He left behind
his wife Adela, four children and four grandchildren and his pioneering
effort to provide the people of the United States with the information
they needed to know about "the insiders".
Johnny Eugene Stewart was born on December 19, 1924 in Livingstone,
Texas. He served in the Pacific for twenty-two months in World War II
In 1978 Stewart awoke from his political sleep when he became convinced
that the United States was being pushed into socialism and was slowly
being destroyed.
Socialist Norman Thomas stated in 1947: "The creation of one world under one
government might conceivably deprive lovers of liberty of any asylum
from tyranny, any area of fellowship beyond the reach of the God —
or Devil — state. From far corners of the globe men who dreamed of
liberty would echo Elmer Davis's cry, 'No world if necessary.' The
solution requires more than emotional fervor for a world united under
federal government."(1) In 1953 Norman Thomas, who was the
Socialist candidate for President in 1928 and for every election
thereafter for twenty years, said: "(H)ere in America more measures once praised or denounced as
socialist have been adopted than once I should have thought possible
short of a socialist victory at the polls."
Thomas, a six-time Socialist party candidate for President, in 1957,
said that "the United States
is making greater strides toward socialism under Eisenhower than even
under Roosevelt (FDR)." (3) In 1962 Norman Thomas added: "The difference between Democrats and
Republicans is: Democrats have accepted some ideas of socialism
cheerfully, while Republicans have accepted them reluctantly."
On September 23, 1978,
Human Events ran a story on Johnny Stewart, a businessman, taking
on "big labor" and winning mainly by buying newspaper ads and exposing
labor campaign contributions.
In 1979-1980 Stewart created F.R.E.E. (Fund to Restore an Educated
Electorate) to provide the public with an educated understanding of the
workings of government, how the system operates and how it might be
improved. In his information sheet, Stewart stated that "both major political parties are
controlled at the top by an international network, represented in the
United States by The Council on Foreign Relations." He promised to reveal the "ingenious techniques used to deceive the public and create the
widespread myth that there is truly a difference in the two parties at
the top." Only after becoming informed would
citizens be in a position to improve the system "working at the grass
roots level." The solution was to get the facts to every American home
bypassing the "CFR
controlled media" with what Stewart called
"mind conditioning" "news".
Stewart described the TC and CFR as "private organizations based in New
York City which formulate and implement U.S. foreign and domestic
policy without public knowledge." He wrote: "Both parties are infiltrated by Rockefeller
people. Some pose as 'conservative' patriots and others wear the
'liberal' label. Every four years, voters are privileged to choose
between a CFR Democratic and a CFR Republican, or candidates surrounded
by CFR 'advisors.' Voters never realize that they are given no real
As examples, Stewart said that in 1952 and 1956 voters were given the
choice of CFR Stevenson or CFR Eisenhower. In 1960 it was CFR Nixon
versus CFR John F. Kennedy. In 1968 CFR Nixon defeated CFR Humphrey.
Then in 1972 it was CFR Nixon versus CFR McGovern. In 1976
Trilateralist Jimmy Carter ran and won against Gerald Ford (who was
surrounded by CFR advisors including Henry Kissinger).
Choices for President in 1980 included John Anderson (CFR/TC), Howard
Baker (CFR), George Bush
(CFR/TC), James Earl Carter (TC charter
member), Ted Kennedy (member of the Boston CFR affiliate) and several
other non-members including Ronald Reagan. After Reagan won the
election, Stewart identified some 57 elites that had been mentioned as
being considered for appointments by Reagan.
Students, said Stewart, were "not taught who runs the government." He
said that a comfortable merger with the Russians was under
consideration by the "Planners" and that Zbig's book, Between Two
Ages, showed they would "do anything to establish their NEW WORLD Order."
Stewart advised: "Keep CFR/TC
membership lists handy when watching TV and when reading your local
newspaper. Note that many of the leading news readers and columnists
are CFR members."
In 1979 it became evident that
there was an urgent need for a tax-exempt educational organization to
provide Americans with vital facts which would enable them to make
intelligent decisions in political matters.
Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate (F.R.E.E.) was formed in late
1979 into early 1980. On April 22, 1980 we received tax-exempt status
under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
A survey disclosed that less than 1% of the population had heard of two
New York-based private organizations, the Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR), and the Trilateral Commission (TC). Few of those individuals
understood the power CFR/TC
members exercise over our economy,
government operations, the military, the media, the giant tax-exempt
foundations, and the multi-national corporations.
