Communism Quotes
Of 556 leading conspirators in the Bolshevik state in 1918-19 there were 17 Russians, two Ukrainians, eleven Armenians, 35 Latvians, 15 Germans, one Hungarian, ten Georgians, three Poles, three Finns, one Czech, one Karaim, and 457 Jews . . . As of 1983, the Premier of the Soviet Union was a Jew (Andropov) and 23 out of 25 members of the Politboro (the Soviet ruling clique) were Jews. In addition, every top member of the military and of the Soviet police, were Jews [2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie.
"The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism." – (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144).
"The Communists are against religion (Christianity), and they seek to destroy religion; yet, when we look deeper into the nature of Communism, we see that it is essential nothing else than a religion (Judaism)." – (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 138).
"The Jews welcome this revolution in the Christian world, and the Jews should show an example. It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism: all this was in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews." – (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, by Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 148).
Pollard is a Jewish spy who was caught spying on the US for Israel. Joseph DiGenova, the US attorney who prosecuted the case, said he was surprised that Eitan would admit that Pollard spying was sanctioned by Israel, since the official government position taken by Israel is that Pollard was a rogue spy operation. DiGenova added: "But this is basically all stuff that the evidence in the case shows."447
No matter what Israel says in its official pronouncements, the actions of Israel in the Pollard case are the actions of an enemy. "When Jonathan Pollard stole our nuclear secrets (which your taxes paid to develop) and sent them to Israel, Israel did not hesitate to trade those secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas."448 [2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Edward Hendrie.
While the Catholic church publicly opposes communism, it secretly financially aided and abetted the communist revolution in Russia at every turn.306 In April 1917, Lenin and some of his key revolutionaries were transported through Germany in the now infamous sealed train. [2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie.
Bourgeoisie was a Bolshevik code-word for Gentile. The first law passed after the Communists seized power in Russia made anti-semitism a crime punishable by death. [2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie.
Circumstantial evidence that points to Jewish control of the communist revolution is that once the communists in Russia seized power, the first law they passed made anti-Semitism a crime punishable by death.286 While Christian church buildings were turned into animal stables, slaughter houses, and dance halls, the Jewish synagogues were untouched . . . "Some 200,000 (Christian) clergy, many crucified, scalped and otherwise tortured, were killed during the approximately 60 years of communist rule in the former Soviet Union, a Russian commission reported Monday (November 27, 1995) . . . 40,000 churches (were) destroyed in the period from 1922 to 1980 [2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie.
The best evidence of the genuineness of the Protocols is that in March, 1917 the Bolshevik Revolution took place in Russia and one of the first things done upon the Jewish Bolsheviks taking power was to destroy all copies of Professor Sergius A. Nilus' book, The Great Within the Small, by. That book, which was first published in Tsarskoe-Tselc (Russia) in 1901, contained The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. All copies of the Protocols that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed during the Kerensky regime. The law followed by Kerensky's communist successors to power was that the possession of a copy of the Protocols by anyone in the Soviet Union was a crime punishable by being shot on sight. The lengths that the communists went to eradicate the Protocols is evidence of the genuineness of the Protocols. The treatment of Professor Nilus by the Jewish Bolsheviks speaks clearly to the authenticity of the Protocols. Professor Nilus was arrested by the Cheka (Russian Secret Police) in Kiev. He was imprisoned and tortured. The Jewish president of the court, told Professor Nilus that the brutal treatment he received was as retribution for "having done them incalculable harm in publishing the Protocols." p.89 [2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie.
In keeping with the fact that almost everybody seems to have his own definition of Communism, we are going to give you ours, and then we will attempt to prove to you that it is the only valid one. Communism: AN INTERNATIONAL, CONSPIRATORIAL DRIVE FOR POWER ON THE PART OF MEN IN HIGH PLACES WILLING TO USE ANY MEANS TO BRING ABOUT THEIR DESIRED AIM—GLOBAL CONQUEST. You will notice that we did not mention Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, bourgeois, proletariat or dialectical materialism. We said nothing of the pseudo-economics or political philosophy of the Communists. These are the TECHNIQUES of Communism and should not be confused with the Communist conspiracy itself. We did call it an international conspiratorial drive for power. Unless we understand the conspiratorial nature of Communism, we don't understand it at all. – Gary Allen, None dare call it conspiracy.
"Some call it Marxism I call it Judaism." – (The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935).
