Noah lived in a generation whose scientific and engineering achievements far surpass our present potential. In Matthew 24:37 Jesus prophesied that at the end of the Christian dispensation the world would be at ease in a scientifically advanced state oriented toward material goals and sensual pleasures, lukewarm to the warnings of God’s Prophet “as it was in the days of Noah when the sons of God [Adam’s children] cohabited with the daughters of man [Cain's race].” The unforgivable sin of Noah’s day was miscegenation, a global repetition of the “original sin” and genocide to Adam’s race (Genesis 1:11, 25; 6:4). Today, sinners encourage this wickedness under the euphemism ‘multiculturalism.’

Earth is incurably corrupt in relation to God and full of violence in relation to men who join with whomsoever they choose; ignore the prophetic warnings vindicated by Supernatural signs, and behave “as they did in the days of Noah” as if God had not spoken (Genesis 6:1-13). You will no doubt agree that today, once again, everything stands in sharpest contradiction with the good state established by God our Creator: humanity has become animalistic, soulless and carnal, to be destroyed by atomic fire as it perished by Flood (II Peter 3:1-10).

You are probably quite conscious of these present circumstances, but have you recognized them as the signs of His Coming?