It is a fact that for almost 2,000 years Bible believers have longed for Christ’s second Coming, but do they know the signs to look for, and that judgment will follow? God always gives warning and a way of escape before the judgment strikes. He told Noah: “Build an ark, and warn that after 120 years I’ll destroy every living creature.” God’s mercy was spurned, for in all that time not one soul was persuaded to join their crew, so He commanded Noah: “Provision the vessel, board the animals, and after seven days I’ll open the windows of heaven.” He did, and the world perished.

The ark was a type of Christ, the 120 years of preaching represents the seven Church Ages and the seven days type this present holy convocation before the end of the Gentile dispensation. As it was in the days of Noah, God is tarrying in judgment pending the Seventh Trump and the “latter rain.” Many outside of Christ are preaching and scoffing unaware that the Mercy Seat is now a Judgment Seat. Ministers are still educating and sending out preachers, yet their own churches are without mercy. Soon Christ will steal His waiting Bride away and gather the elect of Israel; then every living creature will be destroyed with fire.

He who has an ear let him hear!