"To answer your question in Russia, there are two distinct governments one visible and the other invisible. The visible is made up of different nationalities, whereas the invisible is composed of ALL JEWS. The powerful Soviet Secret Police takes its orders from the invisible government. There are about six to seven million Communist in Soviet Russia, 50% are Jews and 50% are gentiles, but the gentiles are not trusted. The Communist Jews are united and trust each other, while the others spy on one another. About every five to six years the secret Jewish Board calls for the purge of the party and many are liquidated. When asked "why"? he said: "Because they begin to understand too much about the Jewish secret government. Russian Communists have a Secret Group Order which consists of Jews only. They rule over everything pertaining to the visible government. It was this powerful organization that was responsible for the secret removal of the center of Communism to Tel Aviv from where all instructions now originate." . . . "It is an established rule to destroy all members of pre-existing government, their families and relatives, but never Jews. They destroy all members of the police, state police, army officers and their families but never Jews. You see, we know when a government begins to search for the Communists within its borders they are really attempting to uncover Jews in their area. We're not fooled! The invisible rulers in the Communist countries have a world control over the propaganda and the governments in free countries. We control every media of expression including newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Even your music! We censor the songs released for publication long before they reach the publishers. Before long we will have complete control of your thinking." A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman Speaks by Benjamin H. Freedman.
The real motive behind Communism is not to distribute the world equally, but the Communist Party is just a front for the super-rich as an instrument for gaining and using power. It is not the Communists that run Communism. There is yet another controlling power behind Communism. Communism and socialism are just arms of the more devilish conspiracy working behind the public eye that is not being run from Moscow or Peking, but from New York, Paris and London. The Illuminati going to America by Alex Christopher.
Marx and Engels were freemasons of the 31st degree. (Vladimir Istarkhov, "The Battle of the Russian Gods", Moscow, 2000, p. 154). In 1847, Marx and Engels became members of The League of Just Men, one of the Illuminati's underground branches where the Jew Jakob Venedey played an important role . . . Hess and Marx hoped to exploit the jealousy of the stupid proletariat to enforce a hell on earth where fear, suffering, terror and treason ruled supreme—Communism. 1 Under the sign of the Scorpion – the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire by Juri Lina.
According to the most famous myth, Marx had no money and was economically dependent on his "friend" Engels. In reality, Nathan Rothschild financed him. This was revealed by his close associate Mikhail Bakunin in his "Polemique contre les Juifs" ("Polemic Against the Jews"). Bakunin broke away from Marx and his companions, because "they had one foot in the bank and the other foot in the socialist movement". Under the sign of the Scorpion – the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire by Juri Lina.
Hess and Marx hoped to exploit the jealousy of the stupid proletariat to enforce a hell on earth where fear, suffering, terror and treason ruled supreme—Communism. This is why Moses Hess suggested transforming The League of Just Men into a communist party in November 1847. Together with Engels, Marx reorganized (Soviet term) the League before the end of the year. Moses Hess, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Wilhelm Weitling, Hermann Kriege, Joseph Weydemeyer, Ernst and Ferdinand Wolf played important roles.
Marx was commissioned to write the manifesto of the Communist Party, according to the Soviet-Estonian Encyclopaedia. It was Moses Hess who made him work out the religion of the socialist revolution. Marx did this with the co-operation of the slave-trader Jean Lafitte-Laflinne.
"The Communist Manifesto" was published in London. In this document, Marx had only further developed the ideas of the Illuminist leaders Adam Weishaupt and Clinton Roosevelt. He had at the same time used the conspiratorial experience of the Utopian communist and Illuminatus Francois Noel Babeuf (1760-1797) to show the way to the socialist (Illuminist) revolution.
In this way, Communism and Socialism became the code names for the Illuminati's program, which was to extinguish all moral principles, whereupon everything was allowed. Under the sign of the Scorpion – the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire by Juri Lina.
Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism (Evolution), Marxism (Communism), Nietzsche-ism (Socialism). To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the GOYIM. PROTOCOL No. 2: ECONOMIC WARS The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
In his thoughtful, eye-opening book, Scarlet and the Beast, knowledgeable Christian author and conspiracy researcher John Daniel illustrates the communist connection with Freemasonry. The most prominent emblem of universal Freemasonry is the square and compass with the letter "G" inside the internal triangle. Daniel notes that this represents the tools used by the Lodge's Great Architect (false God) to create the heavens and the earth. In reality, the letter "G" represents Gnosticism, the core doctrine of Masonry, and the Generative process (sex act). Masonry is, as Daniel notes, a sex cult.
