually turned to Adolf Hitler's National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDPA) for deliverance.
Upon his election in January 1933 and his appointment as Chancellor the new German leader asked (February 1st 1933) only that he be given four years to restore German security and prosperity. When just three years later on March 29, 1936 the German people were given the opportunity to express their approval or disapproval of the more open form of democracy as provided by the National Socialist system of government the overwhelming majority enthusiastically voted in favour of its continuation.
By 1938 Hitler's Germany was reckoned to be the most prosperous nation on earth; a nation with so many employment opportunities that the retired were given incentives to return to work, and citizens of neighbouring states flooded in to share in its prosperity.
Even sixty years on no nation has achieved Nazi Germany's level of prosperity; full employment, workers and women's rights, child and retired care, leisure, travel opportunity, and met the aspirational achievements of a healthy vibrant youth.
All this was achieved without outside help, loans or assistance. Sadly Germany's very prosperity and superior form of government became a threat to the competing Communist and Capitalist systems, and a magnet for emerging modern nations in Europe.
Those who had the most to lose from National Socialism; bankers whose system was based on ruinous usury, communists whose ambitions would be curbed, highly-placed Jews whose interests, and in Germany careers were threatened (in favour of Germans), those whose protectionist trade systems were inferior, conspired to bring about the downfall of Hitler's Germany.
The 1930s decade was marked by the clamour for war on Hitler's Germany. Theirs was a hatred fuelled by a growing public awareness that whilst the democracies suffered greatly from unemployment, economic misery, hellish social deprivation, and political corruption, their German neighbours were revelling in prosperity and civic well-being that exceeded even that of the United States.
Worse still, the intelligentsia and governments of other European countries were beginning to sit up and take notice. Communism and Capitalism were on the verge of extinction. The rush to war and the destruction of Germany as a competing trading nation and more democratic alternative turned into a stampede.
The Orwellian media, staffed by state apparatchiks and dependent on capitalist advertising and patronage, joined by assorted other self-interest warmongers up to their elbows in war profiteering mounted a furious anti-German rhetoric. Much as they do today when any country stands in the way of their economic ambitions or threatens their intended sphere of influence.
WOULD HAVE NO PART OF ITA twice over British Prime Minister warns of the real warmongers: "I strive not to throw Europe into this criminal adventure. But the States, even the British Crown, are not the masters of their destiny. Powers that elude us are promoting in Great Britain, as in other countries, special interests and an aberrant idealism." – Stanley Baldwin, British Prime Minister 1924-1929 and 1935-1937
"World history: There are two world histories. One is the official and full of lies, destined to be taught in schools – the other is the secret history, which harbors the true causes and occurrences." – Honore de Balzac
"Battle doesn't determine who is right. Only who is left. We destroyed fascists, not fascism; men, not ideas. Our triumphs did not serve as evidence that democracy is best for the world any more than Russian victories proved that communism is an ideal system for all mankind. Only through our peacetime efforts to abolish war and bring a larger measure of freedom and security to all peoples can we reveal to others that we are any better than our defeated opponents." - Peter Bowman 'Beach Red'
"Whenever we insist upon a truth we are witnessing to Almighty God.' – Hilaire Belloc. The Cruise of the Nona
The Prime Minister David Lloyd George told the editor of the Manchester Guardian that it was as well that the real nature of war was not revealed. "If the people really knew, the war would be stopped tomorrow. But, of course, they don't know and they can't know. The correspondents don't write and the censorship would not pass the truth."
"Stirring up the animals (the newspaper readers) was one of the great ends of life." – Charles A. Dana (1819 – 1897) One of America's greatest journalists.
A thirteen-year veteran of Time magazine recently groused to a reporter on another periodical that he 'was asked to do a 40-inch story, which was pretty long for us, but that, 'when it came out, there were two words – two goddam words – that were mine.' – Geoffrey Stokes, The Village Voice, June 21 1976.
"I wouldn't tell the people anything until the war is over and then I'd tell them who won." – Military Censor at a meeting in Washington.
"I'm certain that readers of The Times in 1854 had a damned sight better view of the Crimean War than readers of The Times in 1939-1945 did of the Second World War. Inevitably prejudices were fed, and I believe that it was impossible for a general reader of a newspaper to form a balanced view of the progress of the war." - Captain Reginald Thompson, British Intelligence Corps, War Correspondent Sunday Times, Military Historian.
"If you start from the premise that a lot of rascals are having a fight, it is not unnatural to want to see the victory of the rascal you like, and I liked the Italians during that scrimmage more than I did the British or the Abyssinians." – Herbert Matthews, New York Times War Correspondent 'The Education of a Correspondent.'
"What is one to do when in order to rule men it is necessary to deceive them? For almost invariably the more simple, the more silly, and the more gross the phenomenon, the more likely they are to succeed." – Helena P. Blavatsky.
"Practices are not prohibited because they are wrong, they are wrong because they have been prohibited." – Prof. Leslie A.White, The Science of Culture (New York, Farrar, Strauss and Cudahy, 1949)
"If the British ran the rest of the Empire as they had run things recently in Singapore, then they did not deserve to have an empire at all." – Ian Morrison, London Correspondent The Times (early 1942)
"We were just leeches, reporters trying to suck headlines out of all this death and suffering." – Robert St. John, Associated Press
"From that time onwards I had a strong suspicion that there was some mysterious power at work behind the scenes controlling the actions of the figures visibly taking part in the government of the country. I had not the least idea whence this power emanated, nor could I gauge its influence. I was in far too humble a position to make such lofty discoveries. Still, the feeling persisted. We always vaguely referred to this hidden control amongst ourselves as 'The Treasury.'" Admiral Sir Barry Domville, RN. Assistant Secretary Imperial Defence Committee prior to World War 1.
Note: The admiral was arrested during World War 11 and imprisoned for three years for 'seeking peace.' His book, From Admiral to Cabin Boy has been airbrushed out of circulation.
Major General J.F.C Fuller and Major Lidell Hart (History of World War One and History of World War Two, etc) were placed under house arrest for predicting that war with Germany would lead to the ruin of Britain and the end of the British Empire. Many others were gaoled without trial. These included mothers whose children were taken into care.
Describing a conversation with Louis Marshall, the lawyer acting on behalf of New York Jewish-owned banks that funded the Communist revolution: "When taking leave of the famous lawyer he showed me that part of New York that could be seen from his Wall Street window, and told me: "Look what we can do for a country we love. In Russia we have shown the world what we can do for a country we hate." - Mr. Marshall felt obliged to repeat this statement to our Financial Attach?, Mr. Gheorghe Boncescu.' - The Suicide of Europe, Memoirs of Prince Michael Sturdza.
After the war the German constitutional lawyer, Professor Friedrich Grimm told the English propagandist that it was time to desist. "No," Delmer replied. "Now we shall start all the more. We shall continue this atrocity propaganda, we shall intensify it, until nobody shall accept a good word from the Germans anymore, until all the sympathy you had in other countries shall be destroyed and until the Germans themselves shall be so confused that they do not know anymore what they are doing." – The Methods of Re-Education, Udo Walendy.
"The news companies could sandwich my pictures and talk between the sack of cities and the mangled bodies of refugees. Once they have such a film, they can cut it and use it in any way they like. I have decided against speaking for the sound films. American press accounts of the war are so prejudiced and confused that it is almost impossible to obtain a balanced picture." – Charles A. Lindbergh, American flying ace
"I do not pretend to speak for all veterans. In the course of forty months of war duty and five major battles I was only an ambulance driver, a merchant seaman, an Army historian, and a war correspondent, never a downright GI. Possibly the men who were subjected much more completely than I to the whims of militarism are now satisfied with their hollow victory, but I doubt it. I never met that fabulous character, typical Gl Joes who's every thought and post-war desire was so well known to politicians and the writers of advertising copy. But I met a lot of other Joes, and my guess is that before long - and the sooner the better - the veteran serviceman is going to wake from his deep dreams of peace, a job, and a home and realize that his country has let him down, and badly." - Edgar L. Jones, U.S. Second World War veteran. Atlantic Monthly, February 1946
Among other things about modern warfare, I think the home front should also comprehend the full significance of the fact that a front-line soldier had a good chance of being killed in this war by his own side as well as by his opponents. Battle positions changed so rapidly that American soldiers were shelled by American artillery and warships, bombed and strafed by American planes, and machine-gunned by American tanks - not occasionally, but often. We also sank our own ships and shot down numbers of our own planes - how many no one knows, but the ship I was on in the invasion of Sicily knocked out four German planes and three of our own, which was considered a good average. - Edgar L. Jones, U.S. Second World War veteran. Atlantic Monthly, February 1946.
Many Allied journalists were appalled at the restrictions placed on their observations as events unfolded during World War Two. Many were scathing in their cynicism and self-deprecating as a profession.
Canadian Reuters correspondent Charles Lynch accredited to the British Army was refreshingly candid: "It's humiliating to look back at what we wrote during the war. It was crap, and I don't exclude the Ernie Pyles or the Alan Mooreheads. We were a propaganda arm of our governments. At the start the censors enforced that but at the end we were our own censors. We were cheerleaders. I suppose there wasn't an alternative at the time. It was total war, but, for God's sake, let's not glorify our role. It wasn't good journalism. It wasn't journalism at all."
WAS THE REAL REASON FOR WAR?General Robert Wood testified that in 1936 Winston Churchill told him that Germany is getting too strong and must be smashed (p.130). Bernard Baruch, the American-Jewish banker agreed in an interview with F.D Roosevelt:
"If we keep prices down, there is no reason why we shouldn't get the customers from belligerent nations that they had had to drop because of the war. In that event Germany's barter system will be destroyed – New York Times 14th September 1939.
The London Times stated that Germany's barter system made her an aggressor in the world market: "One of the fundamental causes of this war has been the un-relaxing efforts of Germany since 1918 to secure wide enough foreign markets to straighten her finances at the very time when all her competitors were forced by their own debts to adopt exactly the same course. Continuous friction was inevitable."
In effect Germany was acting like the striking worker paying by credit card for over-priced goods from the company-owned shop. He now agrees only to barter his hours of labour for his sustenance. So there you have it. The war lobbying nations strangled by international debt; could not compete with a debt free National Socialist Germany, and so the German state had to be removed, indeed destroyed.
Yet you, Tommy Atkins, even today are still holding your breath for the next budget or tax increase? You now work almost half the year for your government – and you call yourself free? Sounds to me like your freedom is having one arm and leg free of the shackles!
Read on: In National Socialist Germany "Nothing is ever heard of the necessity of increasing taxation, compulsory savings (pension schemes?) or the issue of enormous public war loans. On the contrary! Recently an important tax was abolished. Money is so plentiful that the interest rate on Reich loans could recently be reduced from 41/2 to just 4 per cent." London Times, October 11,12,13, 1940.
Note the date! This was the time when Churchill had bankrupted the British nation and had to beg American President Roosevelt for loans; the pledges being the British Empire; its possessions and its preferential trading agreements.
"Germany was trying to break the (high interest) credit ring of the money monopolists by the sheer force of economic sanity – and that was unforgivable". In 1937 Hitler said: "Germany will enter into no obligations to pay for her imports than she is capable of fulfilling. The German Government therefore takes the standpoint of the respectable merchant who keeps his orders in harmony with what he can pay. We have come to learn that the value of our currency lies in the productive capacity of our nation." (In other words, Germany wouldn't borrow on the high interest credit card. If it couldn't pay it wouldn't buy).
The world financial monopolists – the unseen gangsters behind the governments – were aghast. If Germany was allowed to succeed in her plans for economic penetration other nations would follow her example. The whole world would then exchange goods for goods on a basis of equality and friendship. No one would find the need to borrow and the financial period of debt (unearned wealth) from the apex of which Almighty Finance ruled the world, would collapse. Humanity from there on would be well fed with its natural resources diverted directly to its own people's mouths and needs.
At this point "Statesmen began to prepare the public mind for war. No mention was made of the real causes of the crisis; the bitter scramble for world markets, the trickery and inhuman methods used to obtain spheres of influence and increase the world's mountain of debt and the power it wielded.
Once again, statesmen, many of them bribed, sacrificed the youth of their country on the bloody altar of Mammon. As in peace, so in war! The efforts – and even the lives of humanity must be sacrificed for a worthless economic system that's only 'value' was the power it gave to the few who controlled it.
"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people." – Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt.
As the Second World War progressed Department EH became officially delegated for the invention and the spreading many of myths and rumours. This was a small sub-section of M.I6. Some of their ruses were so clever and innovative that even the Joint Intelligence Committee took many seriously.
One of the specialties of The Ministry of Information was to publish fake refugee memoirs. The Diary of a Dutch Boy Refugee by the fictitious Dirk van der Heide was baloney. Likewise films such as The Foreman Went to France and Went the Day Well?
All continued to peddle ludicrous German and British stereotypes. Clearly their descendants are still employed in the kraut-bashing British media; see also The Diary of Ann Frank and virtually all books on the alleged holocaust.
Several of the fictional sold-as-fact books that were published during 1940 and 1941 were officially inspired tall stories. These included Through the Dark Night by James Lansdale Hodson, a Daily Sketch correspondent. These have all been added to since – with further embellishments.
Other correspondents solicited to churn out propaganda included Douglas Williams (The New Contemptibles, 1940) and Bernard Gray (War Reporter, 1941). Another was van Kleffens The Rape of the Netherlands.
From such literary 'gentlemen' came the stories of German paratroops dressed as nuns, priests, nurses, and women. Newspapers picked up these cock and bull stories and peddled them on a daily basis.
They still repeat the same old lies – and worst of all, media toadies re-cycle lies that were first heard in the post war torture chambers, where screaming Axis servicemen told their torturers anything – signed anything, that their tormentors demanded of them. That is the most sickening thing about so-called journalists. In doing so they scribble on their pads at the scene of these crimes while the torturer follows his filthy calling.
In Britain, a former Czech resistance fighter Edward Spiro wrote a series of less than reliable books on intelligence matters under the pseudonym E.H Cookridge. The first of these, Secrets of the British Secret Service was published in 1947. It was nonsense from first page to last.
Today there is outrage over summary imprisonment without trial at Guantanamo Bay and British gaols such as Belmarsh Prison, in 1940 Churchill desperately sought an excuse to round up thousands of those he considered enemy aliens. Many were simply of German or Italian extraction who had made their home here, in some cases they were second or third generation and some had served in the British armed forces.
Assisting the government in justifying mass arrests without trial was one of the most notorious spinners of fifth column nonsense. He was Sir Neville Bland, the British Minister to the Dutch Government in The Hague.
James Hayward, the noted dissembler of wartime myths described Bland's 'report' as 'a thousand word fantasy'. He added that some in the know credit Bland with importing the worst of the paratroop and fifth column myths into Britain.
He later disclosed that these tactics were used to 'justify the mass internment of male aliens, which the Home Secretary, under Churchill's direction, had ordered on May 13th 1940.'
"What motive underpinned these outlandish falsehoods? Clearly, many on the allied side had a vested interest in ascribing the German victories to an underhand secret weapon rather than poor leadership and military incompetence. Yet as we have seen, many in the British military and political establishment, including Churchill, Ramsey and Ironside, gave these myths full credit. Churchill even offering 20,000 organised Nazis in Britain.
Some historians have concluded that the fifth column menace was deliberately fabricated to support mass internment in Britain, and in this there is a great deal of truth." – James Hayward, Myths and Legends of the Second World War.
- The same fictitious poisoned sweets passed out to children by German troops in the First World War were not surprisingly handed out to children in the Second World War.
- In 1914 dachshund dogs were kicked and stoned on the streets of Britain. In 1939 they had an easier time, being merely denigrated in the press by having swastikas crudely drawn on their backs.
- At the outbreak of war delicatessens and German owned shops were attacked and looted, as was anyone with a German sounding name. Ironically some were German Jews.
- Drew Middleton of the Associated Press questioned the hard-line British propaganda machine: "it's – come on-Hitler-we're-ready-stuff." Such was the psychotic effects of propaganda that tennis courts were foolishly identified as gun platforms. Matches struck in the street were reported as signals to spies or submarines.
- Just as in the First World War the Kaiser was said to be insane in the next war Adolf Hitler was said to be insane. One can only wonder at the state of mind of those who swallow such nonsense.
- On May 21 1940 the French Prime Minister whined that the loss of the bridges over the River Meuse was on account of fifth columnists. They were in fact lost due to military incompetence. Mythical fifth columnists simply make a convenient scapegoat.
- There were never any secret U-boat bases in Ireland. Nor did German submarines put to sea with cold-stored severed limbs to be jettisoned to simulate their own sinking.
- Hitler's plumbing was perfectly normal.
- Denmark was overrun in a single day. Many of the German troops invaded simply by using the ferry services. It isn't known whether they paid for their tickets!
- The alleged gas chambers came after the war when it was realized that this theme park nonsense was a money spinner without equal – but with remarkable bonuses.
- German paratroopers were never disguised as nuns, in female attire or any other outlandish garbs as alleged by allied propandists.
In 1981, Jack Glenn, director of the popular 1940s newsreel series March of Time (Which the History Channel still uses), died at the age of 76. His obituary, distributed by the Associated Press and published in the Bergen, New Jersey, Sunday Record (February 15, 1981) let slip an amazing revelation.
"As senior director for the popular movie house newsreel, he often created world events with actors and movie sets. One such news feature film, Inside Nazi Germany, made in 1939, included footage allegedly of a Nazi concentration camp.
In fact it was filmed on Staten Island, New York with scores of New York City actors. Much of the film's footage was shot within the 3rd Reich's borders by a freelance cameraman but the imaginary Nazi camp atrocities were quite certainly 'Made in the US of A.'
Poland, for obvious reasons, is portrayed as the innocent victim of Nazi Germany's insatiable desire for lebensraum. What you are not told is that until Germany's retaliation early in September 1939, Poland was rightly regarded as a bellicose troublemaker throughout Eastern Europe. It had engaged in skirmishes against most of its neighbours, including the Germans of Silesia whose land it had occupied in defiance of international law in 1920.
Even the architects of the infamous Versailles Treaty were embarrassed by Poland's cruel pogroms against its 1,500,000 German victims. In an orgy of ethnic cleansing many were dragged from their homes and beaten or stoned to death. International Red Cross put the figure at 3,000 dead over a 20 year period from 1919. They were all civilians, many of them children. In 1939 over 500 German minorities were murdered by Poles.
These are facts that like so many others have been airbrushed out of history books. These provocations prior to war breaking out are censored and those who dare to expose them are either ignored or slandered by British media hacks.
Polish belligerency rested on its formidable means of waging war which exceeded that of their German neighbours. Over twenty years they had created a million man army (bigger than the British Empire's). They had thirty fully modernized infantry divisions backed up by a National Defense of 100,000 National Reservists.
The Cavendish Encyclopedia described Poland's army as 'one of the largest in the world'. The Polish infantry were supported by an armoured brigade of 300 tanks. This puts the lie to the myth that theirs was an operatic cavalry defence force.
The Poles did of course have 37 horse regiments; so did all other nations at the time including Britain and the USA. In 1939 over 50% of the German war machine was drawn by horses.
The Poles operated a modern navy of five submarines, four destroyers, six mine sweepers and a mine layer. Poland's navy continued to fight long after their capital fell in October 1939. Over 6 months later on April 8, 1940 the German transport Rio de Janeiro was sunk in the Baltic by the Polish submarine Orzel.
The Poles had an air fleet of over 1,000 aircraft. These included long range medium bombers (suitable only for aggressive warfare). The advanced P.37 'Elk' medium bomber was considerably faster than its German counterpart the Heinkel HE 111H-16.
The premier fighter of the Polish Air Force was the nimble PZL P.11 was more than a formidable adversary against its German equivalents. The downing of 285 Luftwaffe aircraft during the brief campaign is testimony to Poland's military airborne abilities.
Whilst some of Germany's superior military achievements are highlighted what isn't mentioned is that unlike Poland with just the one border to defend the Germans needed to simultaneously protect their western borders from France and Britain.
The Poles did fight bravely under the illusion that British an French promises to come to their aid would be fulfilled. Sadly the French didn't have enthusiasm beyond talking a good fight; Britain likewise failed to send the promised hardware.
John Colville, Churchill's private secretary, on July 12th recorded a very revealing conversation that he had with the British neo-autocrat Winston Churchill. "He emphasised that the great invasion scare (which he had derided six weeks earlier) is serving a most useful purpose: it is well on the way to providing us with the finest offensive army, and is keeping every man and woman tuned to a high pitch of readiness.
He does not wish the (fifth column) scare to abate therefore, and although personally he doubts whether invasion is a serious menace, he intends to give that impression, and to talk about long and dangerous vigils, etc, when he broadcasts on Sunday."
Even today the compliant Press re-cycle the German invasion myth despite knowing that it was and remains, union jack emblazoned codswhallop.
Very little happened between the British and French declaration of war on September 3 1939 and Germany's pre-emptive strike on 10th May 1940. Germany refused to be provoked into opening a western front. Correspondents called the stalemate 'the bore war'.
This hardly pleased the war lobby in France and Britain. These then conspired to broaden the front through Holland and Belgium, a ruse that as expected brought about a German military response.
Churchill was delighted when, to protect Germany's western borders from British and French aggression, German troops crossed into France. On that very day Churchill's war party ousted British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, the British warmonger and his henchmen was elated.
One of the great ironies of the Second World War was that unlike Winston Churchill Adolf Hitler was not only empowered in a legitimate election but was overwhelmingly popular. Churchill was never elected to be Britain's war leader. He assumed leadership after a House of Commons coup, backed by the Jewish financed war lobby.
The post war reputation of Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill is largely based on accounts written by brown-nose sycophants. Any impartial and considered analysis of his life reveals him as a thoroughly unwholesome character. A persistent drunkard who could drink most men under the table he was also your archetypical bungler. The more guileful Josef Stalin out-foxed the fat oaf of the Fifth Remove on every occasion.
Churchill was recently revealed, by none other than television journalist Jeremy Paxman, as having a penchant for wearing expensive female underwear. He also patronised gay orgies attended by members of the aristocracy – and London's underworld including the notorious gangsters, the Kray twins.
Still remembered are Churchill's inept military strategies such as the Gallipoli Campaign. He had little choice but to take complete responsibility for this 'cunning plan' which led to the total defeat and humiliation of the cream of the British Empire's armed forces. At Gallipoli the Turks inflicted 100,000 casualties on Churchill's forces.
Forced to resign his post as First Lord of the Admiralty and with his reputation in tatters he slunk off to the United States where, the less savvy Americans gave him some credit.
Always one for the good life Churchill constantly lived beyond his meagre means. Four years after his bus pass being issued; the old fool faced the loss of his country estate and imminent bankruptcy. Confronted by financial, social and political disgrace Churchill made himself available to the highest bidder, as many do even today. He too was a professional politician and ambitious opportunist ready to sell himself to the highest bidder
Who should appear on the horizon but one Henry Strakosch, a multi-millionaire Jewish gentleman who had made his pile from the near slave conditions of South Africa's diamond mines.
There being no such thing as a free lunch there had to be a catch when anyone, but most of all a Jewish millionaire bails you out. The half-American sot soon found he was richer by a cool ?150,000. Work that out in today's money and you will draw breath. We can bet he did. That kind of money buys you a lot of claret, cigars, silken pantaloons. It even buys you a war.
The catch was of course the warlike lobby's need for someone with the oratory skills, charisma and connections to skilfully pull together their 'War with Germany' lobby.
They got what they wanted and Churchill got what he wanted; political and financial salvation. He had been well and truly bought. The Jewish manna now cascaded into the arms of the warmongers lobby. While 'Tommy' was called to arms, the Members of Parliament and other assorted parasitical riff-raff were called to their stockbrokers' offices. A fortune was to be made in the armaments and related industries. MPs of all persuasions were heavy investors in the arms industry.
As opportunist and chameleon-like as ever, Churchill the party-hopping pill-popping cigar-smoking dilettante took up the war-cry: 'Delenda est Germania - Germany must be destroyed.' Could this really be the same 'man' who less than two years earlier had said of Adolf Hitler: "If our country were defeated, I hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations." A pity that Adolf Hitler didn't offer a bigger bribe to Churchill than did the war lobbyists.
On September 17th the Soviet Union invaded Poland and eleven days later Poland's independence ended. The Soviet Union's invasion of that country raised not a murmur of protest from London.
When Polish General Kazimeirz Sosnkowski, the Supreme Commander of the Polish troops, reminded his soldiers that 'Poland entered this war because of the urging of Great Britain, it was at Winston Churchill's insistence that the outspoken Supreme Commander was deprived of his command.
Eight weeks later the Soviet Union invaded Finland. Winston Churchill's coalition government also declared war on this hapless Scandinavian state that had a few years earlier in the gallant 'Winter War' defended its territory so fearlessly against the might of the Red Army.
On November 26, 1912, an editorial writer of the London Times, in a lucid moment, asked the direct question: "Who, then, makes war?" The answer is to be found in the Chancelleries of Europe, among the men who have too long played with human lives as pawns in a game of chess, who have become so enmeshed in formulas and the jargon of diplomacy that they have ceased to be conscious of the poignant realities with which they trifle
And thus war will continue to be made, until the great masses who are the sport of the professional schemers and dreamers say the word which will bring, not eternal peace, for that is impossible, but a determination that wars shall be fought only in just and righteous and vital cause."
- SAVED BY HITLERA major tactical error on Hitler's part was his reluctance to wage war beyond that which was necessary to secure his country's borders. As late as 2004 it was conceded that whilst the Dunkirk evacuation was a disaster deliverance of tens of thousands of troops made it possible for Britain to carry on the war.
In explaining why Hitler intervened to allow the escape of 188,000 British and 150,200 French troops at Dunkirk, General Blumentritt said: "He then astonished us by speaking with admiration of the British Empire, of the necessity for its existence and of the civilisation that Britain had brought to the world.
He compared the British Empire with the Catholic Church - saying they were both essential elements of stability in the world. He said that all he wanted from Britain was that she should acknowledge Germany's position on the continent.
The return of Germany's lost colonies would be desirable but not essential, and he would even offer to support British troops, if she should be involved in any difficulties anywhere. He concluded by saying that his aim was to make peace with Britain, on a basis that she would regard as compatible with her honour to accept."
Blumentritt added, "The German generals in charge were dumbfounded and outraged at Hitler's attitude in thus preventing them from pressing an advantage which they believed would result in the capture of the entire British Expeditionary Force. But Hitler was adamant in his refusal and issued the most peremptory orders for the German armoured forces to stay at a distance while the British embarkation went on." – Over The Hill, Sir Basil Liddell Hart.
Thus the success of the British retreat at Dunkirk described as 'the miracle of Dunkirk' owes its miraculous nature to the French Army fighting a rearguard retreat while British troops escaped - and Hitler again behaving in a characteristically conciliatory way.
Referring to the romanticised official version of the retreat to Dunkirk Edward R. Morrow, CBS correspondent in London wrote, "There is a tendency to call the withdrawal a victory and there will be disagreement on that point."
As the British retreat to Dunkirk turned into a rout certain British Army units used dum-dum bullets against advancing German troops. They had also been ordered not to take any prisoners except for interrogation. Dum-dum bullets expand on impact; survival is highly unlikely as the entire area struck explodes. They are banned under the Geneva Convention.
This behaviour so infuriated one SS Unit that it retaliated by shooting a number of captured British soldiers; members of the Warwickshire Regiment.
Not everyone in Britain was prepared to 'fight them on the beaches.' As the British Expeditionary Force retreated towards Dunkirk the Duke of Windsor was quickly appointed Governor of the Bahamas and the gold reserves of the Bank of England were shipped off to Ottawa.
Alfred Duff Cooper, the Minister of Information sent his son Julius to Canada. Some Minister of Information! He forgot to tell anyone he had done so.
Those parents who could afford it shipped their families out to America or the Commonwealth. Various Royal Navy ships were placed on standby to evacuate members of the Royal Family and various key members of the government to the United States.
In P. Addison's analysis, The Fears that Flawed the Finest Hour we learn that in June, July and August of 1940, 'over 6,000 children took part in the exodus of the rich'. Phillip Knightley the acclaimed military historian said, "The working class began to feel, with some justification, that the rich had plans to get out whilst the going was good."
Statesmen will einvent cheap lies, putting blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception." - Mark Twain, Chronicle of Young Satan
Government promoted Fifth Column hysteria in France reached such ludicrous levels that one commentator, Margery Allingham in The Oaken Heart surmised: "The weekly comic papers had nothing on the new Jerry in the matter of invention."
Not so funny were the tragic consequences of public apprehension and panic. In France thousands of perfectly innocent people were slaughtered when French military units were given carte blanche to summarily shoot any persons unable to account for their presence in any given district.
In a single incident twenty-two people were casually executed in the small town of Abbeville. Specialist historians such as James Hayward believe that thousands more were slaughtered in woodlands and at the side of roads.
That downed German aircrews were taken into custody and ended up in POW camps is a myth. The commonplace procedure was to execute them on the spot.
There was little ceremony to these brutal killings. Indeed the invasion gave the perfect excuse for an orgy of bloodlust and the selection of victims was casual. In one hospital a dispenser had five people shot, one a beautiful young girl. Their 'crime'? They were said to have shown lights and curtains of different colours. More French civilians died at the hands of their own countrymen and the allies than were ever killed by the Germans.
"The widespread killing of suspected fifth columnists in France, Belgium and Holland, invariably on the basis of little or no evidence, reflects credit on no one, including the British Expeditionary Force. The fact that the total number of killings and summary executions probably ran into the low thousands during a campaign which lasted little more than a month is particularly disturbing." - James Hayward, Myths and Legends of the Second World War.
Most people from the Prince of Wales and former Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin to the man in the street were opposed to waging war on Germany. These included such luminaries as Prime Minister Ramsey MacDonald, Sir Samuel Hoare, Sir John Simon, Lord Hartwood, Lord Lothian, Lord Rothermere. Lord Arnold, Captain Bernard Ackworth, Prof. Sir Raymond Beazley, Mr. C.E Carroll, and Sir. John Smedley Crooke, M.P.
Mr. W.H. Dawson, Admiral Sir, Barry Domville, Mr. A.E.R Dyer, Lord Fairfax of Cameron, Viscount Hardinge of Penshurst, Mr. F.C Jarvis, Mr. Douglas Jerrold, Sir. John Latta, Prof. A.P Laurie, The Marquess of Londonderry, Vice-Admiral V.B Molteno, Captain A.H Maule Ramsey, M.P.
Mr. Wilmot Nicholson, Lord Redesdale, Captain Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers, Capt. Arthur Rogers, OBE, Major-Gen, Arthur Solly-Flood, Mrs. Nesta Webster, Mr. Bernard Wilson.
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's heart wasn't in a war with Germany. On his return from Munich the war lobby denounced him for having negotiated a peaceful settlement. Communists and warmongers were incensed when they learned that war had been avoided.
The British Prime Minister's effigy was burned in Moscow; an expression of the Communist Party's displeasure at his avoiding war. However, the public was right behind the hapless British Prime Minister. In October 1939 he conceded that "In three days last week I had 2,450 letters, and 1,860 (76%) of these were 'stop the war', in one form or another."
So much for the so-called 'peoples war.'
Lord Lothian in his last speech to Chatham House was absolutely right when he remarked: "If the principle of self-determination had been applied in Germany's favor as it was applied against her, it would have meant the return of the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, parts of Poland, the Polish Corridor and Danzig to the Reich."
Sir Philip Gibbs was generous in his praise of the conciliatory German leader. "Hitler," he said, "has given new hope to humanity. His points are inspired by a most generous spirit which, if accepted, will surely blow away the dark fears."
A woman was sentenced to a term of imprisonment for publicly criticising Stalin and the 'heroic' Red army as murderers, which they undoubtedly were. 'Uncle Joe' was portrayed as England's kindly ally against 'the German beasts'.
As a matter of real politik the USSR remained an ally of Hitler's Reich for 22-months. The German leader's defensive strategy exposed the media to excessive mendacity. Here were two political systems, in their view one good and one bad, whose equal actions called for unequal explanations.
Whereas Uncle Joe Stalin could do no wrong the German leader could do no right. The sublime descended to the ridiculous. Britain without bothering with normal parliamentary procedures declared war on Germany in response to Polish aggression but a couple of weeks later assisted the USSR when it too invaded Poland. Double standards of course but had Britons questioned them they would have been gaoled; and they were.
Poland was hardly the innocent victim the media makes it out to be. One of the best-kept secrets of the war is that it was Poland, encouraged by Britain that mobilised first. Furthermore Poland egged on by Britain and in defiance of the Versailles Treaty blockaded the free German City of Danzig and the Corridor itself.
The Germans were responding to months if not years of Polish threats made against German territory. There had been many armed incursions by Polish armed forces, atrocities committed against the German section living in Poland, and avoidance of talks and agreements.
It might also be remembered that not only was Poland already occupying German territory seized as reparations after World War One. As recently as three months earlier it had invaded and occupied their Czechoslovakian neighbour.
When the Soviet Union with no such justification at all launched an almost simultaneous attack on Poland Winston Churchill was at his fawning double-standards best. "In a speech broadcast on October 1st 1939 this wretched British Minister apologised for their occupation of Eastern Poland. Prime Minister Chamberlain not to be outdone in brown-nosing the Soviet dictator told the House of Commons that the Soviet invasion was 'an act of self defence' though Poland had never acted aggressively towards the USSR. Pass the bucket!
BOUGHT FOR ?50,000
On July 22nd 1936, at a small dinner in north London, it was put to Winston Churchill by various wealthy businessmen that they might finance him. One of those present was the Vice-Chairman of the Board of (Jewish) Deputies, Sir Robert Wale Cohen.
His biography was published in an authorised version by Robert Henriques. In it he openly boasts at this dinner the group put up ?50,000 to finance a secret group to keep Churchill afloat, provided he turned his magnificent oratory, his brilliant writing talents away from the targets at the time, which were India and defence, and direct his canon squarely upon their enemy, Nazi Germany. The pressure group was given he title The Focus.
Note the date: October 3rd 1938 (four days after the signing of the Munich Agreement (of peace in Europe). "Poor Edward (General Sir Edward Spears). Now there's bound to be a General election, and now faced with the prospect of losing ?2,000 a year from the Czechs. Can you believe it? And his seat in parliament!" – The American novelist and wife of Sir Edward bemoaning the fact that her husband would no longer be receiving Czech bribes for his anti-German stance.
"In the files (Boston University, Massachusetts) I found a telephone call from the Czech Ambassador, Mr Jan Masaryk made in September 1938 in Prague, saying 'Mr Churchill is asking for more. Mr Atlee is asking for more as well!'
These Czech files revealed that 2 million pound had already been sent from Prague to London in July 1938 for the bribing of 'influential opposition Conservative MPs'. These included Mr Churchill, Anthony Eden and Harold Macmillan; all became prime ministers.
Roosevelt's America was far from being a generous friend to war-torn Britain. In Britain's hour of need he sent 50 old frigates and destroyers to Britain. Some were so useless that they had already been taken out of service.
In exchange Britain ceded to the Americans seven Caribbean naval bases and a Canadian naval base. We wonder how many British lives had been lost in claiming these territories for the then British Empire.
Sure enough, America was happy to supply Churchill's warring Britain with everything it needed, at a price. Britain paid through its gold and dollar reserves, and the liquidation of its substantial commercial interests in the USA. By 1941, before America had even joined the international mugging of Germany, Britain was a busted flush.
The Lend Lease Agreement is often painted up as an act of American generosity, special relations and all that fanciful nonsense from the bison's backside. Roosevelt was a little more transparent: 'The United States would be repaid after the war, 'in similar materials or, at our option, in other goods of many kinds which they can produce and which we need.'
Roosevelt also said that he wanted to see the post war dismantling of the British Empire. And so while the British Forces were dying to preserve the British Empire against a 'foe' who had offered to defend it with German troops if need be, Churchill was selling the Empire to finance his foul war. You have a right to be confused, until you see the big picture!
The Lend Lease Agreement Britain required Britain to abandon Imperial Preference, our system of nil or reduced tariffs in trade within our Empire. This would give the United States equality of trade in our territorial possessions, for which they had shed not an ounce of American blood. With friends like America who needs enemies?
Adolf Hitler was the only prominent figure of the period that never had a bank account or cheque book. He refused to be subsidised by the State and his income was derived from his own writings.
"As long as I am here, there will be no war," said Edward, the then Prince of Wales. From the moment he uttered these fateful words to Prime Minister Mr. Stanley Baldwin there was no possibility of him becoming King.
"So you see, my dear Coningsby, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.' – Coningsby by Benjamin Disraeli, 1844 (Sidonia, otherwise Lionel Rothschild, son of Nathan Rothschild II is speaking to Coningsby (Disraeli).
During the war, thousands of British people were gaoled under a hastily contrived piece of legislation called 'Regulation 18B'. Those imprisoned without trial and denied the right to defend themselves were condemned as either sympathetic towards National Socialism or simply opposed to war with Germany. In dawn raids they were rounded up and it was said 'that every decoration from the Victoria Cross downwards could be seen on the prison yard at Brixton'.
Lord Jowett, The Lord Chancellor to the House of Lords, sympathized with these thousands of prisoners of conscience. "Let us be fair to these people who were imprisoned under 18B, and let us remember that they have never been accused of any crime; not only have they not been convicted of any crime, but they have never been accused of any crime. This should be remembered in all fairness to them."
The largest indoor meeting ever held in Britain occurred when over 20,000 people packed Earls Court in London. They were there to support a peace meeting organized by the British Union. Sir Anti-war sentiment in France was similar. Eric Phipps, Britain's Ambassador to France wrote, "All that is best in France is against war, almost at any price."
"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by the sign that the dunces are all in a conspiracy against him." – Jonathan Swift
Following the defeat of France in 1940 Feldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel and French General Charles Huntziger faced each other with tears in their eyes. The German Field Marshall declared to his opposite number: 'I cannot, as a soldier, let this occasion pass by without expressing to you my sympathy for the sad moments you have experienced as a Frenchman. You can be comforted however by knowing, as I state it here expressly, that your soldiers have fought with their usual gallantry.' Both soldiers then exchanged a long handshake.
Six years later, in identical circumstances, the victorious vengeful allies crudely hanged this great German Field Marshall. His last words were: "I call on the Almighty. May he have mercy on the German people and show them tenderness. More than two million German soldiers have died for their Fatherland and preceded me. I follow my own sons. All for Germany!"
Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery on June 9th 1948, said: "The Nuremberg Trials have made the waging of an unsuccessful war a crime; the generals on the defeated side were tried and then hanged."
On 20th January 1943 Joseph E. Davis, U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union (1936/38) disclosed that Adolf Hitler, the elected head of the German State offered to retire if by doing so Germany could make peace with Britain. His offer was rejected and as a consequence millions of lives on all sides were needlessly lost.
If as we are now told the 'holocaust' was at its most terrifying during this period it defies logic to refuse the German leader's resignation giving thus an opportunity to end the war forthwith. Imagine! six million Jewish lives that could have been saved by the allies – unless of course the gas chambers were as illusory as Saddam's equally illusory weapons of mass destruction.
Adolf Hitler is invariably described as a dictator. In fact he was the only war leader who was legitimately and overwhelmingly elected in a free vote by his people.
The election on July 31st 1932 was a major victory for the National Socialists. They polled 13,574,000 votes. With 38% of the total votes cast NSDAP became the largest Party in the Reichstag with 230 seats. The Social Democrats had 133 seats and the Communists just 89. On January 30th Adolf Hitler was democratically appointed Chancellor of Germany.
At the polls of March 5th the NSDAP polled 17,277,180 votes; an increase of 5.5 million bringing their voting percentage up to 44%. In coalition with the Nationalists who had polled 3,136,760 votes this showed an overwhelming majority of Germans had made their preference for German nationalism clear.
In Adolf Hitler's first appeal to the German nation on February 1st 1933 he asked to be allowed just four years in order to carry out the task of national reconstruction. On March 29th 1936 the German nation was given the opportunity to express their approval or disapproval of the National Socialist State.
TOTAL QUALIFIED VOTES 45,453,691 TOTAL VOTES CAST 45,001,489 (99%) VOTES 'NO' OR INVALID 540,211 VOTES FOR HITLER'S NSDAP 44,461,278 (98.8%)
THE SAAR TERRITORY: The Versailles Treaty had deprived Germany of the Saar territory falsely claiming that the region was French with a French population of 150,000. In fact the French population was just 2,000 and for every French citizen in the Saar there were 250 Germans living there.
On January 13th 1935 the electorate was asked whether they wished to remain French become part of Hitler's Third Reich.
On March 13th 1938 the Austrian Government enacted a plebiscite for the reunion of Austria with the Third Reich. On 18th March 1938 Hitler dissolved the Reichstag and announced conformity with the plebiscite, which was called on April 10th 1938.
"Most foreign observers present in Vienna that day accepted that the polling had been free from any open intimidations." - Gordon Brook-Shepherd, British Correspondent.
"The papers conducted by Lord Rothermere and Lord Beaverbrook are not newspapers in the ordinary acceptance of the term. They are engines of propaganda, for the constantly changing policies, desires, personal wishes, personal likes and dislikes of two men... it is power without responsibility" - Stanley Baldwin, British Prime Minister
Adolf Hitler introduced the superior barter system of trade and variable Deutsche mark trading rates. Such innovation gave Germany a trading advantage over Britain's complex usury-linked system. Germany's economic success caused the British establishment to glow 'incandescent with indignation' This was the true reason for Britain's belligerency for people won't give their sons lives for trade wars; The Second World War needed to be dressed up as a patriotic war.
Hitler's Germany had never expressed any criticism of Britain, had never threatened Britain, and had no designs on Britain. British historians never show examples of German hostility towards Britain simply because it didn't exist.
The German people and their leadership admired the British Empire and looked upon their British cousins as blood brothers with a common heritage. Defending Poland was merely the pretext for a war to remove a more successful competitor.
Ironically changing circumstances led to Britain adopting the German leader's innovative trading system. Many people thought it strange that after years of demonising Germany's trading methods as being unfair Britain adopted them herself.
On March 5th 1940 the British Export Council's White Paper admitted: "The Council places no limits on the expedients they would be prepared to consider, involving barter arrangements and trade negotiations and insurance facilities (such as guaranteed export credits) for foreign trade."
From this point on there were devised two different valued pounds: one pegged at $4.02 for the home market and the other a 'free' pound sterling which dropped the first week of April 1940 to $3.44. This was virtually identical to the German practice of assigning the mark a different value depending on where it was being spent.
If you can't fight them join them. Adopting the same trading practices as Hitler's Germany 'neutral U.S.A.' then assisted Britain in buying Latin American raw materials at advantageous prices and then literally burning them. This was termed the 'Buy and Burn Policy.' The U.S. also proscribed 1,800 South American firms thus preventing them from trading with Hitler's Germany.
In the summer of 1940, when the world stood on the brink of disaster, Britain was 'at bay' and France, Poland, the Low Countries, Denmark, Norway were all in German hands, the German Leader offered peace terms that were so generous that if you were allowed to read them you would ask, 'well what on earth went wrong?'
On July 19th 1940 the German Leader rose to address the Reichstag in Berlin. In the Kroll Opera House ablaze with flowers, the Fuhrer set out his peace terms saying, "In this hour I feel it to be my duty before my own conscience to appeal once more to reason and common-sense in Great Britain . . . I consider myself in a position to make this appeal I am not the vanquished seeking favours but the victor speaking in the name of reason. I see no reason why this war must go on. I am grieved to think of the sacrifices which it will claim. I would like to avert them."
Hitler then declared that he was prepared to pull out of all these countries, and Czechoslovakia; all except those regions which were historically German and accepted as such under international law. Through his emissaries the fuehrer made approaches through all the usual diplomatic procedures, in an effort to placate the British un-elected British Government and to avoid further bloodshed.
Who rejected these peace offerings? Why have the facts been made available only through German, Swedish and the American archives? Why, none other than Winston Churchill and his warmonger cabinet of course.
