Please notice that the mystery of God is illustrated by symbols. When the disciples asked, “What will be the sign of the end of the dispensations or ages” they were inquiring how Israelites would recognize the commencement of the seventieth and final week of years determined for the regeneration of the elect of the pure blood of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jesus replied with the parable of the fig tree, which is the symbol of Israel. “When you see the state of Israel restored in the Promised Land, you know that summer is nigh [with its Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Ingathering 144,000 elect Israelites] . . . I assure you this generation will not die out until the Spiritual antitypes of these natural feasts are fulfilled” (Matthew 24:3, 32-34).

Jesus confirmed that Israel is God’s timepiece (Daniel 9:24-27).

Since God deals with natural Israel as a nation, their Covenant is of no effect outside the land: the state had to be restored as a prerequisite to the redemption of the 144,000 in whom the Shekinah will dwell as His Millennium temple—after they recognize His ‘parousia’ Coming to old Jerusalem—as revealed to Daniel in prayer and Ezekiel in visions. Their redemption will usher in the Millennium wherein the Kingdom is restored to an Israel governed with “everlasting righteousness” by David’s greater Son, King Jesus Christ and His Gentile Queen, the elect Church of all ages. Then “earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9).