We defined as our first and most important purpose, a program to
provide the public with answers to the following vital questions:
1) Who controls the United States government and formulates its foreign
and domestic policy?
SIMPLIFIED ANSWER: International bankers working through an
international network, represented in the United States by the Council
on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission.
2) How do they manage to control both major political parties at the
top without public knowledge?
SIMPLIFIED ANSWER: CFR/TC members, heavily infiltrated into both
parties, oppose each other at election time. Top media controllers
prevent public knowledge of this. Delegates and voters alike need this
information as shown in our analyses in chart form.
3) Why does the United States continue its slide downward into
socialism regardless of which political party is in office?
SIMPLIFIED ANSWER: Socialism is the goal of those who control the U.S.
This means total socialistic control of all resources, communications,
commerce, wealth, and people, by a small, powerful group. As mentioned
above, both parties are infiltrated, hence the continued slide
downward. The same people remain in control, regardless of party in
4) What plans are being made for the future of our nation?
SIMPLIFIED ANSWER: The NEW WORLD ORDER is being planned. This would be
a socialist, One-World government, with no Constitutional guarantees of
individual freedoms.
5) What can a concerned individual do to help restore sane,
Constitutional government?
SIMPLIFIED ANSWER: Assume an active interest in the future of our
nation, working at the grass roots level. Become a delegate for maximum
power in the election process. A majority of patriotic delegates would
turn our nation back to sound Constitutional principles of greatness.
We believe it will be impossible for our nation to remain free unless
every American becomes well informed on the answers to these vital
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) claims to have "no affiliation
with the United States government"; however, a Congressional Report
states that the CFR "came to be, in essence, an agency of the United
States government. . . There can be no doubt that much of the thinking
in the State Department and much of the background of direction of its
policies come from the personnel of. . . The Council on Foreign
Relations." (Tax Exempt Foundations, Report, 83rd Congress, 2nd
Session, 1954)
Regardless of its claim to having no affiliation with the United States
government, CFR/TC members have occupied almost every position of power
and policy in every administration since Franklin D. Roosevelt. An
examination of CFR/TC planning publications make it clear that the
CFR/TC do, indeed, plan U.S. foreign and domestic policy and have done
so for many years. It became evident that recent policies could not
possibly have been planned and implemented by those other than CFR/TC
members, ex-members, their sympathizers, and the 'Trilateral'
president, Jimmy Carter — a 'puppet' president in the "Rockefeller
Brzezinski - Carter Administration."
Rear Admiral Chester Ward, U.S.N. (Ret.) was a member of the CFR (for)
16 years. Admiral Ward stated that the influential publication of CFR,
Foreign Affairs, carries the "official CER party line", set by ruling
cliques within the CFR, and "starts to mold U.S. official foreign and
defense policies some five to ten years in advance of the changes it
finally brings about" (through corresponding legislation).
An honest evaluation of the state of our economy,
our military, our prestige world-wide, our security agencies, our
schools, and the continuous attacks upon almost all principles
underlying institutions upon which our nation was founded, especially
our church schools, lead to the conclusion that CFR/TC influenced
policies have not been in the best interests of the people of the
United States.
It seems incredible that a small, private organization could place its
members in almost every strategic position of policy and power within
our governmental structure for fifty years, without public knowledge or
awareness. However, on examination of the power structure, it became
apparent why so few people are unaware, or uninformed. Most public
knowledge is derived from the news media. The CFR Annual Report for
1980-1981 states that 10% (216) of its 2,164 members are journalists,
correspondents and communications executives. CFR/TC members exert
massive influence on news media, which enables restriction of the
CFR/TC exposure to public scrutiny.
In the majority of past presidential elections, voters have been forced
to "choose" between a CFR Democrat and a CFR Republican, or candidates
surrounded by CFR "advisors", (i.e., "no choice"). The 1980
presidential race appeared likely to "pit" CFR/TC candidate George Bush
against Trilateral Commission President Jimmy Carter. A closer look at
the Bush campaign contributions showed many CFR/TC members and the
Rockefeller family were providing major funding for Bush. David
Rockefeller was quoted as having said, "Watch Bush go".