He had just been handed supreme power, he would be a dead-end premier, the Focus Group of warmongers would be thwarted; as would everyone who wanted a central European war and the carve ups that would follow. Churchill got his war! Fifty million people would lose their lives, many of Europe's fines cities would be reduced to rubble, and eleven formerly free countries would be ceded to the Soviet slave regime.
Britain would sacrifice 350,000 lives, 290,000 servicemen and sailors, 60,000 civilians. Hitler prophesied that the war would cost Britain its Empire. Hitler was of course right.
Yet within a short time the vanquished Germany population would be 20% richer than the British people and Britain's humiliating departure from the European exchange rate mechanism was a demonstration of the power of the German Mark
Sir Oswald Mosley who fought all the way to his prison cell to avoid war with Germany said twenty-five years after the war's end that 'the loss of the empire and the reduction of Britain to the position of an American satellite' would be the only clear result.' Again, he was right. They even threw this politician's young wife, and mother of infant children, into Holloway Prison. Her offence? Being his wife.
MURDERED?T.E Lawrence was undoubtedly one of the British Empire's iconic giants. He was an adventurer without equal in an age when great men were already ten a penny! His is a half-forgotten age of chivalry and derring do. This erudite graduate of Oxford University was engaged in archaeological explorations in Syria when World War One was unleashed upon the world and he was soon attached to British Forces in the Middle East.
His exploits as a guerrilla leader behind Turkish lines, and numerous acts of sabotage and diversion, soon became legendary and he quickly became a national hero. His adoption of Arab dress, with flowing robes and head-dress with Arabic daggers in his belt added to the legend of this gallant mystical warrior.
His mission was to stir up trouble among the Arab nations against the then Turkish Ottoman Empire which was allied to the German nation. Lawrence was held in the highest of esteem, Winston Churchill among many other notables was unstinting in his admiration. Books and articles about his exploits were eagerly awaited.
When the war ended the heroic figure disappeared into obscurity. He was known to be very disappointed in the terms of the Balfour Declaration which betrayed Arab interests in favour of the unfair Jewish-inspired claim to Palestinian homeland, which was to become Israel.
Living quietly in his austere Dorset cottage he at first wrote an account of his wartime experiences among his Arab friends, but then enlisted in the RAF as a humble aircraftsman. Such was his maverick temperament and keen intellect that he found it difficult to mix and was disliked by jealous fellow servicemen and his commanding officers.
As a 'ranker' Lawrence remained an enigmatic brooding figure who remained tacitly in contact with those in the highest political and military circles, as well as with literary giants of his age. In respect of the latter he carried on voluminous correspondence. Such a national hero holding strong views could easily have become a thorn in the side of the establishment, and many believed this is what happened.
Years of apparent obscurity passed by and then in May 1935 Britain was stunned by the news that their desert hero had been fatally injured when he crashed his 1,000cc Brough Superior motorbike near his cottage home at Bovington, Devon.
Press reports at the time claimed that Lawrence had swerved to avoid two cycling schoolboys. That sadly he couldn't avoid hitting one of whom was seriously injured. It was then that the plot thickened.
Years later evidence relating to the crash that had hitherto been suppressed began to surface. Revealed were the vital clues to a mysterious black car that had been deliberately ignored at Lawrence's strange 'official' inquest, at the insistence of MI5 the British secret service.
Rodney Legg, a Dorset historian in a book written about the war hero's death, claims that the mysterious black car was in fact driven by MI5 hit men who had deliberately knocked Lawrence off his bike. Legg claimed he had unearthed startling new evidence that Lawrence was a victim of what was euphemistically called 'The old firm', and there were important reasons for this.
Actually this wasn't new evidence and suspicions of a similar nature had been doing the rounds since the hero's death. The background to events may provide far more than circumstantial evidence that he was murdered by the state apparatus.
T.E Lawrence was a very close friend of Henry Williamson, the renowned Nobel Prize winner, author of Tarka the Otter and numerous articles in which he recounted his experiences in Flanders during World War One. Like so many others of his generation and experiences, Williamson had emerged as an unrepentant admirer of the German servicemen and their country.
In common with many great contemporary intellectuals such as Robert Graves the equally revered author was determined that Britain should never again engage in a fratricidal war with the German side of our Aryan family of nations.
He was also a close friend and admirer of Sir Oswald Mosley and active in the British Union of Fascists, a decided threat to both the British establishment and to the Jewish/Marxist quest for world power.
It is highly significant that at the time of the crash Lawrence was on his way to visit Williamson at his home in North Devon. They had arranged a meeting to discuss details of a proposed meeting with Adolf Hitler. The German Chancellor was similarly apprehensive about the British war lobby's sabre rattling.
Equally significant, T.E Lawrence, still a national hero, was about to declare himself publicly as a Mosley supporter and join the ranks of the BUF with many other ex-servicemen. The adherence of such a famed national hero to the one party that stood against war would undoubtedly have been a huge boost to the fortunes of the Mosley movement. This was the last thing the war lobby wanted.
After the crash the two schoolboys were kept under hospital surveillance for sometime after the 'accident'. One of them had been knocked unconscious and later claimed to remember nothing. The other claimed to have heard the motorbike approaching behind them but hadn't looked around, which seems peculiar. Even more unusually the parents of both boys were denied access to their cildren for some days.
What is of decisive importance in solving the mystery of Lawrence's sudden death is that the manufacturer of the Brough motorcycle discovered flecks of black paint on Lawrence's machine, which could have only come from a motorcar? This confirmed that a black car had been involved in the crash.
But, the motorbike maker, according to his claims made years later, had been ordered by MI5 to keep his lips firmly closed about this. Brough's widow also later confirmed in a letter that her husband had been pressurised not to mention the fragments of black paint, and he was told that he was not to attend the inquest.
Equally controversially the investigation into Lawrence's death was not conducted by the local police, the normal procedure, but by MI5 officials who surrounded Bovington military camp where the inquest was held. One can only wonder why such extreme measures were taken for what was claimed to be a simple accident. What was there to hide?
Nevertheless, one serving soldier stationed at Bovington did claim to have seen a black car at the scene of the accident. This soldier, Private Catchpole, was so unnerved by his cross examination – or subsequent events – that he conveniently shot himself.
The historian who asked this question, John Charmley went on to say: "If I was fought to save Poland's independence it failed. If it was fought to keep totalitarianism out of Europe it failed. If it was fought to keep Britain an independent power it failed."
One of Winston Churchill's first acts upon becoming (un- elected) Primer Minister in May 1940 was to halt all intelligence surveillance on Soviet suspects. This led to the wholesale infiltration of MI5 and MI6 by the Russians throughout the 1940s. Britain's head of MI6/SIS in the Iberian Peninsular was none other than the notorious British-Soviet spy, Kim Philby.THE PRIME MINISTER'S
SILK KNICKERS?When during a session of University Challenge the television show's host, the top television presenter Jeremy Paxman, asked, "Which statesman during the 1920s found he was in debt because he liked to buy women's pink silk pantaloons" the normally erudite students were stumped for an answer. There was considerable consternation when he revealed (if you will excuse the terminology) that it was none other than Winston Churchill.
Keith Moss, a member of the International Churchill Society 'gasped at any suggestion that his idol could have been a fetishist.' Historian Kenneth Rose said that it might have been a reference to Churchill investing in firms that made women's clothing, in which case the question was perhaps indelicate.
Both pundits might have been better informed by referring to the book, Winston Churchill, as I Knew Him, Violet Bonham Carter. In it she concedes that 'Churchill's pale pink underclothes were made in very finely woven silk.' She added that he spent something like ?80 on them.
Even today such a sum of money would be considered expensive for all but the most self indulgent. At the time ?80 was the equivalent to about sixteen weeks of a working man's hard life. Questioned by Miss Bonham Carter Churchill had replied that the 'garments were essential to my wellbeing. "The delicate skin on one small part of my anatomy demanded the finest covering." Such then is the 'man' so many gave their lives for, whose decisions and calamities brought death and misery to millions and whom a few sycophants today revere.
How many of you are old enough to remember the glove puppet Larry the Lamb and the Mayor of Toy Town who featured in the BBC's Children's Hour programme? The hand in the glove was that of one Norman Shelley. It was the same Shelley who broadcast those riveting 'Churchillian' BBC speeches such as 'If the British Empire and its Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years men will say, this was their finest hour!' Correction, it was Larry the Lamb's finest hour.
Winston Churchill during the evenings at his country bunkers was far too bladdered to make speeches other than slurred ones.
Fine, but whose beaches and when? Churchill's stirring words were lifted almost word for word from a rallying call by Garibaldi, the Italian nationalist, during the mid-19th Century.
Much has been made of the German-Soviet Pact and the apparent hypocrisy of Hitler's Germany in signing it. As usual it is half the story. The Reich, then encircled by belligerent France, Britain, Poland and Czechoslovakia, forged the pact with the USSR to cover its back against a British attack, which at the time was imminent.
It was in fact one of the richest pieces of sour grapes in the history of international relations. The British leaders had been just as eager as the Germans to negotiate a deal with Stalin up to the outbreak of war in September 1939.
If the deal struck first by the faster thinking German leader was such an ignoble act why had the British tried so hard to achieve the alliance themselves?
The architects of the Second World War talked it up as 'The Peoples' War'. This was the politicians' crafty way of making sure that those who did the working, the paying, the bleeding and the dying were – the people.
Those who could see through it and resisted went off to the gaols and the internment camps under the 'Regulation 18b' rule. If indeed it was the peoples' war then it failed spectacularly. Apart from the privations and sacrifices suffered by the people of all the nations dragged into World War Two, at the close of the conflict eleven formerly free nations were unceremoniously handed over to the USSR (The Union of Soviet Slave Republiks) and their elected representatives were hanged or summarily shot to pieces. So much for its war aims of bringing democracy to Europe. So much for the people!
"This war is a mistake; we will only bring disaster if we enter it; we will do no good to either Europe or ourselves. No one, not even in Germany, was more responsible for the conditions, which caused this war than England and France. They declared war without consulting us." – Charles A. Lindbergh, American flying ace.
"The Soviet Army was not taken off guard as is often believed. Stalin had amassed approximately four and a half million men in the western frontier area – a million and a half more men than made up the German attack forces. Whole Russian units surrendered almost without fighting and thus enabled other units, divisions, and corps to be surrounded and captured." – Thomas J. Haas.
Sefton Delmer, head of British research for propaganda broadcasts, told his staff: "Above all, precision! We should never lie accidentally or out of carelessness, but always intentionally and deliberately."
When Germany retaliated against Polish aggression untold numbers of innocent people were arrested or killed on little or no evidence. In the Polish town of Thorn 34 people were shot for allegedly signaling with mirrors and flags.
Despite the fact that there were Germans fighting in the Polish armed forces, an estimated 7,000 German civilians, many of them children, were slaughtered for no other reason than their being German.
At the last count there have been 312 books written on movie star legend Marilyn Monroe. This puts her well ahead of Winston Churchill in terms of popularity for bookshelf space.
Winston Churchill group of first name friends included the notorious homosexual playwright Noel Coward and other equally notorious promiscuous and predatory homosexuals. They were regular guests at the home of English writer Somerset Maughan.
The pair often visited the English writer's Cote d'Azur home. There, nude bathing in the company of naked young men was encouraged and a blind eye turned to the inevitable romps and other debaucheries. Somerset Maughan was also an agent and was on The German Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels death list for his spying activities. Churchill was despised at Marrakesh in Morocco where he was delivered of small Arab boys for his pleasures.
None of Europe's leading Fascist leaders, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini or General Franco, smoked. The German Leader was a committed anti-tobacco activist. Being an ascetic, Hitler says: 'I like to have my enemies smoke as much as possible, but I do not like to have my friends smoke.' But their allied tormentors all smoked and did so and very heavily.
Nor did the Fascist leaders drink alcohol. Hitler never drank anything stronger than his private near- beer at 1.5% alcohol content.
Yet Franklin D. Roosevelt was an exceptionally heavy drinker, favouring Manhattan and Martini cocktails. Stalin was never far from a bottle and often drunk. But unlike Winston Churchill, who was a notorious sot the Soviet dictator did so only when he wasn't working.
Adolf Hitler's government also took measures to stop their citizens' exposure to lead, petrochemical dyes, preservatives and pesticides. They were the first to link asbestos with cancer and published the first manuals on how women could perform breast self-examination decades before the 'democracies' did so.
"People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election." – Otto von Bismarck, German Chancellor
Having secured Germany's borders Adolf Hitler paid a personal visit to the tomb of Marshall Pilsudski, the renowned Polish President. The Fuhrer, bare headed and with military cap in hand, paid silent respect for several minutes. In 1940 after the fall of France the German leader made a similar chivalrous gesture when visiting the tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte.
As a remarkable further gesture of reconciliation Adolf Hitler ordered that the remains of Napoleon's son, the ill-fated Napoleon 11, be removed from its burial chamber in Vienna and re-interred at Les Invalides in Paris.
There has never been much of a secret as to why Adolf Hitler's deputy, Rudolf Hess, flew solo to England to offer peace terms. The reason he was denied freedom and then murdered by British agents after forty years in captivity was because he alone could reveal the real reason for his amazing flight.
All was revealed recently on German NTV television in the programme 'Technik and Trends.' During the interview with the English Historian Martin Allen, it was disclosed that according to documents he had discovered in British Archives, Rudolf Hess flew to Great Britain with Hitler's knowledge and with a 7 Point peace plan from Hitler in his pocket. The German Leader's Peace Plan included:
a) The withdrawal of all German Troops from Poland, Belgium, France & Holland.
b) Reimbursement for war damage to those countries
c) Total German disarmament
d) The destruction of all German war weaponry.
This offer threw the British Government into turmoil. Churchill's hastily improvised government had by then reached the point of no return. They were already hell bent on destroying a system superior to their own and which presented itself as a major competitor for Britain's markets. As in the war against Iraq the hand of Israel was also holding the baton.
"I FELL ON MY KNEES AND THANKED GOD!"When the 1914-1918 war broke out, a war described by Field-Marshall Lord Allenby as a lengthy period of general insanity', Hitler, believing the war would set everything to right expressed himself thus: "For me it was a deliverance. I am not ashamed to say it today: I fell on my knees and thanked God.'
Ordinarily Hitler need not have been destined for the armed forces as for many years he had been afflicted with tuberculosis. However on the 5th February 1914, months before war broke out and without there being any necessity for him to take up arms in defence of his country the twenty-four year old Adolf Hitler applied for military service and was turned away as 'Unfit for the army or auxiliary corps. Too weak. Rejected.'
Passionate as always about the unification of German blood then spanning the artificial state of Austria, the landlord of his Munich lodgings, Herr Popp, recalled the small plaque posted over his young lodger's bed. It read 'Freely with open heart we are waiting for you/Full of hope and ready for action/We are expecting you with joy/Great German Fatherland, we salute you'.
Here he lived in perfect obscurity, happy to spend his none labouring hours absorbed in studying, reading, composing poetry, and of course sketching, drawing and painting. The address was 34 Schliesshimerstrasse. One of the interesting quirks of history is that at number 106 lived the equally unknown (and unknown to each other) Ilyitch Ulyanov (Lenin).
Doing everything in his power to overturn this rejection, Adolf Hitler on the 3rd August 1914 sent a personal letter to the King of Bavaria begging him to be allowed to enlist as a volunteer. His plea was accepted and he joined the 6th battalion of the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment.
On 20th October 1914, during the German advance on France and confrontation with the equally belligerent 2,000,000 strong British army of the empire, Hitler in a letter to Frau Popp his landlady confessed: "I find it hard to contain my enthusiasm. How many times have I wished to test my strength and prove my national faith?"
For four long years Hitler fought along the frontline trenches of the Western Front's most furiously contested battlefronts. These apocalyptic conflicts included the names of places still renowned for their valour and sheer scale of lives lost. All grace the colours of many a regiment. Yser, Ypres, Flanders, Neuve Chapelle, La Bassee, Arras, Artuis, Somme, Fromelles, Alsace Lorraine, Aillette, Montdidier, Soissons, Rheims, Oise, Marne, Champagne, Vosle, Monchy, Bapaume.
During those terrible years the future leader of the German people displayed exemplary courage in a conflict that involved more than forty battles. He was wounded on 5th October 1916 and hospitalised for two months. Then he was back at the front until 15th October 1918 when he was hospitalised again, this time for gas poisoning.
Throughout the course of the war he was cited for valour and distinguished conduct in the field. He was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class on 2nd December 1914. He was also awarded the Bavarian Military Medal 3rd class with bar, and later the Iron Cross 1st class. He received, as did all wounded soldiers, the Cross of Military Merit.
Lieutenant Colonel Godin, in his official request that Hitler be awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class, stated: "He was a model of coolness and courage in both trench warfare and assault combat. He was always ready to volunteer for carrying messages in the most difficult and dangerous situations."
On awarding this recognition Colonel Anton Tubeuf further stated: "He was always ready to help out in any situation, always volunteered for the most difficult and most arduous, and the most dangerous missions, and to risk his life and wellbeing for the Fatherland. On a human level, I felt closer to him than to any of the other men."
Of him World War One veteran Colonel Spatny, then in command of the 16th Regiment, was equally affirmative: "Hitler inspired all his comrades. His fearless courage and devotion to duty, particularly in combat impressed them. His qualifications, modesty, and his admirable sobriety earned him the greatest respect of his comrades and superiors alike."
Werner Maser, former head of the Institute of Contemporary History at the University of Munich, has written a large neutral biography called Hitler, Legend, Myth and Reality (Harper and Row, 1971). The objective record is clear: "Hitler's wartime record - campaigns, decorations, wounds, periods in hospital and on leave, is fully documented. In addition there is evidence to show that he was comradely, level headed and an unusually brave soldier, and that a number of his commanding officers singled him out for special mention.
In 1922, at a time when Hitler was still unknown, General Friedrich Petz summarised the High Command's appreciation of the gallant and self-effacing corporal as follows: Hitler was quick in mind and body and had great powers of endurance. His most remarkable qualities were his personal courage and daring which enabled him to face any combat or perilous situation whatsoever."
Even those historians least favourably disposed towards Adolf Hitler, such as Joachim Fest, conceded that 'Hitler was a courageous and efficient soldier and was always a good comrade.' The same historian noted: "The courage and the composure with which he faced the most deadly fire made him seem invulnerable to his comrades. As long as Hitler is near us, nothing will happen to us, they kept repeating. It appears this made a deep impression on Hitler and reinforced his belief that he had been charged with a special mission."
John Toland, another respected but hardly revisionist historian wrote: "In the course of the preceding months he had escaped death on innumerable occasions. It was as though he had been wearing a good luck charm."
The noted French historian, Raymond Cartier ruefully mused that "Corporal Hitler was in all probability one of the German soldiers who got closest to Paris in 1918." In another of history's ironies Adolf Hitler was one of a patrol that nearly captured the French Premier Clemenceau, but that is another story.
The times that Hitler cheated death became a legend that has baffled historians ever since. Typically in one corner of conflict the troops of List Regiment were held down in shell craters, the trenches having already been destroyed, among the ruins of a village called Le Barque. Of the nine regimental couriers seven had just been killed. In the command post, such as it was, there were ten officers and two couriers. Suddenly a British bomb exploded at the entrance to the refuge. There was just one survivor, Adolf Hitler.
During his years at the front, as many pictures testify, Adolf Hitler far from being a loner was very comradely. Ever his own man his daily routines were characterised by civility. He never was known for embracing trench crudities or brothel humour, and was generous to a fault. Yet despite having a personality that usually draws disdain the soldier Adolf Hitler was highly respected by his comrades.
Even Sebastian Haffner, a Jewish writer and fanatical Hitler hater, was forced to admit "Hitler had a fierce courage unmatched by anyone at the time or since."
Another Jew by the name of Karl Hanisch, who shared lodgings with Hitler, recalled him as 'a pleasant and likeable man who took an interest in the welfare of all his companions.'
He late recalled that his fellow lodger "was neither proud nor arrogant, and he was always available and willing to help. If someone needed fifty hellers to pay for another night's lodging, Hitler would always give whatever he had in his pocket without another thought. On several occasions I personally saw him take the initiative and pass the hat for such a collection."
Hitler's war heroism is a matter of record and it was only when he entered politics, in a bid to stem his rising popularity, that is was ever questioned. Typically however detractors were forced to recant and pay damages. Historians have noted that Adolf Hitler was born poor and died poor. In fact he was the only statesman who never had a bank account.
Anti-Semitism is considered to be anything that even mildly criticises Israeli policy or the methods employed by Jews in their aspirations. Thus, the Jewish politician, entrepreneur or upwardly mobile can get away with anything knowing that no one – for fear of being labelled anti-Semitic – will expose or challenge him. Ironically, those who suffer the most at the hands of Israel are the Arabs – who are of course Semites! This is how the Israelis hi-jack a term to their own advantage. They are the biggest anti-Semites of all, and curse others with their affliction.
Under Hitler's regime, Jews in common with other non-Germans, lost their equal status to nationals. Yet in some regards they were better off in Germany than they were in Great Britain. By the same token Israelis in occupied Palestine are higher up the pecking order than Germans (and Palestinians) who might care to live there – now there's a thought. Racism or what?
Hitler was certainly hostile to international Jewry that had been the first to declare war on his nation; a rather predictable outcome. He was however a great lover of classical music and whenever he could he would attend Gustav Mahler orchestrations. Mahler was of course Jewish. Emile Maurice was not only a comrade from the earliest days but was a founder member of the NSDAP, and in fact shared imprisonment with the future fuehrer. He too was of Jewish lineage.
Adolf Hitler's family doctor (as a youngster) was Dr. Eduard Bloch of Linz. The doctor was a good practitioner who tended to waive substantial parts of his bill. He also treated the German leader's mother who sadly died in excruciating agony from the effects of breast cancer. His care was always appreciated and even as the leader of the German nation Adolf Hitler enquired as to Doctor Bloch's good health.
The doctor later said, "Some have put him down as harsh-voiced, defiant, and untidy; as a young ruffian who personified all that was unattractive. This is simply not true. As a youth he was quiet, well- mannered and neatly dressed. His eyes – inherited from his mother – were large, melancholy and thoughtful. To a very large extent this boy lived within himself. What dreams he dreamed I do not know."
Many Jews continued there professions throughout the Reich not only through the years leading up to Churchill's war but through it too. In fact, many served; faithfully it must be said, in the German armed forces.
If Churchill's Britain was embattled it wasn't necessarily the Germans who stood at the battlements. Perfidious Albion was forever turning his blind side to the fate of rebellious natives who were far more concerned about British aggression and occupation.
The British occupied Near East then as now was in flames. Since 1936 there had been three bloodthirsty conflicts between the Palestinians and their Jewish tormentors. India was increasingly restless and pressing for an early release from British occupation. The Japanese would soon enjoy great success in winning Indian hearts and minds.
In the first week of May 1942 the All-India Congress voted 176-4 to meet the threatened Japanese invasion with passive resistance. As usual such democracy in action wasn't to Churchill's taste. Whereas the media was always generous with news of German acts of repression it conveniently overlooked the anti-British riots of 1942 when over 400 Indians were cut down or injured.
There were disturbances in the West Indies that needed to be ruthlessly suppressed and in Ireland there was so much anti-British activity that German provocation was (wrongly) assumed to be behind it. In fact the Irish Troubles had been around for much longer than the newcomer on Britain's other flank
Note to ponder: Since the forced marriage (Legislative Union) between Britain and Ireland had taken place in 1801 the emerald isle had 'enjoyed' fifty-six years of martial law.
AND THE THIRD WORLDThe natural allies of the National Socialist Movement, in its struggle against international finance- capitalism and Bolshevism, were the nations of the Third World. Adolf Hitler predicted the rise of these nations and spoke of a true community of nations united in a common struggle against a common foe.
Every victory of National Socialist Germany was celebrated with rejoicing and enthusiasm throughout the Arab world, throughout the Indian subcontinent, in Turkestan and Soviet Asia in Iran, in Latin America and in a thousand places where oppressed peoples looked to the Third Reich and her allies as their deliverers from colonial bondage and Bolshevik terror.
Many thousands were not content to merely extend moral support and actually joined the National Socialist armed forces in regular and special units, carrying out missions and feats of great bravery.
Indians, Arabs, Berbers, Tartars, Cossacks and others fought and died beside their European comrades for the freedom of their countries and the New Order.
AGAINST THE THIRD WORLD"Moroccans, Berbers, Arabs, Negroes, &c., have all fallen victim to a foreign might, the swords of which, however, were not inscribed 'Made in Germany', but 'Made by the Democracies'." - Hitler's Reply to Roosevelt, Reichstag 28th April 1939
It is not often revealed by the opinion makers just how much severe economic, political and military pressure was exerted by the Western allies (in particular the United Kingdom and United States) upon the governments or leaders of such countries as Turkey, Lebanon, Chile, Syrian Egypt, India, Bolivia, Iran, Iraq etc., to try to involve them in the war against National Socialism and so help crush the brilliant new social experiment which had rendered redundant the old 19th century ideas of Marxism and finance-capitalism and seriously challenged the hegemony in the Western World.
Often the methods of intimidation against the Third World involved the assassination of patriotic leaders and armed invasion (as in Iraq) or mass arrests (as in India).
Even so, the Western powers were unsuccessful in their attempts to have the Third World contribute significantly to the war effort. Indeed, many Third World countries did nothing other than make a formal declaration of war against Germany after her military defeat had already been assured and the war was in effect over.
After the war, many Third World countries gave shelter and asylum to European patriots escaping from the kangaroo courts of their occupied homelands.
Later, many young Third World freedom fighters that had supported the National Socialist struggle rose to challenge the colonial exploitation to which their fathers had meekly submitted. These freedom fighters did not forget that the victorious allies conveniently broke or forgot their promises made during the war and – unlike the betrayed Poles, Ukrainians, Hungarians, and other Eastern European peoples – they were in a position to do something about it!
Listed here are some of the Third World national figures who resisted the attempts to involve their countries in the communist-capitalist crusade against National Socialist Germany.
Some of these great men simply wanted to keep out of the conflict and certainly not render any material or military aid to their colonial oppressors. Others, especially the younger activists and freedom fighters, took an active pro-National Socialist stance.
The list is by no means exhaustive and it should be remembered that for every Third World leader who fought and died many thousands of unnamed pro-National Socialists in the Third World fought and died for Germany throughout the Third World.
COUNTRY HITLER SUPPORTERS RANK India Subhas Chandra Bose Popular Leader India Mahatma Gandhi Political Leader Iran Rubollah Khomeini Religious Leader Turkey Ismet Inonu President Iraq Rashid Ali Premier Palestine Haj min al-Hussaini Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Argentina Juan Peron Vice President Chile Juan Rios President Egypt Abdul Nasser Popular Leader Syria Shukri el-Kuwatli Popular Leader Bolivia Victor Paz Estensoro Popular Leader Lebanon Khahil el-Khuri President Afghanistan Hasim Khan Prime Minister
USSR 20,000,000 USA 16.400,000 GERMANY 10,000,000 JAPAN 6,000,000 CHINA 5,000,000 FRANCE 5,000,000 UNITED KINGDOM 4,700,000 ITALY 4,500,000 YUGOSLAVIA 3,700,000 INDIA 2,400,000 POLAND 1,000,000 BELGIUM 800,000 CANADA 780,000 AUSTRALIA 680,000 ROMANIA 600,000 NETHERLANDS 500,000 BULGARIA 450,000 HUNGARY 350,000 FINLAND 250,000 BRAZIL 200,000 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 180,000 NEW ZEALAND 157,000 GREECE 150,000 SOUTH AFRICA 140,000 NORWAY 25,000 DENMARK 15,000 STRENGTH OF THE AXIS FORCES 25,800,000 STRENGTH OF THE ALLIED FORCES 58,100,000
"The choice was clearly open: crush them with vain and unstinting force, or try to give them what they want. These were he only alternatives and most people were unprepared for either. Here, indeed was the Irish spectre – horrid and in-exorcisable." Winston Churchill, The World Crisis and the Aftermath 1923-31.
"When I mentioned (speech in Des Moines 11/9/41) the three major groups agitating for war – the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt administration, the entire audience seemed to stand and cheer." – Charles A. Lindbergh, American flying ace.
The last months of 1940 saw Churchill's Britain (alone) facing bankruptcy. So far she had paid all of her food, shipping and munitions bills in cash. Churchill wrote a long begging letter to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt setting out his fears that Britain's was fast running out of money. Roosevelt responded with the Lend-Lease Act which provided Britain with whatever credits she needed to continue her war on Germany.
Early in December 1940 American President Roosevelt sent an American battleship to Simonstown in South Africa. From there it picked up the last of Britain's gold reserves; ?50,000,000.
From that moment on Britain's independence (and Empire) were in hock to the USA; its territories and trading arrangements compromised; the debt would burden the British people for decades to come. Yet there are still fools who in their blissful ignorance think America came to Britain's aid.
The USA waited until Britain was drowning and would grasp at any straw before it offered it – at a price. It also ensured America's entry into the war – to protect its investment. No wonder Churchill was jubilant. The price of vanity is high.
Lend Lease; the U.S. scheme to aid Britain during the war is often described as an act of generosity. In fact it was a shrewd move by the clich? surrounding President Roosevelt; like him, mostly Jewish. They got Britain into a war and then charged for it. Tails you win, heads I lose!
Lend Lease was an economic lever to get what America wanted. Britain was forced to sign the Atlantic Charter, which signalled, from an American viewpoint, the beginning of the end for the British Empire – and the end of its trading tariff barriers that had so far been detrimental to U.S trade ambitions.
In addition, Britain was forced as a condition of U.S help to sign the Bretton-Woods Agreement. This promised to end the British bi-lateral trade system and its Sterling Bloc, and to bring about a multilateral economic world trade system, from which the United States would be main beneficiary; especially in banking and trade tariffs.
The Anglo-American 'special relationship' is a myth and an invention first used by Churchill to cover up his treachery in selling Britain's advantageous trading agreements down the Hudson River.
America's special relationship with Britain can be likened to a Praying Mantis relationship with her sexual partner; that of a predator.
A little later on America encouraged Britain when the Suez Crisis exploded. It then, at the worst possible moment withdrew its support. It than accelerated the inevitable run on the pound by selling its sterling assets. It even pressurised Venezuela not to provide Britain with oil during the crisis. With friends like America who needs enemies?
Britain still had a great empire with powerful commonwealth allies, yet Winston Churchill never consulted with his Australian, New Zealand, Indian or Canadian counterparts. No, like Tony Blair he was always scuttling to America to see what they wanted done.
While Britain and Canada was at war, the 'British' Prime Minister aboard a naval ship almost within sight of the Canadian coast, consulting with the head of a nation that was er, neutral. The Canadian Prime Minister, our war ally found out only by chance. But of course Winston Churchill was half- American.
The German invasion of Belgium and Holland was achieved with just 11,000 servicemen, enough to fill only the smallest of football stadiums. But at a high cost! 3,900 of them were killed, wounded or captured. 220 Ju52 transports were destroyed and almost every parachute was lost.
The German invasion of course was a pre-emptive strike aimed at thwarting British intentions to invade the Low Countries. This would have broadened the front and plunged mainland Europe into the trench warfare bloodbath endured in the earlier war.
"There's something in your face, Michael, I've seen it all the day;
There's something quare that wasn't there when first ye went away . . . "
"It's just the Army life, mother, the drill, the left, the right,
That puts the stiffinin in yer spine and locks yer jaw up tight . . ."
"It's just the things I've seen, mother, the sights that come and come,
A bit o' broken bloody pulp that used to be a chum . . ."
"There's something on your heart, Michael, that makes yer wake at night,
And often when I hear you moan, I tremble in me fright . . . "
"It's just a man I killed, mother, a mother's son like me;
It seems he's always hauntin' me, he'll never let me be . . . "
"But maybe he was bad, Michael, maybe it was right
To kill the inimy you hate in fair and honest fight . . . "
"I did not hate at all, mother, he never did me harm;
I think he was a lad like me, who worked upon a farm . . . "
"And what's it all about, Michael, why did you have to go,
A quiet, peaceful lad like you, and we were happy so . . . "
"It's them that's up above, mother, it's thim that sits an' rules;
We've got to fight the wars they make, it's us as are the fools . . . "
"And what will be the end, Michael, and what's the use I say,
Of fightin' if whoever wins it's us that's got to pay? . . . "
"Oh, it will be the end, mother, when lads like him and me,
That sweat to feed the ones above, decide that we'll be free . . . "
"And when will that day come, Michael, and when will fightin' cease,
And simple folk may till the soil and live and love in peace? . . . "
"It's coming soon and soon, mother, it's nearer every day,
When only men who work and sweat will have a word to say;
When all who earn their honest bread in every land and soil,
Will claim the Brotherhood of Man, the Comradeship of Toil;
When we the workers all demand, 'What are we fighting for?' . . .
Then, when we end that stupid crime, that Devil's madness – war."
Like the attack on Pearl Harbor opportunist audacity was behind the sinking of the Royal Navy battleship Royal Oak as it lay at anchor in the waters of the 'impregnable' Scapa Flow. The facts are quite straightforward but as with most ignominious cock-ups the humiliation has been garlanded with lies, rumour and myth, largely to avoid giving credit to the Germans for such a courageous enterprise.
On the 14th October 1939, under the moonless though clear night sky, Lieutenant Gunther Prien, in command of U-47 guilefully steered his craft through the eastern channels of this heavily defended naval harbour. There was an irony to the unfolding events as it was here that much of Germany's captured First World War navy was scuttled by its commanders rather than allow it to be surrendered to the British.
With what he had in mind it is inconceivable that Lieutenant Prien could expect to escape swift and lethal revenge. The odds against escape were heavily stacked against him but the prize must have seemed well worth it. Moving on the surface to avoid the submarine nets the German commander steered his submarine through the channels of one of the world's most heavily protected naval citadels.
On either side, silhouetted against the night sky and island escarpments, were manned block ships. One can well imagine the heart stopping tension as the U-boat crew spotted he Royal Oak swinging at anchor, though they mistook it for the Repulse. Releasing a salvo of three torpedoes of which only one hit home they inflicted little damage on the formidable leviathan.
Incredibly, the investigating Royal Navy officers presumed the explosion originated inside the ship and raised no alarm. Meanwhile U-boat's commander reloaded his tubes and let loose another salvo, two of which struck the battleship. Within 13 minutes the pride of the Royal Navy capsized with a massive loss of life.
Amidst the confusion that followed Commander Prien U-47 submarine slipped through the harbour's defenses. On reaching Germany he was received as a national hero and awarded the Iron Cross for his outstanding seamanship and courage. From the British side what followed was a cacophony of sneers, cheap insults, and red herrings (fifth columnists and spies again being blamed).
"In order to make the individual's culture and society acceptable to him, steps must be taken to prevent inconvenient fact from becoming obstructive. People do not love men who give them the truth, but rather men who give them illusions." - John Greenway, The Inevitable Americans.
In 1940 an Austrian publisher named Goldschmidt having been deprived of privilege citizen status assumed by Jews decamped for England. Alas being an alien anyway he was promptly arrested and soon afterwards found himself on the SS Dunera en route to Australia.
While on board thuggish British sailors ransacked his cabin and stole everything they thought had value. This did not include the publisher's treasured library which they considered worthless. They tossed it overboard.
Records later revealed that at the time U-56 was stalking the British troopship and let loose three torpedoes. Two missed and one failed to explode. Surfacing to attack with its deck gun the crew found Goldschmidt's German language books bobbing about in the water.
Deciding that the ship was carrying German POWs they abandoned the attack. The crew and the passengers of the SS Dunera, unaware of lucky escape due to the unfortunate incident, blithely sailed on. The prisoner was embittered to the end of his days but would he have felt so badly had he realised that the despicable act carried out by the Merchant Navy's sailors had saved not only his own life but that of others?
OF CHURCHILLIAN PROPORTIONSOn hearing that Britain was preparing to attack neutral Norway Adolf Hitler prepared for hat country's defensive occupation. England's swashbuckling First Lord Winston Churchill contemptuously dismissed any suggestion that Germany would retaliate. He boasted, "All German ships in the Skagerrak and Kattegat will be sunk."
Winston Churchill's de facto war on Norway, Sweden and Finland was drawn up on February 5 1940. It was agreed to send up to four divisions, camouflaged as volunteers to Finland via Norway and Sweden to seize the countries' iron ore assets. Part of the strategy was aborted because of Sweden's stated determination to resist Britain's intended invasion.
Eleven days later on February 16, 1940 Churchill ordered British naval forces to proceed into Norway's territorial waters and to board the German freighter 'Altmark'. On April 8 the Royal Navy began to mine the neutral Scandinavian country's coastal waters; an act of war that once again blew a gaping hole in solemnly signed declarations.
As the mining of Norway's ports continued British and French troops were mobilising to invade Norway. Their first objective was to occupy Narvik and to clear the port before advancing to the Swedish frontier. Simultaneously British conscript troops were readied to occupy Stavenger, Bergen and Trondheim'.
Hitler was painfully aware that the invasion of a completely encircled Germany would follow and he surmised that. 'The occupation of Norway by the British would be a strategic turning movement which would lead them into the Baltic, where we have neither troops nor coastal fortifications . . . the enemy would find himself in a position to advance on Berlin and break the backbone of our two fronts."
The German leader acted decisively and pounced. This produced hysterical denunciation by the British who didn't take kindly to being beaten to the punch, especially when they had started the fight.
Churchill believed the mere 2,000 German troops stationed in the coastal town of Trondheim would be little match for 13,000 British troops. The British Army was however routed during their encirclement and badly mauled. The remnants were evacuated by May 1st.
The British then mobilised 20,000 troops and put them ashore at Narvik. Embarrassingly they too were routed by just 2,000 Austrian Alpine troops, supported by sailors from the German destroyers based nearby. Along the Norwegian coastline the remnants of Churchill's defeated British Army in Norway were simultaneously evacuated.
Churchill had blustered that Hitler's pre-emptive strike against Norway was 'as great a strategic error as Napoleon's invasion of Spain in 1808.' Hardly the master strategist.
If any question why we died,
Tell them, because our fathers lied.
- Rudyard Kipling (1865 – 1936)
The irony is that the Norwegian nationalist leader Vidkun Quisling was no traitor from which his noble name has become synonymous. An official Norwegian inquiry into whether any prominent member of the Nasjonal Samling Party (Vidkun Quisling's political party) had played an active part in the German invasion reached a negative conclusion. Unfortunately his innocence was discovered too late. In Soviet Union style the victorious allies has already had him executed by firing squad. The usual modus operandi: shot at dawn in a bleak prison yard.
When on May 6th the German Army retaliated against French aggression which quickly resulted in the British and French Armies being routed, Winston Churchill who had just been pushed into the hot- seat, despite a history of military blunders, tried to blame the debacle on the Belgian Army.
By the spring of 1940 fifty per cent of Britain's national income was being spent on their war against Germany. Little wonder that the country emerged from it all impoverished and with her Empire in President Roosevelt's pawn shop.
"The spread of war was as much an allied responsibility as it was German, even though repeated frustrations and defeats were capable of being partially retrieved by portraying the entire unfolding of events as part of a peculiarly German diabolism.
The resolution in the face of total French collapse and the expulsion of Britain from the Continent set the stage for especially intense world propaganda about alleged Hitlerian plans to convert the planet into a slave state on the model of antiquity." - James J. Martin, The Saga of Hog Island and other Essays.
One of the myths peddled by the bar-room 'experts' who graduated courtesy via the History Channel, suggests that Hitler's biggest mistake was to have invaded the Soviet Union. The claim is that over- zealous Nazi Germany raped the innocence of the weaker Soviet Union with its invasion in June 1940. In fact the USSR's militarily machine, poised on Germany's borders, was far superior to that of their intended victim. Furthermore, this military juggernaut, its apparatus and support system was unquestionably designed for offensive and occupation rather than defensive purpose. A defensive military machine is quite different from an offensive one
By necessity Hitler's strategy was based on his making a pre-emptive strike. Britain was always a master of the pre-emptive strike; taking on Germany, France and Spain by attacking via the European mainland. It is what happens when a country (or person) anticipates being struck and gets their blow in first. As Napoleon surmised, "He who hits first hits twice."
Standing astride Germany's doorstep, a massive mobilisation of Soviet attack units and materials. Subsequent undeniable evidence of Soviet intent comes from a myriad of sources, including their own officers, and the very nature of the forces involved.
Here then is Stalin's agreed tenet:
- The RKKA (Red Army) is 'the most offensive of all armies.'
- The war will always be conducted on enemy territory.
- The proletariat in the hostile country is a potential ally of the Soviet Union.
- War preparations are for attack; defensive measures serve solely to protect preparations for attack and the execution of an offensive in the facing direction. There is no possibility of the penetration of hostile forces into the territory of the USSR.
This may be new to amateur WW2 sleuths but it wasn't news to Stalin or those who took his orders, which were:: "The new conditions in our country, the present international situation, full of unexpected possibilities, demand a revolutionary power of decision and constant readiness to launch a devastating attack on the enemy (Germany).
All forms of agitation and propaganda are to be directed to one single goal, to the political, moral, and fighting preparation of all personnel to wage a just offensive and an all-out destroying war. All personnel are to be educated in the spirit of active hatred of the enemy, to the eagerness to take up the struggle with him, to a readiness to defend our nation on the territory of our enemy, and to deal him a lethal blow." - Major Koskov, Commander of the 24th Infantry Regiment of the 44th Infantry Division.
As M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D. in reviewing 'Stalin's War of Extermination'* summed up. "The incredible amount of documentation for this extremely important point – that Stalin was planning an invasion of Germany and western Europe by extension – leaves no doubt in the (honest) reader's mind, and turns not only World War Two but any honest appraisal of Germany on its head." - The Barnes Review, Vol.8 No.1 -
* 'Stalin's War of Extermination 1941 – 1945 Planning, Realisation and Documentation' analyses and proves the Soviet dictator's aim of waging an aggressive war against first a weakened Germany and then Europe.
The sad fact is that whilst the German armed forces were protecting Europe's eastern borders the fools to the west of Germany were stabbing them in the back. This book is available from TBR Book Club, PO Box 15877, Washington, D.C., 20003. $49.95 inc. post and packing. This best selling volume essential to any good library is hardback, dust cover, 415 pages, illustrations, maps, plans, documents etc.
Reacting angrily to two book reviews published by the notoriously anti-European Daily Mail, Gena Pokrass writes: "These reviews repeat the ideological lies of Russian historians.
Hitler and his generals agreed that war on two fronts would be suicidal, but they had to invade Russia to pre-empt Stalin's massive thrust to cut off Germany from Romanian oil. Details from Russian archives suggest that this was due to start in July 1941.
All the defensive systems in the area had been neutralised, airfields had been moved to the western border, and paratroops had been either concentrated on the border or were moving towards it.
……… he (Hitler) had to invade sooner rather than later because otherwise all of Europe was in danger of being occupied by Russia in the name of 'world revolution through war.'
A mild winter in 1941 would not have saved Hitler's armies, even if they had occupied Moscow. The Russian government already had alternative headquarters in place."
Order No. 3 Red Army (released July 1941). 'All commanders and soldiers who retreated from the front were either to be court martialled and sentenced to death or merely annihilated on the spot.'
Germany had signed the Geneva and Hague Conventions and scrupulously observed them. The USSR signed neither. Generally speaking the German general staff had ordered amnesties of Soviet prisoners as early as July 1941. These former POWs were re-settled in the occupied territories.
By November, according to Soviet data, the Germans had released 292,702 POWs. One of the constant themes of the testimony provided by these POWs was the fear that their families would be killed or imprisoned by the dreaded NKVD (forerunner to the KGB) if it was found that they had been captured.
Schoolchildren in the liberal 'democracies' even today are taught that brave and glorious Soviet troops withstood the fascist attack. The figure given for losses is usually put at 20 million. The true figure is estimated at seven million. Everyone knows the USSR exaggerates but conveniently forgets 'Uncle Joe's mendacity when it suits their purpose.