However, English Freemasonry (the United Lodge of Britain) substitutes a human arm wielding a hammer in place of the "G." This arm and hammer represents the Mason as the Builder, as "man at work" creating the heavens and the earth. Thus, man becomes God. The arm and hammer is of socialist/communist origins. The same symbol is found on a bestselling brand of baking soda. Noted communist financier and oil corporation CEO Armand Hammer was given his name in honor of the communist movement. Note, too, that the arm and hammer symbol inside the square and compass is configured as a "G."
Finally, we come to the modified square and compass of French Freemasonry and its Grand Orient Lodge. This Lodge and its membership are decidedly anti-Christian and are markedly pro-communist. In 1877, the Grand Orient Lodge declared, "There is no God but humanity." Embracing Reason as their God, they replaced the "G" with the now-familiar communist symbol of the hammer and sickle. This represents collective common man, the proletariat.
John Daniel points out that the French Lodge's substituted symbol inside the typical square and compass forms the letter "G" backward, "which is symbolic of the negation of God." It was Albert Pike who wrote, in Morals and Dogma, that there is no real person or entity named "Satan." Pike claimed that Satan is simply a Force, the negation of God. (Illustrations: Scarlet and the Beast, by John Daniel, (1994) JKI Publishing, PO Box 131480, Tyler, TX 75713, USA).
Marx's chief aim was the destruction of religion. The good of the workers was only a pretence . . . Communism is collective demon possession" – Richard Wurmbrand.
"When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint; but when I asked why people are poor, they called me a communist" – Brazilian Bishop Don Helder Camara.
Thus the World Order organizes and finances Jewish groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Jewish groups; it organizes Communist groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Communist groups. It is not necessary for the Order to throw these groups against each other; they seek each other out like heat-seeking missiles, and try to destroy each other. By controlling the size and resources of each group, the World Order can always predetermine the outcome. [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins.
"Communism is not [and never was] a creation of the masses to overthrow the Banking establishment, but rather a creation of the Banking establishment to overthrow and enslave the people" – Anthony J. Hilder
"The Marine Corps is just a smoke-and-mirrors thing. On [my husband's] level, he said we've never been an enemy to the Soviet Union. They work with these Communists. The man who started this whole intelligence operation—OSS [Office of Strategic Services]—he was recruiting known Communists who were involved in subverting Spain. They're not Americans. They're not Christians. They're German existentialists. Now what are they doing running our nation? They have more affinity for the State of Israel than they do our nation. They don't care about American citizens. The judges now in the courts are all military officers following chain-of-command orders. They're not independent judges." (Interviews, Disk 4) Kay Griggs.
In all these paradigms, "communist" is often no more than the name ascribed to those people who stand in the way of the realization of such ambitions (as "national security" is the name given for the reason for fighting "communists"). It is another twist of the old adage: if communists didn't exist, the United States would have to invent them. And so they have. The word "communist" (as well as "Marxist") has been so overused and so abused by American leaders and the media as to render it virtually meaningless. (The left has done the same to the word "fascist"). But merely having a name for something—witches or flying saucers—attaches a certain credence to it. Introduction to Killing Hope by William Blum.
In this technique, members of the World Order are often identified with one side or the other. John Foster Dulles arranged financing for Hitler, but he was never a Nazi. David Rockefeller may be cheered in Moscow, but he is not a Communist. However, the Order always turns up on the winning side. A distinguishing trait of a member of the World Order, although it may not be admitted, is that he does not believe in anything but the World Order. Another distinguishing trait is his absolute contempt for anyone who actually believes in the tenets of Communism, Zionism, Christianity, or any national, religious or fraternal group, although the Order has members in controlling positions in all of these groups. If you are a sincere Christian, Zionist or Moslem, the World Order regards you as a moron unworthy of respect. You can and will be used, but you will never be respected. [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins.
In the midst of the American preparation to overthrow the government, the Guatemalan Foreign Minister, Guillermo Toriello, lamented that the United States was categorizing "as 'communism' every manifestation of nationalism or economic independence any desire for social progress, any intellectual curiosity, and any interest in progressive liberal reforms." [2003] Guatemala 1953-1954 by William Blum.
As R.E. McMaster wrote in The Reaper, "The goal of international communism is not to destroy Western international debt capitalism.; The goal of international communism is to enslave mankind at the behest of Western international debt capitalism." [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins.