We knew most people would not have time to read books before the
election. Since the CFR/TC-influenced media would not inform the
people, we felt an educational tool was needed, to enable busy people
to overview at a glance the CFR/TC control structure. F.R.E.E.'s
graphic analysis chart was designed as a tool which would alert a
maximum number of people in a minimum of time, and at the lowest
possible cost.
With limited funds, 25,000 17" x 22" "Broadsides" were printed. A few
were distributed at a Christian rally in Fort Worth; people recognized
the potential value and impact of our chart, and we received some
contributions. We then borrowed enough capital to print 1,000,000
copies, which were shipped in quantities up to 55,000 to several
states. With the election only a few months away, we had no time to
sell such quantities, so we asked the distributors to send any
contributions they could collect.
We also produced an 11" x 17" chart with quotations from Goldwater's
excellent and timely book, With No Apologies. These were distributed at
many political meetings in Texas, and at press conferences.
We distributed 17,000 broadsides in the state of Illinois. Independent
truckers, according to our reports, reprinted large quantities, and the
chart became a major factor in what Human Events referred to as
"Reagan's landslide victory . . . despite the vigorous campaign that
was waged against Reagan by Illinois' two leading newspapers. . ."
Human Events also reported that Bush received only 11% of the vote in
F.R.E.E. has never supported or opposed any candidate for election. Our
charts do not attack anyone. They merely pinpoints the alignment of
George Bush and others who are, or have been, members of David
Rockefeller's Council on Foreign Relations, and/or the Trilateral
When questioned about his connection with these Rockefeller-controlled,
elite groups, Mr. Bush appeared quite upset. In several newscasts he
complained about literature (our charts) being distributed by Reagan
supporters. He stated this "was a new low in politics". He became more
markedly defensive by mailing a Special Memo to "Fellow Texans", in
which he defended The Trilateral Commission and denied he was a "tool
of David Rockefeller". He termed it "scurrilous", "junk literature" and
suggested it be "considered 'rubbish', and given the attention it so
rightly deserved — by filing it in the trash can."
Such strong defense by Bush of the TC brings up an interesting point:
When Mr. Bush was asking for financial support and votes, he was
simultaneously defending the organization (TC) which planned and
implemented the insidious "Windfall" tax (better known as the "Windfall
Profits" tax), which is hurting royalty owners and consumers of
petroleum products: The Texas Energy and Natural Resources Advisory
Council estimates this excise tax will take over $12 billion dollars
out of Texas in 1982 alone.
15,000 broadsides were placed in New York hotel rooms during the
Republican Convention. Friends of F.R.E.E. also distributed 10,000
copies of the "Goldwater" flyer at the Republican National Convention
in Detroit. Goldwater stated in his convention speech, "This might be
the last Republican convention, and in two weeks, - the last Democrat
convention . . . there are forces working against our country . . .
selfish forces working for their own interests. . ." Our revised charts
included his statement, which indicates Senator Goldwater knows whereof
he speaks regarding the CFR/TC planned New World Order.
7,000 broadsides were distributed on the Baylor University Campus,
Waco, and large quantities at Texas University, Austin and Texas A&
M, College Station.
Our large broadside explained the control of Carter by pro-Marxist
Zbigniew Brzezinski, whose writings make it clear that he feels
"America is 'obsolete', our sovereignty is 'fiction' and Marxism is 'a
victory of reason over belief'."
Daily, propaganda continually blames Reagan for all of America's
problems at home and abroad. His administration is heavily staffed with
many CFR/TC members. Many of those who were in the bureaucracy are
still in place.
We see the Federal Reserve destroying our economy with excessive
interest rates under the guise of "fighting inflation", an inflation
that is obviously caused by the Federal Reserve and the government. The
CFR/TC dominated news media attempts to blame inflation on businessmen
and working people. Excessive interest rates are blamed on Reagan, who
has no power whatsoever over the Federal Reserve.
We believe that the media propaganda campaign will continue and
intensify to the point where the nation (and perhaps the world) may be
plunged into a severe depression which will be blamed on President
Reagan, the Republican Party, and conservative policies. We also are
convinced that the New World Order planners wish to bring this disaster
about, so our nation can be pushed further left than ever before.