Incredibly most of these losses were self-inflicted through mass executions of deserters, those troops found to be 'lacking fibre', suicides, and deaths in Soviet captivity, as a consequences of Stalin's scorched earth policies which starved Soviet troops as well as Germany's armed forces. Also included is the mind-numbing incompetence of the USSR's commanders which resulted in many deaths that would never have occurred had these troops fought under commanders with a little savvy.
The USSR suffered so many defections, civilian and armed forces personnel, that dictator Josef Stalin instructed new tactics. For each of its two men in the armies facing down the Germans there were three hastily recruited KGB operatives to ensure their loyalty. The system was called Zagrad Otriad (Barrier Detachment). This was 'to encourage others' the tactic devised by Voltaire during the French Revolution.
The German General Staff's last report when their advance into Russia ended was that they had counted 7.4 million bodies in Soviet uniform on the ground and felt that they (the Germans) could not have killed more than half of them.
This is an interesting summing up for it tallies perfectly with the official German body count of Russians killed by German armed forces during the war. The Germans do not argue with the rather flexible figure for total Russian dead, which is placed somewhere between 20 and 30 millions. Some Russian historians with justification say that this awful period saw the reduction of the Russian population by an incredible 50 millions.
Nobody but a fool would place these victims at Berlin's door and so it becomes clear that they died as a consequence of genocidal mass murder, starvation, slavery, ill treatment, and slavery - at the hands of their own rulers.
Yes, Britain is surely known by the friendships it forges. Reduced to being an outcast black sheep nation, an offshore impoverished island prostituted to Israeli-American policy is a most fitting end to the pariah state of Europe.
Due to allied propaganda it is still commonly held that the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS armed forces were insufferably arrogant towards the Russian people, even the Ukrainians, Byelorussians and Ruthenians. Not so.
Here are excerpts from those given by Field Marshall General von Manstein to his troops: "Avoid being arrogant. True authority comes from superior achievement and exemplary bearing. Be just – the Russian hates nothing more than injustice . . . "
"Treat the Russian with calm and decency. Avoid any suggestion that the German belongs to a better race than the Russian. The Russians, especially the Ruthenians, the Ukrainians, and the Byelorussians are part of the same ethnic family as the Aryans. Treat the Russian women and girls the same as you would treat the German women and girls." Huttenbrief February/March 1997.
Note: Of all the nations engaged in the Second World War only Germany provided for the death sentence in the case of rape carried out by military personnel. The United States, USSR and France actively encouraged rape, often on a mass scale, whilst the British turned a blind eye to it.
If you can't fight them then join them, so the saying goes. Winston Churchill was under no illusions about the origins of the Soviet Union, or who and whose money was behind the so-called 'Russian' revolution.
"This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, (Karl Mordecai Levy, son of a rabbi) and down to Trotsky (Lev Bernstein), Bela Kuhn of Hungary, Rosa Luxembourge of Germany, and Emma Goldmann (United States) . . . this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.
It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworlds of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." – Winston Churchill, Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 1920.
Indeed! There are still old farts crass enough to brag about their support for the USSR during World War Two. Recently, ex-Merchant Seamen, veterans of the Murmansk convoys bitched about their being given only a commemorative badge rather than a medal for their wartime efforts on behalf of Joe Stalin. Let us leave it to the great writer, Alexander Solschenizyn, himself a Red Armyist in that war to explain to these old goats the nature of those they are proud of aiding and abetting.
"I would like to remind you about the kind of system the foreign relations have been taking up with. It was a system that got into power by armed revolt, which dispersed the constituent assembly. It was a system that liquidated political opponents without any judicial proceedings, that suppressed the strikes of the working men, that pillaged the villages so insufferably thus driving the peasants to rebellion, which were crushed bloodily.
It was a system that destroyed the Church, that drove twenty governments of the country into starvation. It was a system that was first to introduce concentration camps in the twentieth century, as well as the method of taking hostages, i.e. not by catching the persecuted ones, but rather their families or indiscriminately any one of them to shoot them down.
It was the system that deceived the working people with all its decrees: the decree concerning the land reform, the decree concerning peace, the decree concerning the manufacturing plants, the decree concerning the freedom of the Press.
It was the system that liquidated all the other parties. I ask you to get me right: it did not alone destroy the parties as such, it did not only dissolve the parties, but it liquidated their members.
It was the system that introduced the genocide of the peasantry: fifteen million peasants have been deported for liquidation. It was the system that introduced serfdom anew. It was the system that provoked an artificial famine in the Ukraine during peace time. 6 Million people died of hunger in the Ukraine at the borders of Europe during the years 1932 and 1933.
During the years 1918 and 1919 the Tcheka shot more than 1,000 people a month, without legal procedure. At the climax of the Stalin terror, during the years 1937 – 1938, the number of people shot to death averages more than 40,000 a month.
And with this country, with this Soviet Union, the whole allied democratic world entered a war alliance in 1941." - Alexander Solschenizyn, June 30 1975 at the Washington Hilton Hotel to the US-American Union Organisation AFL/CIO.
Shame on those who sided with this monstrous regime! Shame on those who put to the backs of their minds such horrors and most of all shame on those who even today, knowing the truth, express indignation about unproven German atrocities whilst glorying in the blood-soaked tyranny of Marxism.
"The disaster that befell this area (Eastern Germany) with the entry of the Soviet forces has no parallel in modern European experience. There were considerable sections of it where, to judge by all existing evidence, scarcely a man, woman or child of the indigenous population was left alive after the initial passage of the Soviet forces." - George F. Kennan, Memoirs, 1967, Vol.1, p265
- including one by GermanyThe first invasion of French territory was by invitation only and occurred when Germany invaded in May 1940. In fairness to the German leader he did so only eight months after France's declaration of war against his own country, throughout which time France had constantly attacked Germany's borders. This retaliatory action served the purpose of forestalling Britain's plans to invade Europe.
Within a few weeks the German Army numbering just 100,000 had defeated the French Army consisting of 6 million men.
Generally speaking the German Army was welcomed (see piece on Dieppe) in the Low Countries and there was much collaboration not only in France but in Holland and Belgium where people were glad to be rid of the British and French standing armies. They had had enough of Britain fighting its wars on their territory.
The behavior of German troops in France was impeccable and William L. Shirer (Rise and Fall of the Third Reich) conceded as much. In his Berlin Diary he writes: "I noticed open fraternizing between German troops and the inhabitants. Most of the Germans act like na?ve tourists and this has proved a pleasant surprise to the Parisians. It seems funny – every German carries a camera."
Adolf Hitler even allowed the French to keep its own Navy saying France like Britain needed it to defend her overseas territories.
The British carried out the second invasion of French interests. Churchill demanded that the French surrender their liberated fleet to the British. When the French made it plain that they had no intention of doing so the British attacked the French fleet based at the Algerian port Mers-el-Kebir. And 1,200 French sailors were killed. French sailors, floundering in the sea, were strafed by RAF fighter planes. No, this won't be a follow-up movie to Pearl Harbor.
The third attack on French territory, again by the British, was carried out against the French Navy based at Dakar, Senegal. This included the battleship Richelieu, which was carrying ?60 million of Belgian and Polish gold. Charles deGaulle who had fled to Britain with the remnants of his defeated army wanted to lead the invasion of Dakar, but the Senegalese authorities made it quite clear that he would be repulsed.
However, on September 23, 1940 as dawn broke, the Royal Navy attacked the Senegalese capital Dakar. David Irving the noted historian takes up the story. "It was a humiliating fiasco. The assault forces never got off their troopships. Charles deGaulle's aviators landed on the airfield and were promptly arrested by the gendarmerie. His emissaries were fired upon as their boat entered the port, and were turned back.
The Richelieu opened fire through the gathering fog with her new 15-inch guns, as did the Dakar fortress batteries, which hit the cruiser Cumberland amidships and put her out of action.
The next day's brawling off Dakar was equally messy. The British sank a French submarine; the shore guns savaged the Barham. On the day after that, General Spears accompanying deGaulle, radioed that the latter had thrown in the sponge and would proceed to Bathurst (Gambia), a British colony 100 miles further down the coast.
At 9.00 am a French submarine slapped a torpedo into the battleship Resolution and she too beat an undignified retreat. Morale among the French defenders was high. Churchill dithered; his ministers demanded that they cut their losses.
The fourth invasion was the D-Day allied invasion at which point the French could be forgiven for echoing the sentiments of the Czech people. They had rued that they could stand another war but not another liberation.
This was largely an American invasion with a British-supporting cast. Back home in the U.S.A., the incredulous public was given the impression that their sons were a band of angels welcomed by a grateful liberated population, but what is new about that?
Covering these events much later NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw fell into line with real history and said, 'The bloodied landscape of France (and) Belgium was American made. The crimes committed by individual American soldiers – rape, thievery and murder – surpassed the crimes of the 'Nazis' in every respect. Even American generals were stealing from French civilians. During one period over 500 rapes a month were being reported. It got so bad that General Eisenhower threatened hangings, but it was an empty threat.
Before this fourth invasion the Allies dropped over 590,000 tons of bombs on France – equal to almost half the amount of bombs dropped on Germany during the entire course of the war. Over 1 million French homes were destroyed by Allied bombing attacks and some cities such as Caen, Saint-Lo, Carentan, Montbourg and Valgnes ceased to exist.
For every German who lost his life resisting the American invasion of Europe, the lives of four Frenchmen were taken. Whereas German troops had wandered at will during their occupation of France, the British and the Americans were repeatedly confined to barracks or had their movements restricted because of the French resistance to their presence on French soil.
Finally there was the fifth invasion of France; this time an invasion by the vengeful and humiliated ill- disciplined forces led by Charles De Gaulle. As soon as the American forces had made it safe for the ousted French general these brigands – for that is precisely what they were - sought revenge for their earlier humiliation.
The most appalling massacres of civilians began to take place whilst American troops stood idly by. Generally the British media ignored these awful events but one English journalist among others of various nationalities, recorded these desperate tragedies.
"There has never been, in the history of France, a bloodier period than that which followed the liberation of 1944-1945. The massacres of 1944 were no less savage than the massacres of Jacquerie, of St. Bartholomew, of the revolutionary terror, of the commune, and they were certainly more numerous and on a wider scale.
The American services put the figures of 'summary executions' in France in the first months of the liberation at 80,000. A former French Minister, Adrien Tixier, later placed the figure at 105,000." – Huddleston, op. Cit., 243 & 245-46. Note: (Under the Reign of Terror 18,000 fell in the frightful butchery that followed the war and insurrection of 1870 – 71).
Footnote: Less than 1% of the French people had anything to do with the 'resistance'. From this we can deduce that 99% accepted or supported the German occupation, which in any case was confined only to those territories that would facilitate an Allied invasion.
After the fall of France in the summer of 1940 the French National Assembly's Deputies (MPs) held the sessions in the city of Vichy's opera house. Here, after several days of noisy debate, they agreed to abolish the Constitution and the French Republic, and accord full powers to Marshall Petain for the duration of the occupation. Of 649 deputies only 80 voted against. Surprise! Surprise! none were arrested, imprisoned or er, gassed. The new French Government was internationally recognised; the sole exception being Britain.
This beautiful French City immediately boomed with prosperity. It was almost impossible to book a restaurant table and the shops did a roaring trade. Whenever the new French leader, Marshal Petain took his daily constitutional stroll crowds would gather to sing the Marseillaise or Marechal Nous Voile! (Marshall – we're ready) which was his personal anthem.
Children would hand flowers to the blue-eyed old gentleman and teenage girls lined up to have their cheeks pinched by him.
The new motto was 'Travail, Famille, Patrie (Work, Family, and Patriotism). The Catholic Church was once more free to teach in schools, and the industrious peasantry became the models for the New France. The civil service was cleansed of corruption and the Freemasons cleared out.
The 'Statut des Juifs' gave a much wider definition of Jewish identity than did the National Socialist in Germany, though as citizens of France they were protected from deportation. However, Jews were banned from holding many public positions.
After the 'liberation' of France the 89-year old hero General was tried for treason and sentenced to death but was later pardoned.
More Frenchmen died fighting for Nazi Germany than died fighting against her?
FILM SAVAGED BY CRITICSStevie 'Wonder' Spielberg's anti-German hate movie 'Band of Brothers' came under fire and received numerous direct hits fired by credible critics. Still living British World War Two veterans and military historians, recognized for their objectivity, supported the criticisms. Many of them denounced the propaganda series as 'a fantasy'; a total travesty from beginning to end, a pack of lies and a vainglorious re-writing of history.'
Their pithy comments expose the producer's fantasy depiction of the 2nd World War, in which the conflict is taken over by the Americans.
Spielberg is notorious for his lurid distortions. He frequently calls upon the over rated Tom Hanks to act the part of the clean living all-American boy next door. As a prime example of his distorted view of those events there is no mention at all concerning the real theatre of operations where the outcome of the war was really decided.
The fate of Europe was not decided by the events surrounding D Day but on the Eastern Front. There the Wehrmacht fought desperately to prevent the Soviets overrunning the age-old Christian European civilization from the ravaging onslaught of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's million-strong Asiatic hordes.
In this last great battle for Europe, volunteers from many countries, mostly but not exclusively European, fought and died to stem the Asiatic Slav British-backed onslaught. Among them units of the French and Dutch Waffen SS, nearly all of whom lost their lives in their futile but courageous defence of Berlin.
Charles Wheeler, the renowned BBC commentator on world events, himself a veteran of World War II, on September 29th protested vehemently on the flagship News Night programme. He said that contrary to what viewers had falsely been told in advance, the battle depictions were 'highly exaggerated'. The 'concentration of sound, gunfire coming from every damned direction' was unrealistic. He added that he found it hateful and was astonished the BBC had paid an incredible ?6 million for the broadcasting rights.
Other veterans have protested that the film offers a very narrow contrived view of the war with the British appearing only rarely, as a form of comic relief. The Brits are invariably depicted as bumbling amateurs grateful to be rescued by the heroic Americans.
The German troops, recognized as being the toughest fighting force that ever existed are portrayed as little better than subhuman, full of dirty tricks, running like rabbits before the intrepid stalwart and fearless Americans.
In its presentation the series is downright confusing and dull. The movie has been described as 'ludicrous in its suffocating air of reverence.' Even the title of the film itself is tacky and the opening credit sequence is nauseatingly repellent. It opens with a syrupy musical score backed by a wordless choir soaring over strings and horn accompaniment.
The sepia stills (shades of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid) of the cast are intended to provide an evocative nostalgic atmosphere though that form of photography was in fact old hat at the time. But facts can't be allowed to interfere with a good fantasy.
One learned academic described how he felt nauseated with disgust at the distortions, the phony special effects, the contrived 'atmospheric' embellishments and the fanciful distortions. Every trick of cinematography was used such as speeding up the movie then slowing it down; shaking the picture with random-looking shots.
On the same BBC 'News Night' programme the Australian writer Germaine Greer, invariably known for her caustic criticisms of controversial issues, referred to the movie's 'racist overtones.'
'For one thing', she observed, 'there were no blacks or Hispanics in the film. Moreover, was it coincidence,' she added, 'that the officer who was such a disciplinarian was a Jew?'
The part of the actor she mentioned was actually played by a well-known Jewish actor but cautiously the politically correct Greer refused to elaborate on that point. Had she done so she would have certainly been denounced as anti-Semitic and her career as a writer and columnist would have hit the buffers.
Stevie Spielberg of course avoids mention of the countless cases of rape and looting carried out whilst the Screaming Eagles licked their wounds at the base-retreats in American occupied France.
When US General Dwight Eisenhower heard about the scale of depravities being practiced by these US troops he suggested that the public hanging of the worst offenders was the only way to restore order and discipline. In fact the appalling behavior of many US troops towards the French civilian population was such that they are still, fifty-five years later, despised in that part of France.
Finally, there was an incident in Stevie Spielberg's 'Band of Brothers' version of events that is utterly foul although it certainly would have occurred. A group of young German prisoners-of-war are shown talking to a group of US soldiers in apparently friendly manner. The Germans are offered cigarettes and the American troops light the cigarettes for them.
At this point in the Spielberg movie the camera shifts to reveal a nearby US soldier approaching a submachine gun, and a sudden burst of fire is heard. From which one can draw only one conclusion - the young German prisoners-of-war have been shot down in their backs. This is a most cowardly massacre and according to international convention a grossly illegal and criminal act.
Certainly such incidents were not unknown and were carried out by various allied armies, in particular the British and American armies during both world wars. On the other hand there was a grudging admission made by the British that, 'The Germans will always take prisoners.'
The Spielberg fantasy was actually filmed in one of the southern counties of England's 'green and pleasant land.' Apart from a few professional actors the cast of hundreds appears to be composed of deadbeats, losers, halfwits and hobos, failed ham actors, beggars and professional thugs; even the cast was cheap; a fitting epitaph to a monstrously cheap film.
But this glaring example of Spielberg's poisonous and demented anti-German personality confirms again the centuries old baleful Jewish enmity towards Christian Germany.
The US 101st Airborne Division known as the Screaming Eagles, formed late 1942, were new and untested, as indeed was most of the US Army. The dropping of parachutists had in fact been pioneered two years previously by the Germans.
Typically their mode of attack was used successfully in 1940 when under the brilliant Otto Skorzeny, the massive Belgian fortress of Eben Emael was stormed by a unit of Fallschirmjager. They landed on the ramparts and in a surprise attack took the fortress.
During the Battle for Crete German parachutists suffered heavy losses from British troops firing upon them during their descent, and from pro-British partisans who were notorious for not taking prisoners. Captured German soldiers routinely had their throats slit. A furious Adolf Hitler told Parachute General Student: "You have made a graveyard for our men."
The arrival of other German troops eventually smashed the British defence and drove them from the island. But from that time on the German leader rejected the idea of parachutists being a successful weapon of war. This lesson was not learned by Field Marshall Montgomery when he haplessly led British and US forces to a bloody and humiliating defeat at Arnhem.
After training in America the 'Screaming Eagles' were sent to Britain for practice training. In a full-scale rehearsal over the English County of Berkshire immediately before D-Day, the unit suffered no less than 436 casualties from parachute jumps that went wrong. No less than 28 Dakota aircraft returned to base without dropping any paratroops at all.
On the eve of D-Day the task force of Dakotas was intended to secure passage into the French countryside from the landing sites of Utah Beach. Many of the flight crews were so unnerved, even to the point of hysteria, by the German flak, they accelerated away from the pathfinders beacons even as they prepared to disgorge their paratroopers.
The cataclysmic consequence left the Screaming Eagles scattered over a wide area of western France. General Maxwell, their commander, was completely lost for several hours.
By dawn only 1,200 of the 6,000 US paratroopers had reached their rendezvous. Many of them had perished miserably in the deep waterways which criss-cross the region, dragged underwater to a murky death by their heavy equipment.
Fierce fighting then took place around the town of Carentan where the well-entrenched German troops had been ordered by Field Marshall Erwin Rommel to fight to the last man. They obeyed his order.
In the Stevie Spielberg film 'Easy Company' US troops take the town thus preventing a German breakthrough. This simply isn't true. It was another Screaming Eagle Company that led the attack on Carentan on June 11th and forced a German withdrawal.
But American losses were heavy. By mid-July the 101st were finally pulled from the frontline. Of the 6,600 men involved 868 had been killed in action, nearly 2,000 had been wounded and many hundreds had been taken prisoner.
During the days before Christmas 1944 the German armed forces made their last desperate attempt to repel the British-American invasion of Europe. This became known as the Battle of the Bulge, which took place on Christmas Day.
The weather conditions at first were in the Germans favour, preventing US aircraft from operating effectively. As battle opened the Wehrmacht, spearheaded by panzers, smashed all before them and opened up a massive rupture in the American lines. As the weather cleared the Germans lacking similar air support and suffering from lack of fuel, found their momentum lost.
The German troops however fought to the most bitter of ends, knowing they were defending Europe and the values of Christian Europe from the advance guard of the culture-busting Big Mac carry-outs and purveyors of pornography.
By this time Churchill's war was virtually over but fierce rearguard fighting continued throughout occupied Europe that was still being had been bombed back to the Stone Age, its rootless populations murdered en masse and otherwise enslaved.
When General Charles de Gaulle's statue was erected in London a misguided British ex-pat called Brian Reeve wanted to know if Churchill's statue could be erected in Paris. (Amazing how our most patriotic citizens often choose to live abroad isn't it?)
The cost was estimated to be $320,000 and a subscription drive was undertaken. All that was promised was a miserable $56,000 and precious little of that from the French themselves.
Perhaps the French remembered that it was the British that had sunk their navy, a navy that Hitler had given the freedom of the seas to protect French overseas possessions. This Pearl Harbor type of attack resulted in the deaths of 1,500 French sailors, including those strafed in the water by marauding RAF fighter pilots. Or perhaps they remembered that the allies had killed many more French people than had the Germans. P
Perhaps they remembered Dunkirk when after receiving 'we shall never abandon France and the French' assurances it was a case of British first, French last and, 'we are fighting to the last Frenchman'. Blighty 'ere we come!
The British red top tabloid The Star, notorious for covering up Soviet war crimes, recently screamed 'Frogs deserve a good kicking' (thought the Brits had already given them that?) Not surprisingly such sentiments whipped up the tattooed ring-nosed football hooligans who cause mayhem on French streets.
Reeve did concede that he had received hostile correspondence from irate French people, the sentiment of which is spelled out in this compendium of facts, Reeve bemoaned the fact that there wasn't to his knowledge a single statue of Churchill to be found anywhere in France! Happily, there is a forest in Israel to Churchill's memory. What great an honour indeed?
"We are without exception the greatest robbers and marauders that ever existed on the face of the globe. We are worse than other countries because we are hypocrites also, for we plunder and always pretend to do so for other peoples' good." - Henry Labouchere, Liberal MP and journalist.
Prof. David Dilks giving a lecture at Leeds University (26th March 1972) disclosed 'that the British version of the famous film in which Hitler skips for joy at the defeat of France was doctored by us (the British) for propaganda purposes." He also revealed that "Hitler's tread that day was in fact remarkably sober." Those attending the lecture included Lord Boyle, former Financial Secretary to the Treasury, and Mrs. Stephen Lloyd, daughter of the former Prime Minister.
Just who was it who really enthused about the sterilisation of life's unfortunates? "The unnatural an increasingly rapid growth of the feeble-minded and insane classes, coupled as it is with a steady restriction among all the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks, constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate . . . I feel that the source from which the stream of madness is fed should be cut off and sealed up before another year has passed." –Churchill to Lord Asquith, 1910.
British Army wartime files opened in 1955 reveal acts of brutality carried out against German POWs. Some were punished and even dismissed from the service for acts of maltreatment but from 1941 onwards official policy was to turn a blind eye. From there on woe to hapless German servicemen who fell into British hands.
"At that time I did not have idea yet, what a great and undoubtedly helpful role the swindle plays in the existence of those great nations, which enjoy the status of democratic freedom." Winston Churchill, Weltabenteuer im Dienst, Leipzig 1946. P.61.
On November 18 1940 two British warplanes attacked the German hospital ship Tubingen in the Adriatic near Pola. As a consequence many Germans, many of whom were medical personnel, were wounded or died, and the ship was sunk. The ship was clearly marked with the Red Cross insignia but this was ignored.
On this occasion the British apologised but the pilots responsible were never court martialled although under the terms o the Geneva and other conventions they were clearly war criminals.
Second Lt. John Eisenhower (spot the connection) graduated from West Point on June 6th 1944, and was sent directly to U.S. Occupied Europe as 'an eager platoon leader ready to do his duty.'
Nothing to do with pop's influence of course but this young blade, eager to save the world, was never involved in combat duty despite this period of heaviest fighting.
Afterwards young Eisenhower remarked: "The attitude of the French was sobering, indeed. Instead of bursting with enthusiasm they seemed not only indifferent but also sullen. There was considerable cause for wondering whether these people wished to be liberated." (Shades of Iraq and Afghanistan it seems. Do the Americans never learn?)
Don't take it to heart, sonny boy. Sixty years on and the Americans are still scratching their heads and wondering why the French (and the world) don't like them much.
Robert St. John, the Associated Press correspondent was billeted in Belgrade when the Germans, to protect their eastern flank against Soviet and British encirclement, finally pushed through Yugoslavia, Greece and finally Crete.
With the approval of the British Embassy he rushed out a story relating how 300,000 British troops stationed in Greece were ready to repel the Fuhrer's legions. In fact there were only about 40,000 British troops stationed in Greece. With the speed and ferocity of earlier blitzkriegs the German Armed Forces swept southwards virtually unchallenged.
Having successfully escaped to Cairo war correspondent St. John was bemused to learn that all he had written on Greece had been a fantasy having been based on misleading official dispatches. He said, 'It seemed to be a tradition around the better places in Cairo that you mustn't let the sordid side of war creep in.'
The tenacious correspondent was determined to work objectively and dispassionately but constantly found his reports sabotaged page by page. Often a simple line would be deleted to give the opposite effect from that intended. A priceless example of this was when he correctly observed that, 'The evacuation from Greece had not been another Dunkirk; the Greece evacuation had been much worse.'
The censor simply put a line through the second section of the sentence leaving it to read, 'The evacuation from Greece had not been another Dunkirk.'
Robert St. John and colleagues conservatively reckoned allied casualties to be 20,000 killed, wounded or captured. This had been changed to read 3,000.
THAT SUNK THE BISMARCKThe U-boat's captain was in an impish frame of mind as he put his brand new U-556 through its trials in the Baltic. It was winter 1941 and from his point of view it had been a good war. Britain and Russia's lifeline, the convoys crossing the Atlantic, were sitting targets for Germany's U-boat packs. Lt. Commander 'Parsifal' Wohlfarth's latest command was the most recent addition to the twenty-five submarines being produced by German shipyards each month.
Across the darkening windswept waves of the Baltic Sea he could clearly make out the superstructure of the Bismarck. At 40,000 tons it was the latest and largest battleship in the world. It too was carrying out exercises when it received a signal from the minuscule 500-ton U-556: 'personal from captain to captain. A fine ship you have there!'
Wohlfarth's impertinence did not go down too well with the commander of the Bismarck, who signalled back: 'from commander to captain; report name of commanding officer.'
"Oh, Lord!" exclaimed Captain Wohlfarth. "Now I've done it." He promptly signalled back to the Bismarck. 'From Captain to Captain – you try to do this!' Within moments the cheeky skipper submerged his U-boat below the waves.
The weeks passed and Lt. Commander Wohlfarth wishing to make amends for his cheek had drawn up a magnificent 'Certificate of God fatherhood'. It was expressed in terms of friendly admiration in which U-556 pledged itself to act as 'godfather' to the Bismarck.
He then called on the battleship's commander where amidst laughter the document was received with good grace. The special relationship between the world's most formidable battleship and the diminutive submarine was born. Weeks later when the U-556 started out on its first patrol, Captain 'Parsifal' Wohlfarth signalled again to the Bismarck: 'Personal from captain to captain. When you follow me, don't worry. I will see that you come to no harm.'
It was a pledge that the U-556's captain would bitterly regret when months later tragic circumstances caused him to fail as a 'godparent' to the great German battleship.
U-556 was one of a U-boat pack patrolling the treacherous and near frozen waters lying between Iceland and South Greenland. Their 'West Group' between them had so far sunk eighteen British ships carrying cargo, much of it to Stalin's war-crazed empire-building dictatorship then threatening the existence of their German homeland. A further three allied ships had been damaged and now Lt. Commander Wohlfarth's command was low on both torpedoes and fuel.
It was time to return to Germany and at the same time pick up his Knight's Cross from Admiral Karl Doenitz. Making his leisurely way back across the north Atlantic the U-556's captain attacked yet another convoy and loosed the last of his torpedoes. He had no way of knowing that this comparatively small action in the greater theatre of war may have snatched victory from Germany's jaws.
As he resumed his interrupted journey the 40,000-ton battleship Bismarck and the cruiser Prinz Eugen broke the British blockade and sailed out into the Atlantic on a raiding mission. Aware of the threat the two behemoths posed all available British forces was ordered to intercept and destroy the marauders. If the Scharnhorst and the Gneisenau then being repaired in the French port of Brest ever joined these formidable warships the effect the three battleships and the cruiser would have on allied shipping would be devastating. Britain could possibly be starved into giving up its war against the German folk nation.
Located by HMS Suffolk, a squadron composed of HMS Hood and the HMS Prince of Wales made contact with the German raiders. This brief and bloody encounter resulted in the sinking of the HMS Hood with the loss of 95 officers and 1,324 seamen. The Bismarck however had not emerged unscathed and headed for St. Nazaire for repairs leaving the Prinz Eugen to continue its patrol.
Hoping to lure the Royal Navy into a trap, the German battleship's commanding officer, Admiral Lutjens called for a line of U-boats to be stationed across his own line of approach, ready to deal with his pursuers. Of the six U-boats able to answer his call two had no torpedoes and very little fuel. One of them was Lt. Commander Wohlfarth's U-556, the Bismarck's 'godfather' submarine that had pledged its protection. The small German U-boat raced through towering seas towards the damaged battleship.
Realising that he couldn't close with the German battleship unless its speed was reduced, RN Admiral Sir. John Tovey called up the Gibraltar squadron. The squadron consisted of the battle cruiser HMS Renown, the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal and the Cruisers HMS Sheffield and HMS Dorsetshire.
Everything however depended on the Ark Royal's own aircraft for they alone could reach the Bismarck in time to strike with their torpedoes. If anything could prevent the HMS Ark Royal closing with its target then the magnificent but crippled German raider would make it to St. Nazaire and safety.
On the evening of the 26th May 1941 the U-556's watch reported the approach of warships. Lt. Commander Wohlfarth crash-dived and then raising his periscope was just in time to see what must have been every U-boat commander's dream. The HMS Renown and the HMS Ark Royal were streaming directly towards him, their massive grey hulls plunging repeatedly into the mountainous seas.
Wohlfarth didn't even need to manoeuvre; it was as though they were steaming straight into his torpedo tubes. All he had to do was press the firing button to send the Ark Royal and HMS Renown to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. But he had no torpedoes left. The last of them had been used on a relatively unimportant merchant ship.
Such an opportunity would never again present itself; an enemy battleship and aircraft carrier, without escorting destroyers, passing in front of a U-boat's empty torpedo tubes.
Bismarck's fate was sealed. Her 'godfather' protector that had so recently signalled its pledge of protection was in no position to protect the pride of the German navy. The HMS Ark Royal and HMS Renown continued their course of destiny.
The British aircraft carrier closed on the Bismarck before launching an airborne attack on her. In poor weather conditions nine Swordfish aircraft led by Lieutenant Eugene Esmond found the crippled Bismarck and launched torpedo attacks which resulted in dented plates, loosened bulkheads and punctured her fuel tanks. The battleship was now taking in water.
Contact was then lost but a Catalina from 209 squadron spotted Bismarck the next day and from HMS Ark Royal fifteen Swordfish were launched, which soon chanced upon HMS Sheffield. Mistaking their own 'pride o' the fleet' for the German battleship the aircraft launched twelve torpedoes, which the British warship managed to avoid.
Admiral Somerville then ordered a second strike from HMS Ark Royal and in appalling weather conditions Royal Navy flying officer Lieutenant-Commander Jim Coode led Sub-Lieutenant Ken Pattison and Sub-Lieutenant Joey Beal to find the elusive Bismarck. On finally encountering the German battleship they launched their torpedoes, one of which hit the port boiler room.
Jim Coode's 'tin fish' then hit the Bismarck's rudder leaving the giant battleship circling helpless in the Bay of Biscay. A Royal Navy pilot who was later to be killed on a training flight in North Africa had sealed Bismarck's fate.
As dawn broke on the 27th May, the HMS King George V, HMS Rodney, HMS Norfolk and HMS Dorsetshire, positioned themselves and began to fire salvoes into the stricken German marauder. For three hours the Royal Navy pounded broadside after broadside into the crippled battleship. In just 90 minutes an incredible 2,876 heavy calibre shells were fired at the stricken ship. Adolph Eich, Heinz Jucknat and Franz Halke, all survivors from the German battleship, described the lower decks as absolute carnage. Fires raged everywhere as magazines exploded.
Circling, HMS Rodney fired two torpedoes into the Bismarck's hull but still the magnificent warship remained afloat. At 10.15 am the British Commander-in-Chief ordered the German battleship to be torpedoed again. HMS Dorsetshire fired torpedoes into both the starboard and port hulls of the Bismarck's burning shell, and at 10.40 am the great battleship rolled silently on her side and began her descent to the bottom of the seas, her war flag still saluting the grey skies.
In a scene straight from hell many hundreds of young German seamen found themselves tossed helplessly by the seas, swimming vainly in their attempts to remain afloat. High above them the heaving grey superstructure of the HMS Dorsetshire and HMS Maori, their scrambling nets cascading down its sides in compliance with the law of the sea.
Eager hands reached out for assistance but helpless by a combination of exhaustion and the action of the waves few of the stricken men were able to make it as far as the warship's sea swept decks. Of a crew of 2,221 men only 110 were picked from the waters. These by HMS Dorsetshire and HMS Maori.
On both sides of the tragic conflict there were singular acts of great heroism. Notably a young 17-year old British sailor, Midshipman Brookes, courageously climbed over the warship's heaving side. Descending to the heaving waterline he manfully attempted to rescue a young German sailor who had lost both his arms and was trying to hold on to the rope with his teeth. Sadly by this time 'naval activity had been spotted' in the distance and the rescuing warships were ordered to get under way. The young British midshipman was placed under arrest for defiantly refusing to give up his rescue attempt and was threatened with execution.
Only 115 of the Bismarck's crew of 2,206 men survived. Several of those who later died aboard the HMS Dorsetshire were committed to the sea with full military honours. Typically each was sent to a watery grave as a bugler played the last post and both German and British sailors stood solemnly to attention.
The German survivors were given permission to salute their fallen comrades with the oldest salute in the history of mankind, the raised arm and open hand, the sign that says 'I do not carry a weapon; I wish only peace with you.'
In the background could be heard the plaintive strains of a borrowed harmonica playing the fallen German serviceman's lament: 'Ich hatt einen kamaraden.' (I once had a comrade). As each body was committed to the waves both German and British sailors wept openly.
Of the two greatest controversies surrounding the sinking of the Bismarck one has been resolved. The Germans always held that the Bismarck was never sunk but was scuttled to prevent it falling into the hands of the Royal Navy.
Subsequent investigation has found in favour of the German account. The great German battleship was never sunk by the British but was scuttled by its own officers. With all but one gun destroyed it was imperative that the British should never learn of its unsinkable structure. British ships subsequently built to its design would almost certainly lead to the deaths of untold thousands of German sailors. The great sub-marine explorer Commander Ballard who has since discovered the wreck of the Bismarck has confirmed that it was indeed scuttled.
The remaining great controversy centres on the Royal Navy's abandonment of nearly 2,000 German seamen, left to their fate in defiance of international law, the age-old law of the sea, and that of common humanity. This abandonment has never been properly explained and one can only question the deliberate obfuscation.
One cannot however question the pathos of the scene the retreating ships left in their wake. One British sailor described how, as the rescuing ships turned stern on, there was the most tragic wailing of despair from the multitude of men, young and old, left floundering in the water. May God look after the souls?
Footnote: The Spanish Leader General Franco on hearing of the tragedy immediately despatched the Spanish cruiser Canarias to the scene but it found no survivors.
Few things illustrate the half lie better than the infamous 'Laconia Order'. This was the order given by Hitler, which expressly forbade German shipping from picking up survivors at sea. Ever since it this order has been recycled to show the Germans in a bad light but why was it given?
On September 12th 1942, at 9.30pm the British troopship Laconia was sunk off the West African coast by the German submarine U-156.
The U-boat, under the command of Werner Hartenstein, began picking up survivors and sent out a rescue signal on an open channel requesting any ships in the vicinity to assist with the saving of men in the sea.
U-156 was soon joined by another U-boat, but then both submarines were bombed by a squadron of American aircraft that had picked up the rescue signals. As a consequence a total of 1,792 men lost their lives, many of whom were Italian prisoners-of-war.
As a consequence Hitler issued the 'Laconia Order', forbidding all German vessels, irrespective of type or size, to pick up allied survivors. Not surprisingly, thousands of allied seamen who might otherwise have been saved were abandoned. Not because of the German leader's wickedness but because of the allied killing frenzy that so often backfired.
SO IT WAS WITH PROPAGANDA – AND STILL ISThere are no roses on a sailor's grave,
No lilacs on an ocean wave,
The only tribute is a seagull's sweep,
And the teardrops that their sweetheart's weep,
"If a nation is to go to war, then that nation cannot afford to tell the balanced truth about the enemy nation, and anyone who does during wartime will be tried and sentenced for sedition, and possibly executed.
The warmongering faction has to get its citizens mad at the enemy, and in the proper mood. It has to get its citizens to think they are fighting for the world's good, and for Christian or other religious righteousness, and the enemy is evil and ruled by the devil. So it was with the propaganda against Hitler and Germany, and so it has been ever since." – Alex S. Perry Jnr. The Barnes Review, Vol. No.1.
Like Dunkirk the Dieppe Raid was a military disaster dressed up as a victory. The losses have since been described as akin to those at the ill-fated Charge of the Light Brigade.
Involved were six thousand troops. These included 5,000 Canadians, the rest being made up of British Commandos, a few Frenchmen, and a token force from the U.S. Ranger battalion. They raided Dieppe on August 19, 1942. The result was a bloody massacre and humiliation for the allied forces.
Nevertheless British archive papers released in 1972 show that Lord Louis Mountbatten, Chief of Combined Operations, informed the War Cabinet that the raid had gone 'very satisfactorily."
As might be expected the American Press went even further by giving the impression that the Americans (with a little help) had spearheaded the raid on Dieppe and opened up Europe for the Allies. "We Land in France' screamed the New York Times whilst the New York World-Telegram boomed, "Tanks and U.S. Troops Smash to the French Coast.'
Ross Munro of the Canadian Press Agency explained, "I never really felt, except maybe on the Dieppe raid, that I was really cheating the public at home." We can assume that they might not have been very impressed with the casualties.
The most accurate summary of Dieppe was actually written by a German PK man who visiting a nearby Luftwaffe station afterwards wrote: "As executed the venture mocked all the rules of military logic and strategy."
In fact 907 Allied troops were killed, 2,460 were wounded, and 1,874 were taken prisoner. Of the 2,210 who did make it back to England only 36 were unhurt despite the fact that 200 had not even made it to the French shore.
During the raid allied air power suffered its biggest single day loss of the war when 106 aircraft were downed. Without a single exception every tank crew became a casualty and overall 60% of the invading force was marked as casualties.
The plan had been for just 10% casualties. In his report Lord Louis Mountbatten wrote that the planning had been excellent, air support faultless and naval losses extremely light. He added that of the 6,000 men involved two-thirds had returned to Britain.
German loses were 500 dead and very few prisoners of war. That so few were taken prisoner might have had something to do with an Allied predisposition to casually shooting prisoners. Ross Munro had witnessed one such incident when Canadian troops shot eight German prisoners-of-war.
INTERESTING FOOTNOTE: During the raid on Dieppe the local population assisted the Germans in fighting off the marauding British and Canadian (and a few Americans) troops. The port's German defenders were bolstered by locals braving the fighting to bring them water, food, and in some cases, ammunition.
Such was the German appreciation of the town peoples actions during the raid that Hitler later approved the repatriation of French POW's to the region soon afterwards. An act of generosity he had never felt previously obliged to offer.
According to Arvid Fedborg's Behind the Steel Walls, Field Marshall Erwin Rommel giving an interview to neutral correspondents in Berlin, described the British as 'cowards whose methods of fighting were dishonourable.'
Adolf Hitler personally ordered that members of British raiding parties be summarily shot whether he had surrendered or not. True enough but as usual this is half the story.
This order was given after a British Commando raid on the Channel Island of Sark went wrong. A number of German prisoners had been taken but the attacking force had to withdraw in a hurry under heavy German fire.
The bodies of four German prisoners were later found with their hands still bound – and their throats slit from ear to ear. It was only after this horrendous event that the German leader issued his Commando order.
It is better to be united in truth- US State Senator Edwin Gochenour (1953 1999)
Than to be united in error.
It is better to tell the truth that hurts - then heals,
Than to tell a lie that heals then kills.
It is better to be hated for telling the truth, Than to be loved for telling a lie.
It is better to ultimately win with the truth, Than to temporarily succeed with a lie.
WITH IGNOMINY WOULD BE MORE APPROPRIATESuch was the allies concern at the lack of resistance in the Low Countries and France that the SOE (Special Operations Executive) carried out acts designed to shake off such inertia. Typically British agents would clandestinely butcher German servicemen, often sentries. These agents would then leave clues to suggest responsibility lay with the local resistance. The Germans never did cotton on to such skullduggery and sometimes took out reprisals on the local population. This had the effect of arousing bad feeling and encouraging attacks on German targets. The desired effect was therefore achieved.
One such British agent was the Anglo-French Violette Szabo. Recruited as an agent she made several drops into occupied France and with other agents brought considerable destruction and loss of life to civilians, and to French and German servicemen and women. Szabo was twice captured and twice she escaped. On a third occasion, holed up with others, she killed several German soldiers before she herself was captured. She was subsequently shot – strictly in accordance with convention. Claims that the Gestapo routinely tortured captives are wide of the mark. Incidences of maltreatment had to be made-up. The most infamous of these fraudulent torture claims related to the capture of Szabo. These fantasies were later repeated in the film and book Carve her Name with Pride.
Her fellow captives Captain Peuleve and Wing Commander Yeo-Thomas G.C., both of whom were interrogated and imprisoned with Szabo stated unequivocally that the Germans never maltreated the female agent.
The torture claims made by her researcher Mr. Minney caused Captain Peuleve much embarrassment. The captain had wrongly and without his knowledge been named as the sole source of evidence for the torture allegations in the posthumous George Cross citation awarded to Szabo. (Full story, Sunday Times 4.4.1965).
"History is nearly always written by the victors."—Anon
As the war progressed Churchill and his war cabinet became increasingly furious at German successes. In order to 'toughen them up' British soldiers were ordered from 'the highest quarters' to visit slaughterhouses to witness the dreadful end of terrified animals of all kinds.
There they watched cruelties to the accompaniment of hectoring shouts from brutalised sergeants who exhorted them to make 'the Huns suffer the same fate'. Moreover, as each squad left the scenes of slaughter they were drenched in buckets of blood to prepare them for future battles.
When news of these slaughterhouse visits filtered through there were protests by some Members of Parliament and these practices were stopped.
The distinguished American historian and legal rights expert, Dr. Alfred deZayas, made allegations of British war crimes in his book 'The German Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau 1939 – 1945'. This was published by the University of Nebraska Press.
Dr. deZayas in a lecture given to All Souls College, Oxford, claimed that British violations of Geneva and other conventions included the sinking of a German hospital ship in Scandinavia, and the shooting of shipwrecked German sailors. Sadly, the claims and evidence were ignored and suppressed by the Kraut-bashing British media.
The doctor' findings were based on interviews with German survivors and military judges, and were supported by a study of 226 volumes of documents drawn up by the German War Crimes Bureau, which was set up in 1939 to monitor Allied violations of international law.
These files covering some 4,000 cases were seized by American troops in 1945 and promptly taken to the USA where, until the early 1970s they were treated as classified material. Was Dr Alfred deZayas then a neo-Nazi apologist? Hardly as he is Jewish.
Competing with each other for 'first over the Rhine brownie points' 'Operation Market Garden' was Field Marshall Bernard L. Montgomery's overly ambitious plan to pierce the Ruhr from which the French had been ejected twenty years earlier.
When troops of the First British Airborne dropped on Arnhem to seize the bridge crossing, the British media hailed the operation as 'a stunning success'. In fact it was yet another monumental blunder dressed up as victory though the full extent of the disaster wasn't open to inspection for another thirty years when Cornelius Ryan's book A Bridge Too Far caused a re-think.
