While the Church Age saints are putting on glorified flesh, we will be despised and rejected by the world because the testimony of our revelation will be hated by those who are lost, and feared by those who understand only this world system. Hunted and persecuted, without means or succour, we will call upon faith to transform unseen necessities into substance. Then what we say, God will do—personally vindicating that we are His children—raising invincible faith in us for the body change. Faith that enables us to see beyond the veil of flesh, so that after our Church Age brethren have resurrected in glorified flesh, we will recognize one who has gone before. Their appearance will supercharge our faith to receive translation grace, and instantly changing in the atoms we’ll pass into the sixth dimension in glorified, materialized Spirit and be caught up together with them in the Shekinah, to meet the Lord in the air.

Like Christ’s resurrection and His second Coming, our translation will be the manifestation of the faith of Jesus Christ in us.