Whether these plans materialize, we insist that CFR/TC control of our
government must be explained to the people so that sane, Constitutional
government can be restored swiftly.
Our planned program must continue to bring the CFR/TC into the light of
public awareness and scrutiny. As Senator Goldwater stated, "An aroused
America, an informed America, can overcome the perils of the present
moment, and rescue freedom for our nation and the world. . ." We
believe citizens will become aroused to political action once they know
the truth. F.R.E.E. is qualified to quickly inform all Americans
through a new and unique communications system.
A number of radio ministers have distributed our educational materials.
One of our most important projects is to persuade religious leaders to
cooperate with us in exposure of the impact of the CFR/TC. In 1979, Pat
Robertson, President of the '700 Club', on the Christian Broadcast
Network, told U.S. News and World Report: ". . . (I)t is absolutely
vital that we take control of the United States government away from
The Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations."
We hope to show religious leaders everywhere an easy way to bring this
about without endangering their tax-exempt status.
Today, there are over 6,000 contributors on our mailing list. They have
provided an invaluable service to our nation by distributing our
broadsides throughout the land.
When one considers the following facts, it becomes evident that their
efforts have been successful:
1) Talk shows throughout the nation are now discussing the CFR/TC and
listener response indicates that many people are becoming aroused and
informed. CFR President, Winston Lord, has appeared on William
Buckley's Firing Line, and on the WLAC talk show, Nashville, Tennessee.
2) National Review, November 13, 1981, printed a lengthy article
defending The Trilateral Commission and Zbigniew Brzezinski's book,
Between Two Ages. F.R.E.E. was mentioned in the first paragraph of this
cover story, which sought to discredit us, (along with the John Birch
Society, Liberty Lobby's Spotlight, Trilaterals Over Washington, Lyndon
H. LaRouche, Jr., leftist historian, William Applemen Williams,
Harvard's George Wald, John Connally), and anyone or group suggesting
that The Trilateral Commission should be viewed with inquiry or probe.
3) A reporter from Esquire, on finding our chart taped to the door of
the Special Projects Division of the Council on Foreign Relations,
quoted the director of that division as saying he "hoped the publicity
had peaked".
We have proven our ability to circumvent the news media when necessary
to provide truth to the public. By increasing our supporters to 20,000
in 1982 distribution of our educational materials can be even more
We urge that supporters continue their efforts to help us reach our
goal of creating an aroused and informed American electorate.
American military men have died
needlessly in two deliberate "no-win" wars through influence of
planning advocates of the NEW WORLD ORDER, who believe America should
enter war prepared to accept something less than victory, that
Christianity is a "myth", the United States and her Constitution are
"obsolete", and that our national sovereignty is "fiction" and "no
longer compatible with reality".
Under treasonous civilian direction, our heroic servicemen in Vietnam
fought a twelve-year, no-win war that could have been won in a few
weeks. The world watched our forces flee in panic and confusion as the
term "surrender in disgrace" was assigned a new meaning . . . "peace
with honor". American losses: 55,000 dead (if we can believe the
published statistics), thousands mangled, and thousands more destroyed
from hard drug addiction. The final result: A united Communist Vietnam;
genocide in Cambodia; Communist conquest of all Southeast Asia, and
American apathy unparalleled in our nation's history.
The plain truth, clear after our futile involvements in Korea and
Vietnam, is: Under domination of a private, New York based organization
called the Council on Foreign Relations, America has shown no will to
win any American military victory in opposition to Communism since
World War II. In fact, many of our leaders have been ingrained with a
strong determination to lose.
These same "One-Worlders" managed to select, train and elect President
Jimmy Carter, who continued the destruction of military begun by CFR
members Robert McNamara and Henry Kissinger. With the help of pro-
Marxist elements in the State Department, Carter systematically
betrayed nations we relied upon as pro-American bulwarks against
Communist aggression and whose minerals are strategically vital to our
defense. Iran, Rhodesia, South Africa and Nicaragua are glaring
examples. Under Carter's "New World Order" leadership, this nation's
sworn enemies prospered as never before. The outcome of that betrayal
is seen in the following excerpts from The Spiritual State of the
Union, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Coral Gables, Florida.