At the time the BBC announced the operation as 'an incredible achievement, certainly one of the outstanding operations of the war.' When the British forces were forced into ignominious retreat the BBC quickly changed its tune to, 'a valuable stand by a depleted, gallant, and undaunted force.'
This in fact was nearer the truth but it did miss the point. The operation was foolhardy to the extreme and should never have even been considered. Correspondent Cyril Ray, who took part in the drop on Nijmegen complained bitterly. "We tart up our reverses so heroically that it takes an effort to grasp that Arnhem was not merely a British defeat, it was a German victory."
He was even less happy to discover that the British officer in charge of censorship stuffed the correspondent's dispatch into his battle dress blouse and produced them several days later. "Terribly sorry, you chaps, but I quite overlooked them." American readers were also kept in the dark. There wasn't a single American correspondent at the crucial battle of Arnhem.
One thing which has been assiduously ignored by practically all writers about this disaster is the following. The British troops (who fought with an uncommon tenacity and bravery) experienced such heavy casualties that they were unable to take care of their wounded.
A British officer decided to approach the German SS troops under a white flag to ask for assistance! The SS, honourable as always, stopped shooting, received the British delegation and agreed to a cease fire during which the British wounded were transported to German field hospitals to be taken care of. This was done and the British were cared for with the same care as accorded to the German wounded.
Disgracefully, not a single English soldier thus saved and humanely treated has ever expressed his thanks, If they ever did none of their remarks have ever been published. This act of kindness and fairness by the SS has got be the first in history and to ignore it shows the depth of dishonesty by the allies.
Not so much 'Saving Private Ryan' as saving Private Ryan's skin. Whilst many Americans fought bravely any account of the Ardennes debacle when the German Army counter-attacked would be incomplete without telling of the blind panic, confusion and cowardice the German counter attack produced.
One American major general who had so far never seen action had his division taken away from him. He died soon afterwards of heart failure. Whether it was induced or not we may never know.
On another occasion a colonel had handed his armoured unit's command to another as soon as the attack began. He was last seen in a highly nervous state hurrying to the rear 'for ammunition'.
All moves to lift morale were handicapped by the knowledge that whilst some American soldiers were fighting for their lives another 20,000 or so were absent without leave. These footloose brigands wandered about in gangs stealing petrol, hijacking food trucks and trains on the way to the front, and making fortunes on the black market. (Observer Magazine, December 21 1969).
A provost marshal in the Seine base area arrested one U.S. major. Before being caught he had sent home $36,000 that he had made from black market deals. The provost marshal said. "It's just like Chicago in the Al Capone days!"
War Correspondents wrote nothing about such matters. Had they attempted to the censor would have undoubtedly killed it. The war correspondents themselves were equally footloose and at the fighting front notable by their absence. Most were bunkered down in Brussels and according to one candid PR officer correspondents they were known to take dinner in one of the capital's better restaurants, stroll around the town, return to the luxurious Canterbury Hotel, and there begin the stories for the folk back home: "On the Western Front . . . . . "
Most World War 11 veterans, if they do brag of the part they played during the war, never mention that they were drafted and were hardly volunteers. They were in the armed forces for one reason alone: not to defeat Hitler or for patriotic reasons but because they were press ganged into the armed forces against their will.
There is no choice in war. Everyone goes into uniformed slavery to 'fight for freedom.' Of the 16 million American servicemen who went into military service during World War Two, less than 1/30 (600,000) actually volunteered. And the majority of these did so only because they knew they would be drafted shortly anyway and volunteered either for appearance's sake or to get into some more desirable branch of the services."
U.S. Servicemen soon discovered that bed-wetting earned an honorable discharge; an unfortunate choice of words but there you go. In one Texas training camp alone, after this ruse was discovered, the incidence of bed-wetting shot up by 1200 percent. It was only stopped when the War Department issued a circular removing it as a 'psychoneurotic discharge.'
Others were no less scathing of their role: "In this nation of ours, the final political decisions rest with the people. And the people, so that they may make up their minds, must be given the facts, even in time of war, or perhaps especially in time of war . . . " - Paul Scott Mowrer. Editor Chicago Daily News and one-time war correspondent.
The U.S. economy suffered more hours lost through desertion than it did through civilian strikes.
During the Depression and leading up to the draft (conscription) there was 11 million unemployed in the United States. With no social security available each unemployed man was desperate for any work.
Hardly surprisingly the prospect of three big meals a day, a clean bunk with a place to shower, new clothes and shoes with no rent to pay, career opportunities, sport, travel, free laundry and in the pocket $21 a month (a lot of money then) held out a lot of appeal.
Best of all there was no fighting to do as the arch liar President Roosevelt ("We shall not send your sons abroad.") had promised them 'no wars'. Much the same could be said of Britain. So if any old soldier implies that his motive was to defend his country against aggression or liberate Germany or Europe take it with a pinch of salz and sprinkle it all over your bratwurst.
Throughout the war American gaols held 16,000 conscientious objectors. In the Jewish movie Saving Private Ryan there is no mention of the 20,000 or so American servicemen who went AWOL as soon as they hit the French beaches. Many made their feral living by stealing from their own Army.
American renegades sold whole trainloads of clothing, food, fuel and other essentials. So much fuel was stolen that General George S. Patton's military vehicles were left high and dry on reaching the Siegfried Line. The American revisionist author James J. Martin said, "No army is ever free of looting but it is questionable if any other army ever looted itself on the scale of ours."
He recounted how "U.S. Army trucks were backed up the whole length of the Champs-Elysees with GIs selling gasoline and cigarettes openly to the French populace."
By 1944 British bombers were suffering such enormous losses at the hands of Germany's night-fighter pilots it was described as the Battle of Britain in reverse gear. Scared bomber pilots scattered the deadly cargoes across the breadth of the North Sea. The official report to Bomber Campaign spoke of the RAF's pilots as having 'balked the jump."
War Correspondents found themselves constantly trying to unravel the Air Ministry's spin on events. The latter shied away from releasing the number of bomber involved, preferring to use such ambiguities as 'a strong force' or 'a very strong force', or 'losses not exceeding 5%.' But 5% of what?
Phillip Knightly concluded "The Air Ministry was concealing from them the ratio of losses of plane to numbers taking part not to avoid encouraging the enemy but to prevent the reader from losing faith in bombing as a means of waging war."
One of the most invidious allied aims of the war was to crush and loot the German Folk Nation through 'population reduction'. Leslie Hore-Belisha (a good Anglo Saxon name) and Professor Lindemann, a German-Jewish asylum seeker were highly placed Jews who from within the Churchill regime gloated of their responsibility for the deliberate bombing of Germany's most densely populated areas.
The German solution to the RAF and U.S. bombing of their civilian population was ingenious. They simply removed Jews from their relatively safe-area homes, placed them in camps - and gave their homes to Germans displaced by British bombing raids.
Concentration camps in which rounded up non-combatants are corralled was a British invention first used in the Boer War with appalling consequences for the poor souls incarcerated. A much higher percentage died of mistreatment and malnutrition than ever died in German camps.
The war in the desert brought out the best in imaginative reporting but the excess of 'blood and guts' media hype irritated allied army commanders. General Sir Leslie Morshead, who commanded the Australian Ninth Division in Tobruk did allow Ronald Monson of the London Daily Telegraph into the besieged town. His reason was terse: "I've had enough of lying correspondents and wanted someone I knew and trusted to report accurately."
During the 'Crusader' tank battles during November 1941 more German tanks were destroyed in correspondents' reports than the German General Rommel possessed.
The 'Alamein Line was said to stretch like a Maginot Line across the desert to block the German advance. The 'Alemain Line' alas was a BBC invention though it did have its uses. Field Marshall Rommel believed it existed and by reconsidering his victorious advance across the North African deserts gave the Eighth Army essential breathing space.
The downside was that the better-informed British Army knew it didn't exist and there was a hasty evacuation from HQ in Alexandria. Nor was the British Navy taken in by this desert mirage for they sailed out of Alexandria so fast they forgot to tell the retreating Army they were leaving.
The greatest ever authenticated war crime in history was the terror bombing of the defenseless city of Dresden in which an estimated 300,000 people, mostly civilian refugees, were incinerated on the St. Valentine Night, 1945.
Two months later and within a few days of Hitler taking his own life U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was dead. He had suffered a cerebral haemorrhage – and then tumbled into the flames of his household fireplace. Poetic justice indeed! Many would say it was an early introduction to what awaited him.
Bomber Command servicemen were described by British editor and columnist Peregrine Worsthorne as 'having the mentality of moronic truck drivers.' Richard Burton the notable actor regarded Winston Churchill as a mass murderer. Conservative MP Lord Robert Boothby described the bombing of Dresden as 'Britain's eternal shame.'
Although Hollywood would have it otherwise only ten American airmen took to the skies in defence of Britain during the so-called Battle of Britain. Three of these were killed in action: Flying Officer C.R Davis, Pilot Officer W.M.L Fiske (the Billy Fiske who is to be played on screen by Tom Cruise), and P/O H.W Reilly. Five more were killed later during the war.
Of all the aircrew who took part in the battle of Britain 2,353 were from the UK (407 killed in action) 146 Poland (29 kia) 127 from New Zealand (18 kia) 97 Canada (17 kia), 87 Czechoslovakia (7 kia), 28 Belgian (6 kia), 27 Australian (14 kia), 24 South African (9 kia), 14 Free French, Ten from USA (3 kia), 9 From Ireland, 3 from Southern Rhodesia, one from Jamaica and one from Palestine. This gives a total of 2,927 of whom just 510 were killed in action.
One of the most successful examples of wartime spin was the story surrounding the dam-busters raid of May 16 –17 1943. RAF Wing Commander Guy Gibson and his pilots of 617 Squadron were carefully selected to carry out a daring and innovative bombing raid on five major dams in Western Germany, 'essential to that country's defence capability'.
Using a special 'water skipping barrel bomb' two of the dams, the Moehne and the Eder, were breached to their very foundations.
As the news broke Britain's joy was orgasmic. 'Floods Roar down the Ruhr Valley,' screamed the Daily Express headlines. The Daily Mirror not to be outdone glossed the story up. 'Hundreds of square miles of devastation have spread through the Ruhr, Germany's most densely populated industrial area, by the RAF's staggering attack on the Moehne and Eder dams.' It was gleefully reported that 10,000 Germans had died.
Wing Commander Guy Gibson became an overnight hero and was awarded the Victoria Cross. It was a welcome addition to his DSO and DFC, and he was further rewarded with a tour of the United States.
A book on the raid, The Dam Busters by Paul Brickhill became Britain's biggest selling war book and is popular to this day. As with the equally ludicrous movie The Great Escape millions have seen the recycled film of the same title.
In 1972, after examining newly released Second World War documents, the author and journalist Bruce Page wrote, "the truth about the raid was that it was a conjuring trick, virtually devoid of any military significance, the 'skipping bomb' just a gimmick. The real story of the raid was of sloppy planning, narrow-minded enthusiasm, and misdirected courage.'
He added: "Apart from the aircrews, the only people to emerge from the story with real credit are a handful of people in the Ministry of Economic Warfare who tried to calculate in advance whether the raid would damage the German war economy. They calculated accurately that it would not, but they were ignored."
The only dam whose damage would have potentially hit the war effort was the Sorpe Dam. Yet only a token force had dealt with it and the damage was minimal.
Certainly the breaching of the Moehne and Eder dams caused flooding but this effected agricultural land, the one asset Germany had in abundance. After World War 1 800,000 civilians had died of starvation during the 1919 Royal Naval blockade of war ravaged Germany. The new German leader had seen to it that his nation would be self-sufficient; in fact Germany was one of the few nations in Europe capable of feeding itself.
Contrary to propaganda the raid did not effect hydro-electricity production because the Moehne Dam had negligible electrical capacity and the Eder had none.
The actual loss of life was 1,300. These were working class civilians and the greatest loss of life was that of non-Germans; the displaced Ukrainian civilians, mostly women and children who were housed in camps downstream of the Moehne Dam.
50% of the RAF airmen never returned. 53 died; a number of them Canadians. Guy Gibson later died in action. The official who commented on the raid used the term 'disappointing'. Own goal might have been a little more apt.
Few conflicts in human history have attracted such a bad press as did the German armed forces. But as so often in postwar propaganda this was mostly fantasy. Even captured members of allied units concede that they had little to complain about
American researcher Ralph Franklin Keeling who meticulously studied the aftermath agrees: "It must be brought home to the American people that much of what they have been led to believe was born of propaganda. That the Germany Army, for example, actually behaved itself very correctly toward the people of occupied territories whose governments were signatories to the Hague and Geneva Conventions. The facts are now well known, and are beyond dispute, despite the opposite picture painted in the Press as part of the horrendous business of war."
William (Wily) Shirer, the Jewish compiler of the discredited tome 'Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' reveals how in June 1940 French women had fled Paris in fear of the Germans. 'It seems the Parisians actually believed the Germans would rape the women and do worse to the men. The ones who stayed are all the more amazed at the very correct behaviour of the troops".
Frederick C. Crawford, President of Thompson Products, on an inspection tour organised by the U.S. War Department said: "The Germans tried to be careful in their dealings with the people. We were told that if a citizen attended strictly to business and took no political or underground action against the occupying army, he was treated with correctness.
Pulp magazines and books have been condemned for painting lurid pictures of the German occupation of the Channel Islands. Charles Cruickshank however, a noted expert and author claim otherwise. "The German behaviour was correct; that they were quite amiably received by most people; there was no real sabotage and no real resistance movement. That as long as there was food, the civilians had their fair share and the conditions for the islanders were a good deal better than it was for the Wehrmacht in May, 1945."
Those who were occupied agreed. "The Germans were angels compared to the Communists", says Zite Kaulius. "Persecuted Christians came out of hiding. My father who had been arrested was released by the Germans. He came home with his hands raw. The Communists had tortured him by plunging his hands into boiling water until his skin came off like gloves."
The most notable defenders of German integrity came from the higher echelons of the allied armed forces. "Very few German officers committed actions by their own free will during World War 11 of such a nature that they, because of such actions, could be regarded as war criminals," says Major General H. Bratt, Royal Swedish Army.
French Army Chief of Staff Lionel-Max Chassin agreed. "The American admirals were courageous. They defended their German counterparts and saved their lives. Why didn't the generals of the ground armies do as much? They behaved contemptibly because I don't think that the German ground armies committed any crimes."
He was referring to the almost universal agreement among highly placed U.S. armed forces personnel who were unstinting in their praise of their former foes. Major General Robert W. Grow, Commander 6th Armored Division in Europe spoke for his counterparts when he said, "My service during World War 11 was in command of an armored division throughout the European campaign, from Normandy to Saxony.
My division lost quite a number of officers and men captured between July 1944 and April 1945. In no instance did I hear of personnel from our division receiving treatment other than proper under the 'Rules of Land Warfare'. As far as the 6th Armored Division was concerned in its 280 days of front line contact, there was no 'atrocity problem'. Frankly, I was aghast, as were many of my contemporaries, when we learned of the proposed 'war crimes' trials and the fact that military commanders were among the accused.... I know of no general officer who approved of them."
Even foreign workers were treated well: "It is true that the Reich exacted forced labour from foreign workers, but it is also true that, they were for the most part paid and fed well," says Ralph F. Keeling, "I think some of the persons found themselves better off than at any time in their lives before," added Dr.James K.Pollack. "What did the Germans do to get efficient production from forced labour that we were not able to do with Germans working down the mines? They fed their helpers and fed them well."
The realities of German POW camps and the level of inmate welfare were far better than that depicted by the victors' post war propaganda. Allied servicemen often described German POW camps as 'barbed wire universities'.
In them internees could learn new skills and develop old ones. Typical courses might be astronomy, singing, literature, and naturally, learning the German language. Many returned to Blighty armed not with their rifle but with a degree from which their future lives and those of their families benefited.
The most high profile was Lord Mulley, M.P., Cabinet Member and former Defence Secretary. The then lance-sergeant was captured at Dunkirk and spent the next four years in German POW camps in Poland, East Prussia and Bavaria. He used his time to good effect - by passing examinations in a number of subjects, including economics and banking."
THE STORY BEHIND THE SONGThe soldier's song Lili Marlene was the ballad that crossed the trenches and won the hearts of soldiers of both the Allied and Axis armies during World War 11. The wistful lyrics were composed in 1918 by Hans Leip, (22.9.1893 - 6.6.1983). He was then a German infantryman of the Great War. The words were written with feeling shortly before he and his comrades left for the Russian front.
Lili Marlene is not a single young lady but two, Lili being his own sweetheart, the daughter of a local grocer whilst Marlene was a comrade's girlfriend, a young nurse.
Lili Marlene was originally a poem written simply to record the angst of barracks life and the pain felt by a soldier on being separated from his loved one. It was later published in a collection of poetry in 1937 under the title, 'The Song of a Young Sentry', Hans Leip.
The poem's evocative pathos was then to capture the imagination of Norbert Schultze, the popular German composer of operas, musicals, and songs and in 1938 he set the words to music.
It was no more than mildly popular and had sold just 700 copies when German Forces Radio began broadcasting it to the Afrika Korps in 1941. Its popular singer was the enchanting Lale Anderson. Such was its immediate popularity that Field-Marshall Erwin Rommel requested Radio Belgrade to incorporate the song into their broadcasts, and they duly obliged.
Norbert Schultze was incidentally the composer of the backing music to such German period films (and battle songs) as 'Bombs for England' (Bomben auf Engeland) and 'Tanks Roll into Africa'. (Panzer Rollen in Afrika!). Indeed he composed many military battle hymns and marches, operas and musicals.
After the war the 'liberators' classified Schultze as a 'sympathiser', banned his music, and forbade him his profession. He then worked in heavy construction and later worked as a gardener before eventually resuming life in the song writing disciplines.
British soldiers were roundly condemned when the song caught their imagination and they enthusiastically sang the German version. It was then that the official The BBC spin erroneously described Lili Marlene as 'a German prostitute' in a failed attempt to deflect the song's growing popularity.
The libel hardly dented enthusiasm for the two young German ladies until J. J. Phillips, a British song publisher berated tommies for singing the German version. "Then why don't you write us some English words?" challenged one mutinous soldier. Soon after both Phillips and songwriter Tommy Connors came up with an English language version.
Forces near-favourite Anne Shelton brought instant popularity to the German poem, Vera Lynne the forces favourite sang it over the BBC and the British Eighth Army adopted it.
Lili Marlene was also a chart buster. An anonymous chorus brought it to No.13 in 1944. It hit the US charts again in 1968 and the Japanese charts in 1986.
There are a number of versions of Lili Marlene in a diversity of languages. It has been translated into 48 languages including French, Russian, Italian, and surprisingly, Hebrew.
This poignant off-the-cuff poem penned in a wistful moment by an eighteen-year old Hamburg-born sentry who pulled the heartstrings of soldiers across the world is by far the most popular wartime song ever recorded.
Lili Marlene (English Version)
Outside the barracks by the corner light,
I'll always stand, and wait for you at night.
We will create a world for two,
I'll wait for you, the whole night through,
For you Lili Marlene, for you Lili Marlene.
Bugler tonight don't play your call to arms,
I want another evening with your charms;
Soon we will say, goodbye and part,
I'll always keep you in my heart,
With me Lili Marlene, with me Lili Marlene.
Give me a rose to show you really care,
Tie to the stem a lock of golden hair;
Maybe tomorrow you'll feel blue,
But then will come a love that's new -
For you, Lili Marlene, for you, Lili Marlene.
When we are marching in the mud and cold,
And when my pack seems more than I can hold;
My love for you renews my might,
I'm warm again, my pack is light
It's you, Lili Marlene, it's you, Lili Marlene.
Lili Marlene German Version)
Vor der Kaserne, Vor dem grossen
Tor Stand eine Laterne
Und steht sie noch davor
So woll'n wir uns da wieder seh'n
Wie einst Lili Marlene, wie einst Lili Marlene
Unsere beide Schatten Sah'n wie einer aus
Das wir so lieb uns hatten
Das sah man gleich daraus
Und alle Leute soll'n es seh'n
Wie einst Lili Marlene, wie einst Lili Marlene
Schon rief der Posten, Sie blasen Zapfenstreich
Das kann drei Tage kosten Kam'rad, ich komm sogleich
Da sagten wir auf Wiedersehn
Wie gerne wollt ich mit dir geh'n
Mit dir Lili Marlene, wie einst Lili Marlene
Deine Schritte kennt sie, Deinen zieren Gang
Alle Abend brennt sie, Doch mich vergaus sie lang
Und sollte mir ein Leids gescheh'n
Wer wird bei der Laterne stehen
Mit dir Lili Marlene, wie einst Lili Marlene
Aus demm stillen Raume Aus der erde Grund
Hebt mich wie im Traume Dein verliebte Mund
Wenn sich die spaten Nebel drehn
Werd' ich bei der Laterne steh'n
Wie einst Lili Marlene. wie einst Lili Marlene
Being a citizen and passport holder of a country that remained neutral throughout the war I find it difficult to comprehend why anyone would think my pursuit of fair play should be considered reprehensible. As someone kindly pointed out, it wasn't my war. What I do consider reprehensible is the ambiguous and sometimes adoration of a half-American warmonger who flaunted his perversions and riches whilst he puffed cigar smoke in the faces of those who couldn't afford a packet of Woodbines (Camel cigarettes or Luckies to you Americans).
I sometimes find the Germans just as incomprehensible; not the least their generosity of spirit. Bob Leadbetter, ex 214 Sqd RAF says: "Returning from Berlin (Flying Short Sterlings) on August 24, 1943, our aircraft was attacked by a German fighter and the rear gun turret was set on fire.
After abortive attempts to extinguish the fire, it was noticed that the wing was on fire too, and the order to abandon aircraft was given.
As we were preparing to leave, we were fired upon again, and three of us were wounded, though we all got out alive.
Next day the wounded were taken to a local police station and treated by a civilian doctor before being taken by a military ambulance to an Army hospital in Mecklaiburg, Germany. There we were treated with respect and great kindness.
We were later transferred to the German Air Force hospital at Wismar, where RAF and USAF personnel were treated with the same respect and kindness. Oh, the fortunes of war.
You are unlikely to see any books on the subject of British POWs held in German camps. Occasionally however, in local newspapers, because they relate to local issues and personalities, you will come across photographs of Britons held in German captivity.
There they pose, just as they had for their group photo-shots at school, college, sport or service careers; yet one would hardly notice that they were in captivity at all. They are smart in their uniforms; obviously well nourished and clean; the pictures of health. There was no end of recreational pursuits for them, including education.
Let's hope the poor bastards in their trenches for whom capture had been elusive didn't see how their mates behind bars were doing. Hardly Great Escape stuff at all when you think about it.
"What kind of war do civilians suppose we fought anyway? We shot prisoners in cold blood, wiped out hospitals, lifeboats, killed or mistreated enemy civilians, finished off enemy wounded, tossed the dying into a hole with the dead, and in the Pacific boiled the flesh of enemy skulls to make table ornaments for sweethearts, or carved their bones into letter openers. We topped off our saturation bombing and burning of enemy civilians by dropping atomic bombs on two nearly defenseless cities, thereby setting an all time record for instantaneous mass slaughter.
As victors we are privileged to try our defeated opponents for their crimes against humanity; but we should be realistic enough to appreciate that if we were on trial for breaking international laws, we should be found guilty on a dozen counts. We fought a dishonorable war, because morality has a low priority in battle....
.... I have asked fighting men for instance, why they - or actual we - regulated flame-throwers in such a way that enemy soldiers were set afire, to die slowly and painfully, rather than be killed outright by a full blast of burning oil. Was it because they hated the enemy so thoroughly? The answer was invariably, 'No, we don't hate those poor bastards particularly; we just hate the whole god dam mess and have to take it out on somebody.'
"Possibly for the same reason we mutilated the bodies of the enemy dead, cutting off their ears and kicking out their gold teeth for souvenirs, and buried them with their testicles in their mouths, but such flagrant violations of all moral codes reach into still unexplored realms of battle psychology." - Edgar L. Jones, U.S. Second World War veteran. Atlantic Monthly, February 1946
Wilfred Burchett (London Daily Express) broke the first eyewitness account of the aftermath of the destruction at Hiroshima a month after the bombing. His report was the first to reveal radiation sickness and its appalling effects.
"In Hiroshima, thirty days after the first atom bomb destroyed the city and shook the world, people are still dying, mysteriously and horribly, people who were uninjured in the cataclysm – from an unknown something which I can only describe as the Atomic Plague.
Hiroshima does not look like a bombed city. It looks as though a monster steamroller had passed over it and squashed it out of existence. I write these facts as dispassionately as I can in the hope that they will act as a warning to the world."
Army Press Relations immediately called a conference in Tokyo to reject Burchett's account of unfolding events. "There was no such thing as radiation sickness." The spokesman said.
Hiroshima was immediately put out of bounds to all correspondents and Burchett was served with an expulsion order. Trust the experts? Major-General Leslie R. Groves, head of the Manhattan Project, the organisation that developed the Atomic Bomb said, "This talk about radio-activity is so much nonsense."
For a moment – yes, just a moment – can we forget what the Germans are supposed to have done and look at what our allies, the Red Army actually did do? And let us remember as we read it that without our infamous 'Nelson's eye' and moral support, they could not have committed these foul, utterly evil atrocities.
Let us not hear anyone saying, but it was the Russians. The British and Americans were their allies and their mentors. Therefore they are every bit as guilty as the thoroughly evil sons of Satan who carried out these wicked deeds. Their excuse will not wash with God – and God's view is my own view. Read on and be prepared to be sickened. If the allies are not guilty of at least complicity in these awful events then ask yourself why do they hide them? Had the Germans carried out these infamous acts would they sit on them? Does that answer your question?
Some months ago Ernst asked me to do a report on Allied atrocities during and after World War II, and toward that end, he sent me some information, among them a book in German title, "Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen" - Allied War Crimes.
I started reading it and underlining certain passages, but not for long-because I realised that I was getting nauseated. It was a compilation of first-person testimony as to what happened when the Allies (particularly the Red Army) started to carve up a prostrated and defeated Germany.
I made several attempts to finish this assignment but I couldn't do it. I simply couldn't do it. Even now, I feel a moral obligation to finish it, but even thinking about it makes my palms clammy and my heart race. People in the West have simply no idea what went on in Europe after the Allies began to push the Germans back - from 1943 on!
It isn't pretty reading. It was published recently in Der Freiwillige, June 1995, pages 10-11, under the title In Their Terror All Were Alike, written (or edited) by Hans Koppe. "
. . . Since the same old stories of war crimes allegedly committed by the Germans are being parroted over and over again in prayer-wheel fashion, particularly by the younger generations who are too lazy (or deliberately unwilling) to obtain a real grasp of the subject through the study of documents from the archives of our former enemies' documents which are both accessible and irrefutable - we wish to call to mind the following report which first appeared 30 years ago in the Deutschland Journal of April 23, on p. 7 of issue 17.
It is supplemented with the eyewitness report of an armoured infantryman who recorded his impressions on March 7, 1995. P. 7, issue 17, April 23, 1965 (Deutschland-Journal). Report of the German-Brazilian citizen Leonora Geier, nee Cavoa, born on October 22, 1925 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Before the expulsion she lived in Hirschberg, Bahnstrasse 8.Present at the writing of this report:Bernhard Wassmann, born on May 10, 1901, Bautzen, Senftenberger Strasse 15; Reiner Halhammer, born on February 3, 1910, Bautzen, Sterngasse 2; Manfred Haer, born on April 9, 1929, Gorlitz, A.Bebel-Strasse 1; Kyrill Wratilavo, born on March 3, 1918, Bautzen, Karl-Marx-Strasse 25.
The witnesses present confirm that the aforementioned, Leonora Geier, made this report without any coercion, threats or other outside influence, motivated solely by the need to make the terrible events of the time of the German Reich's collapse known to posterity since she has received permission to emigrate to Brazil.
The report was drawn up on October 6, 1955 and discusses the events of February 16, 17 and 18 1945, which are already partially known. At that time the witness was employed as typist in Camp "Vilmsee" of the RAD), the Women's Labour Service. Being a Brazilian she was considered by the Russian Army to be an ally put to forced labour in the .service of the National-Socialist state.
These prerogatives were attested to by a document which she presented here and which bears the rubber stamp of the First White Russian Army. Since the present report disregards existing moral standards and sexual taboos, it must under no circumstances be made available to underage persons. All events are recounted in a plain, straight-forward manner in order to document historical accuracy. Nothing has been added, nothing was withheld. Bernhard Wassmann and Manfred Haer were members of the Infantry Artillery and Training Company I. G. 81 and were assigned to rescue operations in the aforementioned camp when the city of Neustettin was occupied following the temporary retreat of the First White Russian Army:
"On the morning of February 16 [19451 a Russian division occupied the Reich Labour Service camp of Vilmsee in Neustettin. The Commissar, who spoke German well, informed me that the camp was dissolved and that, as we were a uniformed unit, we were to be transported immediately to a collecting camp. Since I, being a Brazilian, belonged to a nation on friendly terms with the Allies, he entrusted me with the leadership of the transport which went to Neustettin, into the yard of what used to be an iron foundry. We were some 500 girls from the Women's Reich Labour Service.
The Commissar was very polite to us and assigned us to the foreign workers' barracks of the factory. But the allocated space was too small for 11 of us, and so I went to speak to the Commissar about it. He said that it was, after all, only a temporary arrangement, and offered that I could come to the typists' office if it was too crowded for me, which I gladly accepted. He immediately warned me to avoid any further contact with the others, as those were members of an illegal army. My protests that this was not true were cut off with the remark that if I ever said anything like that ever again, I would be shot.
Suddenly I heard loud screams, and immediately two Red Army soldiers brought in five girls. The commissar ordered them to undress. When they refused out of modesty, he ordered me to do it to them, and for all of us to follow him.
We crossed the yard to the former works kitchen, which had been completely cleared out except for a few tables on the window side. It was terribly cold, and the poor girls shivered. In the large, tiled room some Russians were waiting for us, making remarks that must have been very obscene, judging from how everything they said drew gales of laughter.
The Commissar told me to watch and learn how to turn the Master Race into whimpering bits of misery. Now two Poles came in, dressed only in trousers, and the girls cried out at their sight. They quickly grabbed the first of the girls, and bent her backwards over the edge of the table until her joints cracked. I was close to passing out as one of them took his knife and, before the very eyes of the other girls, cut off her right breast. He paused for a moment, and then cut off the other side.
I have never-heard anyone scream as desperately as that girl. After this operation he drove his knife into her abdomen several times, which again was accompanied by the cheers of the Russians.
The next girl cried for mercy, but in vain, it even seemed that the gruesome deed was done particularly slowly because she was especially pretty. The other three had collapsed, they cried for their mothers and begged for a quick death, but the same fate awaited them as well.
The last of them was still almost a child, with barely developed breasts. They literally tore the flesh off her ribs until the white bones showed.
Another five girls were brought in. They had been carefully chosen this time. All of them were well- developed and pretty. When they saw the bodies of their predecessors they began to cry and scream. Weakly, they tried desperately to defend themselves, but it did them o good as the Poles grew ever more cruel.
They sliced the body of one of them open length wise and poured in a can of machine oil, which they tried to light. A Russian shot one of the other girls in the genitals before they cut off her breasts.
Loud howls of approval began when someone brought a saw from a tool chest. This was used to tear off the breasts of the other girls, which soon caused the floor to be awash in blood. The Russians were in a blood frenzy.
More girls were being brought in continually. I saw these grisly proceedings as through a red haze. Over and over again I heard the terrible screams when the breasts were tortured, and the loud groans at the mutilation of the genitals.
When my knees buckled I was forced onto a chair. The Commissar always made sure that I was watching, and when I had to throw up they even paused in their tortures.
One girl had not undressed completely; she may also have been a little older than the others, who were around seventeen years of age. They soaked her bra with oil and set it on fire, and while she screamed, a thin iron rod was shoved into her vagina until it came out her navel.
In the yard entire groups of girls were clubbed to death after the prettiest of them had been selected for this torture. The air was filled with the death cries of many hundreds of girls. But compared to what happened in here, the beating to death outside was almost humane.
It was a horrible fact that not one of the girl mutilated here ever fainted. Each of them suffered mutilation fully conscious. In their terror all of them were alike in their pleading; it was always the same, the begging for mercy, the high-pitched scream when the breasts were cut and the groans when the genitals were mutilated.
The slaughter was interrupted several times to sweep the blood out of the room and to clear away the bodies. That evening I succumbed to a severe case of nervous fever. I do not remember anything from that point on until I came to in a field hospital.
German troops had temporarily recaptured Neustettin thus liberating us. As I learned later, some 2,000 girls who had been in RAD, BDM and other camps nearby were murdered in the first three days of Russian occupation." - (signed) Mrs. Leonora Geier, nee Cavoa
Copy of a handwritten report:
"I read the account of an eyewitness, Mrs. Leonora Geier. The bestiality she experienced, and described in her account, is 100% true and a typical reflection of the fantasies and exhortations of the Soviet propagandist and chief ideologist Ilya Ehrenburg.
This bestiality was a tactical measure intended to force the German population to flee from the Eastern regions en masse and was the rule rather than the exception all the way over to the Oder River. What I myself witnessed:
I was an armoured infantryman and had been trained on the most modern German tank of those days, the Panther. Survivors from tank crews were reassembled in the Reserves at Cottbus and kept ready for action.
In mid January, 1945, we were transferred to Frankfurt on the Oder River, into a school building. One morning we were issued infantry weapons, guns, bazookas and submachine guns. The next day we were ordered to march to Neustettin. We travelled the first 60 miles or so by lorry and after that some 90 miles per day in forced marches.
We were to take over some tanks that were kept ready for us in a forest west of Neustettin. After a march lasting two days and nights, some ten crews reached the forest just before dawn. Two tanks were immediately readied for action and guarded the approach roads while the other comrades, bone-weary, got a little sleep. By noon all tanks, approximately 20, had been readied.
Our orders were to set up a front-line and to recapture villages and towns from the Russians. My platoon of three tanks attacked a suburb that had a train station with a forecourt. After we destroyed several anti-tank guns the Russians surrendered. More and more of them emerged from the houses. They were gathered into the forecourt about 200 sat crowded closely together. Then something unexpected happened.
Several German women ran towards the Russians and stabbed at them with cutlery forks and knives. It was our responsibility to protect prisoners and we could not permit this. But it was not until I fired a submachine gun into the air that the women drew back and cursed us for presuming to protect these animals. They urged us to go into the houses and take a look at what (the Russians) had done there.
We did so, a few of us at a time, and we were totally devastated. We had never seen anything like it utterly, unbelievably monstrous! Naked, dead women lay in many of the rooms. Swastikas had been cut into their abdomens, in some the intestines bulged out, breasts were cut up, faces beaten to a pulp and swollen puffy.
Others had been tied to the furniture by their hands and feet, and massacred. A broomstick protruded from the vagina of one, a besom from that of another, etc. To me, a young man of 24 years at that time, it was a devastating sight, simply incomprehensible!
Then the women told their story. The mothers had had to witness how their teen and twelve-year-old daughters were raped by some 20 men; the daughters in turn saw their mothers being raped, even their grandmothers. Women who tried to resist were brutally tortured to death. There was no mercy. Many women were not local; they had come there from other towns, fleeing from the Russians.
They also told us of the fate of the girls from the RAD whose barracks had been captured by the Russians. When the butchery of the girls began, a few of them had been able to crawl underneath the barracks and hide. At night they escaped and told us what they knew. There were three of them.
The women and girls saw parts of what Mrs. Leonora Geier described. The women we liberated were in a state almost impossible to describe. They were over fatigued and their faces had a confused, vacant look. Some were beyond speaking, ran up and down and moaned the same sentences over and over again.
Having seen the consequences of these bestial atrocities, we were terribly agitated and determined to fight. We knew the war was past winning; but it was our obligation and sacred duty to fight to the last bullet . . ." I offer no words -
"The war against Japan was waged by a democratic alliance. But the coverage of the war, particularly in its early stages, was not so remarkably better in the United States than it was in Japan.
With what were, no doubt, the best of motives, most Allied correspondents in the Pacific acquiesced in a system that gave the illusion of providing free and open coverage of the war and its conduct.
In fact, the result was the same as the system adopted in Japan – the public received only that news of the war that its government considered advisable to tell it." – Phillip Knightley, The First Casualty.
Not surprisingly America (and the home population) got a rather one-sided view of battles as they took place. Few are more mythical than the Battle of Britain 'epic'. Off the record the reality was a little less inspiring. "Air Chief Marshall Arthur Harris later conceded that the job of shooting down the mainly unarmed German bombing planes, virtually without protection because of the modest fuel capacity of their covering fighters, was similar to shooting cows in the meadow.
Without a doubt Sir Arthur 'Bomber' Harris was inhumanly evil. Only in a deck of cards of the most wanted war criminals could he be described as an ace. This man reeked of satanic intent as he concentrated the RAF's awesome bombing power on civilian targets, whilst those services that needed RAF protection suffered. Yet thus was he described by one of his personal assistants on first meeting him:
"A large man, rather pale with a complexion that obviously avoids the sun, with a ginger moustache and hair of a blondish rather than a ginger colour. He had a reputation for being a no-nonsense man, and I could see why. At the same time, he gave off a sort of inner warmth – he was gruff and rather frightening but, underneath human and considerate."
Such is the description of a monster who hurled flames, even phosphorous across great European cities, towns, and even villages, bringing the most appalling deaths to hundreds of thousands of civilians. As a touch of irony, in addition to the 55,000 RAF personnel who paid for their crimes without the necessity of going before war crimes trials, Harris's own brother, an aircrew member, died horribly.
Bomber Harris would say to assembled aircrews: "I want you to look at the man on either side of you. In six months time only one in three will be left." He would then add that the reward for the survivors would be promotion in the ranks.
"…. But I you are the lucky one I promise you this: you will be two ranks higher."
Incredibly, instead of looking ashen these kamikaze flying Myra Hindleys cheered and beat their table tops! So 55,000 didn't get promoted! There can be little sympathy, and certainly no campaign medal for airborne mass murderers, some of whom actually volunteered to do 'a few more for the butcher.'
The British Royal Navy undoubtedly had its moments of glory but a number of atrocities brought shame on 'the senior service.' One of the most notorious followed the sinking of the Greek cacique by the British submarine, HMS Torquay. A number of the Germans servicemen aboard found themselves in the sea, and whilst trying to swim away were machine-gunned on the orders of the Torquay's commanding officer.
Official reports never mentioned that they were slaughtered in cold blood; only that 'they perished.' But Royal Navy sources claim that Commander Meir's logbook of that patrol admits that the crew did machinegun survivors.
This incident is believed to have caused near mutiny among the Torquay's crew, with the submarine's first officer and a soldier aboard refusing to shoot the Germans who were members of an Alpine Regiment stationed on the Greek island. 38-year old Commander Anthony Miers, undoubtedly a war criminal as a consequence of this dreadful act, was later awarded the Victoria Cross in 'recognition of his services.' He died in July 1985 at the age of 78.
If there was any good at all that came from this infamy it was the outrage expressed by Captain Stephen Roskill, the Royal Navy's official war historian who spoke of the machine-gunning of prisoners in the Mediterranean off Crete as 'disgraceful.'
There was a similar incident in April 1940 which followed the sinking of the German destroyer Erich Giese in Norway. A number of German survivors were shot out of hand.
Interviews with German survivors, including the captain of the destroyer, Commander Karl Schmidt, and inspection of British and German logbooks relating to the incident, reveal that an unspecified number of Germans were killed instead of being made prisoners of war.
Even today Britons are of the opinion that their country suffered enormously in the blitz. Yet as late in the war as September 1941, the Economist conceded 'that only 2% of British real estate had been destroyed by German bombing, and that only a tiny fraction of that amount consisted of industrial sites.
Included a note which commented on the furious pace at speculators were buying the bombed sites 'for a song'. This created such a scandal that the Government established a requirement that such premises when taken for the purposes of reconstruction, was to be paid for at the rates prevailing in March 1939.
Though there were no air raids on England in August 1941, the Royal Air Force was conducting hundred-plane raids on 'scores' of German cities during that same month (articles 'Teeth for Two', p19 and 'Rebuilding England,' p61 Time magazine September 15 1941.
Churchill was often booed by angry crowds when visiting bombed areas of London. On one occasion, standing on a mound of rubble, he cried out "We can take it!"
A cockney lady shouted back at him, with the applause of the crowd gathered around her, "Yes, but it is us who are taking it, not yourself."
Churchill and his henchmen beat a hasty and embarrassed retreat.
While Malta and British armed forces, especially the Royal Navy fought a losing battle against the Axis the British Eighth Army endured one retreat after another. These pivotal forces were desperate for support. Yet Britain's factory and war effort was being concentrated on the genocidal bombing of Germany's civilian population.
As early as June 1942, when Britain was militarily at bay on all fronts, the RAF's 1,000-bomber raids were on a turkey shoot obliterating largely undefended German cities that were relatively unimportant in terms of war contribution.
By the end of the war for every ton of bombs dropped on Britain by the Germans Anglo-American bombs had dropped 315 tons on German cities.
Terror bombing is a phrase that was introduced into the vocabulary of warfare by Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris, a terminological innovation for which the chief of Bombing Command in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War is justly infamous.
Not one to rest content with verbal creativity, Harris endowed the concept with body and substance through a series of destructive incendiary air raids on civilian populations in Germany, culminating in the destruction of Dresden. It was an example that the US emulated with great success in Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Harris had learnt his craft on the training grounds of Britain's colonial possessions. As a young squadron leader in the RAF he provided a memorable description of an air campaign in Iraq in 1924.
"The Arab and Kurd now know what real bombing means in casualties and damage; they now know that within 45 minutes a full-sized village can be practically wiped out and a third of its inhabitants killed or injured by four or five machines." To maximise the salutary yield of aerial bombing said the man who was known in later life as 'Bomber' Harris, it was essential that casualties should be of sufficient scale to produce "a real as opposed to a purely moral effect".
A colleague of Harris in the Iraq operations of the 1920s had a rather more benign account of his experiences: "Air control is a marvellous means of bringing these wild mountain tribes to heel. It is swift, economic and humane, as we always drop warning messages some hours before we start to 'lay eggs' on their villages, so that they can clear out. An eastern mind forgets quickly, and if he is not punished for his misdeeds straight away, he has forgotten all about them, and feels his punishment is not merited if delayed."
The RAF had attacked and bombed the non-military target of Berlin six times before the Luftwaffe retaliated against London.
WAR'S A GAS "I do not understand the squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poisonous gas against uncivilised tribes." – Winston Churchill writing as President of the Air Council, 1919.
The campaign of the Bomber Command of the RAF was perhaps the most gruelling continuous operation in military history. It began in 1940. He (Winston Churchill) was convinced that raids of sufficient intensity could destroy Germany's morale, and so his Labour dominated war cabinet planned a campaign that abandoned the accepted practice of confining their attacks to the enemy's armed forces, and, instead, made civilians the primary target.
Night after night, RAF bombers in ever-increasing numbers struck throughout Germany, usually at working class housing, because it was more densely packed. Berlin itself became the most bombed place on earth at that time." - - Angus Calder The People's War, (London) Jonathan Cape, 1969. P.286)
The annihilation of the German city of Dresden and its swollen population of refugees has been a running sore of official obfuscation since the night of 13th February 1945 (St. Valentine's Eve) when the RAF struck.
Three quarters of a million incendiary bombs cascaded over the undefended city, turning the region into a holocaust such as has never been witnessed in the history of mankind.
Unusually, no war correspondents were allowed on any of the aircraft involved so there were no eyewitnesses. The only accounts were the garbled comment of a few of the aircrew who had been told, "They were attacking German Army Headquarters', 'Destroying an arms dump', 'knocking out an industrial area', more ludicrously, 'wiping out a large poison gas plant.'
Clearly, before the raid had even started those responsible were well aware of the carnage that would result and were already making their excuses.
The firestorms raged creating hurricane force winds feeding the flames. Civilians died by their tens of thousands, consumed, incinerated to ash. Conservative estimates exceed 130,000. These figures greatly exceed the numbers killed at Hiroshima.
