It is important to understand that Christ was a Mediator throughout the Church Ages to intercede for the ignorance of the saints because the Bible was sealed with Seven Seals, therefore they could not see the fullness of the Word. As a consequence, every minister taught and every Christian believed a measure of error. But since the revelation of the Seals we now have the perfect interpretation of the Word; Christ is no longer interceding for ignorance and desires us to know Him even as He knows us. So receive our words with all readiness of mind and trust Him to lead you to recognize your day and its Message in your own Bible.

We live in the very end of time when Christ is whispering His secrets to His Bride to bring her to maturity in the unity of the faith in preparation for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation. His amours are in the Bible, but these precious thoughts are written between the lines, and no one will understand them no matter how dearly they love the Lord unless they too are called and chosen “for the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless in His Presence” (Ephesians 1:2-4). It is not our present love for Him but His eternal love for us before there was a world. How can we know? We will know our love is mutual when the Voice of Christ the Archangel is speaking within our heart, placing the Message from Genesis to Revelation.