In late 1979, Maj. Gen. George J. Keegan, Jr., former Chief, Air Force
Intelligence, directly stated to Dr. Kennedy: "We have not one single
defensive weapon in this country to stop an incoming missile, and . . .
no later than 1985 the Soviet Union will consider itself to be totally
impervious to any threat from America; we will be able to do nothing .
. ."
Keegan related to Kennedy, that in early fall, 1979, "Intelligence
sources indicated the previous day in Washington, the Russians had
successfully tested a 'particle beam weapon'."
Kennedy stated: "An article appeared a short time later confirming that
fact; it produces a bolt of lightning that can knock missile after
missile out of the sky. This dangerously alters the balance of strength
between our two countries."
Under CFR leadership carefully shielded by controlled media from
general public knowledge, America has become an untrustworthy ally to
those who once regarded us as the strongest barrier against world-wide
slavery. Fear and mistrust of our leadership has forced many weaker
nations into shaky compromises with the Soviets and her satellite
There is still time to turn the tide of the fate of this nation by
focusing public scrutiny on those responsible for this destructive and
disgraceful state of our nation. It is past time to re-examine the
meaning of the word, TREASON, and at the same time, determine just who
is responsible for "aiding and abetting" the Communist cancer — at
home — and abroad.
Rear Admiral Chester Ward, U.S. Navy (ret.) was Judge
Advocate General of the Navy 1956-60. He received a law degree (Juris
Doctor) with highest honors from George Washington University Law
School in 1968. He has lectured on national strategy in seminars
conducted by the U.S. Army, the Stanford Research Institute, the
Institute for American Strategy, the National Guard, and the Foreign
Policy Research Institute of the University of Pennsylvania. He was a
founding member, National Strategy Committee of the American Security
Council. Though Admiral Ward was a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations for 15 years, he became one of its severest critics after his
resignation from the CFR. His great patriotism and strength of
character make his criticisms of great importance. A few of his
comments, excerpted from KISSINGER ON THE COUCH (Schlafly & Ward):
"The most powerful cliques in these (CFR) elitist groups have one
objective in common; they want to bring about the surrender of the
sovereignty and national independence of the United States. . this lust
to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States is
pervasive throughout most of the (CFR) membership. They consider that
this objective is at once so idealistic. . and so urgent (a lasting
world peace can be secured only by disarming all nations down to
internal police levels), that their end justifies any means." (p.129)
"Over the years we have seen substantially every one of their
America-Last programs become the official policy of the United States
government." (p. 145)
Admiral Ward explains that when we elect a president. "What they think
is one-man rule is actually one man BEING ruled. Instead of a president
capturing monolithic or totalitarian power, he himself is captured."
(Admiral Ward points to the Kissinger rule during the Nixon-Ford
years.) With reference to those who 'ran' the Vietnam War, he named as
''traitors'' . . . Kissinger, McNamara, Bundy, Nitze, Rusk, Gilpatrick,
Vance, McNaughton, and Rostow.
About the SALT negotiations, Admiral Ward stated: "'Conspiratorial' is
the precise term to describe the nature of the entfre process involving
SALT It was initiated in a conspiracy designed by McNamara, and
secretly carried on through Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin. Its undenied
purpose was to abort the U.S. anti-missile program that for years had
the unanimous support of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the near-
unanimous support of both houses of Congress." (p. 319)
The Admiral cries out: "May God give these United States one Senator
who will ask the right questions." (p. 305, KISSINGER ON THE COUCH)
Dr. Kennedy, in THE SPIRITUAL STATE OF THE NATION, quoting Admiral
Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time of the SALT I
Treaty; "Every one of the U.S. defense programs to be initiated with
SALT I has either been cancelled, delayed, or stretched out, and it
puts us in the position of facing the threat of the 80's with equipment
designed for the 60's."