Apologists often mention Coventry in the same breath as Dresden but during the entire course of the war 380 in Coventry died as a result of bombing raids. No one will ever know how many lost their lives in Dresden that fateful night. Realistic estimates put the death toll above 300,000 but how does one count ash?
The free press in Europe immediately denounced such barbarity and reluctantly, on February 17th at a briefing of Allied Supreme Headquarters in Paris the men responsible armed the compliant Associated Press correspondents with these words: "Allied Air Chiefs have made the long awaited decision to adopt deliberate terror bombings of German population centres as a ruthless expedient of hastening Hitler's doom.
The report had been widely broadcast in America and by Paris Radio. It was suppressed in Britain for fear of public revulsion. In a minute dated 28th February 1943 Sir Archibald Sinclair explained to Sir Charles Portal, Chief of the Air Staff, that it was necessary to stifle all public discussion on the subject because if the truth had been disclosed in response to the enquiries being made by influential political and religious leaders, their inevitable condemnation would impair the morale of the bomber crews and consequently their bombing efficiency.
R.H.S Crosman, the Labour Minister of Housing (Sunday Telegraph, October 1st 1961) wrote: "One of the most unhealthy features of the bombing offensive was that the War Cabinet - and in particular the Secretary for Air, Archibald Sinclair felt it necessary to repudiate publicly the orders which they themselves had given to Bomber Command." The Government Minister summed up his feelings by saying: ""The devastation of Dresden in February 1945 was one of those crimes against humanity whose authors would have been arraigned at Nuremberg if that court had not been perverted."
When during the Paris briefings, the Allied Air Chiefs had claimed that Dresden 'was the long awaited decision to adopt deliberate terror bombings of the German population,' this too was a bald lie.
Even Winston Churchill who had airily dismissed the deaths of up to six million Germans half way through the war, and correctly presumed to double that figure, was himself repelled by the scale of the slaughter: "It seems to me that the moment has come when the question of bombing German cities simply for the sake of increasing terror, though under other pretexts, should be reviewed." (Winston Churchill to Chief of Air Staff Sir. Charles Portal, March 28th 1945).
In fact the only prompt, factual and comprehensive report at this early stage was that of Rudolph Sparing, war correspondent of the German Overseas News Agency. He wrote: "The Dresden catastrophe is without precedent. In the inner town not a single block of buildings, not a single detached building, remains intact or even capable of reconstruction. The town area is devoid of human life. A great city has been wiped from the map of Europe." – Daily Telegraph, March 5th 1945
Such was the scale of ruin of Dresden, and so damning the hundreds of thousands dead. Much of the human remains were virtually unrecognisable, as in the ruins of Pompeii. Bulldozers were brought in to scrape the surfaces of monstrous mounds of congealed human beings, nearly all of them civilians, among them thousands of children. These mounds of incinerated human beings were bulldozed into pits. You will find precious little recognition of this, the real holocaust.
On the morning after the attack a sick-minded BBC newsreader sneeringly said; "There is very little china left in Dresden today!"
Such is the shame of Dresden that even today the feeble-minded number-crunches who pluck figures out of the air for fanciful Jewish and homosexual victims of Nazism deny the monstrousness of Dresden's death toll. The actual figure for the dead at Dresden in March 1945, was estimated as between 250,000 and 350,000 by the city's Chief Medical Officer.
Few if any have ever denied that the Germans were if nothing else punctiliousness on matters of fact.
"We have become connoisseurs of ruin in this war. We have learned to distinguish between the bombed, the shelled, the burned, and the blasted. But in England we have never seen a town that has been killed, completely written off and abandoned, a place as empty as Pompeii that has the sour stench of the rubbish heap from one end to another, and where the only sound is the drip of water from the broken roofs. Disgust furs the tongue and sours the stomach. One does not pity the people of the town, nor does one hate them. One says, 'they did it to us', but one is left just staring. The scene has gone beyond argument. The terrible thing is that one has no feeling at all . . . one is stripped of every feeling, the humane and the inhumane, and curiosity grows feeble. This is negation. The mind and the heart have got to begin at the beginning again and learn all they once knew once more." V.S Pritchett, New Statesman and Nation, April 7, 1945.
Note. V.S Pritchett was not to know of course that in fact it was Churchill's regime that had initiated the bombing campaigns.
When the Luftwaffe bombed U.S. munitions ships in Bari Harbor in 1944, one of the ships that exploded was laden with a mysterious substance. As the fumes drifted ashore it either incapacitated or killed everyone in its path.
To the fury of Italian medicos the Americans refused to identify the substance so were unable to treat those affected. It later emerged that the internationally outlawed poison was none other than Sarin – another evil weapon of mass destruction that again was made 'in the democracies'.
The German U-boat fleet suffered greatly as their crews fought to prevent allied war supplies getting through to Airship One (Britain) from where it was forwarded to Stalin's blood-soaked empire for their attack on their fatherland from the East.
Most warships had mascots. On one U-Boat the mascot was a goldfish which sadly threw off its mortal coil. The crew to keep fond memories alive pickled it in raw alcohol. From there on it was appropriately known as Winston.
Over 350,000 prisoners of war were detained in American POW camps from 1942-1946. Not all were military personnel. They included civilians such as merchant seamen, American citizens of German extraction and German civilians were rounded up and brought by force from Latin American countries.
These prisoners were spread throughout hundreds of camps across the United States. Typically South Carolina had over twenty concentration camps. These prisoners, against international law, were used as slave labour and worked in a wide range of occupations, mostly military and forestry.
In the U.S. Army prison camps of Germany and France at the end of World War 11, almost four million German soldiers were held prisoner outdoors, in unsheltered barbed wire enclosures, with little or no food or water, for months on end. Of these captives at least 750,000 died of malnutrition and disease. Most were soldiers of the Wehrmacht who had surrendered to allied forces in May 1945, but scores of thousands were women, children, and old men. Most of these deaths were listed simply as 'other losses.'
The Canadian journalist, author and researcher, James Bacque interviewed hundreds of prisoners, guards and army officers' and has amassed extensive evidence to reveal the shocking story of a massive crime.
The tragic events reported in his book Other Losses are highly controversial and the author's accusations were for a time suppressed in the United States.
The Independent on Sunday says, "This is a great and grim masterpiece of investigative journalism, unmasking one of the most successful cover-ups in modern history.' The Jersey Evening Post was equally damning. "This is not a pleasant book and its revelations are so awful that many find them hard to accept . . . the book tells the dreadful story of prisoners of war who had outlived the war but did not outlive the peace."
Martin Brech who was a soldier in the U.S. Army and a prison guard for one of America's death camps situated along the Rhine, says. "I saw thousands of men crowded together, wet and cold, sleeping in the mud without shelter or blankets, eating grass because we fed them so little, dying. It was made clear that our deliberate policy was not to feed them adequately. They were begging, getting sick, dying before us. Gas would have been more merciful than our slow killing fields."
"So far as Britain and Russia was concerned, how would it do for you to have 90% of Romania, for us to have say 90% of Greece, and go 50/50 about Yugoslavia?" – Churchill addressing Stalin in Moscow 1944
General Bernard L. Montgomery, commander of the British Eighth Army was very much a reflection of his 'desert fox' foe, Field Marshall Erwin Rommel. He too was regarded as something of a maverick, a nonconformist who adopted his own dress code and was famous for leadership panache. Parallels have also been drawn between Montgomery and that other 'son of the desert', Lawrence of Arabia.
Like Lawrence, Montgomery had a keen nose for self-publicity of a hero-worshipping kind. He was adept at making 'off the cuff remarks' guaranteed to make the headlines back home. "Hit the enemy for six!" was a favorite. Another was 'Kill the Germans, even padres – one per weekday and two on Sundays."
Always uncomfortable with pomp and pageantry he had a sense of walking with destiny. Whether that was on the good or bad side is open to speculation.
To his credit he was instrumental in turning a Nelson's eye during the final days, which allowed tens of thousands of fleeing German civilians to escape Stalin's slaughter.
Of the notorious Nuremberg pseudo trials he was scathing. "The Nuremberg Trials have made the waging of an unsuccessful war a crime; the generals on the defeated side were tried and then hanged." - Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery June 9th 1948.
The British historian and national newspaper editor, Sir Max Hastings, on July 6, 2000 finally conceded that man for man, German servicemen performed significantly better than their British, American, and Russian adversaries in victory and defeat.
In the 1970s and 1980s, after a generation of historians got to distancing themselves from allied propaganda, they concluded 'that Hitler's army was indisputably the best in the war.'
In his masterful book, Raising Churchill's Army, David French says, 'The German soldier was better trained, better armed, and enjoyed better tactical communications than his foes, almost until the end. Max Hastings adds, 'The movie parody of the German soldier was quite wrong.' (in which case Saving Private Ryan must have caused this British historian some embarrassment).
"Hitler's troops,' he says 'were trained to think for themselves, to display an initiative and speed of action on the battlefield which their British counterparts seldom matched.'
In terms of territory the Germans were up against three empires 116 more powerful than they were. Their armed forces were numerically outnumbered by over two to one.
Winston Churchill suffered from an ambiguous sexuality and so was his choice of political allegiance. Upon his appointment as war leader of the coalition government Winnie surrounded himself with people of dual nationality and many Labour Party activists.
His wartime cabinet included no less than sixteen Labour Party members. The Labour Party, which had spent decades denouncing World War One as 'a senseless blunder of rival capitalisms' (correct) was now bawling for another capitalist war. The voice of their most eloquent agitator was none other than Harold Laski the prominent Labour Party mentor.
"Forget 'fighting for freedom.' "If you're going to try to go to war, or to prepare for war, in a capitalist country, you have got to let business make money out of the process, or business won't work." - Harry Stimson, the U.S. Secretary of War.
"What we see on our screens and read in our newspapers, if we look carefully, turns out to be reports from correspondents outside the battle zone and a series of experts giving their opinion as to what is occurring." - Phillip Knightley
Between mid-1940 (The U.S. didn't enter the war until December) and late 1941 Congress appropriated an awesome $23 billion for the War Department. That was more than the combined total the U.S. had spent on the entire First World War budget.
The Second World War offered riches far beyond any mogul's dreams. Over half of Britain's Tory Members of Parliament had shares in armaments factories and stood to become mega-rich in the event of war.
The Comptroller General of the Unites States, Lindsay C. Warren testified before the House of Representatives in 1943 and 1944. He revealed that 'more than ?50 billion of slush had already been skimmed off some war contracts, and that extensive lobbying on the part of war production firms was going on, conducted by officers after leaving the armed forces."
Congressmen were on a roll (or wad, whichever you prefer). They fell over themselves getting war contracts and sub-contracts to constituent entrepreneurs. In return they received lavish campaign contributions, votes and other back-handers.
Many British and American firms became international conglomerates as a direct result of war profiteering. Nondescript politicians emerged from the war with fortunes made from investments in the arms industry, paid for of course with the expendable blood of each country's youth. Rather reminds one of the words of Rudyard Kipling, who lost his beloved son in World War One.
What tale shall serve me here among Mine angry and defrauded young? The return on war investments ranged as high as 50 percent and rarely if ever fell below 20 percent. The U.S. Government spent $300 billion for war material and services, and invested heavily in ammunition factories, shipyards, aluminium mills, chemical plants (phosphorous for dropping on German civilians) and other industrial facilities.I could not dig: I dared not rob,
Therefore I lied to please the mob.
Now all my lies are proved untrue
And I must face the men I slew.
The Evening Standard's correspondent Evelyn Irons was seconded to the French Army as the Allied forces finally stood on Germany's borders. At this stage of the war the French nation other than being a convenient launching pad and battlefield for British an U.S forces was an irrelevance as a military contributor.
However French General Charles de Gaulle felt that French honour needed to be satiated. Though at this stage fighting personnel in French uniform were as rare as hens teeth he felt it necessary for 'the honour of France' to have its troops cross the Rhine and pitch their tents on the land of the defeated Teutons.
Sadly such French troops as were available were woefully ill equipped. Even worse, the allied commanders were unsympathetic towards French sensitivities. Despite February 1945 being the most bitter of winters half of these French troops were wearing old tennis shoes because there were insufficient boots to go around.
This motley brigade were formed up and then with a band playing and the French tri-colour fluttering in the frozen breeze the French general marched them in their tennis shoes across a pontoon and finally on to German soil. Evelyn Irons surmised that it was probably France's only great moment in the course of this long war.
"The people who make wars and tell lies in the name of their sacred causes are never the sinners. No, they are the virtuous, respected men, who have the finest feelings, the best brains, the noblest ideals." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.
A monument that for decades blamed the Germans for a massacre of 1,600 Jews in 1941 was actually carried out by Poles. It has now been removed from the Polish town of Jedwabn. A new monument will now be placed placing the blame where it should in lie.
The Russians have long conceded that Soviet forces carried out the murder of 14,500 thousand Polish army officers and they have apologised. The way the evidence stacked up there was no point in further denial. However the British Government is still blaming the Germans.
"For a good many years after the Second World War, the British public – with a lot of encouragement from jingoistic film-makers – basked in victory, and the conviction that one British Tommy was worth any number of German square heads. On screen, the stupid German sentry always turned his back in time to be stabbed by the British commando and Our Boys proved that British pluck was infinitely superior to the mindless Jerry war machine.
Then a generation of historians got down to studying the facts more objectively, assisted by the honesty of some thoughtful British veterans who knew just how good the German soldier was. The unmistakable conclusion of their research in the 1970s and 1980s was that Hitler's army was indisputably the best in the war.
Man for man, the Germans performed significantly better that their British, American ad Russian adversaries in victory and in defeat.
The German soldier was better trained, better armed and enjoyed better tactical communications than his foes, almost until the end. The British failed to develop a convincing tactical doctrine for the whole army until the last year of the war, choosing to leave this in the hands of individual battlefield commanders, who often proved wanting.
Hitler's troops were trained to think for themselves, to display an initiative and speed of action on the battlefield, which their British counterparts seldom matched. The British were accustomed to wait for orders – German advice to their own infantry was that if they could kill British officers and NCOs other ranks were usually left at a loss.
The Germans, especially with their backs to the wall in 1944-45, fought with a desperation it would have been grotesque to expect from the armies of the democracies. The British Army played a relatively minor role in overthrowing the Axis compared with the Red Army. – Yorkshire Post July 6th 2000 reviewing Raising Churchill's Army, David French (Oxford)
There was little mention of military looting, largely because the correspondents themselves were equally adept at it. Alan Moorehead, one of the most renowned war correspondents wrote: "We looted Parmesan cheeses as big as cartwheels and tins of strawberries, barrels of wine and cases of chocolate, binoculars and typewriters, ceremonial swords and Italian money galore."
In 1957 Paula Hitler's published a statement in support of her brother: Translated from the original German by Gerry Frederics, the sister of the German leader wrote the following statement 12 years after the death of her brother. It makes more sense if one remembers that its content was aimed at Germany's post-war media.
"Gentlemen! - Never forget this: Your names will long be forgotten even before your bodies have rotted away in the earth. But the name Adolf Hitler will still be a light in the darkness.
You cannot murder him by drowning his memory in your sick-buckets and you cannot strangle him with your filthy, ink-stained fingers. His name exists forever in hundreds of thousands of souls. You are far too insignificant to even touch him.
He loved Germany. He fretted over Germany. When he fought for honour and respect he fought for German Honour, for respect for Germany and when there was nothing left, he gave his life for Germany.
What have you given so far? Which one of you would give his life for Germany? The only things you care about are riches, power and never ending luxurious living. When you think of Germany, you think of indulging your senses without responsibility without cares?
Trust me on this: The Fuhrer's utter unselfishness in word and deed alone guarantees his immortality. The fact that the bitter fight for Germany's greatness wasn't crowned by success, like for example Cromwell's in Britain has a lot to do with the mentality of the people involved.
On the one hand the Englishman's character is essentially unfair, ruled by jealousy, self-importance, and a lack of consideration. But he never forgets he is an Englishman, loyal to his people and to his crown. On the other hand, the German with his need for recognition is never first and foremost a German.
Therefore it doesn't matter to you, you insignificant beings, if you destroy the entire nation. Your only guiding thought will always be me first - me second - me third. In your worthlessness you will never think of the welfare of the nation - and with that pitiful philosophy you wish to prevent the immortality of a giant?
What I wrote down immediately after the war has been proven to be correct. That my convictions are true is evident even as late as 1957. - Paula Hitler, Berchtesgaden, May 1st 1957. (This statement has yet to be fully authenticated but one would find it difficult not to emphasise with her and others of similar mind).
'THE SOUND OF MUSIC'Few movies have been re-cycled as often as 'The Sound of Music'. It is standard Christmas fare as a good-against-evil yarn with a happy ending. Julie Andrews plays Maria Von Trapp and Christopher Plummer takes the part of Baron Von Trapp. Peddled as a true story its songs are now world famous. However, most of the story is a fanciful lie.
Maria Augusta Kutschera was the real name of Maria. She was the daughter of Karl Kutschera who was something of a wanderer who loved to travel the world. As a consequence the 'fatherless' Maria ended up in a foster home.
As she grew up she made a living by doing small jobs. She ended up in Salzburg where the Benedictine nuns of Nonnberg Abbey took her in. Upon reaching maturity Maria Kutschera was sent to the estate of Baron Von Trapp to tutor his seven children, two boys and five girls.
It wasn't long before she became his wife, being married on November 27 1927. The Baron was 20 years older than Maria and soon she gave the likeable authoritarian her own two children, two girls. One was born in 1929 and the other in 1931. In 1932, well before the NSDAP were elected the Von Trapps lost their fortune.
It was then that a priest heard them sing and asked them to perform in churches around Salzburg. The Von Trapp choir was thus formed. In 1938, they sang at the Salzburg Festival which was of course very much a National Socialist event with Nazi regalia in abundance.
Not once did the Nazis harass the Von Trapps even though 'the red (communist) Baron' refused to fly the Swastika. Nor did the Von Trapps ever flee the National Socialists. Furthermore the family had no experience of hiking and never crossed the Italian Alps. In fact, if the movie's account had been correct the family would have ended up in the German leader's mountain retreat Eagles Nest at Obersalzberg above the charming spa town of Berchtesgaden.
The truth is that the Von Trapp family was strapped for money. But one of their sons in the meantime had met a New York producer and they agreed to take a tour through Europe and then to America. In 1938, now settled in America, Frau Maria Von Trapp gave birth to another child, this time a boy. The Von Trapps tried their religious music in America but never went down well with American audiences.
Down to only $50 the Von Trapps started yodelling and performed American folk songs and by 1941 they were quite popular. By the end of W.W.II the Von Trapp family had become so wealthy that they were able to buy a 7,000-acre ranch in Stowe, Vermont where the baron died in 1947. None of the family ever saw their home country again.
So there you go. The Von Trapps never fled Austria, never hiked over a mountain. They left because of an offer from a Jewish New York producer, which they couldn't refuse because they were bankrupt. The only thing that was true was – the happy ending. They stayed in America. Good news for Germany and Austria. Still looking forward to the Christmas TV schedules?
The Army and Navy had every opportunity to strike a clean blow for democracy by setting an example in non-discrimination against Negroes. Instead, both services insisted upon racial segregation wherever and whenever possible.
The Negro in "well-run" military installations was not allowed to sleep in the same room with white men, eat at the same table, or attend the same churches. This was especially true in Southern camps, where both services supported the local programs to "keep niggers in their place" in restaurants, theatres, buses, and railroad stations.
When men like Joe Louis raised an objection, they were immediately transferred overseas or "up North." Except for a few "show units" of all-Negro personnel, our colored soldiers of democracy were restricted to the most menial tasks of stevedoring and cleaning the barracks of their white superiors.
Guess who made the following comment? "The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as Displaced Persons as long as the Jews get special treatment.
Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog." Did you guess right? It was President Truman.
The Jewish clamour for sympathy and mega-bucks actually began during World War I and accelerated through the mid-1920s. During those years Jewish interest groups throughout the world but especially in the United States spread the falsehood that millions of their tribe were suffering in Europe.
Their propaganda claimed that millions had died already while many millions more would suffer a lingering death. Bear in mind that the Jewish population, according to the World Jewish Almanac, was only 13 million. Who says resurrection doesn't exist. The Chosen People are resurrected time after time, during the one lifetime even.
The New York Times coined the key words; 'extermination', 'holocaust', 'six million' and the bucks cascaded in. The extortion abated a little during the thirties but picked up speed through the war years. So successful was it that the entire State of Israel was financed by holocaust 'reparations' and 'compensation.'
Only in the western world is credence given to the allies most successful and profitable propaganda initiative, the myth of six million gassed Jews, the compensation of which keeps the state Israel just about solvent. It sure beats finding oil as a profitable industry.
Professor Robert Faurrisson who is better qualified than any tabloid reporter to comment on such matters was quite forthright. "Despite thousands of detailed documents on the crematoria built to dispose of the bodies of typhus victims, not a single piece of documentary evidence has ever been produced to substantiate the existence of even one gas chamber; not an order for construction, a plan, an invoice, or a photograph. During the hundreds of 'war crimes' trials, nothing could be produced. There were no gas chambers at Auschwitz or anywhere else in wartime Europe. On that I state my reputation and career."
He certainly wasn't alone and in all fairness. Jews, many of them prominent, have criticized the WHY THE LIES? over-egging of their 'fate'. Joseph Ginsburg a German-based Jewish survivor and researcher said, "Why then are they, the Israelis, obstructing all honest research into the six million question? All statistics will so long be controversial until world Jewry and Zionism will be willing to present to the public exact official statistics of the losses. The roadblock to research is due to the fact that from six million dead one can extract far more reparations than from say 6,000."
Stephen F. Pinter writing in The Sunday Visitor (June 14th 1959). "I was in Dachau for 17 months after the war, as a U.S. War Department Attorney, and I can state that there were no gas chambers at Dachau. What was shown to visitors and sightseers there and erroneously described as a gas chamber was a crematory. Nor was there a gas chamber in any other the other concentration camps in Germany.
We were told that there was a gas chamber at Auschwitz, but since this was in the Russian zone of occupation, we were not permitted to investigate since the Russians would not allow it. From what I was able to determine in six years of post-war Germany and Austria, there were a number of Jews killed, but the figure of a million was certainly never reached.
He added, "I interviewed thousands of Jews, former inmates of concentration camps in Germany and Austria, and consider myself as well qualified on the subject as any man."
Although millions of gassings are said to have occurred, 'no one has ever been charged with murder by gassing. That is, no one has ever been charged with operating the alleged gas chambers," surmised John Bennett, Secretary of the Victoria Council for Civil Liberties.
Why the confusion? After all, we are familiar with pictures of mounds of emaciated bodies piled high at some - not all - German internment camps. Equally undeniably there are countless photographs, even on display at Dachau today, that show well-clad inmates in obvious good health right up to release. Those doing manual work are also wearing padded gloves to protect their hands. These pictures are on open display. Even pictures taken at Belsen right after the war's end clearly show perfectly healthy inmates strolling among the emaciated dead.
How then does this explain a Nazi program of genocidal intention being so patchy in its application? These unfortunate people died not as a consequence of intent but by the ravages of typhus and cholera.
In fact photographs such as those taken at Bergen-Belsen could have been taken anywhere in Central Europe at the time, which was devastated by nightly allied 1,000 bomber raids and total war. Millions of civilians of many nations, Germans included, died through starvation and disease resulting in similar mounds of emaciated corpses.
After four years of saturation American and British 'burnt earth' bomber raids all German road communications had been destroyed and no supplies had reached concentration camps or anywhere else for that matter. Typhoid fever ensued and hundreds of prisoners, mostly Eastern European prisoners-of-war had died as a consequence. The allies arrived on the scene and found a terrible situation. These conditions were described fully in The Golden Horizon published by Weidenfeld and Nicholson of London.
"The German Army at Bergen had forewarned the British that a full-blown epidemic of typhus had broken out among the prisoners in the camp." (In The Ruins of the Reich, George Allen & Unwin. London, 1985).
In appendix 'O' Chapter. V11, The Second Army History we read, "Disease of all kinds was rife and in a vast number of cases it was difficult to tell which disease predominated whether it was typhus, starvation, tubercle or a combination of all three, which was responsible for the shattered wrecks of human beings who formed the majority of the inmates.
The Daily Mail (London) reporting from 'liberated' Czechoslovakia six months after the war's end said, "A typhus epidemic now rages amongst them, (German civilian prisoners) and they are said to be dying at the rate of 100 a day."
In liberated France a year after Germany's defeat it was common knowledge. "There is a typhoid epidemic in the French camp holding German POWs which has already spread to the neighboring village." and, "The only difference I can see between these men (German POWs) and those corpses is that here they are still breathing," wrote Henry Griffin, the Associated Press photographer who had taken Buchenwald and Dachau pictures.
It was the same in British administered camps in postwar Belgium. There, British Army officers said, "Conditions are not much better than they were at Belsen"
So how is it that these awful conditions and far worse are perfectly acceptable when the allies are responsible for them, but not for German camp administrators? The latter can at least claim that the conditions their inmates endured occurred during and not after the war? It would be justice indeed if the Germans today were to charge the allies with concentration camp genocide! They would have a far stronger case than the allies should they do so.
Invariably when allied pictures of concentration camp victims are shown they are propaganda linked 'as proof' that the Germans had a policy of extermination. But by separating reality from the victors' propaganda the scale of the fraud becomes clear.
The propagandists have been in retreat since 1945 when all camps were said to be extermination camps but in the light of scientific and objective analysis shown to be nothing of the kind.
Let's take a peek at the memorial plaque that was unveiled at Dachau by Philip Auerbach, the Jewish State Secretary of the Bavarian Government. The plaque at the time read: 'This area is being retained as a shrine to the 238,000 individuals who were cremated here.' But since then, this figure has consistently been revised downwards to its present total of 20,600, who it appears died from typhus and starvation - mostly after the war's end!
As an interesting and wry footnote it can be revealed that this Jewish shyster, Philip Auerbach, has since been convicted for embezzling money which he claimed for non-existent Jews.
In an equally fancy piece of propagandist footwork it is now claimed that all the actual extermination camps coincidentally happen to be situated in those parts of Germany and Poland occupied by the Soviets.
So-called German death camps are now as difficult to find as today's weapons of mass disappearance in Iraq (and Libya).
Dr. Martin Broszat, the anti-Nazi Director of the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich, who can lay claim to being a major influence on the genocide issue, admitted in Die Zeit (August 19th 1960) that there were no extermination camps on German soil and that instead, one had to look 'above all to Auschwitz (situated in Communist Poland).
How convenient then that this last redoubt of the propagandists was occupied by the Red Army, which was a bit of a dab hand at genocide itself. They never allowed outside inspection of the camp until 10 years after the war's end.
Gita Sereny, the Jewish holocaust historian ruefully admits that, "Auschwitz, despite its emblematic name, was NOT primarily an extermination camp for the Jews and is not the central case through which to study extermination." (The New Statesman, November 2 1979).
As a delightful slice of Jewish chutzpah Dr. Raul Hilberg in the Los Angeles Times (February 23 1989) wrote, "A report that an Auschwitz building could not have been designed as a gas chamber is true but irrelevant."
So there you are. The truth is irrelevant. Well it would be where shekels, and dollars and lots and lots of Deutsch marks are concerned.
Equally candid was Dr. Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm of the University of Riga who in 1988 wrote: "Our detailed research however mostly establishes only how shaky is the ground we're on: the consensus of research data often turns out only to be the result of everybody having uncritically copied what everybody else was writing.
The actual documentary basis on many matters is frighteningly narrow and is in consequence easily shattered by some find or other. In all too many matters we are still groping in total darkness. If we are to avert being shown up, in the next few years historical research is going to have to do all it can not only to establish better documentary defenses but broader-based ones as well."
Nor do the guilt trips end there. Listen to Shmuel Krakowski, the Director of Archives at the Holocaust Memorial, Yad Vashem in Palestine (sorry, Israel): "A large number of testimonials on file here were later proved to be inaccurate when locations and dates could not pass an expert historian's appraisal."
There are many claims that more Jews were gassed than there were Jews in existence throughout the entire world. So how did they arrive at these ridiculous figures? Because 'survivor' evidence has been shown to be consistently fraudulent the propagandists have had no choice but to fall back on the 'evidence' of two prominent German internment camp administrators to support their claims. Rudolf Hoess was Commandant of Auschwitz from 1940 until his arrest by the British Army in 1945.
The camp administrator should have taken his own life as did many others. He was subjected to the most horrendous beatings (with axe handles), was tortured and brain-washed that, 'his testimony at Nuremberg was delivered in a mindless monotone as he stared blankly into space.'
Even Reitlinger regarded his testimony as hopelessly untrustworthy; a catalogue of wild exaggerations. These included his declaration that 16,000 Jews a day was disposed of - which would have meant 13 million in total. Just short of the world's official total Jewish population of 15 million!
Private Ken Jones (Fifth Royal Horse Artillery) of Wrexham in Wales described what happened when Hoess was brought in for 'interrogation'. Two other soldiers were detailed with Private Jones and they said, "We sat in the cell with him night and day, armed with axe handles. Our job was to prod him every time he fell asleep to help break down his resistance."
He added, "When Hoess was taken out for exercise he was made to wear only jeans and a thin cotton shirt in the bitter cold. The prisoner was simultaneously being starved. After three days and nights without sleep, Hoess finally broke down and made a full confession to the authorities."
Or did he? His statement appears in American English idiom yet there is no evidence that Rudolf Hoess could speak English at all. So who really did write this 'confession'?
Tried at Nuremberg and handed over to the Polish Communists in 1947 he was ordered to write the story of his life, which was published as Wspomniena in the Polish language. It is said that the hand- written original exists - but no one has ever seen it.
The other major player was the obscenely tortured Oswald Pohl of the Economy and Administration Office. "Pohl had signed some incriminating statements after being subjected to severe torture including a bogus admission that he had seen a gas chamber at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944," This much was conceded by U.S. Senator McCarthy.
Let us be candid about it. In the eyes of God every writer who has used the 'evidence' of these and other tortured prisoners is every bit as guilty and as sick-minded as the actual torturers. 'Evidence' through torture is no evidence at all.
The French Marxist and rabidly anti-Nazi Professor Paul Rassinier was arrested by the Germans during the war and interned at Buchenwald and Dora concentration camps between 1943 and 1945. Yet he has always been at the forefront in disproving the allegations of genocide. He wrote, "I was in Auschwitz from January, 1944 until December, 1944. After the war I heard about the mass murders supposedly perpetrated by the SS against the Jewish prisoners and I was perfectly astonished. There were no secrets at Auschwitz".
The post war French Premier Leon Blum, Jewish to his marrow was in Buchenwald Camp for two years from April 1943 to April 1945. During this time his official biographer, Professor Louise Dalby, reports that he was never 'even ill treated," except for the restriction on his liberty.
How odd that there is not a single mention of gas chambers in General Dwight Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe, Winston Churchill's The Second World War or Charles deGaulle's Memoires de Guerre. Perhaps the powers in the new world order only thought about gas chambers afterwards when they realised that here was the perfect tool to make the Germans appear even blacker than themselves, thus justifying allied war crimes. Further, here was the opportunity to milk the German economy – and pay for the setting up of the new Israeli State in 1948 and pay 'Dane gelt' to more 'survivors' than could possibly have existed. There is certainly no business like Shoah (Yiddish for Holocaust) business.
Little wonder that the acclaimed English writer Auberon Waugh felt obliged to ask, "Are the truths on which the Holocaust relies so flimsy that they need smears to protect them, coupled with prison sentences like those now imposed in Germany, Austria, and France...?"
A newspaper in the USA published the following letter from G. W. Hasse of Rancho Cucamonga, California. It is an eyewitness account of Allied propaganda versus the truth.
"In September 1945 I had the opportunity to speak with a German POW who had gone through a re-education program (a euphemism for brainwashing in exchange for ration tickets) at the large POW camp neat Attiche, France, located about 50 miles north east of Paris. The prisoners there had been shown a film depicting Nazi soldiers burying partially incinerated bodies of women and children as proof of the Nazi perpetrated holocaust.
To his amazement, this POW recognised himself as one of the soldiers in the burying detail. This was surprising because he had never been in a concentration camp.
In fact, the film had been shot at Dresden by the German propaganda media to show Allied atrocities. I remember the incident reported in the spring of 1945 in the Army newspaper The Stars and Stripes, with the front page headline: '250,000 Nazis killed.'
Another burden that a defeated nation must bear is to see its history completely distorted by the victor nations. In Germany it is a serious offence to question the propaganda of the victors. There are occasional successes however.
A highly publicised German exhibition of atrocities allegedly carried out by regular German army forces during the Second World War was closed down in the wake of revelations that many of the harrowing photographs displayed are bogus. The organisers of "War of Annihilation: Crimes of the German Armed Forces, 1941-1944," announced the shutdown on November 5, 1999, after evidence had come to light proving that much of the controversial exhibit is fraudulent.
Since 1995 hundreds of thousands of visitors had viewed the exhibition, which appeared in more than 30 German and Austrian cities. Numerous secondary school classes were guided through it. Many of Germany's most prominent social, political and business personalities endorsed the exhibit, which was designed to prove that regular German army (Wehrmacht) troops, and not just SS soldiers, carried out "Holocaust" killings of Jews and others.
Most of the approximately 800 photographs in the exhibition were from Soviet-era Russian sources. More than half of the total is non-incriminating while most of the 34 photos proven to be fraudulent or misrepresented actually show victims of the Soviets and of other non-German forces.
Exhibition organiser Hannes Herr also admitted that some of the photographs had been retouched. In some instances, photos taken from different angles of the same event or scene were displayed at different places in the exhibition with captions telling viewers that they showed atrocities at different locations. Also presented in the exhibition were documents that included phoney confessions by Germans that had been extracted under torture from Soviets.
Because German scholars were reluctant to expose the fraudulent nature of the exhibits, it was left to two non-German scholars, one Polish and one Hungarian to do so. Afterwards a few emboldened Germans felt able to voice criticisms. Prof. Hans Moeller, for one, director of the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, acknowledged that the exhibition was full of errors, adding that it would be irresponsible to show it in the United States.
The shutdown postponed indefinitely the scheduled debut of an English-language version of the exhibition in New York City. Organisers announced their intention to re-open the exhibition after re-checking each of the hundreds of photographs.
Bogd?n Musial, a Polish historian who works at the German Historical Institute in Warsaw established that some of the exhibit's most gruesome photographs, allegedly depicting German army killings of Jews, in reality showed victims of mass killings by the Soviet security police (NKVD).
Dr. Musial compares the "Wehrmacht crimes" exhibit to the propaganda of the Communist regime in Poland. "The strength of this exhibition," he has said, "lies in the weakness of its critics."
Dr. Musial explains, photographs of unearthed mass graves of Ukrainians and Poles killed by the Soviets were found by Red Army troops on the bodies of German soldiers who had fallen on the eastern front. These included some taken at Zlocz?w by a junior officer, Richard Worbs, who fell in 1944. Soviet authorities publicised such photographs as evidence of German atrocities. These same photos, with their deceitful misrepresentations, were acquired by the organisers of the German Wehrmacht crimes exhibition for display to hundreds of thousands of credulous viewers.
In one exhibition photo, Dr. Musial explains, the corpses shown were actually Ukrainians who had been killed by the Soviet security police in Borislav (in Galicia, western Ukraine).
The German soldiers seen in the photograph had helped unearth the bodies for identification. Another exhibition picture allegedly shows victims of a German massacre in Kraljevo (Serbia) in October 1941. In fact, the victims were Ukrainians and Poles killed by the Soviet NKVD in late June 1941 in an Lviv prison courtyard. "The victims were Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, Russians and German prisoners of war," said Dr. Musial.
One has to treat the Germans just to 99 times of the lie for the truth; from the 100th time on they will believe the lie as it were truth." – Lord Northcliffe, the former correspondent, and later on the British Director of Propaganda; 24th September 1945, New York.
Among other apparently damning exhibition photos are some that show German soldiers standing among corpses "at a pogrom in Tarnopol." In this case as well, the bodies are actually those of Ukrainian and Polish victims of the Soviet NKVD, which had been unearthed after the area came under German occupation.
When Dr. Musial first made public his criticisms, the Wehrmacht exhibition organisers sought to silence him with a lawsuit and to discredit him with a smear campaign.
Along with Dr. Musial, Hungarian historian Kriszti?n Ungv?ry played a major role in discrediting the "Wehrmacht crimes" exhibition. The 31-year-old Budapest scholar, who was named "military historian of the year" in 1998 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, identified additional misrepresentations in a scholarly article.
In an interview with a Berlin newspaper, Ungv?ry spoke of "false photographs" and "false attributions." He said, "90 percent of the exhibition must be altered." Perhaps ten percent of the exhibition's pictures showed German atrocities, he estimated, while another ten percent showed atrocities by Ukrainians, Finns, Hungarians or the Soviets. The remaining photos (about 80 percent of the total), he went on, showed no atrocities or crimes of any kind.
One of the exhibit's most often cited photographs purports to show a German army execution squad preparing to shoot several young men. In fact, as Ungv?ry established, this photo depicts a Hungarian firing squad in the town of Stari Becej (in Vojvodina, which at the time belonged to Hungary) in the fall of 1941. At the time there were no German troops in the area. The doomed men are Communists who had been sentenced to death by a Hungarian military court for treason, murder and sabotage.
Apart from its overt deceit by misrepresenting authentic photographs, the exhibition is a propagandistic fraud on a more fundamental level because it makes sweeping generalisations and fails to provide adequate historical context. A good example is the exhibit's most familiar photograph (reproduced on the front cover of Germany's leading news magazine, Der Spiegel), which shows German soldiers at an execution of several men in April 1941 in Panchevo, Serbia (Vojvoidina region).
What exhibition visitors were not told is that this was an execution of 18 Yugoslav army fighters who, disguised as civilians, had been involved in shootings of German soldiers. A military court sentenced them to death. This execution, however grim, was in conformity with internationally recognised military law. Not mentioned is the fact that when Yugoslav forces retreated from Panchevo they took with them nine ethnic German civilians as hostages, who were then murdered in a nearby forest.)
The controversy over the exhibition once again underscores the double standard by which wartime Germany is routinely regarded. In contrast to the heavy stress by politicians and the media on victims of the Third Reich, especially Jewish Holocaust victims, there is comparative silence about victims of the Allies, especially those of America's wartime partner, the Soviet Union.
This deceitful and defamatory travelling atrocity circus could only have attained the gravitas it did with the thoughtless or cowardly co-operation of German historians and politicians. They knew, or should have known, how fundamentally fraudulent this exhibit was, but many Germans today keep their mouths shut out of fear of being labelled a "revisionist," "nationalist," or "right-winger."
As Budapest historian Ungv?ry says, "I find this very worrisome, and it is unfortunate that no one does anything about this in Germany." The influential German daily The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper wrote that the revelations highlighted the "intellectual climate" in today's Germany, which made possible a propagandistic enterprise with such prestigious backing. On another occasion the daily newspaper commented: "The abundance of the exhibition organisers' errors, mistakes and negligence, proven by researchers, is devastating. One is at a loss for words, considering that this is about such a serious subject. One comes across something comparable only in government- organised misinformation campaigns."
"Why didn't German historians expose the many mistakes and misrepresentations in the Wehrmacht exhibition?" wrote the editor of the German magazine Focus. "History professors provide an answer only when we promise not to reveal their names: 'Every historian immediately saw just how shoddy and slanted the exhibition was set up, but who has any desire to allow himself to be publicly ruined?' The persecution of dissident thinkers has had quite an impact."
Commenting on the exhibition controversy, Dr. Musial expresses some hope for the future: "One does not really dare to question their views on scholarly grounds. Whoever dares to tackle these things without qualms, as I have, risks being labelled a revisionist? On the other hand, the tremendous response to my work gives me hope that finally in Germany people will begin to discuss, substantively and unhampered this chapter of contemporary history.
A Munich publisher, FZ-Verlag, recently issued a 416-page German-language book about the Wehrmacht exhibition, Die Wahrheit ?ber die Wehrmacht: Reemtsmas F?lschungen widerlegt ("The Truth about the Wehrmacht: Reemtsma's Frauds Debunked"). It is available from Deutscher Buchdienst, Postfach 60 04 64, 81204 Munich, Germany.
In Germany any statements that question the official view of the Holocaust can bring legal persecution - and truth is no defence. German courts fined best-selling British historian David Irving 30,000 marks (about $21,000) for saying that a building in Auschwitz that had been portrayed for decades to tourists as an extermination gas chamber is a "dummy" (Attrappe). It was conceded however that Irving was right; the building had been built after the war's end.
David Irving was found guilty of "disparaging the memory of the dead," a German criminal code provision that effectively "protects" only Jews. The judge refused to consider any of the evidence presented by Irving's attorneys, including a plea to permit the senior curator and archives director of the Auschwitz State Museum to testify in the case.
British postwar Prime Minister Clement Atlee refused to interfere when a military court sentenced a young German boy death by hanging. They – the British – hanged him on the lad's thirteenth birthday. His crime? He kept a picture of Hitler in his room?
In The Last 100 Days historian John Toland conceded that the Communists, mostly Jews, were for years in almost complete control of the German concentration camp at Buchenwald, 'as in many other camps.' (p.408).
The camp's mostly self-elected 'bureaucrats' administered all of the camp's important functions from the inside. Petr Zenkl, a former inmate who was later to become Lord Mayor of Prague, also admitted this. In fact Toland was revealing nothing new but such is nevertheless blue-pencilled out by palace journalists who recycle post-war propaganda of the allies.
In an American poll (October 3rd 1941) 90 per cent of the Catholic hierarchy were opposed to the USA entering the war."
GI BLUES STUFFGuantanamo Bay was a holiday camp compared with the bestiality of American run so-called POW camps in Europe after the war's end.
"In the U.S. Army prison camps of Germany and France at the end of World War 11, almost four million German soldiers were held prisoner outdoors, in unsheltered barbed wire enclosures, with little or no food or water, for months on end. At least 750,000 died of malnutrition and disease.
Most were soldiers of the Wehrmacht who surrendered in May 1945, but scores of thousands were women, children, and old men. Most of these deaths were listed simply as 'other losses.'
In painstaking, wide-ranging research, James Bacque has interviewed hundreds of prisoners, guards and army officers' and has amassed extensive evidence to reveal the shocking story of a massive crime.
The tragic events reported in this book are highly controversial, and the author's accusations were for a time suppressed in the United States. But in the face of scepticism and hostility, James Bacque has made a major historical discovery."
This is the dust cover summary of James Bacque's 'Other Losses,' published by Stoddart Publishing Co. Ltd. ISBN 0-35619136-2. If you too are an allied holocaust denier or just tired of being held under a cascade of allied post-war bullshit get a copy.
The Independent on Sunday said of this book, "this is a great and grim masterpiece of investigative journalism, unmasking one of the most successful cover-ups in modern history.' The Jersey Evening Post added its comment: "This is not a pleasant book and its revelations are so awful that many find them hard to accept. The book tells the dreadful story of prisoners of war who had outlived the war but did not outlive the peace."
Martin Brech, a soldier in the U.S. Army and a prison guard for one of America's death camps situated along the Rhine wrote afterwards, "I saw thousands of men crowded together, wet and cold, sleeping in the mud without shelter or blankets, eating grass because we fed them so little, dying . . . it was made clear that our deliberate policy was not to feed them adequately . . . . they were begging, getting sick, dying before us . . . gas would have been more merciful than our slow killing fields."
A former Royal Navy serviceman R. Hull of Newhaven writes: "I was posted to Iceland in 1944. During the year I spent on the island, I found the people full of hatred towards the British. I was spat at many times, and there was regular aggression from the locals." He went on to say how when the war ended, 'We and the Merchant Navy lads decided get our own back. We met inside the dockyard gates while the locals began gathering across the road on a large green.
The fire brigade and the Royal Marines had been ordered to keep us apart, but didn't lift a finger as we moved in to town, overturning cars, smashing shop windows and fighting all over the place as we went. It was one big riot.
