Jesus and Paul warned the Gentiles they too will end in apostasy, supposing they have all of God when they are wretched and miserable, bankrupt of faith, blind to the Word, naked of the Blood and crucifying unto themselves the Son of God afresh (Romans 11:32; II Timothy 3-4; Hebrews 6:6; Revelation 3:17-20).

Because of unbelief in the revealed Word of God the world church system is not looking for a prophet—a sign mandated before judgment (Amos 3:6-8). Unaware of Christ’s secret sudden second Coming and the rapture, she scoffs when faith reproves and rebukes her man-made traditions. Soon, under the delusion she is doing God a service, she will kill all who do not submit to or receive her mark of the beast, which is Rome’s pagan Trinity today as it has been since the First Nicaea Council and throughout her bloody pogroms that culminated in almost a thousand years of the Dark Ages (II Thessalonians 2; Revelation 13:14-18).

Although much of what has been taught through the Church Ages was man-made theological guesswork, even pagan traditions, Christ “winked” at this ignorance and honoured the faith of those who received the Word for their hour by baptizing them into his mystic Body. Now, since the Seven Seals have been revealed, He commands His people to repent and come into the unity of the faith because the Day of Judgment is nigh.