Since CFR policy disarmed the United States, it is interesting to note
that Jimmy Carter's mentor and New World Order advocate Zbigniew
Brzezinski (CFR/TC)
admits that: "(I)t is likely that in the absence of
these weapons war would long since have broken out between the United
States and the Soviet Union." Between Two Ages (page 7)
How can Americans continue to allow themselves to be governed by
leadership which intends to render us helpless before the world? We can
understand it when we realize — that leadership controls all
branches of government, the military, and mass media at the very
highest echelons. Americans have simply been uninformed and misinformed
through CFR control of the media.
charts clearly show the degree to which CFR members have gained acting
control of our military. Let's try to determine how they have instilled
their treasonous ''no-win" philosophy into our once great fighting
Without public
knowledge, for many years the Council on Foreign Relations has
carefully selected military men for training at the Harold Pratt House
on Fifth Avenue, New York City. Their recruits attend CFR meetings and
training sessions at taxpayers' expense. We also pay $4,000 tuition per
man, per year to cover indoctrinating officers in the delicate nuances
of NEW WORLD ORDER politics. CFR cronies have secured command of the
U.S. Military Academy, the U.S. Army War College, and our National
Defense University. This may explain why we have so many "negotiators"
at the top in our military, instead of the "fighting generals" that
were victors in World War II. The very word, ''victory'' seems to have
been effectively banished from military vocabulary. Apparently
"victory" is not taught as a viable concept in the CFR's selective
military training institutions.
As a
result of concentrated CFR attention to training military leaders, the
United States has a generation of officers who have never known
victory. Have they been conditioned by treasonous political leadership
to accept defeat when imposed upon them? Are many actively or
unknowingly working toward surrender of our sovereignty to a world
"super state"? Surely, astute military men recognize the reasons for
such policies — whereby CFR leaders are openly betraying the U.S.
through promoting aid and assistance to sworn enemies of the U.S. An
— U.S. Aid built the truck factories which provided the vehicles
used in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan;
— the trucks were powered by fuel from oil fields equipped by the
— the vehicles rolled over strategic American- build highways;
— invading Soviet bloc soldiers marched to battle wearing American
cowhide boots, while eating bread made from American wheat!
UNION, proves conclusively that over 90 percent of the Soviet's
technology came from the West. . most of it specifically originating in
America. Ironically, this same treasonous type of aid is being given to
Communist China today. Obviously the CFR specializes in building up our
enemies while "pushing" into Marxist hands our faithful allies like
Cuba, Rhodesia, Iran and Nicaragua . . . and let us not forget Taiwan.
David Rockefeller, Chairman of both the Council of Foreign Relations,
and its offspring, the Trilateral Commission, eulogizes Comrade
Chairman Mao, and openly supports Marxist regimes. In addition to
covert revolution, Rockefeller's single-minded idea is to profit . . .
by promoting massive transfers of American technology and weaponry to
yet another backward Communist power . . . even if its open goal is to
exterminate the United States. As absurd and treasonous as this is, who
can expect our captive CFR-trained military officers to question their
CFR pro-Marxist civilian masters? Why were gallant, uncompromising men
— who dared their CFR masters — sent home from Korea and
Vietnam in disgrace? Was it planned CFR policy that we lost those wars?
General MacArthur was 'fired' for wanting victory. He
was replaced by a CFR general trained to 'think differently'.
Marine General Lewis Walt writes that Marine forces in Korea were
compelled to submit in advance a detailed plan of attack for approval
by U.N. Command Headquarters. Each time they attacked, the enemy had
been forewarned. The Marines could not achieve surprise, nor were they
allowed to retain anything they won while under United Nations control.
In Vietnam, one general was 'fired' because he dared to blast
Vietnamese tanks moving to invade South Vietnam. Countless Navy and Air
Force pilots went down in flames when attacking useless targets, while
being forbidden to attack strategic military targets.
No doubt patriotic military commanders in Vietnam felt utterly helpless
when Henry Kissinger's voice over tactical radio command from thousands
of miles away countermanded their field orders. Then, Kissinger, chief
architect of our nowin policy, was doing what CFR people do best —
insuring America's defeat.
We cannot continue to allow the CFR to secretly plan all American
policy, and its forced servitude of our servicemen to the Communist
dominated United Nations.
Finally, a catalog of CFR treachery would be incomplete without a
thorough examination of the disgraceful neglect of U.S. prisoners of
war taken by the North Vietnamese. Only one attempt was made to rescue
prisoners and it failed. Those years of untold immense and intense
suffering by our captured military men again must rest in
responsibility solely at the feet of the CFR.
From the December 9, editorial, Chicago Tribune: "The members of the
Council are persons of more than average influence in the community.