I don't know if it was reported back in the UK, but the best thing the Icelanders did was to persuade the British Government to sign an agreement that we would leave within three months at the end of the war."
N M Symonds describes the Icelandic VE publication Spegillinn being headed by the words, 'Fridur! Fridur! Fridur I Europu' which translates in to 'Freedom, Freedom, Freedom in Europe.'
This was a sarcastic reference to the Allied swan song – and their continued occupation of their country. The caption was illustrated with a drawing of drunken British sailors fighting and smashing their way through the streets."
Britain's illegal invasion of Iceland was dressed up as stepping in to assist a threatened nation. When Germany had done precisely the same in respect of Norway this was described as 'a rape'?
"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." – Henry Kissinger as quoted in Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POWs in Vietnam by Monika Jensen-Stevenson & William Stevenson, New York Penguin Books, 1990. ISBN 0-525-24934-6
The armed forces of the Reich have been unfairly portrayed as brutal but as Ralph F. Keeling of the Institute of American Economics reminds us that, "much of what they have been led to believe was born of propaganda. The Germany Army behaved itself very correctly toward the people of occupied territories whose governments were signatories to The Hague and Geneva Conventions. The facts are now well known, and are beyond dispute, despite the opposite picture painted in the Press as part of the horrendous business of war."
Dr. A.J App Ph.D was equally honest: "In their behavior toward the women of conquered territories, the German troops seem actually to have been the most correct and decent in the whole history of warfare. It is a well known fact that rape was virtually unheard of in the German Armed Forces and was in fact punishable by death. As far as I am aware, there is not a single incident in which the so-called anti-Christian Nazis, murdered a priest."
Hardly a Nazi sympathizer, William L. Shirer, the Jewish author of the since discredited Rise and Fall of the Third Reich wrote of "how in the first flush of German occupation women had fled Paris in fear of the Germans. 'It seems the Parisians actually believed the Germans would rape the women and do worse to the men. The ones who stayed are all the more amazed at the very correct behavior of the troops"
Frederick C. Crawford, President of Thompson Products in 'A Report From the War Front' wrote, "The Germans tried to be careful in their dealings with the people. We were told that if a citizen attended strictly to business and took no political or underground action against the occupying army, he was treated with correctness. Wherever Americans have been able to investigate for themselves, they have found that however ruthless the Germans were with resisters and saboteurs, they were uncommonly Christian and decent towards the women of the conquered."
From foot soldier to Field Marshall it was generally agreed that members of Germany's armed forces complied with military codes. "Very few German officers committed actions by their own free will during World War II of such a nature that they could be regarded as war criminals," wrote Major General H. Bratt of The Royal Swedish Army.
"During my period of Command in the Middle East and Mediterranean Theatres, there were no breaches of International Maritime Law by the Axis Powers reported to me. My own feelings on that matter were that those who had committed War Crimes should have been dealt with by Military Courts after the Armistice and that the Nuremberg Trials were staged as a political stunt." - Field Marshall Lord Henry Maitland Wilson of Libya. Commander-in-Chief, Middle East, 1943. Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theatre, 1944.
The Germany Navy (Kriegsmarine) emerged with honor too: "I have never heard of any illegal or barbarous act committed under his (Admiral Karl Doenitz) orders. I feel strongly that sailors, soldiers and airmen whose only 'crime' is the effective professional direction of the forces under their command, should not be liable to such trials," conceded General Sir William L.O Twiss the General Officer Commanding, British Army in Burma. "I can vouch that during the five years of fighting of our Fleet, mostly attached to the British Fleet, I never heard any complaint of atrocities in submarine warfare," were the candid comments of Vice Admiral Epaminondas P. Cawadias of the Royal Hellenic Navy.
U.S. Major General Robert W. Grow who was in command of an armored division throughout the European campaign from Normandy to Saxony said, "In no instance did I hear of personnel from our division receiving treatment other than proper under the 'Rules of Land Warfare'. As far as the 6th Armored Division was concerned in its 280 days of front line contact, there was no 'atrocity problem'.... Frankly, I was aghast, as were many of my contemporaries, when we learned of the proposed 'war crimes' trials and the fact that military commanders were among the accused. I know of no general officer who approved of them."
The post-war propagandists have had a field day depicting German treatment of POWs as barbaric, but what are the real facts? "All of the ex-prisoners-of-war seemed to me to be surprisingly well fed. Faces showed the signs of years of captivity; there was no doubt about that. But I did not see the signs of starvation that I expected after reading the accounts of the way these people have been treated." These are the words of American aviator hero Charles A. Lindbergh who fought through those last battles for the German heartland.
Few people today realize that the International Red Cross was given free movement around Germany's concentration camps, including Auschwitz - but was denied access to post-war British camps.
Lieutenant Newton L. Marguiles, the U.S. Assistant Judge Advocate at Jefferson Barracks said. "The Germans even in their greatest moments of despair obeyed the Convention in most respects. True it is that there were front line atrocities - passions run high up there - but they were incidents, not practices, and maladministration of their American prison camps was very uncommon."
The German use of slave labor has also been on the receiving end of distorted allied propagandists, but what say those who should know? "It is true that the Reich exacted forced labor from foreign workers, but it is also true that, they were for the most part paid and fed well," wrote Ralph F. Keeling of the American Institute of Economics. U.S. captain of U.S. industry Dr. James K. Pollack backed Keeling up as did Max H. Forester, Chief of AMG's Coal and Mining Division: "I think some of the persons found themselves better off than at any time in their lives before. What did the Germans do to get efficient production from forced labor that we were not able to do with Germans working down the mines? They fed their help and fed them well."
On May 24, 1944, German forces mounted a major attack against the last redoubt of Yugoslavia's monstrous Communist stooge, Josip Broz Tito. The British Government favoured the red partisan instead of the anti-Communist General Draza Mikhailovich who had been appointed Minister of War by the Yugoslav Government in exile.
Had the German pincer-like movement succeeded the beautiful nation of Yugoslavia may well have escaped the fate of Stalin's terror. Sadly for tens of thousands of democratic Yugoslavians the British rescue party got to Tito first and brought him to the idyllic island of Vis south of Split. At Vis was a military base from which British and American aircraft flew sorties against German troops fighting vainly to keep the Soviets out of Europe.
On Christmas Day (of all days 1943, an RAF plane drooped thousands of Christmas cards for the German troops. The charming cover had a picture of a church with worshippers walking through the snow, captioned with the first line of the German hymn: Lieb Vaterland mag ruhig sein (Peace be with the Fatherland).
Inside the card was a taste of allied intentions. A crude picture of a white woman submitting to crude sex with a coloured man and the message: Steckt fest und streng der Fremde ein! (The foreigner strikes hard and strong). A nice bunch aren't we? Now for the victors' reward they endure their own women so treated in the democracies ghettos.
Bacchanalian orgies of the conquering barbarians knew few restraints. While German civilians starved in their hundreds of thousands the allies enjoyed bacchanalian nights with German girls who would do anything to survive and feed their families. Even the German leader's yacht was used as a striptease joint at which leering allied oafs stomped as girls gyrated.
When Winston Churchill visited Josef Stalin, his Soviet henchman, at the Kremlin in August 1942 he asked: Have the stresses of the war been as bad or you personally as carrying through the policy of the collective farms?"
"Oh no", Stalin replied. "The collective farm policy was a terrible struggle. Ten millions," he said, holding up his hands. "It was fearful. Four years it lasted. It was absolutely necessary."
The Soviet dictator, Churchill's ally and drinking buddy was of course referring to the casual mass elimination through starvation and deprivation of 10 MILLION PEOPLE through enforced famine, to which the Second World War was secondary.
Talking of which your left-leaning teachers won't be telling you that in our secondary education schools or anywhere else for that matter.
COULDN'T SHUT UPU.S. General George S. Patton, Commander of the United States Seventh Army is arguably America's most successful General. Yet he is best remembered for an ignoble act rather than military prowess.
The much-repeated story is that of the general visiting a military hospital evacuation tent in Sicily in August 1943. There he came across a soldier whom he considered was feigning illness. In front of astonished doctors old 'Blood and Guts' slapped the patient across his face. The unfortunate but minor incident might never have been heard of had the general kept his personal observations to himself. But the charismatic General Patton was a man who spoke his mind, which was soon to seal his death warrant.
As Military Governor of the ruins of a once great nation the American General finally came to understand the true nature of the war and let his views be known. His exasperated and embarrassed superiors retaliated by assassinating his character, with the press singing to the same hymn sheet. When that failed to shut the General up the solution was to arrange a convenient 'accident'?
Patton certainly smelled a rat when he bitterly disagreed with the order that he stand down his forces until the Red Army had successfully occupied Germany's eastern territories (where they slaughtered 4,000,000 civilians), Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Hungary and Yugoslavia.
Patton knew that American forces could have easily taken these territories first, but the dissection of Europe had already been decided by his political masters. U.S. Secretary for War Robert Patterson told him that he had 'lost sight of the big picture.'
The frustrated U.S. General spoke his mind. "Let's not give the (the Soviets) time to build up their supplies. If we do, then . . . we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war!"
He was right of course but those who were in the 'big picture' ignored their most exalted General and much of the rest is European history – in Soviet shackles.
Others were equally candid. Whilst having dinner with French General Alphonse Juin, Patton's diary of August 18th reveals that the French military commander surmised: "It is indeed unfortunate, mon general, that the English and the Americans have destroyed in Europe the only sound country – and I do not mean France." Several days later, in another letter to his wife Patton ruminated, "Actually the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe . . . I prefer the Germans."
Of the military tribunals and the Nuremberg 'trials' Patton was scathing. In a letter to his wife on 14th September 1945, he wrote: "I am frankly opposed to this war criminal stuff. It is not cricket and it is Semitic. I am also opposed to sending POWs to work as slaves in foreign lands, where many will be starved to death."
In another letter to his wife he wrote: "I have been to Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing to the Germans is liberty, then give me death. I can't see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, I am sure of it."
In his diary he noted: "Today we received orders in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodation. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons etc? We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labour in France.
It is amusing to recall that we fought the (American) Revolution in defence of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles."
After a visit to Berlin, now bombed back to the Stone Age, the politically incorrect General wrote: "Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages . . . it is said that for the first week after Soviet troops took it all the women who ran were shot, and those who did not were raped. I could have taken Berlin instead of the Soviets had I been allowed."
By this time, Patton's political masters had had enough and a barrage of innuendo, smear and insult was let loose on the unfortunate General via the largely Jewish-owned media, who were happy to oblige.
It was at this point that the long forgotten slapping incident was dragged up and embellished and then broadcast. The General knew what was going on. In a letter to his wife he writes: "I will probably be in the headlines before you get this, as the press is trying to quote me as being more interested in restoring order in Germany than in catching Nazis."
Eisenhower, at the end of his tether at the unmanageable General's utterances, relieved him of his position as Military Governor. Patton responded by saying he was not at all unhappy with his new assignment, because, "I would like it much better than being a sort of executioner to the best race in Europe."
By now a much embittered General Patton let his thoughts be known in a letter to Major General James G. Harbord, now back in the States. In it he bitterly condemned the Morgenthau policy (to dismember Germany, destroy its infrastructure and decimate its population). He also let it be known that he objected to Eisenhower weakly giving in to every Jewish demand, the strong pro-Soviet bias of the media, and the corruption, degradation and demoralisation of the U.S. Army, which these things were causing.
The outspoken American General's fate was sealed when he concluded by writing: "It is my present thought that when I finish this job, which will be around the first of the year, I shall resign and not retire, because if I retire I will have a gag in my mouth. I should not start a limited counter attack, which would be contrary to my military theories, but should wait until I can start an all out offensive."
On December 21st, a month before his planned resignation, the headstrong but suicidal foolish General was silenced forever when a truck 'accidentally' rammed his staff car. In some ways it could be regarded as redemption - for the havoc and misery the American forces had wreaked on war torn Europe.
DEFENDING BERLINAntony Beevor's book, Hitler's Concrete Tomb gives credit to the non-German troops who fought to defend Berlin. Among them were columns of the French Charlemagne Divisions whose military bearing and steadfast discipline gave strength to the myth that they were Adolf Hitler's last throw of the dice to protect Europe from the Red Army.
As tank battles, sniper activity and hand-to-hand fighting engulfed the German capital there were also soldiers of the British Free Corps. They had been won over and released from POW camps and, in return for donning SS uniforms were given the understanding that they would not be called upon to fight their own countrymen.
Anthony Byers of Effingham in Surrey says: "As a National Serviceman in Berlin, I met a Russian officer who was impressed by the fighting spirit of eight British soldiers. They held up an entire Russian regiment for almost two days until they ran out of ammunition. Only two survived to surrender and they were promptly shot by the understandably irritated Russians, who had lost almost 100 men and three tanks.
The Russian officer said that had SS Unterscharfuhrer Cornfield and a soldier he named as Pleed been fighting the Germans they would have deserved the Victoria Cross.
He told me: "I hope you British invented a good story for their families, for a brave soldier is still a brave soldier even when a traitor to his country."
According to the Norwegian journal Morgenbladet, which had discovered old newspaper files, German POWs, sappers and other ranks, in clear defiance of international convention were ordered to clear mine fields. These German prisoners of war were forced to march, should to shoulder, across fields to determine whether any mines remained.
Using POWs for mine clearance was common practice by the Soviets, the British and the Americans. Many hundreds of young Europeans were said to have died, horribly mutilated, as a consequence.
According to a spokesman the International Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland, on April 12th 1946, 'The United States, Britain and France nearly a year after peace are violating international Red Cross agreements they solemnly signed in 1929.'
The figures given for the Second World war dead are much in dispute but the consensus of opinion agrees on the following figures: (Do note however that these 'victor figures' tend to downplay their opponents losses). USSR 13.6 million (the media still write this up as between 20 and 40 million), Germany 3.5 million (civilians approximately 11,000,000), China 1.3 million, Japan 1.3 million, Romania 350,000, Yugoslavia 305,000, USA 292,000, Italy 279,000, UK 264,000, France 213,000, Hungary 200,000, Poland 123,000, Greece 88,000, Finland 82,000, Canada 37,000, India 24,000, Australia 23,000, Belgium 12,000, Czechoslovakia 10,000, Bulgaria 10,000, New Zealand 10,000, Netherlands 8,000, South Africa 6,000, Norway 3,000, Denmark 1,800, Brazil 943.
The Axis Powers comprised Hitler's Germany and Benito Mussolini's Fascist Italy when in 1036 the two countries formed an alliance. Japan was the third to join. The last three to join were Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.
"I am not exaggerating when I say that one out of three Jews you stop in the street in New York will claim to be a camp survivor. Since 1993 the (holocaust) industry has been claiming that 10,000 survivors have been dying every month. That is completely impossible. It would mean that there were 8 million survivors in 1945, but there were only 7 million Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe before the war." - Dr. Norman Finkelstein
One of the most bitterly fought disputes over the victors' propaganda is their claim that the Germans carried out a policy of extermination, principally of the Jews. Put under analysis such claims are now being received with as much scepticism as Saddam's 'weapons of mass destruction.'
The Israeli nation was and is as dependent upon what has been described as the holohoax as the Arabs are on oil. The so-called holocaust also has useful spin-offs: it justifies the allies war against Germany and the subsequent pillage and looting of that nation. It also makes any criticism of Israeli or Jewish policy a blasphemy thereby freeing the State of Israel and its diaspora dependencies the green light to do whatever they wish.
L'Express, one of France's most influential magazines similar to Time or Newsweek acknowledges that "everything is false" about the Auschwitz "gas chamber" for decades shown to tens of thousands of tourists yearly'. - L'Express January 19-25, 1995. pp 54-73
"Despite thousands of detailed documents on the crematoria built to dispose of the bodies of typhus victims, not a single piece of documentary evidence has ever been produced to substantiate the existence of even one gas chamber; not an order for construction, a plan, an invoice, or a photograph. During the hundreds of 'war crimes' trials, nothing could be produced. There were no gas chambers at Auschwitz or anywhere else in wartime Europe. On that I state my reputation and career." - Professor Robert Faurrisson. Le Monde.
Stephen F.Pinter (look him up on google) writes in The Sunday Visitor (June 14th 1959. "I was in Dachau for 17 months after the war, as a U.S War Department Attorney, and can state that there were no gas chambers at Dachau. What was shown to visitors and sightseers there and erroneously described as a gas chamber was a crematory. Nor was there a gas chamber in any other the other concentration camps in Germany.
We were told that there was a gas chamber at Auschwitz, but since this was in the Russian zone of occupation, we were not permitted to investigate since the Russians would not allow it. From what I was able to determine in six years of post-war Germany and Austria, there were a number of Jews killed, but the figure of a million was certainly never reached.
I interviewed thousands of Jews, former inmates of concentration camps in Germany and Austria, and consider myself as well qualified on the subject as any man."
Although millions of gassings are said to have occurred, 'no one has ever been charged with murder by gassing. That is, no one has ever been charged with operating the alleged gas chambers," says John Bennett, the secretary of Victoria Council for Civil Liberties in Australia.
After all we are familiar with pictures of mounds of emaciated bodies piled high at just some German camps. Yet equally undeniably there are countless photographs available even on display at Dachau today that show well clad inmates in obviously good health up to release. Even pictures taken at Belsen clearly show perfectly healthy inmates among the emaciated dead.
How then does this explain a Nazi program of genocidal intention being so patchy in its application? There can be only one reasonable explanation. Such deaths were caused not by deliberate intent but by typhus and cholera.
Such photographs as those taken at Bergen-Belsen could have been taken anywhere in Central Europe, devastated by nightly 1,000 bomber raids and total war, when millions of civilians of many nations, Germany's included, died through starvation and disease resulting in similar mounds of emaciated corpses.
By reason of heavy bombing road communications had been destroyed and no supplies had reached the camp (Belsen); typhoid fever ensued and hundreds of prisoners (Eastern European POWs) had died as a consequence. The allies arrived on the scene and found a terrible situation." - The Golden Horizon, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London.
"The German Army at Bergen had forewarned the British that a full-blown epidemic of typhus had broken out among the prisoners in the camp." - In The Ruins of the Reich, George Allen & Unwin. London, 1985.
"Disease of all kinds was rife and in a vast number of cases it was difficult to tell which disease predominated - whether it was typhus, starvation, tubercle or a combination of all three, which was responsible for the shattered wrecks of human beings who formed the majority of the inmates....there had been no water for about a week owing to damage by (allied) shell fire to the electrical pumping equipment on which the system depended." - Appendix 'O' Chapter. V11, Second Army History.
"A typhus epidemic now rages amongst them, (German civilian prisoners) and they are said to be dying at the rate of 100 a day." - London Daily Mail, August 6th 1945.
"There is a typhoid epidemic in the (French camp holding German POWs) which has already spread to the neighbouring village." - The Progressive, January 14th 1946. "The only difference I can see between these men (German POWs) and those corpses is that here they are still breathing." - Henry Griffin, AP photographer who had taken Buchenwald and Dachau pictures.
And in British-run POW camps in Belgium British Army officers conceded that conditions "are not much better than Belsen" (German POWs) according to British Army officers. Presumably there will be war crime trials for them too?
The propagandists show such pictures 'as proof' that the Germans had a policy of extermination. The irony is that it was the total war waged by the allies that was directly responsible for such misery, the blame of which was placed on the Germans. In the same way they blame 100,000 deaths in Iraq on – yes, you've guessed it: Saddam Hussain.
The propagandists have been in retreat since 1945 when all camps were said to be extermination camps. In the light of scientific and objective analysis they are now revealed as to be nothing of the kind.
Typically in 1946, a memorial plaque was unveiled at Dachau by Philip Auerbach, the Jewish State Secretary of the Bavarian Government. The plaque read: 'This area is being retained as a shrine to the 238,000 individuals who were cremated here.'
Since then, this figure has consistently been revised downwards to its present total of 20,600, who it appears died from typhus and starvation at the end of the war.
Note: Auerbach has since been convicted for embezzling money which he claimed for non-existent 'dead' Jews).
It is now claimed that the actual extermination camps coincidentally only happen to be situated in those parts of Europe occupied by the Soviets. Dr. Martin Broszat, the anti-Nazi Director of the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich, who can lay claim to being a major influence on the genocide issue, admitted in Die Zeit, August 19th 1960 'that there were no extermination camps on German soil' and that instead, one had to look 'above all to Auschwitz.'
How convenient that this last redoubt of the propagandists was occupied by the Red Army, a dab hand at extermination itself, which never allowed outside inspection until 10 years after the war's end.
Gita Sereny, the Jewish holocaust historian admits: "Auschwitz, despite its emblematic name, was NOT primarily an extermination camp for the Jews and is not the central case through which to study extermination."- The New Statesman, November 2 1979.
"A report that an Auschwitz building could not have been designed as a gas chamber is true but irrelevant." - Dr. Raul Hilberg, Los Angeles Times, February 23 1989.
"Our detailed research (into the holocaust) however mostly establishes only how shaky is the ground we're on: the consensus of research data often turns out only to be the result of everybody having uncritically copied what everybody else was writing; the actual documentary basis on many matters is frighteningly narrow and is in consequence easily shattered by some find or other. In all too many matters we are still groping in total darkness. If we are to avert being shown up, in the next few years historical research is going to have to do all it can not only to establish better documentary defences but broader-based ones as well." - Dr. Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm, University of Riga 1988.
"A large number of testimonials on file here were later proved to be inaccurate when locations and dates could not pass an expert historian's appraisal." - Shmuel Krakowski, Director Archives, Yad Vashem, Israel.
Because 'Survivor' evidence has consistently been shown to be fraudulent the propagandists fall back on the 'evidence' of two prominent German administrators to support their claims. Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz from 1940 until his arrest by the British Army in 1945.
Subjected to torture and brain-washing, 'his testimony at Nuremberg was delivered in a mindless monotone as he stared blankly into space.' Even Reitlinger regarded his testimony as hopelessly untrustworthy; a catalogue of wild exaggerations. These included his declaration that 16,000 Jews a day were disposed of - which would have meant 13 million in total. (Just short of the world's total Jewish population of 15 million!)
Tortured, his statement appears in American-English idiom yet there is no evidence that Rudolf Hoess could speak any English at all. Tried at Nuremberg and handed over to the Polish Communists in 1947, he was ordered to write the story of his life which was published as Wspomniena in the Polish language. It is said that the hand-written original exists, but no one has ever seen it. As was 'The 'Diary' of Anne Frank'.
The other major player being Oswald Pohl of the Economy and Administration Office: "Pohl had signed some incriminating statements after being subjected to severe torture including a bogus admission that he had seen a gas chamber at Auschwitz in the Summer of 1944." - Senator McCarthy.
Professor Paul Rassinier, a French Marxist and committed anti-National Socialist was arrested by the Germans during the war and interned at Buchenwald and Dora concentration camps between 1943 and 1945. He has always been at the forefront in disproving the allegations of genocide. "I was in Auschwitz from January, 1944 until December, 1944. After the war I heard about the mass murders supposedly perpetrated by the S.S against the Jewish prisoners and I was perfectly astonished. There were no secrets at Auschwitz".
The Chief Soviet jurist at the Nuremberg Show Trials was none other than the thoroughly evil Andrej Vyshinsky, who was also the Chief Prosecutor at the infamous Stalin show trials that consigned millions to penal servitude and lingering deaths.
French Premier Leon Blum, who was in Buchenwald for two years (April 1943 – April 1945). During this time his biographer, Professor Louise Dalby, reports that he was never 'even ill treated" except for the restriction on his liberty. - Dalby, Leon Blum: Evolution of a Socialist. New York: Thomas Yoseloff, 1963.
How odd that there is not a single mention of gas chambers in General Dwight Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe, Winston Churchill's The Second World War or Charles deGaulle's Memoires de Guerre.
LIKE SHOAH BUSINESS"Why then are they, the Israelis, obstructing all honest research into the six million question? All statistics will so long be controversial until world Jewry and Zionism will be willing to present to the public exact official statistics of the losses. The roadblock to research is due to the fact that from six million dead one can extract far more reparations than from say 6,000." - Joseph Ginsburg, Jewish survivor/researcher. Munich.
"A very disturbing thing has happened to journalism, to the writing of history, and even to justice. In anything to do with the Nazis any attempt at detachment is considered suspect, any degree of objectivity reprehensible." - Gite Sereny, April 21 1988.
"Are the truths on which the Holocaust relies so flimsy that they need smears to protect them, coupled with prison sentences like those now imposed in Germany, Austria, and France...?" - Auberon Waugh.
That old irritant, David Irving, historian is constantly needling the holohoaxers and says: "I hope my fellow Old Brentwoodian Jack Straw does introduce legislation to make it a criminal offence subject to a two-year jail sentence to question the Holocaust. That will bring everything out into the open.
I shall claim the honour of being the first prosecuted by repeating the words for which I was fined ?13,300 in Munich, banned from German territory and Second World War archives, namely ; 'The gas chamber shown to the tourists at Auschwitz is a fake built after the war by the Polish communists.' I assume a British court will permit us to call witnesses and evidence which the German courts denied us. (The Polish authorities have since admitted that the structure in question was built in 1948." - David Irving, Historian. Sunday Times 20 October 1996.
(A small selection)Though exhaustive studies have failed to link Adolf Hitler or his government with any assassination plots or attempts, such methods are merely an extension of normal government policy in the West.
The Germans were more often than not the victims of Jewish assassinations. On February 4th 1936 Wilhelm Gustloff, the prominent German physicist and political activist was gunned down in Davos, Switzerland. The killer was David Frankfurter who claimed the Nazis Jewish policies to be the reason. Yet even prominent Jews have conceded that these policies were less onerous than were similar laws in other European countries.
Frankfurter was convicted and gaoled, and 'repatriated' after the war's end and was last seen walking the mean streets of Israel in 1976.
On November 7 1938 the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath was gunned down by another Jew, Herschel Grynzpan. He was motivated he claimed by his parents being deported to Poland by the German authorities. Interesting that nearly six years after the so-called anti-Semitic Nazis came to power a Jew makes such a protest at his parents not being allowed to remain in Nazi Germany.
Grynzpan's trial was postponed in France until war broke out ten months later. He served time in a number of French prisons and was handed over to the German authorities on July 18 1940, though under German law he could not be further tried or sentenced.
Again, on the one hand we are told that the German occupiers routinely rounded up and deported French Jews. Yet the one who had murdered the German diplomat remained untouched because he couldn't legally be tried under German law.
His eventual fate in uncertain. Propagandists, without offering proof, assert that he died in German captivity. Most likely he simply re-invented himself in the chaos of post war Europe.
Contrary to propaganda Reinhard Heydrich was a popular administrator of German-occupied Bohemia and Moravia. He was so confident of his safety that it was his practice to travel in an open-top car without an escort. In fact the pitifully small Czech 'underground' was so vehemently opposed to assassinating the German commander that the assassins had to be parachuted in by the RAF.
The British were also responsible for the assassination of Giovanni Gentile, the impressive intellectual giant who much to the embarrassment of the allies, refused to desert the collapsing Mussolini regime. His murder was carried out on April 15 1945 by partisans after repeated exhortations for them to do so were broadcast on British radio.
The assassination of the Vichy Government's head of French North Africa and Commander in Chief of the French Fleet was carried out by the Gaullist courier d'Astier. He was shot down on Christmas Eve, 1942. D'Astier had arrived in Algiers via London a few days earlier bearing a safe conduct pass signed by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and carried with him a cool $38,000.
Zionists gunned down Lord Moyne, British Resident Minister in the Middle East, on November 6th 1944.
This Swedish UN mediator was also gunned down by Zionist terrorists on September 17 1948.
He 'fell' from his second storey office window in Prague on March 10 1948, shortly after the Reds had captured the government.
August 20th 1940 – hacked to death with an ice pick by Soviet Agents.
The official version is that Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci were shot by Italian partisans near to Lake Como in Italy at 4.10pm on April 28th 1945. Most have seen pictures of their trussed bodies slung up by their feet as Red partisans scream wildly as the bullet spattered flesh cascades. So far so bad! Never allow yourselves to be captured by the 'democrats' or 'the workers representatives'.
This wasn't quite as it happened but was a staged cover-up for a successful British plot aimed at locating and murdering the Italian leader. According to Peter Tomkins, an American journalist and former secret agent in Rome, a British assassination squad accompanied by Communist partisans killed the Italian premier and his lady much earlier in the day.
The motive was simple. Mussolini was carrying letters that revealed plans for a secret deal with Churchill to make a separate peace with the allies – in clear breach of the Prime Minister's agreement with U.S. President Roosevelt to seeking nothing but the unconditional surrender of all the Axis powers.
One of the few letters written by Mussolini to come to light pleads with the British premier to intervene and guarantee 'the chance to justify and defend myself.'
His findings are supported by Signor Lonati, 83, a former Communist who was part of the hit squad. He described how they arrived at the house where partisans were holding the couple, to find Mussolini holding a briefcase he said was 'of historic importance for the future of Italy.'
Signor Lonati told Tomkins, that the British agent he named as John, said to him his orders were to eliminate both because Petacci knew many things. Lonati explained that he could not shoot Petacci so John said he would shoot her. He added that Mussolini had to be killed by an Italian.
In the television documentary, Rai, the Italian State Television makers of the documentary The Final Truth disclose that photographic evidence of the murders were obtained and delivered to the British consulate in Milan.
Tomkins recently approached the British Embassy in Rome and when he enquired as to whereabouts of the photographs an official said he would see what he could do. The belated response was an emphatic 'no', but they did not say the photographs did not exist.
The documentary discloses that according to the testimony of 19-year old Dorina Mazzola who was in the house at the time, shots were fired at what she said was 11.00am
'Mahatma' Gandi gunned down by a lone gunman in the streets of New Delhi on January 30th 1948. His assassination occurred coincidentally at the height of his increasingly successful campaign against British imperialism. Many astute Indians have drawn their own conclusions.
Second only to Adolf Hitler this likeable figure was defined as having the features and bearing of the perfect Aryan He was also an official emissary in Germany's quest for peace with Britain.
During the Thatcher era, this sick and frail old man, then in his eighties, was claimed to have garrotted himself in his austere prison cell where even his daily newspapers were holed by scissor-bearing censors. Hess's Tunisian attendant later confirmed that his frailty was such that there was no way he could have taken his own life. Indeed, there had been numerous occasions in his decades of captivity that Hess could have done so had he so wished.
It is alleged that British SAS men, disguised as U.S. officers, entered the prison and murdered the defenceless old man who 'knew too much' about those who wanted peace in 1941.
Since 1865 more USA heads of state have been assassinated than in any other country. Abraham Lincoln (1865), James A. Garfield (1882), William McKinley (1901) and John F. Kennedy (1963). There was also an attempted assassination of Franklin D. Roosevelt in Miami on February 15th, 1933. Unfortunately for the world it failed.
On November 1st 1950 Puerto Rican nationalists sought to murder President Harry S. Truman in a failed shoot-out. Other failed attempts on the lives of American Presidents included Theodore Roosevelt, shot and wounded October 14th 1912.
Following the Second World War there was a wave of convenient 'suicides' throughout the United States. Harry Dexter White, Stephen Duggan and ex-U.S. Ambassador to Britain, John G. Winant. Most interesting (after Patton's 'accident') was that of James Forrestal, America's First Secretary of Defence. On May 22 1949 he fell (or was pushed) from an upper floor window of a Washington hospital. He had been diagnosed as being 'deeply depressed'. Why, one asks, was a man in such a state not given a ground floor room?
Very little reason was ever given as to why the Danish UN diplomat Paul Bang-Jensen, profoundly interested in the fate of Hungarian refugees fleeing the Hungarian revolt, should take his own life in a New York park on Thanksgiving Day 1959.
Granted this is a World War 1 observation but it is worth thinking about. The inscription on the Gallipoli Memorial erected by the Turks reads: 'Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives, you are now living in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace.
There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours.
'You, the mothers who sent your sons from faraway countries, wipe away your tears. Your sons are now living in our bosom and are in peace. Having lost their lives in this land they have become our sons as well.' (1934). How the world has since moved on to barbarism.
Robert Edward Edmondson in his masterful analysis I Testify refers to the Roosevelt family tree compiled by the Carnegie Institute (1934) from which the American President's (1933 – 1945) Jewish ancestry is self evident.
"These people (the family background) came to America in 1682, led by the patriarch Claes Martenzen van Roosevelt and on the distaff side Janette Samuel. Originally of Spanish Sephardic Jews who had escaped Spain and fled to England in 1492, the family tree is studded with Jacobs, Isaacs and Samuels. Franklin D. Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor were cousins.
The New York Times 14th March 1935, quotes the then President: "In the distant past my ancestors may have been Jews. All I know about the origin of the Roosevelt family is that they are apparently descendants of Claes Martenzen van Roodsevelt who came from Holland."
The New York Herald Tribune (8th May 1937) featured an article, later carried coast-to-coast by Associated Press. It stated that President Roosevelt will receive the Tenth Award of the Gottheil Medal for Distinguished Service to Jewry.
The medal featured the head of Roosevelt on one side and the six-pointed Solomon Star, synagogue symbol of possession and world power, on the other side. In the centre a mystical good luck idiom. The awarding of the medal included a card bearing the following inscription: 'Good luck and Wisdom to Franklin D. Roosevelt, our Modern Moses, leading Jewry in 'The Promised Land' under the seal of Solomon.'
German Propaganda Minister always referred to the American President as 'The Jew, Rosenfelt.' Americans dismissed this as propaganda but the German Government Minister was proved to be right. Robert Ralph Edmondson in 1944 was charged with sedition in 1944 for publishing what the American Press had openly and nationally disclosed in 1936 regarding Rosenfelt's Jewish background.
Britain spent more on the war between 1914-1920 than it had spent on all of its conflicts and wars during the previous 225 years. – English Public Finance, Bankers Trust Company. Summary New York Times, August 15 1920.
THE PRESENT GERMAN GOVERNMENT IS ILLEGALAccording to International Law, German Governments have been illegal since the occupying forces overthrew the legitimate government of Germany in 1945.
On May 1st 1945, according to Adolf Hitler's last will and testament, Grossadmiral Karl Donitz became the legitimate head of state and supreme commander if its armed forces.
He alone had the absolute authority to negotiate an armistice with the Allies. His written power of attorney was absolutely essential for Generalfeldmarschall Keitel, Generaloberst Stumpff and General-Admiral von Friedeburg to sign the document of surrender. This act was carried out on May 8th 1945.
In doing so the allies clearly accepted that he was the only legal authority empowered under international law to do so. After the surrender Admiral Doenitz immediately formed a cabinet, which took full responsibility for dealing with the problems faced by defeated Germany.
This included emergency measures, the rebuilding of the transport system, the maintenance of law of law and order, and to secure food supplies. He also ensured that alleged war crimes would be investigated and brought before Germany's courts.
All of these plans were submitted to the Allies for their approval but his having served his purpose in signing the surrender he was then ignored.
His first thought was to resign but the Reichsprasident and his cabinet expressed the unity of the Reich. It was pointed out that the surrender affected only the armed forces and not the German State. Had Donitz resigned the allies would have got what they really wanted - the excuse to step in with their own state apparatus.
Gross Admiral Donitz wrote afterwards: "I am convinced that my voluntary abdication would have been the political mistake which I could have made after the surrender (Memoirs p.463).
Over three weeks later, when the allies realised that the legal German leader was not to be so foolish as to surrender the German state to them, they embarked on a course of action which violated international law and convention.
On May 23rd 1945, the German leader and the German cabinet were ordered aboard the liner Patria. Once on board the American Chief of Protocol, Rooks accosted them. (He obviously knew little of protocol). Also present were British Brigadier Ford and Soviet Major General Truskow, and in tandem a gloating 'American' interpreter by the name of Herbert Cohen. (Surprise, surprise!)
Their statement was read out: "By order of General Eisenhower, I called you here to have to inform you that the German Government and the Command of the German Forces with all its members shall be arrested as prisoners-of-war. The temporary German cabinet is hereby dissolved." British soldiers summarily arrested and imprisoned the German government.
Thirteen days later the allies had the effrontery to declare: "There is no central government or authority in Germany capable of accepting responsibility for the maintenance of order, the administration of the country and compliance with the requirements of the victorious powers."
Well of course there wasn't a central government. They had just kidnapped, arrested them and thrown them in gaol. Little matter that in doing so they had impudently violated the first principle of international law on which they had declared the war. It was on this basis that the alles seized power.
According to Article. 43 of the Hague Convention, to which the allies were signatories: 'it is never permitted that the occupying forces change the system of legislation, jurisdiction or administration. That never under even military necessities must the aims of the war be executed by military occupation.'
The biggest irony of all was that the legitimate elected government of Germany, as recognised under international law, was overthrown by the allies, and a dictatorship imposed in its place. You doubt me?
Would you believe then the British Commander-in-Chief who put it this way: "The present occupation in Germany has no precedent and such a situation was never envisaged by the authors of the Hague Convention. There is no German Government: the four commanders-in-chief exercises Supreme authority, each in his own zone of occupation, and also jointly in matters affecting Germany as a whole. In view of the supreme authority invested in them, there is no limit in their powers save these, which they choose to adopt.'
Indeed confirmation of the illegal seizure of Germany was provided by the Supreme Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany, in a judgement of July 31st 1973. This emphatically states that 'the state survived the collapse of 1945, and the founding of the Federal Republic was not the creation of a new West German state but only the temporary arrangement of a part of the Reich.'
So there you are, Tommy and Hank, they never told you that when you fought and died in their war did they?
Monday, 25th May 2005. A German politician takes the German Government to court. He is challenging the constitutional ruling that uniquely (in Europe) forbids the German people from using referendum to decide on important issues of state. The ruling was imposed in 1945 by the victor nation leaders – because referenda in Germany had been abused during the National Socialist period.
How had it been abused? Because Hitler's Government had given the German people the power and the right to vote on issues of national importance.
Not surprisingly and largely due to the Government's reluctance to release pertinent documents, * the sinking of the Australian battle cruiser HMAS Sydney with the loss of 645 crew on November 19, 1941 was credited to the German raider Kormoran. This would have made her the only warship to succumb to a raider in the whole course of the war.
The evidence however points to her being sunk by a Japanese submarine in an action for which the Kormoran's commander was eternally grateful. Five days later the Australian Navy was still denying all knowledge of the Sydney's fate whilst the Admiral Commanding was recording in his diary the Naval Board's findings that she had in fact been sunk by a submarine.
The question being asked is, was the sinking of the HMAS Sydney deliberately set up to convince Roosevelt that Japan, goaded beyond endurance by an oil blockade, was intent on fighting a defensive war? Such was Churchill's desperation to bring America in to the war that the sacrifice of 645 crewmen would have been a small price to pay. He (and Roosevelt) got their wish when a fortnight later Pearl Harbor was attacked.
* Churchill wartime correspondence file PREM 3 252/5 and PREM 3 252/6B are closed 'in the national interest' and may be released in 2011.
It is often asked why the USA didn't get involved in the war much earlier. The simple fact is that they were in no position to do so. Not only was there strong domestic resistance to American involvement, it was also militarily weak. Ranking only 19th among the world's armed forces the U.S. armed forces in strength and capability were just behind Portugal and a little ahead of Bulgaria.
On December 8 1941, the day after Pearl Harbor was attacked, Republican Congressman (R-N.Y.), Hamilton Fish made his maiden speech to the U.S. Congress. In it he asked for a United States Declaration of War against Japan.
Of the speech he was later to say: "I am ashamed of that speech today, as I know now about Roosevelt's infamous war ultimatum that forced Japan's leaders to fight."
Fish also said, "Roosevelt's 'day of infamy' has been turned into hypocrisy, deceit and ashes by the searchlight of truth on the causes, events and results of the war." "Roosevelt", the Congressmen added "was the main instigator and firebrand to light the fuse of war." – The Other Side of the Coin, Vantage Press, New York 1976.
The attack on Pearl Harbor is now recognised as being set up by the Roosevelt clique who were hell bent on facing down Japan. According to Curtis Dall, the historian Prof. Tansill wrote: "He (U.S. Foreign Minister Cordell Hull) and Franklin D. Roosevelt knew that Japan would reject this 'program' (ultimatum).
Henry Morgenthau's assistant, Harry Dexter White had worked on its wording. That same afternoon, November 26th 1941, American President Roosevelt sent a secret despatch to Winston Churchill: 'Talks broken off. Services expect hostilities within two weeks.'
There was no such thing as a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941. America had already blockaded Japan and imposed an ultimatum on its prey that amounted to surrender without a fight. As a consequence Pearl Harbor was inevitable; a sprat to catch the mackerel.
The launching of the Japanese fleet and its movements was known, thanks to decoded messages, as were its intended targets and timing. Eighteen ships were sacrificed, as were 2,403 of their crew, and another 1,178 injured in the 'surprise' attack.
Colonel Charles A Lindbergh recounted an incident: "One of the passengers was a sailor who had been on the Arizona when she was sunk (Pearl Harbor). He told me he couldn't understand why we had been caught so completely unprepared at Pearl Harbor because our ships had been dropping depth bombs on enemy submarines several days prior to the Japanese attack and that we had been ordered to be on the alert for torpedo wakes."
The American ace flyer went on to say, "Several naval officers have also told me that we dropped depth charges on a Japanese submarine prior to the Pearl Harbour attack."
Churchill later conceded that FDR (Roosevelt) "knew the full and immediate target of the enemy operation. Roosevelt had in fact instructed the Director of the International Red Cross to make preparations for high casualties at Pearl Harbor, because he had no intention of fending off or resisting the potential attack".
To the Director's question, why not? He replied: "The Americans would never agree to join in a European war unless they were attacked within their own borders first." (Shades of 9/11 indeed).
The official American declaration of war on Japan on December 8th 1941 was the generally recognised, justified consequence of this 'underhanded surprise attack.' The same day, England also declared war on Japan, which resulted in the surrender of the British Empire in the Far East, to America's advantage.
The American Iron Curtain of censorship slammed down immediately after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. When the last Japanese plane soared away five U.S. battleships had been sunk and three damaged. Three cruisers and three destroyers had been critically damaged. No less than 200 U.S. planes had been destroyed and 2,403 men and women killed. This for the loss of only 29 attacking aircraft. It was one of the most ignominious routs in the history of warfare.
Such was its magnitude of the disaster that U.S. service chiefs decided to sit on it long enough for the White House to respond. First reports disclosed that only one old battleship and one destroyer had been sunk, 'and other ships damaged,' and that heavy casualties had been inflicted on the Japanese. Not to be outdone the British Press were more shameless and on December 8th the Daily Express headlines screeched 'Jap Plane Carrier and Four U-Boats Sunk,' and went on to report a fictional battle between U.S and Japanese naval forces.
Secretary of the U.S. Navy Colonel Frank Knox told a New York Press conference that only the Arizona had been sunk and the battleship Oklahoma had capsized but would soon be righted. One can only assume that survivors on the island would rub their eyes as they gazed through the clear waters at the U.S. warships Arizona, Oklahoma, California, Nevada and the West Virginia resting on the bottom of the harbour.
The humiliating debacle of Pearl Harbor was just one of many routs carried out by rampant Japanese imperialism. In quick succession Singapore, Hong Kong, Manila, Borneo, New Guinea and Java fell. Five months after Pearl Harbor the last Americans in the Philippines had surrendered and the British had been run out of Burma. In just five and a half months the Japanese had seized the richest colonial area in the world and in the process snuffed out the British, Dutch and French empires in the Far East. So successful were their efforts that the true nature of the debacle never came in to the public domain until after the war's end, and much is still being leaked.
