Jesus said, “My Coming will be as a thief in the night”—unseen by the natural eye. “If any one says, He’s over here; or, there. Believe it not. Or if they say, He’s in the desert. Don’t bother to look! Or, He’s hiding at a certain place. Don’t you believe it! My Coming will be as lightning that comes out of the East and shines to the West.” So we are not to anticipate that Man from Galilee, and the world won’t know He’s come until after He’s gone, having stolen His Bride away to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb in the Sky.

Lightning is not confined by geography; in fact it extends way beyond the horizon. So now we see the same Light of Spiritual revelation that shone in the East has flashed in the West. Like a thief, it strikes suddenly and departs just as quickly without trace. Like a vision or the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it appears unannounced and vanishes, yet if the illumination is from the Lord, this “Light in the evening time” of the Gospel will agree from Genesis to Revelation with the morning Light God revealed to the apostolic saints. And as wise men followed the Light from Pakistan in the East to Bethlehem in the West in order to see the Word, wise men of today follow the evening Light that was restored in the West as prophesied by Zechariah 14:7, Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 17:11 and 24:27, in order to see the second Coming of Christ the Word: “For wherever the Body is, there the eagles will be gathered together.”