They have used the prestige that their wealth, their social position,
and their education have given them to lead their country toward
bankruptcy and military debacle. They should look at their hands. There
is blood on them — the dried blood of the last war and the fresh
blood of the present one (the Korean War)."
The record is clear: Thirty-five years of Council on Foreign Relations
control of the Department of Defense has brought us thirty-five years
unrelieved defeat. With that record we think it is reasonable to expect
more uncertain days in the future, which would bring continued defeats,
disgrace, derision among the nations of the world, and result in our
final, irreversible national extinction as well. "An end to nationhood"
(as Walt Rostow, CFR, put it), has long been a stated goal of the CFR's
most 'distinguished' members."
The CFR does not intend that this nation survive its leadership - and
in order to forestall a revolt against wholesale treason among the
military, the CFR simply took over. The evidence is clear, conclusive,
unmistakable, and undebatable. See for yourself. . our charts make it
easy to understand.
Norman Dodd, Director of Research during the House Committee Investigation of
Tax Exempt Foundations, was told by Mr. Rowan Gaither (CFR),
President of the Ford Foundation, that their grant-making policies are
designed to alter life in the United States so that we can be
comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.
After observing the betrayal of a number of anti-Communist nations
friendly to the U.S., General Albion Knight stated that he 'fully
expected an American surrender ceremony to be conducted in the White
House Rose Garden and broadcast on all major TV networks."
Dr. Antony Sutton, Ph.D., in his timely expose of The Trilateral
Commission, TRILATERALS OVER WASHINGTON, observed: "(T)he Carter
Administration is not at all concerned with black rights or human
rights, it is concerned only in helping yet another Marxist government
into power. . It may take a while yet, but sooner or later this simple
tragic fact is going to penetrate the minds of independent Americans
and independent governments overseas."
Admiral Ward, the long-time CFR member quoted above, commented on the
problems encountered by the modern-day "Paul Revere" when he wrote:
"Americans are inclined to disbelieve anyone who speaks out bluntly as
to how desperate our defense situation is. In the first place, it is
very difficult to believe something you have neither heard nor read. If
someone does speak out, the administration makes massive efforts to
suppress the material and smear the one who spoke out. Most of the mass
media will ignore it if possible, and if not, will degrade or discredit
it, and smear the one who speaks out. Finally, the American people,
especially the patriotic ones, simply do not want to hear or believe
any such bad news about their country. They have an emotional and
ideological blocking which tells them that America is not only the
greatest but the most powerful nation on earth, and that anyone who
says otherwise must be a liar attempting to downgrade our country."
Solzhenitzyn put his finger on the problem when he commented: "No, it
is not any difficulties of perception that the West is suffering, but a
desire not to know, an emotional preference for the pleasant over the
Admiral Ward had much to say about the SALT process and presented his
readers with many damning facts about the CFR members who participated
in it: "These additional facts make a highly persuasive case that
Kissinger did care about strategic supremacy — and that he
urgently wanted the Soviets to have it . . . we have the answer to the
question of why Kissinger would accept and sell the American people and
their President the arms control agreements that were not only signed
in Moscow, but made in Moscow. He and the Kremlin were working toward
the same goal: A preclusive first-strike capability for the Soviet
Union over the United States. So it was that the Soviet- drafted SALT I
Agreements became one more instrument to be used by Dr. Kissinger in
shaping his NEW WORLD ORDER . . ."
"If we give up and say that it is beyond us, we will have surrendered
to those elitists the decision over our life or death, and they in turn
will surrender us to the masters of Kissinger's NEW WORLD ORDER . . ."
"Our assertion that such a NEW WORLD ORDER is Henry Kissinger's planned
objective is not a figment of a fevered imagination."
In his initial appearance at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
hearings on his confirmation as Secretary of State on September 7,
1973, he pontifically invited Congress to share his demiurgical
mission: "Our task is to define — together — the contours of
a NEW WORLD, and to shape America's contribution to it.
"Congress doesn't have a mandate to create a new world. . . The U.S.