Andrew Alexander, the renowned columnist of the Daily Mail is reasonably erudite on matters appertaining to the Second World War. However, he still has a penchant for using red, white and blue crayons when painting pictures. An equally erudite reader of this anti-German tabloid writes:
Andrew Alexander loves telling us that it was Germany which declared war against America and not the other way around. He obviously wants the British people to believe the Americans were forced to join the war, and so we should not feel too grateful to them for coming to our help.Let me remind him:
- September 16, 1940 – U.S. Conscription Bill passed
- June 14, 1941 – U.S. freezes German and Italian assets in America
- July 26, 1941 – Roosevelt freezes Japanese assets and suspends relationships with Japan
- August 1, 1941 – U.S. sets up an oil embargo against what it terms as 'aggressor states.' - Churchill and Roosevelt announce the Atlantic Charter (a clear act of aggression)
- December 7, 1941 – Japanese retaliate by bombing Pearl Harbor. U.S. and UK declare war on Japan
- December 11, 1941 – Germany declares war on the USA.
By declaring war on America first, Hitler might have had some satisfaction by beating Roosevelt by a few hours, but he did not change the course of history.' – Saroj K. Chakravarty, Beckenham, Kent.
Ill feeling between the Australian and U.S. armed forces was airbrushed out of the WW2 history books but reached such intensity that the two sides had to be kept apart. One skirmish became known as 'The Battle of Brisbane'. In 1942 an American Military Policeman shot dead an Australian trooper then turned his gone on others wounding eight.
In Rockhampton railways station in Queensland a trainload of Australian commandos on their way to the battle zone fought pitched battles with U.S. marines returning fire.
The 2nd World War was a victory of three empires over a handful of middle-European countries It had little to do with superiority of intellect. For the large part allied commanders were self-serving buffoons. Typical was all American boy Douglas MacArthur. When it comes to Press photographers being on the beach to greet the invaders nothing beats the image of General Douglas MacArthur wading ashore on his return to the Philippines. In fact, he waded up and down it several times until the right image was captured for public consumption back home. It is still being shown on the History Channels.
GB or U.S.?
In Britain a commonly used term for something that is useless is 'it is U.S.' This originated during the war when at British bases damaged or surplus material was sectioned off as being 'useless stock' or U.S. for short. The Americans retaliated by marking their similar dumps as 'GB' (gone bad).
Apologists for the mass indiscriminate slaughter civilians via the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki claim it was necessary to hasten the war's end. Not so! The real reason for Japan's defeat was the USA's success in denying her essential oil supplies.
In 1942 only 40% got through. This was reduced to only 15% of the country's needs by 1943 and in 1944 only 5% got through. This was further reduced to zilch by 1945.
It wasn't the atom bomb, Soviet intervention, or the great naval battles that finished Japan off. They simply had no fuel left; her ships, armoured vehicles, submarines, railway system and aircraft just ground to a halt.
When passions died after World War One the atrocity propaganda that had fuelled that war was owned up to. But in 1947 the Rockefeller Foundation invested €139,000, a considerable sum then, to the Council on Foreign Relations to prevent any recurrence of such honesty.
Charles A. Beard, the noted historian said, "The Foundation and the Council do not want journalists or any other persons to examine too closely and criticize too freely the official statements relative to our basic aims and activities during World War II. In short, they hope that, among other things, the policies and measures of Franklin D. Roosevelt will escape in coming years the critical analysis, evaluation and exposition that befell the policies of Woodrow Wilson and the entente allies after World War 1.' – Saturday Evening Post, October 4, 1947.
In other words, a decision was made and finance provided not only for the continued use of black propaganda but for the lies to be increased.
"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided in me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." – The New Freedom, p.13
That the British succeeded in turning the Dunkirk rout into a victory was bettered by the General Douglas myth. Following his ignominious but dramatic escape from the Philippines, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of all the allied armies assembling in Australia.
The Chicago Sun was at its thundering best when it announced that 'The United States is in the war with all its power and under the leadership of the best general the United Nations possesses.' (18 March 1942).
General George Brett, Commander of the allied air force let the cat out of the bag. "There was no great army and the airforce consisted of a few battered planes, and combat weary men. Of the eleven divisions of the Australian forces less than two were effective and only one approaching combat condition. The Royal Australian Air Force was equipped with obsolete aircraft and was short of spare parts and ammunition. The Royal Australian Navy didn't have a single carrier.
As for the 'best general the United Nations possesses' the truth was somewhat different. Just ten hours after Pearl Harbor the Japanese air force carried out a devastating attack on Clark Field in the Philippines.
Despite the fact that MacArthur had received more than adequate warning the delighted Japanese found his air armada all neatly lined up, wing to wing and offering a turkey shoot most airmen can only dream about. There had in fact been three cunning defence plans in readiness. The wretched General followed none of them.
MacArthur talked such a good fight that he retained the confidence of Washington but not so the troops under his command who were increasingly irritated by their general's swashbuckling bravado and 'the cavalry is on its way' fantasies. The carefully created aura of military genius and invincibility that he built on his persona was a sham. He spent so much time underground in his bunker at 'fortress Corregidor' that he became known as 'Dug-Out Doug.'
Accompanied by a small army of spin doctors he brilliantly announced on his arrival in Melbourne, "I have come through and I will return.'
Shortened by publicists to 'I shall return,' the expression rapidly became one of the most marketed sayings of the war. He made his first public appearance dressed like the Admiral of the Queen's Navy in HMS Pinafore, wearing thirty-six medal ribbons and nine rows of decorations. His personal photographer always accompanied him. It seems in war that image is more important than hardware, as Churchill had also realised.
Had the Japanese attacked Australia it was decided to surrender Western Australia and everything north of Townsville. Perth and Darwin were to be abandoned. The First Army was to defend the coast between Brisbane to the Victoria State borders. The Second Army to protect Melbourne. Only for 'reasons of morale and psychology' some troops were left in place so as not to unsettle the inhabitants who were to be abandoned.
The first successful U.S. attack against the Japanese came at sea. This was the Battle of the Coral Sea and was the first naval action in history in which the surface ships never exchanged a single shot. The battle was fought entirely in the air. Although the result of the ferocious battle was about even it was presented as a major American victory, and the saving of Australia. Japan claimed the battle to be their victory too.
Had the Japanese intended to attack Australia? No because they simply lacked the means to do so. They had already worked it out that ten to twelve divisions would be required. To move them from Manchuria would have made their back door vulnerable.
A hammer blow to British Far Eastern prestige occurred on December 10 1941 when the Japanese sank both the battle cruiser Repulse and the battleship Prince of Wales. To quote Phillip Knightley the noted journalist and military historian, 'Churchill had sent the two British ships to the East in pursuit of one of his personal strategic fantasies – that it should be possible to bluff the Japanese out of the idea of war altogether.'
Incredibly, just three days after the Pearl Harbor debacle the two finest flagships of the Royal Navy were blundering around the Gulf of Siam. The two sitting ducks lacked air cover and were within easy reach of the Japanese Air Force.
The sinking of these two gallant ships was not only the worst setback suffered by the Royal Navy but by the allied cause in general. Churchill it was said 'was shocked.' The Japanese dropped wreaths on the positions where the two giant battleships finally rested.
If you thought British ineptitude is a modern phenomenon then events surrounding the fall of this 'fortress of the east' will put your mind at rest. The truth is that Singapore was virtually defenceless, despite the fact that Churchill was well aware that American blockades on Japanese trade were intended to goad them into war. Singapore's defences were already crumbling when the Japanese Army, mostly pedalling their push-bikes cycled into the city's approaches. They must have thought Christmas had come early.
Despite the fact that the city had been bombed, there was no one on duty to sound the sirens. The streetlights were still blazing because no one could find the key to the master switch. Regulations insisted that telephone calls be limited to three minutes so yes, you guessed it, communications were cut when the three minutes was up.
A last minute attempt to build defences was delayed for ten days while they argued over how much the coolies should be paid. The secretary of the golf club insisted that no guns could be mounted on the links until he had consulted with the committee. Airfields had been set up without a thought to their defence. It never occurred to anyone that the army should be consulted. As a consequence the airfields were abandoned on the run.
British troops retreated from positions that weren't being attacked, they disobeyed orders to counter- attack, and they failed to follow up advantages when they presented themselves. As morale collapsed the deserters swarmed into Singapore and added to the chaos.
On February 14th 1942, the British Army, buckling at the knees with ample munitions, surrendered to a Japanese force barely one-third of its strength and down to its last 100 rounds per man.
Just three days before the fall of Singapore the White population still refused to believe in their imminent fate. 'In front of the Raffles Hotel cars are depositing patrons to the daily tea dance," wrote Yates McDaniel of the Associated Press. "Outside the people are queuing to see Joel McCrea and Ellen Drew in the film 'Reaching for the Sun'. One can only wonder at the irony in the film's title. It may occur to some that the British head is as firmly fixed in the sand today as it was all those years ago.
When asked later to explain the debacle to the House of Commons the normally eloquent Winston Churchill searched uselessly for an answer. Such was the reprehensible epitaph of the British Empire in the East.
The Empire Star was the largest vessel to flee Singapore before the Japanese arrival. It was packed with wives, children, and some services personnel like airmen and sailors who had no contribution to make to the final battle.
Suddenly 140 Australian deserters stormed up the gangway. When Captain Atkinson, a Royal Navy officer tried to turn them back he was shot dead where he stood.
Military Police arrived but by then the deserters were displaying their rifles and machine guns, with the full intention of using them. Women were milling about, the MPs dare not attack, and the liner sailed on with the deserters still on board.
What happened to them is cloaked in mystery. It was said hat one in five were randomly selected and shot as a reprisal. Other stories suggest that the figure was 1/10. Nobody will reveal the details.
British eccentricity always seems to compensate for ineptness. Events surrounding Orde Wingate's Chindits, a special force of 3,000 men, were no exception. Like his distant relative, Lawrence of Arabia, the commander had unorthodox views as to how battles should be fought. Early in 1943 he led his men on a guerrilla-type excursion behind Japanese lines. Three months later only 2,187 returned. Their condition was so appalling that only 600 were sufficiently fit for active soldiering again.
The mission had no strategic objective at all and it was afterwards decided that 'the results achieved were incommensurate with the forces' diverted to it.
Never mind! From a public relations perspective Wingate was manna from heaven. This British at a time of constant retreat and military humiliation had shown some measure of success in combating the Japanese. Wingate became a British hero overnight, accounts were embellished shamelessly and his exploits were described as 'the greatest jungle epic of the war.' The bemused Wingate received the Lawrence of Arabia medal, Churchill had him flown back to Blighty and then sent on to Canada to meet the American President.
Field-Marshall Sir Bill Slim was of the opinion that the press excitement was the only justification for this adventure, which had cost the lives of 813 men and the lifelong health of a further 1587 invalids.
If you thought the American treatment of enemy combatants in Afghanistan, Iraq or Guantanomo Bay was bad just see what the Americans were capable of doing in the war against the Japanese. The bridge builders over the River Kwai and the inmates of Singapore's Changi Prison might well consider themselves fortunate by comparison.
These double standards of war are best illustrated by Colonel Charles Lindbergh's observations made whilst serving in the battle zones of the American Japanese war. He questioned the American policy of not taking prisoners. "I felt it was a mistake not to accept surrender whenever it could be obtained; that by doing so, our advance would be more rapid and many American lives would be saved. If the Japanese think they will be killed anyway when they surrender, they, naturally, are going to hold on and fight to the last – and kill American troops they capture whenever they get the chance.
Take the 41st, for example; they just don't take prisoners. The men boast about it. The officers wanted some prisoners to question but they couldn't get any until they were offered two weeks leave in Sydney for each one turned in. Then the got more than they could handle. But when they cut out giving leave, the prisoners stopped coming in. The boys just said they couldn't catch any.
"The Aussies are still worse. You remember the time they had to take these prisoners south by plane? One of the pilots told me they just pushed them out over the mountains and reported that the Japs committed hara-kiri on the way."
He recounted how 'our troops captured that Japanese hospital? There wasn't anyone alive in it when they got through."'
Lindbergh also described his concern over 'our lack of respect for even the admirable characteristics of our enemy – for courage, for suffering, for death, for his willingness to die for his beliefs, for his companies and squadrons which go forth, one after another, to annihilation. What is courage for us is fanaticism for him. We hold his examples of atrocity screamingly to the heavens while we cover up our own.
"A Japanese soldier who cuts off an American's head is an Oriental barbarian. An American, who slits a Japanese throat, 'did it only because he knew that the Japs had done it to his buddies.'
On another occasion he described his feelings when, "I stand looking at that patch of scorched jungle, in the dark spots in the cliffs where the Japanese troops had taken cover. In that burned area, hidden under the surface of the ground, is the utmost suffering – hunger, despair, men dead and dying of wounds, carrying on for a country they love and for a cause in which they believe, not daring to surrender even if they wished to, because they know only too well that our soldiers will shoot them on sight even if they came out with the hands above their heads.
"But I would have more respect for the character of our people if we would give them a decent burial instead of kicking in the teeth of their corpses, and pushing their bodies into hollows in the ground, scooped out and covered by bulldozers."
"I am shocked by the attitude of our American troops. They have no respect for death, the courage of an enemy soldier, or many of the ordinary decencies of life. They think nothing whatever of robbing the body of a dead Jap and calling him a 'son of a bitch' while they do so.
I said during a discussion that regardless of what the Japs did, I did not see how we could gain anything or claim that we represented a civilised stare if we killed them by torture.
"Well, some of our boys do kick their teeth in, but they usually kill them first," one of the officers said in half apology.
"It was freely admitted that some of our soldiers tortured Jap prisoners and were as cruel and barbaric at times as the Japs themselves. Our men think nothing of shooting a Jap prisoner or a soldier attempting to surrender. They treat the Jap with less respect than they would an animal, and these acts are condoned by almost everyone.
We claim to be fighting for civilisation, but the more I see of the war in the Pacific the less right I think we have to claim to be civilised. In fact, I am not sure that our record in this respect stands so very much higher than the Japs."
Lindbergh also described how Japanese bodies were bulldozed over as 'a number of our Marines went in among them, searching through the pockets and prodding around in their mouths for gold-filled teeth. Some of the Marines had a sack in which they collected teeth with gold fillings.
An officer said he had seen a number of Japanese bodies from which an ear or a nose had been cut off. "Our boys cut them off to show their friends for fun, or to dry to take back to the States. We found one Marine with a Japanese head. He was trying to get the ants to clean the flesh off the skull, but the odour got so bad we had to take it away from him."
Pretty rich behaviour and double standards coming from a nation which, like Britain, made sixty years of propaganda out of the untrue story that Germans had boiled bodies to make soap, and used skin to make light shades.
Even after the disgraceful surrender of Singapore, routed by a far inferior force, the British Army's class-based system remained as inflexible as ever. The British contingent insisted on distinctions of rank. General Arthur Percival and his senior offices actually strutted about calling themselves the 'Malaya Command'.
Various office blocks were marked 'Out of Bounds' or 'Officers only'. Captain Stanley Pavillard was deeply ashamed of officers' attitudes: 'they played bridge, they ran sly rackets for food, and then lit fires to cook little meals, and they cared damn all about the welfare of new men arriving at the camp or of the helpless sick.
British soldiers were dismayed at the small wage paid for their labours by their captors; but enraged when the officers not only got paid for not working but were actually received four times as much. Ordinary soldiers received 25 cents a day; officers a dollar a day.
One officer complained, 'I shall have to dismiss my batman (who got and prepared his food, cleaned his dishes, washed his clothes and fetched his bath water) as I cannot possibly afford to pay him 1p a day.'
Hardly the stuff of the movie Bridge on the River Kwai, officers also took advantage of their first claim to clothing. While their men had to make do with a single pair of shorts, the officers were allowed three pairs of shorts, two pairs of pants, two pairs of boots, a pair of shoes, and four pairs of socks.
Private Jack Chalker described an incident when a soldier, almost dead on his feet, was trying to raw water from the river when a newly arrived brigadier arrived and yelled at them to stand to attention in his presence. "
"…… this was the kind of lunacy we had to stomach from these idiots and we wanted nothing whatsoever to o with them." At another camp the men were being fed on broken rice infested with dead maggots and dirt. They took a sample of it to the senior British officer in his 'private quarters.' They described how he looked at it without speaking. Then turning away he brought out a tin of pilchards in tomato sauce and said: "I'm not complaining. I'm eating well enough!"
The death toll tells its own story. Along the worst stretches of the Death Railway the death toll among 'other ranks' was 37 per cent; among the officers just 6 per cent.
The allegation that the Germans made lampshades and soap has long been exposed as a hoax. But it is true that Australian servicemen serving in New Guinea sliced off an traded human ears. These were usually preserved in bottles of spirits, as souvenirs for American troops. Americans knocked gold teeth out of dead and the not so dead Japanese, in the mistaken belief that they were valuable and could be sold on.
President Roosevelt politely refused the gift of a paper knife fashioned from the bone of a slain Japanese soldier.
General Douglas MacArthur's intelligence staff used File 384 to document allied war crimes. These included cases of American and Australian acts of cannibalism.
One of MacArthur's officers told Phillip Knightley that whilst the Japanese resorted to cannibalism by necessity the Australians and the Americans usually did so for a bet or a dare.
Much was made of the Japanese sinking of the Australian hospital ship Centaur but less was said of the military acceptance that this was in direct retaliation for the destruction of a Japanese field hospital, while the wounded were still in it, by Australian troops.
Not surprisingly much has been said and written about Japanese atrocities. Unsurprising very little is said about allied atrocities which invariably exceeded those of the Japanese. Indeed, there was little more than lip service paid to the taking of prisoners. The Ghurkha Regiments wouldn't countenance such limp-wrist squeamishness.
Their captives had their throats slit or were bayoneted where they stood. It was then common practice to dissemble the victim's physique to a condition in which it could neatly be buried in a bucket-sized hole in the ground. A blind eye was turned when Ghurkha troops carried out disgusting ritual practices on the bodies of dead enemy soldiers.
In both world wars the British armed forces used primitive tribesmen and openly condoned native cannibalism. The Cambridge University magazine 'Cam' revealed their use; "These tribes had the resulting ritual practice of severing parts of their murdered prisoners, cooking and then eating them.
Beri Beri and the trots in a Japanese POW camp, building a railway with at least some chance of survival, might by some be considered a reasonable alternative.
As a matter of policy American ships sank all Japanese ships on sight, irrespective of whether they were carrying passengers or war materials. Such was their enthusiasm that when they sank a freighter filled with American POWs there was no change in policy.
With shades of Iraq and Afghanistan official communiqu?s laid claim that only military objectives in Japanese cities were bombed 'with pinpoint accuracy.' In fact the fire raid bombings, as on Germany, were wholly indiscriminate and caused more casualties than did the dropping of the atom bombs on Japan's only two Christian cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Over 250,000 lost their lives during the fire raids on Tokyo, and eight million were made homeless. One raid alone on March 10 1945 killed 140,000 people and left 1 million homeless.
The west has never been slow to make a fast buck out of recounting tales of Japanese atrocities but the Japanese themselves, for cultural reasons, have never spoken of their own ordeals at the hands of the allies. They see such account as a national humiliation. Even when during a POW riot at a camp in Australia, 221 Japanese prisoners-of-war were either gunned down or took their own lives, no mention was made of it. For the Japanese there are no films entitled 'The Great Escape.'
When at the end of the war evidence was produced that not all allied POWs suffered abuse, this was ignored. Much to his credit Britain's General Percival, captured in Singapore, wrote in 1949 an objective account of his experiences and that of fellow officers, during their internment.
He recalled sharing a bottle of whisky with the camp commandment, travelled in the First Officer's cabin on the ship bound for Japan, because he wasn't feeling well. He had received Red Cross stores on arrival at the camp where they were taken, and in 1943 was moved to a camp near the capital of Formosa.
Not quite the Raffles Hotel and tea dances were a rarity but each officer did have a room to himself, a library of English and American books, table tennis to keep them amused, and a gramophone with a good supply of records which they could buy locally.
The prisoners received letters though they did take rather a long time in transit, and were allowed to write one letter a month. For a period at least they received a choice of two English language newspapers, and each had their own radio set. When they were moved to Manchuria they were given extra warm clothing and were housed believe it or not in centrally heated barracks.
No kidding! U.S. censorship put a big blue pencil through what was the very first inter-continental airborne missile attack. It was probably the most bizarre weapon ever used into the bargain.
The ever resourceful Japanese manufactured 9,300 paper balloons and released them into the trade winds blowing east to west across the Pacific. Each was thirty-eight feet in diameter and carried an anti-personnel bomb weighing thirty-five pounds.
They landed right across the western seaboard of America from Alaska to Mexico, A few even reached Iowa.
The military results were woefully insignificant, but they did kill six people. Their strongest claim to fame was the anxiety they caused, and their presence did tie up considerable numbers of men, radar, and fighter aircraft. They were 'stood down' only when U.S. bombing raids deprived the Japanese of the essential hydrogen gas needed. The full story had to wait until 1973 before it was told.
One of America's most famous military icons is that of the six servicemen who participated in the theatrical raising of Old Glory, the Stars and Strips atop Mount Suribachi during the storming of Iwo Jima.
This was in fact a second take of an earlier incident which had gone un-photographed. The indomitable flag raisers were five Marines and a U.S. Navy corpsman. Three of these men were subsequently killed in this same action that cost the lives of 22,000 American servicemen, more victims of Roosevelt's 'We shall not send your sons abroad' scam. One of these flag raisers was Ira Hayes, a U.S. Marine of the Red Indian Pima tribe.
In those politically correct times (yes, then too) Ira Hayes was ordered home to do a War Bond tour. Sadly this shy introvert not only hated his celebrity status but also felt overwhelming guilt that the Marines, who had first raised the flag on the mount, whilst under fire, were never recognised. Hayes brooded on being one of only five survivors from a platoon of 45 men. Being feted at the White House only served to exacerbate his decline into alcoholism and his health spiralled downwards until he died on January 24th, 1955.
He passed away on the Gila River Indian Reservation in Arizona where he had been born. In apartheid South Africa they called their reservations 'townships'. Yet the Second World War is still sold to the gullible as primarily a war against racism. Pass the bucket!
"Japan was provoked into attacking the United States at Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty of history ever to say that America was forced into war." - Oliver Lyttleton, British Minister of Production to the American Chamber of Commerce, London, June 20th 1944.
" . . . the President (Roosevelt) will force us into war by actions and incidents which will make it unavoidable. He is in a position where he can force war on us whether we want it or not." – Charles A. Lindbergh October 4 1941.
"The pressure for war is high and mounting. The people are opposed to it, but the administration seems to have the bit in its teeth and is hell-bent on its way to war. Most of the Jewish interests in this country are behind war, and they control a huge part of our press and radio and most of our motion pictures." – Charles A. Lindbergh, American flying ace.
"When hostilities began in September, 1939, the Gallup Poll showed 94% of the American people against involvement in war. The figure rose to 96.5% in December, 1939. On June, 3rd, 1941, 83% of the American population was against entering the war."
"Active intervention of the U.S. in the war was only possible for F.D.R (Roosevelt) if the USA were attacked. This was the only way to win the American people for a war and to silence the isolationists. The way out of this dilemma could only be Japan. The problem was, therefore, to so provoke the Japanese that they would fire the first shot." - Muncher Merkur, December, 7th, 1966.
The Second World War brought out the worst in humankind. It also brought to the fore its most heroic deeds. Nothing can equal the greatest escape of all; that of Clemens Forell a young German lieutenant captured by the Russians and sentenced to twenty-five years penal servitude in the dreaded Siberian lead mines. If you ever come across a book entitled 'As Far as my Feet will Carry Me' as narrated to J. M Bauer then pick it up and treasure it. (Don't even ask; I am NOT parting with my copy).
This is the true account of the soldier's fate after he was captured by partisans and with tens of thousands of other German infantrymen and officers disappeared into Stalin's Siberian hell, the Gulag Archipelago. After years of working underground in intolerable conditions from which men rarely survived he made the amazing decision to walk home.
Helped by a doctor he set out, ill-equipped and ill provisioned to trek across 8,000 miles of enemy occupied land to freedom.
During his incredible journey Forell suffered untold hardships. He learned how to live off the hostile Siberian wastes, he fell in with wandering tribes, at one stage he roamed the countryside with a desperate band of Russian criminals who tried to murder him. Stealing, enduring, he contrived to drift southward and westward until three years later he crossed a border to freedom.
The Daily Herald described it as "One of the most fantastic episodes of human courage an endurance ever written." The Observer: "The book stands out in the reader's memory with moving, tragically and sometimes frightening impressiveness."
The author says, "The whole story was so nightmarish, the incidents and situations he claimed to be true so incredible, that I kept on raising doubts, yielding only to the stubbornness with which he stuck to history or to corroboration from other sources. Time and again, when I did turn elsewhere for corroboration, his story was confirmed."
Such is the epic that be warned, you will not put it down the whole night through.
Another escape recorded for posterity is that of the then Italian leader's rescue by German Commandos. This took place on 12th September 1944.
Benito Mussolini had fallen victim to an allied coup and had been placed under 'house arrest' in various Italian locations. Hitler's fear was that Italy's allied-backed stooge, Marshall Pietro Badoglio would make peace with the allies. This would likely involve his giving permission to the allies to invade Germany's back door via Italy. The vengeful Churchill was already gloating at Germany's impending misfortune.
To turn the tables on the allies the Fuhrer personally chose the battle-hardened SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Otto Skorzeny to carry out one of the most daring escapes in history.
German intelligence tracked down Mussolini to his latest prison, a ski resort on the high peak of Gran Sasso in the Appenine Mountains. His gaolers had chosen it as being virtually impregnable, the only access being by cable car.
Skorzeny carefully planned his intended raid. Aerial reconnaissance had identified a small grassy meadow, just yards from the hotel that might just offer a landing opportunity for expertly piloted gliders. The assault force was made up of a mix of carefully selected Waffen-SS commando specialists and Fallschirmjager (paratroopers).
A dozen light assault gliders soared high above the Appenine's snowy peaks whilst the rest of the paratroopers' battalion went by road to capture the Aquila airfield in the valley below the soaring mountain redoubt.
Eight of the gliders slithered to a stop and before the land borne paratroopers had arrived the guards had been bloodlessly overpowered. Within minutes the Italian leader was spirited away in a Fiesler Storch reconnaissance aircraft piloted by Skorzeny himself.
Churchill was foiled. Benito Mussolini was restored to power and Otto Skorzeny was awarded the Knight's Cross that was personally presented by the grateful German leader. Such was the valour shown that the epic then and now earned international acclaim. Perhaps it should be made into a movie. Might we suggest it be called, 'The Great Escape'?
Officially America's Chuck Yeager was the first pilot to reach Mach.1 otherwise known as the Sound Barrier (between 661mph and 742mph according to altitude). In fact it was first broken by Hans Guido Mutke, a Luftwaffe pilot over two years earlier. On April 9th 1945 Dr Mutke was flying his ME262A at 36,000 feet. Suddenly he was told of a fellow pilot who was under attack from an RAF Spitfire. He dived at the speedometer of his aircraft remained frozen in the red area (1,100km/h or 684mph). The aircraft entered the shaking phase that sets in at Mach.1 and the rivets started to fly out of the wings.
He managed to pull out at 26,000 feet but on the ground his aircraft looked as though it had been struck by a giant.
Further support comes from Kurt Doetsch, now 94 if he is still alive. This retired aeronautics professor was assigned in 1944 to find the reason for a series of mysterious and fatal ME262 crashes.
These aircraft were disintegrating in the air or out of control smashing into the ground. Professor Doetsch subjected the jets to a series of tests and found that the problems began at Mach.85. Some of the pilots had obviously broken the sound barrier and paid for it with their lives.
The Germans n fact made no end of astonishing scientific breakthroughs, in biochemical weaponry and non-military areas such as cancer research. Much of their groundbreaking work was centred on aerospace and missile technology. All of this was shipped out to the United States which, with the removal of the British Empire as a trade barrier, provided the rocket fuel for post war American advances and prosperity.
Air Vice Marshal 'Johnnie' Johnson who died in January 2001 was no doubt an exceptional gallant and skilful fighter pilot having been credited with shooting down 38 enemy fighters. But as the Sunday Telegraph's Kevin Myers pointed out, 'the simple infuriating truth is that he would never have made it to the Luftwaffe's list of top fighter aces'. The Luftwaffe's record show more than 100 of their pilots each shot down more than an incredible 100 allied aircraft.
The top scoring Luftwaffe pilot was Major Erich Hartmann who downed more than 352 allied aircraft that were attacking his country. His was more than the combined total of the RAF's eleven top fighter plots.
Between them the Luftwaffe's top 104 plots downed more than 15,000 allied aircraft between them. Nor was their prey relatively useless Soviet cannon fodder. Hans Joachim Marseille shot down 158 RAF fighters in just two years, a greater tally of enemy aircraft than achieved by the top four RAF aces combined. Of these four RAF aces only one in fact was British. One was Irish and the other two were South African.
One of the most daring British escapes was that of 19-year old soldier William Robert Alderson who had been captured at Dunkirk. He managed to escape twice but finally made good his escape, and incredibly walked from Czechoslovakia to Odessa, pulling a sledge over 1,000 miles. He was taken prisoner by the Russians but escaped yet again.
Back in Britain and 'The Land of Free Expression' after the war's end he was not allowed to publish his book, 'The Long Road Back' because it contained his eyewitness account of having witnessed the forced return of the Cossacks who had fled to the west. Disembarked from the first of many such ships at Odessa, he saw them lined up and shot on the quayside. An American company finally published the book in 1994.
The heroic soldier died unsung in 1996, but his family still lives in Padiham, Burnley in Lancashire, England.
The British Merchant Navy has never earned recognition for its sacrifice and valour during World War 11. Because many merchant seamen did not wear a uniform civilians thinking them draft dodgers often presented them with white feathers, the symbol of cowardice.
On the other hand Bomber Command's airmen, flying far above the appalling carnage they inflicted on a relatively defensive civilian population have constantly carped on about their perceived lack of recognition.
The airborne apocalypse has constantly whinged about their losses when set against the other services. They have been less forthcoming about their largely undefended and innocent victims. For the record Bomber Command lost 55,573 aircrew and 8,953 aircraft during Churchill's war.
The Merchant Navy lost more. The service suffered 61,631 casualties inclusive of foreigners serving under its command. These included seamen of defensively armed merchant ships. Altogether 5,150 merchant ships were lost, 2,828 of them to mainly German u-boats.
The sad irony is that the Merchant Navy's losses would have been considerably fewer if instead of indiscriminately bombing defenceless civilians the RAF had transferred its air resources to Coastal Command to defend British shipping.
"If it hadn't been for (fill it in yourself________________________________ we would all have been speaking German now."
The German armed forces occupied a number of European countries. None of the inhabitants were ever required to learn the German language. Life carried on much as it had before. In most areas one could easily forget that a war was going on.
Here in England we would have continued speaking English, which is in fact pidgin-European. There is no such thing as an English language. Its origins are a mix of Greek, Latin and German languages with a few contributions from countries occupied by England during its empire-building days. Remove from the English language words of Greek or Latin origin and conversation would be impossible with the little that remained.
During the war the advancing Red Army destroyed thousands of military cemeteries as it swept over territory previously lost. The wooden crosses, many intricately carved by grieving Axis comrades, were used as firewood. The graves were casually driven over and often obliterated.
The German intention was to consider their war dead graves as temporary. The war's end would allow for the creation of vast, formal military cemeteries. Thus neat rows of their fallen across the Russian steppe were covered with only about 40 cm of soil.
Following the collapse of the blood-soaked Soviet Union, Britain and America's former ally, so-called 'black diggers'; squads of grave-robbers using wartime maps, archives and local knowledge plundered these graves. These bands of grave robbers systematically ransacked the resting places of brave servicemen, filching military artefacts for sale at military memorabilia fairs.
During the 1990s the German authorities were allowed to return to some military cemeteries. Such was the disorder prevalent, with scattered bones everywhere, that many unfortunates will forever be listed simply as 'missing in action.'
WAS IT A GERMAN OR AN AMERICAN-JEWISH SOLUTION?As you will discover Germany's genocidal intentions are based entirely on the uncorroborated evidence of the victor nation's propagandists. These are the same guys who gave us Iraq's 'weapons of mass destruction' and 'Saddam's ability to take over the world in 48-hours.'
Here is something you can prove to yourself however. I refer to the American government's intention to destroy the German people long before anyone ever heard of the mythical gas chambers.
Pick up a copy of Theodor N. Kaufman's 'Germany Must Perish'. It is still available, but not from your High Street booksellers you will understand. This creature, surely the ace of cards when we talk of the banality of evil, along with his hugely influential cabal, was instrumental in guiding American policy.
In Germany Must Perish published in 1941 Kaufman sets out a plan for the total destruction of the German population by a very simple method. This was the mass enforced sterilisation of all German males and females between the age of puberty and 60-years of age.
He described the construction of the organisation for achieving this. This appalling book formed the basis for the aforementioned American-Morgenthau Plan for the total destruction of German industry and the enslavement of the German peoples after that country's defeat.
This awful plan was of course available for all to read in Germany. Not so in Britain of course, this septic isle of 'free expression.' It is therefore easy to understand why the German people went down fighting as they did – at which point much of the infamous Morgenthau Plan was in fact put into operation.
It is a little known fact that many more German people were killed after the war's end than during it; the figure is conservatively placed at 13,000,000.
Are you listening, History Channel producers, and the rest of you shekel-paid media lickspittles?
America's anti-Soviet stance has always been bogus. American banks financed the Communist takeover of Russia. It was never a RUSSIAN revolution but was the capture of Russia by mostly Jewish revolutionaries, financed by Jewish-owned banks, with considerable collaboration of western governments.
The French Ambassador to the Soviet Union was under no illusions and wrote, "A wind of reaction was blowing at that time over the whole of Russia against the devastating furors of Bolshevism. The struggle for emancipation in the Urals, in Siberia, in the Donets and in the Northern provinces, had torn the authority of the Soviets from a great part of Russian territory. Bolshevism seemed to be on the verge of collapse.
It was saved by the intervention of the allied powers, and principally by the untoward intervention of President Wilson who secured the survival of the Communist regime. The Bolsheviks themselves were convinced that the experiment of Communism had reached its ends; they were more surprised than anyone else at the unexpected turn of events." – Joseph Noulens, Ambassador of France (Mon Ambassade en Russie Sovietique, 1917-1919.
Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak, the Supreme Ruler of Russia was making considerable gains against the Bolshevik revolutionaries when the allies betrayed him to the Bolsheviks. It was French General Maurice Janin, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied troops in Siberia, ordered his arrest. The hapless Russian admiral was handed over to the Bolsheviks in Irkutsk and fell in a hail of bullets in exchange for one-third of the bullion of the Russian Imperial Treasury which was under Kolchak's control.
This loot then became the treasury of the artificially created 'state' of Czechoslovakia. This was partially drawn upon to bribe pro-war politicians in the 'democracies'.
During the 1930's Washington put its considerable muscle behind Josef Stalin's industrialization of the USSR. Thousands of American technicians, engineers and assorted specialists were recruited to put on modern footing the Soviet Union's heavy and semi-heavy industries, all with the most modern materials. American industries grew rich on the industrialization of the USSR which they were pretending to be opposed.
As the German and Axis armies pulled back towards the west they desperately attempted to form a line of resistance to the Russian onslaught. Once such a defensive line was formed two courses of action would become available.
The first one, the one on which Adolf Hitler based his strategy, was to hold all possible points in the east in the belief that it was only a matter of time before the United States and Britain would come to see Soviet Russia as their real enemy. He was right on this point too but too late. Churchill a short while later was hurling abuse at the very same USSR which he had allowed into Europe. Hitler would then have signed a separate peace with the West and with the aid of his new allies would have mounted a great counter-offensive, which would totally crush the Red Army.
As late as March 1945 German troops were ordered to hold, at all costs, bridgeheads across the Oder because they would be needed as launching posts for the joint attack.
Failing a separate peace being signed, the German leader, desperate to keep the rapacious Red Army out of Europe, in February 1945 sent a message to Mihailovich, the commander of the Chetnik armies of Yugoslavia, to be forwarded to London. In it he offered to withdraw all German troops from the Balkan states if the United States and Britain would begin occupying the abandoned regions.
After the West had done so he would order the German armies, heroically holding up the Soviet advance, to withdraw from Hungary and Czecho-Slovakia, again on the condition that the allied armies would replace them. They would be offered no resistance.
The German troops holding Europe's front line against Soviet barbarism fought and died futilely. The German leader had failed to grasp the enormity of Europe's betrayal at the hands of Roosevelt and Stalin. At the iniquitous conferences of Quebec and Teheran Roosevelt and Churchill had already conceded Eastern Europe to Stalin's armed forces. At these conferences it was agreed to allow the Red Army to advance on Berlin, Budapest, Prague and Vienna.
As a consequence eleven formerly free European nations and their terrified populations were hurled into the murderous Soviet gulag for half a century. The millions who died and suffered as a consequence have much more than Stalin to blame for their misfortunes.
The names of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill will go down in history as the world's most infamous Judas's. Their names will rank with those of Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun whose crimes against the peoples of Europe have a remarkable similarity with those of Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt. An estimated 50,000,000 lost their lives in this war of theirs; and formerly free nations were handed over to the USSR. Democracy is clearly giving corrupt, inept and criminally insane power to politicians and their henchmen to do as they like.
In 1944 the Waffen SS consisted of 910,000 men. Of these a minority, only 400,000 were actually German nationals. 310,000 were of German stock but nevertheless naturalized citizens of other countries, mostly neighboring Germany. 200,000 were foreign volunteers.
In the same year the total number of men serving in the German armed forces was 10,300,000 who faced down and defended their country and way of life from three of the world's greatest empires. Of these gallant 10 million 560,000 were members of various German and foreign Waffen SS regiments.
Most know that the German leader Adolf Hitler instructed Porsche, the famous car maker to design a quality motorcar that was affordable for the average German family. This was a time when in the non- National Socialist world only the very rich had motor cars.
In 1942 the Coventry car makers, Humber, received a captured VW Beetle for examination. They sniffily dismissed it as 'having no future.'
Today the British car manufacturing industry can best be viewed in museums whilst the Mercedes, BMW, VW, Audi, Porsche, and yes, Skoda Fabia are kings of the road and everyone's auto aspiration. In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War the BMW factories were situated in the British zone of occupation. These were stripped bare by the British and shipped back to Britain. It wasn't called looting; it was called er, reparations!
Although Spain was not a member of the Axis its people could not forget their suffering under the Soviet inspired, financed and fought Civil War. The Spanish got their chance to even the score by taking up arms against Soviet Communism and repay the German nation for coming to their aid during the Civil War.
Although only 18,000 volunteers were requested over forty-times that number responded. These formed the Blue Division after the blue shirts worn under their field-grey uniforms.
Experienced Civil War veterans' fought alongside their German comrades as the 250th Infantry Division of the German Army. In all up to 47,000 men served in the Blue (Azul) Division.
Adolf Hitler told heir commander, Genwral Augustin Muinag Grandes that he considered the Blue Division 'equal to the best German divisions.' Sadly, over half of the Blue Division became casualties of the broader conflict to defend Europe from Soviet empire building.
Although he loved being photographed in RAF uniform which carried the coveted 'wings' this was not his entitlement because he did not hold a pilot's licence. He also liked wearing Army and Royal Naval uniforms.
THE REAL REASONS FOR NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Alliance)
"(NATO) was created not as most people think to defend against the Soviet military threat. The French didn't even mention the Soviet Union in the debate for it. They wanted NATO to deal with the German question. The British wanted NATO to keep the U.S. in Europe." Gen. Odom added, still remarkably candid, that "the expansion of NATO is for the same reason; the German versus Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary is put to bed if there is a NATO roof over it."
The type of U.S. foreign policy advocated by this American General is strikingly similar to what the Germans were accused of at the Nuremberg Trials. Those wishing to verify the veracity of these quotes can order their own transcript of One on One from:Federal News Service620 National Press BuildingWashington 20045 telephone: 00-1-202 - 346-1400
"In dying for Stalin your soldiers are not dying for democracy or the preservation of the democratic form of government - they are dying for the establishment of Communism and a form of Stalinist tyranny throughout the world. Furthermore, they are not dying for the preservation of the integrity of small nations (England's old war-cry) but are dying so that Poland shall be a Soviet state; so that the Baltic States shall be incorporated in the Soviet Union and so that Soviet influence shall extend from the Baltic to the Balkans.
Every British soldier who lays down his life in this war is not only a loss to his own country; he is a loss to the common cause of European civilisation. Germany and England's quarrel is a form of traditional rivalry. It is more in the nature of a private quarrel, which Germany did not seek. The Soviet Union's quarrel, however, is a quarrel with the world. It is a quarrel with our common heritage and with all those values - moral, spiritual, cultural and material which we have, all of us - Englishmen and German alike - recognised, cherished and striven to maintain. To die for the destruction of these values is to die in vain.
Stalin, with all the diabolical power of Communism behind him, is seeking to profit from Britain and Germany's preoccupation. The amount of influence which Britain can exercise on Stalin can be measured by the latter's undisputed claims to the sovereign territories of other nations. The only controlling influence left on Stalin is the strength and tenacity of the German Wehrmacht and of the European volunteers who support Germany in her fight for the survival of Europe, and its opposition as the cradle of our common civilisation.
Every British soldier who dies for Stalin is another nail in the coffin of Britain's hopes of maintaining a 'balance of power' in Europe. Should the 'equilibrium' pass to Stalin then the equilibrium of the world is at an end. Those who are about to die – think it over."
"The catalogue of his acquaintances would throw a curious light on those subterranean agencies of which the world in general knows so little, but which exercise so great an influence on public events." - Benjamin Disraeli, former British Prime Minister
FOOTNOTE: At the Teheran Conference American President Roosevelt was not the guest of his own country's embassy, but that of the Soviet Union. It was here that it was agreed that 40,000 German POW officers would be handed over to Russia for assassination after victory. The American President asked only that this arrangement be kept secret until after the impending elections in the United States.
Following his watery and highly suspicious death, Robert Maxwell, the Czechoslovakian Daily Mirror media tycoon was buried in Israel and many of his effects were sold off. Among them the porcelain dining table which he had stolen from a Berlin museum when he was plain Captain du Maurier.
The Royal Family had an eye to some of this booty, ostensibly for 'safe keeping' of course. Equally naturally, of course, they had commissioned the reptilian shirt-lifting Soviet spy, Anthony Blunt, to travel to Hanover to take possession of the German Crown Jewels.
The residents of Buck House, otherwise known as the most expensive council house in England, were later forced to return them to their rightful owners. Some jewels however, were never returned. Their fate is a matter of some debate.
Blunt incidentally was also instructed to recover correspondence and documents relating to the Duke of Windsor who had abdicated – and who was known to regard war with Germany as a disaster for Britain.
The late Alan Clark, historian and former Defence Minister in the Conservative Government of Margaret Thatcher, not long before his death said that had it not been for US air superiority the Wehrmacht would have won the battle for France. He added that the Germans would have driven the US armies back into the sea.
It is indisputable that the Germans were better soldiers, a view confirmed in the recently published wartime diaries of the late Lord Alanbrook, Chief of the British Imperial General Staff.
"The Germans are wonderful soldiers,' he said, "How did we ever win?' 'Especially' he added 'considering Winston Churchill's frequent blind drunkenness and Eisenhower's total ineptitude as a general'.
Alan Clark had earlier aroused controversy when he said that Britain should have concluded peace with Germany in 1940 and that Churchill had 'sold Britain down the river to the USA.'
The United States shamelessly looted Germany after the war's end. Just as today they empty Iraq's museums and art galleries, everything of value in Germany was taken by the victor nations.
Millions of pieces of artwork, origination and photographs were ripped from the German nation's archives, museums and art galleries. The art works included watercolours painted by Adolf Hitler who was an outstanding artist and poet.
Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a lower court ruling allowing the U.S. to keep the watercolours that had been seized. They included street scenes and war landscapes painted by Adolf Hitler before World War 1. The justices turned aside a challenge by the family of the later German photographer, Heinrich Hoffmann, which had sought the return of the paintings – as well as 2,500,000 photographs that had similarly been seized.
The U.S. Army keeps thousands of looted German art works at a government storage base in Alexandria, Virginia.
A number of priceless relics disappeared from Germany at the war's end. These included the Sword of Charlemagne. It is said to be somewhere in the United States.
