Forty days after His resurrection, Jesus Christ the Logos or fullness of God’s expressed attributes ascended bodily into heaven where He took on the office Son of God as Mediator for the ignorance of the Church Age saints—not for the world at large. On the fiftieth day of Pentecost God recognized the faith of those assembled in the upper room and inaugurated His new and living Temple the Church, by the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the visible appearance of the Shekinah as when He dedicated the Tabernacle of witness, Solomon’s Temple, Jesus Christ the Chief Cornerstone of this mystic Body, and as He will one day overshadow New Jerusalem.

Let us understand this clearly. Throughout the Church Ages Christ expounded the revelation of the present Truth; He excused the ignorance of mysteries not yet revealed or lost through Roman Catholic martyrdom, and baptized the elect into His Body. The saints of each Church Age or division of the Body were reborn by a different measure of revealed Word quickened by a commensurate portion of the Spirit, for so long as the Bible was sealed with Seven Seals they had only PART-Word. Because Christ is the fullness of the Word He could not be present during the Church Ages (I Corinthians 13:10). But once the last saint predestinated to the PART-Word Body was redeemed in the Laodicean Church Age redemption was over. Now the Lamb advanced from the Outer Court of the heavenly temple where His bloody body had lain as a memorial, and entered the Holy of Holies where as Lion of the Tribe of Judah He claimed the Book of Life, tore open its Seals and took His seat as Son of man, King of kings and Judge . . . He in not yet Son of David (Revelation 4; 5; John 5:27).