Constitution does not enumerate a "new world" project. It does,
however, enumerate the duty to provide for the "common defense of the
states of the United States. Influential CFR members have worked half a
century to change this. . . (emphasis ours)
General Lewis Walt, U.S.M.C., was Assistant Commandant of the Marine
Corps from 1968 to 1971, and served in combat during World War II, the
Korean War, and Vietnam. His book, The Eleventh Hour, should be read by
every concerned American, especially our servicemen. Here are a few
words of warning from that book:
"The facts are these: The United States has been brought, by its own
civilian leaders, to a position of military inferiority to the Soviet
Union. . . the Soviet leaders believe that with patience they can in a
short time force us to surrender. I am not talking about some date in
the far distant future, but some day within the next four or five
"As Ernest Hemingway wrote at the beginning of World War II, there are
several things worse than war and they all come with defeat . . ."
"The objectives are these.' 1) To purge the Congress of the forces of
appeasement and surrender which are pulling us toward war or slavery;
and 2) Replace them with men and women of integrity and common sense
who will restore our military superiority, the only coin with which we
can buy the time for diplomacy to work."
"The destiny of the American people belongs in our hands, not in the
hands of foreign tyrants."
Writing in WITH NO APOLOGIES, Senator Barry Goldwater gives us a
glimpse of some tragedies related to the control of our military
operations by CFR policy. The Korea and Vietnam no-win wars were
controlled by CFR policies, and the disgraceful betrayal of free Cubans
at the Bay of Pigs was the subject of these observations: "It was a
plan which should have succeeded. . . Operation Pluto ended in bloody
"From one of our aircraft carriers standing off Cuba that weekend we
did launch our aircraft. The pilots of those war planes were ordered to
search out and destroy any remaining aircraft available to Castro's
"After the planes were in the air, the order to strike was
countermanded in a message from the President of the United States to
the Admiral in command of the carrier. The American planes were
recalled . . ."
"Civilian authorities denied our troops a victory in Korea by
designating the area north of the Yalu as a sanctuary. That defeat had
a disastrous effect on American civilian and military morale . . ."
"In Vietnam we fought a twelve-year war which could have been ended in
twelve weeks. Our political masters were afraid to acknowledge defeat
and wouldn't let our military win a victory . . ."
"The only word adequate to describe our conduct is 'betrayal'."
Clearly the betrayal these men write about has been by the members of
two private groups in New York City; the Council on Foreign Relations
and The Trilateral Commission. It continues even today, very cleverly
hidden from public view and understanding by a media which is
controlled by these same people. American servicemen should ponder the
question; Who do we serve, the American people or a group of
international bankers? The question is, will Americans sit quietly by
and allow a handful of wealthy elitist internationalists to enslave
their children and grandchildren?
Stewart, armed with a video camera, did a short
interview with Senator Lloyd Bentsen. Some of the conversation was as
BENTSEN: Are you with the newspapers?"
STEWART: "Ahh, I'm doing some research."
Double talk (Inaudible)
BENTSEN: "I'll be glad to answer that. You're obviously a plant."
BENTSEN: "What is your name?"
STEWART: "My name is Johnny Stewart."
BENTSEN: "Oh, you're the fellow."
STEWART: "We're printing two million of a chart that addresses these
BENTSEN: "Uh, huh. I've read that."
STEWART: "I'm glad you may have because everything in here is accurate
and documented and we hope that every American can get this in their
hands, in a very short time, Senator."
BENTSEN: "I would hope so."
STEWART: "They'll know who runs their country, then."
BENTSEN: "They'll find what kind of guy you represent."
STEWART: "Senator, can I ask you one question?"
BENTSEN: "Well, I'm not interested in the kind of trash that you're..."
STEWART: "Well, I'd just like to know if you were or were not a member
of the Council on Foreign Relations, that's all. Would you like to tell
BENTSEN: "I'm not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations."
STEWART: "Sir you were. Your name disappeared from the list in 1976,
was it?"
BENTSEN: "I frankly don't remember."
Source: Eric Samuelson, "Stewart Gives Talk On Trilateralists," The
Texan Express (Goliad) (November 28, 1984).
Much time has passed since Johnny Stewart wrote these
reports. Goldwater has been discredited as a "right-winger" by the
press and media. F.R.E.E., however, is still working to update the
Stewart- originated elite charts. Write to F.R.E.E. (Fund to Restore an
Educated Electorate), P.O. Box 293339, Kerrville, Texas 78029. 50
copies cost $25 or $2 each.
1. Norman Thomas, Appeal to the Nations 63
2. W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist 130
3. James Perloff, The Shadows of Power viii