Joe Kennedy, the father of J F Kennedy made his pile out of bootleg liqueur and was notorious for trying to drag America into World War 2 (The Great Looting War). He was backed by Franklin D. Roosevelt. When British Prime Minister Chamberlain showed reluctance for war against Germany he said to the then U.S. Ambassador Joe Kennedy "that he should press a hot iron to Chamberlain's backside."
Before he was made Ambassador however he was made a fool of in one of those embarrassing little displays of human frailty. FDR ordered the bootlegger to drop his pants to prove that he was as bow- legged as legend would have it. Such nice people our leaders!
The U.S. President was used to mockery. His wife Eleanor, who it later emerged had robbed funds from a charity set up to feed starving children in post war Europe, was a practicing bi-sexual. One of her lovers was Lorena Hickock as was revealed in the book, 'Roosevelt and the Royals.'
In a letter to 'Dear Peter (the King of Yugoslavia) President Roosevelt ordered the young monarch to dismiss the popular General Draza Mihailovich, who had so successfully stemmed the Red Army's advance. He advised him to replace him with Broz-Tito, a communist partisan. Upon his appointment the anti-Communist mass killings began, with the full assistance of British Troops.
AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER ALLIED ATROCITIES LIKE IT?Every year early in May, since becoming independent in 1991, many thousands of Yugoslavs make a pilgrimage to one of Europe's most stunningly beautiful yet inaccessible valleys. There are no signposts to this remote idyll and access is by rough forest tracks and paths.
In this little valley, for three hours, these thousands pray for their loved ones by a natural earth bowl, which is just 200 feet across and 50 feet wide. This is the site of yet another appalling massacre carried out with the full connivance of Churchill and Roosevelt.
During May and June – months after the war's official end – some 12,000 Yugoslav soldiers, most of them in the Slovenian Home Guard, were brought here by lorry loads.
On arrival, many of them accompanied by women, were stripped naked, bound together by telephone wire, then forced to run the last 100 metres to the edge of the bowl, were after being shot in their necks were tumbled into the pit.
Nigel Nicholson in Time of my Life writes: 'Thousands of bodies were piled in layers in this small place, some who were not killed outright slowly dying of their wounds, or from suffocation, or the cold. Only half a dozen managed to escape, and it is to them, one of whom I met, that we owe these gruesome details.'
The British 8th Army, well aware of these poor peoples fate, had delivered all the victims to Tito's death squads. The British Government uniquely has never expressed any remorse.
TOMMY AND HANK?It seems that the Iraq war wasn't the only conflict that was fought for the wrong reasons Winston Churchill, stood before parliament (November 2nd 1946) and told those assembled, 'we've killed the wrong pig.'
Get you uniform on again, Tommy Atkins. Perhaps this political schizophrenic had a flashback to something he had written long before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany. In the his book The Aftermath he writes: "It is the duty of the civilised world to re-conquer Russia. The Soviets do not represent Russia; they represent an international concept entirely foreign and even hostile to what we call civilisation.
To win against (Communist) Russia militarily and morally, would be too heavy a task for the victors (W.W. I) alone, and we must do it, we will do it with Germany. Germany knows Russia better than anyone else. That will be for her the great opportunity. It will be this opportunity that will permit a proud and faithful nation to avoid defeat and humiliation. She will pass thereby, almost without transition, from a cruel fight against us to co-operation with us. Germany knows Russia better than anyone else – that will be for her the great opportunity . . . . Nothing is possible in Europe without Germany; everything is possible with her." – The Aftermath, Winston Churchill.
More than 350,000 German prisoners of war were held in American POW camps from 1942-1946. Many were civilians such a seamen, American citizens of German extraction who had never threatened American interests*, and German nationals brought by force from various Latin American countries.
These 350,000 unfortunates were spread out across hundreds of camps across the American gulags. They were used as slave labour, mostly for the military and forestry industry. According to the International Red Cross a further 475,000 were handed over to France by the U.S. for use as slave labour.
These POWs were hired out to French employers at 150 Francs (?15) per day, for which the prisoner received just 10 francs a day. The American Government, through its military branch in the German zone, was exacting forced labour from 284,000 captives. Moral of the story; never allow yourself to be taken alive by the Americans, the French – or the British.
* You will notice that the illiberal media hacks often whine about some, certainly not all, German Jews being arrested and detained in wartime Germany. No mention of course that the allies also rounded up those whom they considered to be 'enemy aliens.'
On May 9, 1945 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill strutted and offered toasts at the Soviet Embassy in London. At this point of the war a billion pounds of British overseas investments had been sold off and domestic capital was down by ?3 billion, which was equal to Great Britain's external debt. Two thirds of 1939's gold reserves had been squandered. The toll of human suffering was equally dire. Those Britons who had died numbered no less than 395,000.
Britain was bankrupt, her possessions sold or leased off, and her vaults empty except for IOUs. Such was the country's parsimonious state that food would be rationed to the hungry population for another ten years.
WINSTON CHURCHILLThe private and not so private life of Britain's wartime overlord, Winston Churchill, has been a matter of much speculation. It is on record that his sexual preferences were bizarre to say the least. In the company of members of the English aristocracy and establishment Winston's 'night on the town' often ended at fringe homosexual private shows in which every depravity was indulged.
Notorious members of London's bi-sexual underworld often accompanied him so it was hardly a surprise when it was recently revealed (and admitted) that Britain's wartime leader insisted on wearing silk ladies knickers even during a time of severe austerity.
Although he was inclined towards military adventurism the cigar-smoking autocrat was a coward when faced with personal risk. However he was adept at placing 'the lower orders' in situations that were nothing short of calamitous. It was during times of conflict that Churchill's malevolent streak of cruelty manifested itself, the extremities of which repelled even hardened henchmen so that detail often had to be hidden.
Now that Churchill's Iroquois skeleton is 'out of the closet' it goes some way to explaining his hatred for all things Christian and European. Was there something of his anti-European bloodlust that manifested itself as the tribal Indians revenge against their once white colonialists?
Every year some sycophantic Americans and other visitors throng the sumptuous rooms and corridors of the vast and ostentatious Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of Winston Churchill in Oxfordshire.
In an ante-chamber they are greeted by a recording of Winston in his familiar rasping nasal tones expostulating about the 'special relationship' between Britain and the United States of America, a supposed relationship that is very much in the news today.
Churchill refers in glowing terms to his close friendship and wartime alliance with his henchman Franklin D. Roosevelt. Historical research has now revealed the sorry truth about this relationship. Both schemed and plotted against each other. Churchill vainly believed he could enlist the USA for the preservation the British Empire whilst Roosevelt was equally determined that by the end of the war the British Empire would no longer exist.
Winston Churchill was half-American by birth, a reason why during the period between the two world wars that failed to endear him to influential figures of the British political establishment.
Before Britain's declaration of war against Germany he was intensely disliked and mistrusted as an unscrupulous adventurer, regarded as oafish and crude, arrogantly brash, vainglorious, sulky and resentful if deprived of what he considered to be his rights. His view of what constituted his rights was extensive.
Churchill had by this time already inflicted several military debacles that served only to tarnish not only his character but also the credibility of his non-existent military expertise. The worst of these was the humiliating calamity that befell British and Australian troops with enormous loss of life during the Dardanelles fiasco during the Great War. It had been an ill-considered military operation upon which he, against military advice, insisted.
But most of the tourists who traipse through Blenheim and its adjacent small town Woodstock, in search of Churchill's 'illustrious' predecessors remain blissfully unaware of the many skeletons in the family's ancestral cupboards.
The first owner of Blenheim, John Churchill, and later Lord Marlborough was Winston Churchill's 17th century most illustrious ancestor. The great Victorian historian Lord Macauley described him as being "nothing but an unscrupulous adventurer and uagsart, a dissolute courtier who had made his reputation described him by a succession of duplicitous confidence tricks".
Moreover, far from being the brilliant military leader and strategist of official legend, Lord Marlborough had all too often ensured that his allies, notably the Dutch, bore the brunt of the heaviest fighting. This led to the jibe that Churchill's less than illustrious ancestor 'fought to the last Dutchman' whilst keeping his own powder dry.
This had an uncanny echo in Winston Churchill's later war against National Socialist Europe when the French provided cover for nearly 300,000 British (British Expeditionary Force) troops who were fleeing from German retaliation. This led to the Dunkirk debacle when it was mockingly said that 'England was fighting to the last Frenchman,' and that the Jewish National Anthem was, 'Onward Christian Soldiers!'
Where Winston Churchill's genealogy is concerned some interesting details of his American lineage have since emerged. These are part due to research by Sir Winston's grandson who bears his grandfather's name. This Member of Parliament recently carried out extensive research into his grandfather's intriguing 'native American' (Red Indian) blood on his mother's side. The warlord's grandson now bizarrely exults in his grandfather's Redskin ancestry and 'warlike spirit.'
According to Winston Churchill junior there is overwhelming evidence to support the claim that his maternal grandmother had inherited a very strong vein of what he describes as 'Native American blood'.
Winston Churchill's maternal grandfather, Leonard Jerome was proprietor and editor of the New York Times. The Red Indian blood was inherited from Jennie Jerome, Winston Churchill's mother who through her maternal grandmother was half-Iroquois Redskin. According to Churchill's namesake and grandson, Jennie and her sister Lennie, firmly believed this Red Indian ancestry to be true having been told one day by their grandmother, Clara: "My dears. There is something you should know. It may not be chic but it is rather interesting."
The "family portrait" claims Churchill's grandson, "which I have inherited from my grandfather of his maternal grandmother, Clara, lends credence to the suggestion that she may have been of Iroquois Indian blood due to her oval face and mysteriously dark features."
Churchill's grandson counters attempts to deny the evidence of Red Indian blood in the family by asserting that such objections cannot explain why 130 years ago, Clara should have confided to her daughters their Indian squaw origins at a time when it would have been unfashionable and socially suicidal to make such a claim.
Nor does it explain, he adds, the undoubted evidence of her features, which have so little in common with those of Anglo-Saxon lineage. "It is undisputed," he adds, "that the densely wooded hills south of Lake Ontario around Rochester, New York, where Clarissa Wilson was born, is the very heartland of the Iroquois Indian nation.
The Iroquois Indian tribe from which Winston Churchill was undoubtedly in part descended was one of the most ferocious of all native Indian tribes.
The Iroquois had a particular reputation for waging war not only upon white settlers but on neighbouring Indian tribes. Winston Churchill's grandson in 1999 spent some time at the Plymouth Plantation in Massachusetts, quizzing the Wampanoag Indian elders on the history of Indian intermarriage with Whites. He was determined to solve the mystery of his own genealogy.
Afterwards he said that his grandfather, England's warlord, would have been immensely proud of his Red Indian ancestry because the whole theme of his life and been the unity of the Anglo-American peoples. His grandfather would have also been delighted to descend from a particularly bloodthirsty band of Indians who were such a dominant force in America.
The extremely warlike Iroquois Indian tribe was connected by language to other Indian tribes including the Mohawks, Cherokee, Huron and Seneca tribes. According to an official history they showed such a preoccupation with supernatural aggression and cruelty, that they acquired a sinister reputation for sorcery, torture – and cannibalism.
Warfare was ingrained in Iroquois tribalism and credibility and self-respect was totally dependent upon achieving personal notoriety.
The Iroquois were almost permanently at war with their neighbours and white settlers until their final defeat during the War of Independence when they had sided with the British.
On his father's side the first Winston Churchill was descended from the unscrupulous Duke of Marlborough but his was not the first aristocratic British family to marry into American stock that was likely to have had Indian blood coursing trough its veins.
Edwina Ashley, Lady Mountbatten and wife of Lord Louis Mountbatten, was descended from the Indian Princess Pocohontas who married the Englishman, John Rolfe. Edwina Ashley was the elder daughter of the 1st Lord Mount Temple who was of course Jewish. She was also a notorious lesbian who regularly scandalised a society that was no stranger to scandal.
The name Churchill curiously enough is common among American Indians, most notably among the Cherokee of Arkansas who were once part of the Iroquois tribal family.
Self-interest and bombastic self-glorification always dominated the character of Winston Churchill. He was the supreme egotist, guilty of monstrous acts of brutality and mass cruelty during both world wars and in colonial conflicts.
Throughout Churchill's life he displayed a stomach-churning indifference to the suffering of women and children. This was not directed exclusively at those of his enemies but also among those on his own side who were forcibly obliged to carry out what was subsequently realised to be stupid adventures.
His inclination to abuse his enormous power resulting in pointless and blind cruelty undoubtedly found its origins in the prairie tepee. It was clearly an inheritance from his barbaric Red Indian ancestors who delighted in scalping, skinning alive, and burning to death their captives including children, even babies.
Churchill's intellectual shortcomings derived from the known fact that uniquely among all primitive peoples the American Indians proved themselves incapable of conceiving the concept of the simple wheel.
The Iroquois lust for mindless destruction was revealed by their virtual destruction of the herds of bison that once roamed the prairies; it was a bloodlust that went far beyond the requirements of tribal survival.
Today to the fury of US environmentalists the Indian now demand the arrogant right to bloodily slaughter the whale population. Their addiction to alcohol is a known fact and against is a character trait shared by their most 'illustrious', some would say notorious son.
The Indian destruction of wildlife on a massive scale can be equated with a similar wanton bloodlust later visited by 'Big Chief' Winston Churchill on nearly one hundred European cities.
Collaboration between the allies to cover up Soviet crimes is an open secret. Ludicrously, long after scientific and forensic evidence of Soviet responsibility for the mass murder of tens of thousands of Polish Army officers, and the Soviets were forced to admit complicity, the official British line was that the Germans did it.
Neutral countries have been more candid. The Madrid daily newspaper 'Ya' revealed that the U.S. State Department deliberately suppressed evidence of 600,000 Germans being slaughtered by their former allies the Soviets after the war's end.
This was normal U.S. Government policy as it reflected badly on U.S. / Soviet collaboration at the time.
The German casualty list is the highest after the Soviet Union's. It is estimated that 2.5 million German servicemen died during the war. A further 600,000 (a conservative figure) perished in the allied air raids. As defeated Germany reeled under the pincer-like grip of three great empires another 10,000,000 were butchered. Of these 6,000,000 disappeared without trace during the advance of the Red Army.
These figures may well be under-estimates. As early as 1943 Churchill was gloating that 6 million Germans had so far lost their lives, and exulted in the eastern territories charnel house through the winter of 1945. Churchill had said to Mikolakczyk when the latter protested during the negotiations to Moscow against forcing Poland to incorporate eastern Germany; 'Don't mind the five or more million Germans. Stalin will see to them. You will have no trouble with them; they will cease to exist."
"Out of 3,000 people employed on the staff at the Nuremberg Courts (at which German captives were tried and sentenced) 2,400 were of the Jewish race. Many wore uniforms for which they were not entitled.
On the night of October 15, 1946 the American News Service announced at 2.45am that eleven members of the defeated government of Germany had been executed – in secret. The date also happens to be the Jewish Feast Day Hoshana Raba.
The executions had begun at 1.00am and ended at 2.15am. The corpses were then laid out to be gloated over and photographed. These executions were also filmed and the film spirited away. This was denied by the Atlee regime but the Americans had filmed the executions of Japanese leaders, and these films were shown to cheering American audiences.
The subsequent places of burial were kept secret, and even the victims' families were denied all knowledge of their loved ones final resting places.
It is thought that one of several reasons for extreme measures being taken against revisionists is the antipathy which the truth may give rise to with appalling consequences in terms of revenge.
Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Fleet joined thousands of other highly placed servicemen when he said: "The war crimes trials were a reversion to the ancient practice of the savage extermination of a defeated enemy and particularly its leaders."
"We lost the war!"
CHARLES A. LINDBERGH, AMERICAN WW2 AVIATOR ACE"You ask what my conclusions are, re-reading my journals and looking back on World War Two from the vantage point of a quarter century in time. We won the war, in a military sense; but, in a broader sense, it seems to me we lost it, for our Western civilisation is less respected and secure than it was before.
In order to defeat Germany and Japan, we supported the still greater menaces of Russia and China – which now confront us in a nuclear weapon era. Poland was not saved. The British Empire was broken down with great suffering, bloodshed and confusion. England is now an economy-constricted secondary power. France had to give up her major colonies and turn into a mild dictatorship herself. Much of our Western culture was destroyed. We lost the genetic heredity formed through aeons in many million lives. Meanwhile, the Soviets have dropped their iron curtain to screen off Eastern Europe, and an antagonistic Chinese government threatens us in Asia.
More than a generation after the war's end, our occupying armies must still occupy, and the world has not been made safe for democracy and freedom. On the contrary, our own system of democratic government is being challenged by that greatest of dangers to any government: internal dissatisfaction and unrest.
It is alarmingly possible that World war Two marks the beginning of our civilisation's breakdown, as it already marks the breakdown of the greatest empire ever built by man. Certainly our civilisation's survival depends on meeting the challenges that tower before us with unprecedented magnitude in almost every field of modern life. Most of these challenges were, at least, intensified through the waging of World war Two.
Are we now headed toward a third and still more disastrous war between world nations? Or can we improve human relations sufficiently to avoid such a holocaust? Since it is inherent in the way of life that issues will continue between men, I believe that human relationships can best be improved through clarifying the issues and conditions surrounding them."
These are the words of Charles A. Lindbergh, probably the world's best known aviator. Despite his being politically incorrect his massive Wartime Journals of Charles Lindbergh became a best-seller and reached the semi-finals of the USA's National Book Award.
Of him America's former first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis said in referring to her Kennedy family: "That family – and me – admire you more than anyone."
Interestingly in his book, Profiles in Courage, President John F. Kennedy praised Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio for having the courage to publicly denounce the Nuremberg Trials which he said had been held in, 'a spirit of vengeance and vengeance is seldom justice. In these trials we have accepted the Russian idea of the purpose of trials - government policy and not justice - with little relation to Anglo-Saxon heritage."
"What are we to make of all this? Are the revisionists merely a mutually regarding right-wing sect with an eye for publicity? Or are they a brave vanguard, with the courage at last to say out loud what was once not even thinkable: that our finest hour was actually our gravest error." – Robert Harris, Author and Historian.
"The mass killing of unarmed enemy prisoners between April 1945 and 1948 is an unwelcome lesson which still remains to be learned by many, let alone forgotten." – James Hayward, Myths and Legends of the Second World War.
Many historians relish 'what if?' questions though orthodox (palace historians and journalists) abhor them. The question that begs to be asked is what would have happened had the British War Cabinet accepted Hitler's peace terms of July 1940? The only reasonable conclusion would have been as follows.
By July 1940 the Nazi-Soviet Peace Pact, which was already fraying was obsolete anyway. Its purpose had been to protect Germany's eastern borders from Soviet attack whilst the threat from Britain and France was met. That threat had evaporated with the peace terms.
We now accept that the Soviet Union was preparing to invade Hitler's Germany so it is reasonable to assume that Hitler would have struck preemptively. Without the distraction of British intervention in the Balkans, Greece, an North Africa, the invasion would have taken place early in May rather than 22nd June, which was critical for success. Furthermore, there would have been no British convoys carrying essential armaments to Stalin's murderous empire and the tens of thousands of German troops diverted to thwart the British threat to Germany south eastern flanks would have been concentrated on the USSR.
By Christmas 1940 I is reasonable to assume that for all intents and purposes the slave empire of the Soviet Union would have been roundly defeated. At this point Hitler's Germany would be in a position to make good their promise to guarantee the continued existence of the British Empire, which would have meant his withdrawing support from the Japanese.
Obviously there would have been no war between Germany and the United States, and under those circumstances it is unlikely that the USA would have continued to goad Japan into attacking American interests as a means of providing an excuse for involvement.
Germany, because of its position, its economic power, its superior form of government and living standards, and most of all its peace terms, would have remained a dominant influence in Europe – just as it is today. Today, the greater Europe would be called the European Economic Community. Yes, the Germans thought of the EEC first.
The EEC is now expanded to embrace the former eastern bloc of nations so it could be said to stretch from Finland to the Black Sea. What was that very famous WAFFEN SS marching son called? ;Von Finnland bis zum Schwarzen Meer' (From Finland to th Black Sea).
Churchill's famous boast of 1940 was, 'I have not become the king's first minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire.' But this is precisely what happened. Churchill was wrong just as he was wrong over Gallipoli, the Gold Standard, Indian Home Rule, the abdication of the king, the imperishability of the British Empire .. . .
During the main battle for the Rhine crossing in 1945, Winston Churchill was on his way with the chiefs of staff to visit Field-Marshall Montgomery. As the British war leader, surrounded by his henchmen, passed through the main defences of the Siegfried Line, he ordered the convoy to halt. Then, as described by Field Marshall Alan Brooke, his Chief of Staff:
'Winston gazed thoughtfully up at the defences at the Siegfried Line. He slowly got out of the car and proceeded to stroll alone up into the destroyed fortification. He stood in deep thought with his back to us for some minutes.
'He then glanced back at us with a wicked schoolboy smile on his face. Then, with his cigar placed firmly in his mouth and with hunched shoulders and his continuing satisfied smile, he proceeded with some delight to water the remains of Hitler's main defences.' Brooke regretted that he didn't have a camera with him. – Daily Mail, August 19 2002. (If the title of this book was unclear at the beginning perhaps you understand better now).
"I said that frankly, as I had listened to him (Churchill) inveigh so violently against the threat of Soviet domination and the spread of Communism in Europe, and disclose such a lack of confidence in the professions of good faith in Soviet leadership, I had wondered whether he, the Prime Minister, was now willing to declare to the world that he and Britain had made a mistake in not supporting Hitler?
For as I understand him he was now expressing the doctrine which Hitler and Goebbels had been proclaiming and reiterating for the past years . . . . exactly the conditions which he described and the same deductions were drawn from them as he now asserts." – Foreign Relations of the United States – The Conference of Berlin – The Potsdam Conference; Volume 1. p.73.
And this is the 'man' who Britain recently voted the greatest Briton of all time? No wonder they gets the governments it deserves as it drops ever further into chaos and poverty.
"Our sins and our good deeds, our virtues and our vices, our good and evil qualities alike, long suspended on the stupendous material of a world empire, are leading us, not to one day of reckoning or to two, but to a whole unbroken series of desperate and deadly encounters, with those we have wronged." - Francis William Lauderdale Adams, The New Egypt. A Social Sketch (London. T.F Unwin, 1893).
LIFE IN THE BRITISH OCCUPIED ZONE OF GERMANYSource: A Strange Enemy People: Germans Under The British 1945 – 1950. Patricia Meehan. Peter Owens publishers. September, 2001. The author is a historian and former BBC TV producer who worked in Germany from 1945.
- A young boy was executed on his thirteenth birthday when a picture of the German leader was discovered in his bedroom.
- A starvation diet was forced on the conquered people to reduce their numbers through starvation
- Theft was an offence punishable by death
- Possession of any kind of firearm was punishable by death
- Firing squads were judged expensive, hanging was considered to waste time; The British Penal Branch asked permission to use the guillotine which can carry out six single executions in 14 minutes.
- Almost 40,000 German civilians between the ages of 16 and 70 were rounded up and placed in concentration camps. These are held without charge or expectation of a trial.
- These include anyone who 'ridicules, damages or destroys' anything relating to their conquerors, their culture or their methods of occupation.
- Typically a mother of four was gaoled for a year. She had hidden in a ditch to snatch a word with her husband who was in a slave labour working party.
- Conditions in the camps were brutal to the extreme, Inmates slept in their clothes, packed in groups of five in 'beds' made from flotsam wood. Almost all were kept in extreme hunger.
- Family visits were restricted to 30-minutes every three months.
- Inmates were frequently kept in complete darkness to 'prepare them' for interrogation – a euphemism for torture. According to a courageous British bishop, they are 'terribly beaten, kicked, and so mishandled that traces can be seen for weeks afterwards.'
- The notorious Third Degree methods of using searchlights on victims, and exposing them to extreme temperatures were also applied.
- Secret camps were set up throughout the British occupied zone which were known as DIC centres (Direct Interrogation Centres).
- One such was at DIC No. 74 based at Bad Nenndorf. From there two inmates were dumped. One was skeletal, suffering from frostbite, and unable to communicate. The other was unconscious with no discernible pulse – cold, skeletal, and covered in 'thick cakes of dirt'; frostbite to arms and legs. Both died within hours; a third committed suicide whilst undergoing interrogation.
- A resulting investigation revealed horror stories of deprivation amounting to deliberate torture. Men were treated for injuries without anaesthetic.
- One prisoner, after eight days of solitary confinement, was placed in an unheated punishment cell in mid-winter. Buckets of cold water were thrown into the cell which the prisoner was forced to mop up with a rag. His depraved tormentors removed his jackets and boots, and he had to stand with bleeding feet for about ten hours on a frozen concrete floor. Finally he was forced to crawl on his hands and knees to his interrogation. Those responsible, the camp commandant, unbelievably a medical officer, and three interrogators were suspended but not charged.
- Former great German cities were reduced to rubble; the survivors became 'cave dwellers'.
- Water was supplied by a solitary standpipe for a few hours a day. There were no essentials of day-to-day life. People scavenged like rodents.
- The London government enforced a strict policy of non-fraternisation. As during the worst inhuman excesses of colonial Africa, British servicemen and women, were instructed 'to keep clear of Germans – man, woman and child – unless in the course of duty. 'You must not walk with them, shake their hand or visit their homes.'
- There was no smiling, no playing with children, no offering food or sweets. Service personnel were put on a charge for doing so.
- British and Germans travelled in separate carriages and compartments when travelling.
- British and Germans were not allowed to worship in the same church
- Enjoying a film together was forbidden. Nor were Germans and British allowed to enjoy music together.
- Newspaper correspondents were under tacit instructions not to send back any reports that were complimentary or sympathetic to Germany or her people. This policy didn't change until 1965 and is still followed by many British newspapers.
- A catch 22 situation. Work in the public sector essential to the infrastructure of any society was denied to those who had been members of the NSDAP or any of the former government's armed services, institutions and civil service. Yet formerly these positions had been open only to NSDAP members.
- Before work permits were granted applicants had to fill out forms offering their record of employment, income and party, group, club, union or institute membership since 1933. One million were issued which resulted in chaos as few British service personnel could speak German, and they were not allowed to employ those who could.
- Anything that could be removed from German industrial plants was systematically removed and shipped to Britain and the industrial shells then dynamited.
- All German songs were analysed in case they should be pro-nationalist.
- British administrations (24,785) outnumbered their equally ruthless American counterparts by 5/1 (5,008).
- German food rations were reduced to 1,500 calories a day. Barely enough to survive on.
- All girls – even schoolgirls had a simple choice of survival. Either clear rubble and pull half-decomposed bodies from the ruins, or sell their bodies. Nearly two years after the war's end an estimated 500,000 German women were selling their bodies for survival.
- 80% of females suffered from venereal disease and the reluctant British authorities shipped in penicillin. No doubt to protect their own army of rapists and looters.
- British rapists and those who otherwise sired children by German females were exonerated from any requirement to pay maintenance.
- Only in July 1951 – six years after the war's end, were these iniquitous and sadistic measures lifted.
"Out of 3,000 people employed on the staff at the Nuremberg Courts (at which German captives were tried and sentenced) 2,400 were of the Jewish race. Many wore uniforms for which they were not entitled.
On the night of October 15, 1946 the American News Service announced at 2.45am that eleven members of the defeated government of Germany had been executed – in secret. The date also happens to be the Jewish Feast Day Hoshana Raba.
The executions had begun at 1.00am and ended at 2.15am. The corpses were then laid out to be gloated over and photographed. These executions were also filmed and the film spirited away. This was denied by the Atlee regime but the Americans had filmed the executions of Japanese leaders, and these films were shown to cheering American audiences.
The subsequent places of burial were kept secret, and even the victims' families were denied all knowledge of their loved ones final resting places.
It is thought that one of several reasons for extreme measures being taken against revisionists is the antipathy which the truth may give rise to with appalling consequences in terms of revenge.
Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Fleet joined thousands of other highly placed servicemen when he said: "The war crimes trials were a reversion to the ancient practice of the savage extermination of a defeated enemy and particularly its leaders."
"I regret nothing. If I were to begin all over again, I would act again as I did—even if I knew that what awaited me in the end was the stake at which I was to be burned alive. It makes no difference what men may do to me. One day I shall stand before the judgment seat of the Eternal. To Him I shall answer; and I know that He will pronounce me innocent." - Rudolf Hess, Nuremberg 1946
Avoid the reeking herd,
Shun the polluted flock,
Live like the stoic bird,
The eagle on the rock.
- Elinor Hoyt Wylie
The illiberal media and leftists describe William Joyce as a street thug 'employed' by Mosley's black shirted Fascists.' In fact, as one of the most gifted students of the Officer Training Corp he acquired BAs in Latin, French, English an History. By his twenty-first birthday he had achieved a First Class Honours in English.
He could quote Virgil and Horace freely. He spoke German fluently, French fairly well, and could get by in Italian. He was not only gifted in mathematics but had a flair for teaching it. He was also widely read in history, philosophy, theology, psychology, theoretical physics and chemistry, economics, law, medicine, anatomy and physiology. He played the piano by ear. In terms of academic brilliance Joyce's academic achievements have never been bettered.
Just as well Beethoven was not in agreement with Adolf Hitler and the White Man's creed of National Socialism; our purveyors of mischief would no doubt have written he great composer off as a Bonn busker! Welcome to Orwellian Britain.
William Joyce was the American-Irishman who sealed his Fate at the hands of a vengeful judge by taking a British passport to visit pre-war Germany, where he sought to keep the peace between our two nations. He was controversially hanged as 'a traitor' on January 3rd 1946. In his last letter to his wife Margaret, he wrote: "In death, as in this life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war; and I defy the Power of Darkness which they represent. I warn the British people against the aggressive Imperialism of the Soviet Union. May Britain be great once again, and, in the hour of its greatest danger to the West, may the standard of the Hakenkreuz (the Swastika) be raised from the dust and crowned with the historic words ! 'Ihr habt doch geseigt.'(I am proud to die for my ideals!)
"I am proud to die for my ideals; and I am sorry for the sons of Britain who have died without knowing why.'
"The highest that can be achieved is an heroic passage through life. Such a life is led by the man who, pursuing a purpose for the benefit of all, struggles against all too great difficulties, yet receives a poor reward or no reward at all.' – Schopenhauer.
Heinrich Himmler was a gifted veterinary specialist with remarkable animal husbandry skills. Here again the illiberal media portrayed the German leader as 'a pig farmer.'
Adolf Hitler's paintings are iconic, especially those on a religious theme. His work is of the highest standards yet he was portrayed as 'a house painter.' People actually believe such garbage! Are the sad or what?
On June 26th 1945 at the United Nations Conference each nation was provided with a single seat – except for Soviet Russia, which received three seats.
"There can be no doubt that he (Hitler) broadened the war in 1941 only on preventive grounds." - A.J.P Taylor, British Historian.
(And you still think of it as Hitler's War?)
Announced on or before December 31, 1941November 1936. "Germany is too strong. We must destroy her." Winston Churchill.
March 1939. Poland already occupying German territory occupied after World War 1 invades her smaller neighbour Czechoslovakia.
1st September 1939. Germany retaliates following numerous and well document Polish violations of Germany's borders and refusal to negotiate Germany retaliates.
The following table sets forth the declarations of war and the recognitions of the state of war beginning with the Polish attack on Germany on 31st Aug/1st September 1939 and through 1941.
For convenience the term on is used to indicate for example that Great Britain declared war on Germany. Where time is given it is the time used in the capital of the declaring country.
Poland Declared War on Germany at Midnight 31st August - 1st Sept 1939. (See the German White Book]
Great Britain on Germany September 3, 1939, 11 a.m. France on Germany September 3, 1939, 5 p.m. India on Germany September 3, 1939 Australia on Germany September 3, 1939 New Zealand on Germany September 3, 1939 Union of South Africa on Germany September 6, 1939 Canada on Germany September 10, 1939 Norway and Germany No formal declaration of war Belgium and Germany No formal declaration of war Luxembourg and Germany No formal declaration of war The Netherlands on Germany May 10, 1940 Italy on France June 10, 1940 Canada on Italy June 10, 1940 New Zealand on Italy June 11, 1940 Australia on Italy June 11, 1940 Union of South Africa on Italy June 11, 1940 Greece on Italy October 28,1940 Germany and Greece No formal declaration of war Germany on Yugoslavia April 6, 1941 Italy and Yugoslavia No formal declaration of war Yugoslavia on Bulgaria April 6, 1941 Yugoslavia on Hungary April 10, 1941 Bulgaria on Greece April 24, 1941 Bulgaria on Yugoslavia April 24, 1941 Germany on USSR June 22, 1941 Italy on USSR June 22, 1941 Rumania on USSR No formal declaration of war Finland on USSR No formal declaration of war Hungary on USSR June 27, 1941 December 7, 1941 Great Britain on Rumania December 7, 1941 Great Britain on Hungary December 7, 1941 Canada on Finland December 7, 1941 Canada on Rumania December 7, 1941 Canada on Hungary December 7, 1941 Australia on Finland December 8, 1941 Australia on Rumania December 8, 1941 Australia on Hungary December 8, 1941 Union of South Africa on Finland December 8, 1941 Union of South Africa on Rumania December 8, 1941 Union of South Africa on Hungary December 8, 1941 New Zealand on Finland December 7, 1941 New Zealand on Hungary December 7, 1941 New Zealand on Rumania December 7, 1941 Japan on the United States December 7, 1941 Japan on the British Empire December 7, 1941 Great Britain on Japan December 8, 1941 The United States on Japan December 8, 1941 Canada on Japan December 8, 1941, as of December 7, 1941 Costa Rica on Japan December 8, 1941 Dominican Republic on Japan December 8, 1941 Guatemala on Japan December 8, 1941 Haiti on Japan December 8, 1941 Honduras on Japan December 8, 1941 El Salvador on Japan December 8, 1941 Panama on Japan December 8, 1941 Cuba on Japan December 9, 1941 The Netherlands on Japan December 8, 1941 The Netherlands Indies on Japan December 8, 1941 China on Japan December 9, 1941 China on Germany December 9, 1941 China on Italy December 9, 1941 Union of South Africa on Japan December 8, 1941 Australia on Japan December 8, 1941 Free France on Japan December 8, 1941 Germany on the United States December 11, 1941 Italy on the United States December 11, 1941 The United States on Germany December 11, 1941 The United States on Italy December 11, 1941 Costa Rica on Germany and Italy December 11, 1941 Guatemala on Germany and Italy December 11, 1941 Cuba on Germany and Italy December 11, 1941 Nicaragua on Germany, Italy and Japan December 11, 1941 Poland on Japan December 11, 1941 Dominican Republic on Germany and Italy December 11, 1941 Haiti on Germany and Italy December 12, 1941 Honduras on Germany and Italy December 12, 1941 El Salvador on Germany and Italy December 12, 1941 Panama on Germany and Italy December 12, 1941 Rumania on the United States December 12, 1941 Bulgaria on the United States December 13, 1941 Bulgaria on Great Britain December 13, 1941 Hungary on the United States December 13, 1941 Czechoslovakia on all countries that are in
a state of war with Great Britain, theUnited
States, or the USSRDecember 16, 1941 Albania on the United States December 17, 1941 Nicaragua on Bulgaria, Hungary, & Rumania December 20, 1941 Belgium on Japan December 20, 1941 Haiti on Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania December 24, 1941 Great Britain on Bulgaria December 27, 1941, as of December 13, 1941 The Netherlands on Italy December 30, 1941, as of December 11, 1941 Union of South Africa on Bulgaria December 31, 1941, as of December 13, 1941
F.J.P Veale, Advance to Barbarism; Angus Calder; The People's War, (London, Jonathan Cape, 1969. P.286 James J. Martin, The Saga of Hog Island and other Essays, 0-87926 021 1. Library of Congress No. 76-62654. Deutsche Allgemeine Zuitung. – The Strategic Air Defence Against Germany 1939-1945.
Contemporary Comments
"I have never met a happier people than the Germans and Hitler is one of the greatest men. The old trust him; the young idolise him. It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country." - David Lloyd George, Daily Express, 17.9.1936
WINSTON CHURCHILL: If our country were defeated I should hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations." - 'Step by Step', p.143
WINSTON CHURCHILL: "In fifteen years that have followed this resolve, he has succeeded in restoring Germany to the most powerful position in Europe, and not only has he restored the position of his country, but he has even, to a very great extent, reversed the results of the Great War . . . . the vanquished are in the process of becoming the victors and the victors the vanquished. . . . whatever else might be thought about these exploits they are certainly among the most remarkable in the whole history of the world." – 1935. (Ironically the author of these comments had directly the opposite effect on his own country).
THEODUR HEUSS: "He moved souls, the will to sacrifice, and great devotion, enthralling and enthusiastically inspiring everyone by his appearance."
VISCOUNT ROTHERMERE: "He has a supreme intellect. I have known only two other men to whom I could apply such distinction - Lord Northcliffe and Lloyd George. If one puts a question to Hitler, he gives an immediate, brilliant clear answer. There is no human being living whose promise on important matters I would trust more readily. He believes that Germany has a divine calling and that the German people are destined to save Europe from the revolutionary attacks of Communism. He values family life very highly, whereas Communism is its worst enemy. He has thoroughly cleansed the moral, ethical life of Germany, forbidden publication of obscene books, and performance of questionable plays and films.
No words can describe his politeness; he disarms men as well as women and can win both at any time with his conciliatory, pleasant smile. He is a man of rare culture. His knowledge of music, the arts and architecture is profound." - 'Warnings and Predictions', p.180 - 183
HANS GRIMM: "I witness with awe and admiration, that he, as nearly the first in the world, caused multitudes without force or any personal benefits to follow him of their own free will and volition."
G.E.O. KNIGHT: "Altogether, Herr Hitler has worked miracles for the new Germany. I anticipate that in a very short time, the Chancellor will have shown the world more than it ever bargained for in its wildest efforts to crush the new regime." - In Defence of Germany
JACQUES BAINVILLE: "For Stressseman represented political parties which no longer existed, whereas Hitler enjoys the confidence of the whole of Germany expressed by the votes of over forty million electors.' " - l'Action Francais
HOUSTON STEWART CHAMBERLAIN: "At one stroke you have transformed the state of my soul. That Germany in the greatest hour of its need can produce a Hitler testifies to its vitality."
THE DAILY MAIL: "He succeeded in ascending to the highest power-position in Germany with very little spilling of blood or loss of human life in a land of 68 million inhabitants. Austria was annexed without one shot being fired." - Daily Mail, 20th, May, 1938
THE OBSERVER: "I have talked with the humblest type of labourers, with merchants, professional men. I have yet to discover a dissenting voice to the question of loyalty to the Fuehrer." - John L. Garvin.
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW: "When I said that Herr Hitler's action was right and inevitable, the storm of abuse that was about to bust on me was suddenly checked by Mr. Lloyd George saying exactly the same thing. It is inconceivable that a single vote should be cast against him."
DOUGLAS REED: "Germans in their country are not less well cared for than the English people in theirs, but better."
JOHN F. KENNEDY, U.S PRESIDENT: "After visiting these two places (the town of Berchtesgaden and Obersalzberg) you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made." - Prelude to Leadership, The European Diary of J.F Kennedy, Summer, 1945.
JESSE OWENS, AMERICAN NEGRO OLYMPIC ATHLETE: "When I passed the Chancellor he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back at him. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticising the man of the hour in Germany." - Richard D. Mandell. The Nazi Olympics
THE MARQUESS OF LOTHIAN: "I think that it must be admitted that National Socialism has done a great deal for Germany. It has undoubtedly cleaned up Germany in the ordinary moral sense of the word. The defeatism, the corruption so manifest a characteristic in the days after the war has disappeared, at any rate from public view. It has given discipline and order and a sense of purpose to the great majority of young people who in earlier days did not know where to go or what they were living for." - British Ambassador, Washington, June 29th, 1937.
JOSEPH GOEBBELS: "This century will be named and shaped after Adolf Hitler."
EVE BRAUN TO HER SISTER: "I must write you these words so that you will not feel sad over our end here in the shelter. It is rather we who are filled with sorrow because it is your fate to live on into the chaos that will follow. For myself, I am glad to die here; glad to be at the side of the Fuehrer; foremost of all, glad that the horror now to come is spared me.
Dr. JOSEPH GOEBBELS TO HIS STEPSON, HARALD: My Dear Harald / We sit locked in the Fuehrer's shelter in the R.C., fighting for lives and honour. I hardly believe that we shall ever see each other again; therefore, it is likely that these will be the last lines you will ever receive from me. I expect from you, should you outlive this war, that you do only that which will honour your mother and father. Germany will outlive this terrible war, but only if it has examples upon which to guide its reconstruction. Such an example we want to give here. Do not let yourself be confused by the uproar that will now reign throughout the world. The lies will one day break down under their own weight and the truth will again triumph. The hour will come when we shall stand pure and undefiled as our aims and beliefs have always been.
Farewell, my dear Harald. Whether we shall ever see each other again lies in the hand of God. If it is not to be, then always be proud to have belonged to a family that even in the face of disaster remains true to the Fuehrer to the very last and true to his pure and Holy cause. All the best and my heartfelt greetings. Your Papa
GENERAL LEON DEGRELLE: "Hitler was the greatest statesman Europe has ever known. History will prove that when whipped up emotions have died down. He was more matter of fact, generally more unfolded than Napoleon. Napoleon was more of a vanquishing, empire-founding Frenchman than a true European. Hitler, in his being a man of his time, dreamed of an enduring, just, honest Europe, unified by the initiative of the victor. A Europe however in which each ethnic group could develop according to their merits and accomplishments. The proof of this is that he offered Petain his hand. Just as Bismarck knew how to outgrow Prussia and become a German, so Hitler soon changed from being a German to being a European. At an early stage he disconnected himself from imperialistic ambition.
Without any difficulty he began to think of himself as a European and initiated the creation of a Europe in which Germany - like Prussia in Bismarck's time, was to be the foundation stone.
Some comrades of the Fuhrer might still have been short-sighted Pan-Germanists. But Hitler had the genius, the right scale, the absence of bias and the necessary vision to accomplish the terrific task. He had an authority, not to be found a second time in the history of the continent. His success would have established wealth and civilisation of Europe for centuries, probably forever. Hitler's plans for Europe would have meant a blessing for us all."
HITLER'S LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT: "It is not true that I wished for war in 1939, neither I nor anyone else in Germany. War was provoked exclusively by those international statesmen who were of Jewish race or who worked in the interests of international Jewry. . . .
"I nourish the conviction that the hour will come when millions of men who now curse us will take a stand behind us to welcome the new Europe, our common creation born of a painful and laborious struggle and an arduous triumph - a Europe which is the symbol of greatness, honour, strength, honesty and justice."
"At the time of supreme peril I must die a martyr's death for the people. But after my death will come something really great, an overwhelming revelation to the world of my mission." / "My spirit will rise from the grave, and the world will see I was right."
DR. JOSEPH GOEBBELS: "Do not let yourself be confused by the uproar that will now reign throughout the world. The lies will one day break down under their own weight and the truth will again triumph. The hour will come when we shall stand pure and undefiled as our aims and beliefs have always been." – Dr. Joseph Goebbels
"The day will come when we shall make an agreement with the men of other Aryan nations. Then there will come a union between all of the one, good, ruling race throughout the world." .
A curse for England, false and base
Where nothing can prosper but disgrace
Where crushed is each flower's tender form,
And decay and corruption feed the worm . . .
The winner's shout, the loser's curse
Go with Old England's black funeral hearse . . .
William Blake
Sleep sweetly in your humble grave
Sleep, martyrs of a fallen Cause,
Though yet no marble column crave
The pilgrim here to pause.
In seeds of laurel in the earth
The blossom of your fame is blown,
And somewhere, waiting for its birth,
The shaft is in the stone.
Stoop, angels, hither from the skies
There is no holier spot of ground,
Than where defeated valour lies,
By mourning beauty crowned
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