As in Ezekiel 4 where the prophet lay on his left side in prophetic pantomime representing the whole nation of Israel, then lay on his right side representing the whole nation of Judah, in the Book of Revelation we see John represents Christ’s end-time Bride who will not see death. Throughout the Book John is led by the angel of Revelation 1:1 who is the prophet William Branham, the angel to the Laodicean Church Age and the only man to whom Christ revealed the mystery of the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10:3-4, which are the revelations hidden under the Seven Seals. These divinely revealed ‘mystery-truths’ will literally turn the hearts of the children back to the faith of their apostolic fathers.

In Revelation 10, God reveals an important symbol as “another Mighty Angel came down from heaven, clothed with the Cloud (or Shekinah); and the rainbow was upon His head. (It is the second or ‘parousia’ Coming of Christ as the Angel of the Covenant. As Paul foretold, “The Lord Himself will descend,” not a second or third person; and remember, the Lord IS the fullness of the Word). His face shone as the sun; and His legs were like pillars of Fire. A little Book was open in His hand, and He placed His right foot in judgment on Rome, the beast that arose from the populous Mediterranean, and His left foot in Judgment on the United States, that arose from the relatively unpopulated land of America to become the image of the first beast”.