They believe they have learned what form of government would work best by installing different varieties of governments in different countries with leaders they chose, studied, and watched to see which form would be likely to meet their needs in the year 2000 and beyond. They saw different national governments as 'projects.' For awhile, they thought communism would be the best, until the mind control technology showed them they could covertly rule the masses without communism. With this technology, they believe they can rule the masses easily and effortlessly, and governing can be limited because they feel all of the Elite will have much the same wants, needs, and goals. They already have the central banking system in place and have a master plan for the laws, rules, and regulations that will govern those that are left. Brice Taylor (Thanks For The Memories p 281-284).
The establishing of Communism in Russia is a classic example of the second "big lie" of Communism, i.e., that it is the movement of the downtrodden masses rising up against exploiting bosses. This cunning deception has been fostered since before the first French Revolution in 1789.
Most people today believe the Communists were successful in Russia because they were able to rally behind them the sympathy and frustration of the Russian people who were sick of the tyranny of the Czars. This is to ignore the history of what actually happened.
. . . In the Soviet Union, as in every Communist country (or as they call themselves-the Socialist countries), the power has not come to the Communists' hands because the downtrodden masses willed it so. The power has come from the top down in every instance. Let us briefly reconstruct the sequences of the Communist takeover.
The year is 1917 . . . Lenin was in Switzerland and had been in Western Europe since 1905 when he was exiled for trying to topple the Czar in the abortive Communist revolution of that year. Trotsky also was in 'exile, a reporter for a Communist newspaper on the lower east side of New York City. The Bolsheviks were not a visible political force at the time the Czar abdicated. And they came to power not because the downtrodden masses of Russia called them back, but because very powerful men in Europe and the United States sent them in.
Lenin was sent across Europe-at-war on the famous "sealed train." With him Lenin took some $5 to $6 million in gold. The whole thing was arranged by the German high command and Max Warburg, through another very wealthy and lifelong socialist by the name of Alexander Helphand alias "Parvus." When Trotsky left New York aboard the S.S. Christiania, on March 27, 1917, with his entourage of 275 revolutionaries, the first port of call was Halifax, Nova Scotia. There the Canadians grabbed Trotsky and his money and impounded them both . . . Then all of a sudden the British (through future Kuhn, Loeb partner Sir William Wiseman) and the United States (through none other than the ubiquitous "Colonel" House) pressured the Canadian government. And, despite the fact we were now in the war, said, in so many words, "Let Trotsky go." Thus, with an American passport, Trotsky went back to meet Lenin. They joined up, and, by November, through bribery, cunning, brutality and deception, they were able (not to bring the masses rallying to their cause but) to hire enough thugs and make enough deals to impose out of the gun barrel what Lenin called "all power to the Soviets." The Communists came to power by seizing a mere handful of key cities. In fact, practically the whole Bolshevik Revolution took place in one city-Petrograd. It was as if the whole United States became Communist because a Communist-led mob seized Washington, D. C. It was years before the Soviets solidified power throughout Russia.
. . . The two Germans most responsible for the financing of Lenin were Max Warburg and a displaced Russian named Alexander Helphand . . . The picture takes on another dimension when you consider that the brother of Max Warburg was Paul Warburg, prime mover in establishing the Federal Reserve System and who from his position on the Federal Reserve Board of Directors, played a key role in financing the American war effort. (When news leaked out in American papers about brother Max running the German finances, Paul resigned from his Federal Reserve post without a whimper.) From here on the plot sickens.
For the father-in-law of Max Warburg's brother, Felix, was Jacob Schiff, senior partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. (Paul and Felix Warburg, you will recall, were also partners in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. while Max ran the Rothschild-allied family bank of Frankfurt.) Jacob Schiff also helped finance Leon Trotsky. According to the New York Journal-American of February 3, 1949: "Today it is estimated by Jacob's grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about 20,000,000 dollars for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia." (See Chart 6.)
One of the best sources of information on the financing of the Bolshevik Revolution is Czarism and the Revolution by an important White Russian General named Arsene de Goulevitch who was founder in France of the Union of Oppressed Peoples. In this volume, written in French and subsequently translated into English, de Goulevitch notes:
"The main purveyors of funds for the revolution, however, were neither the crackpot Russian millionaires nor the armed bandits of Lenin. The 'real' money primarily came from certain British and American circles which for a long time past had lent their support to the Russian revolutionary cause . . . NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY by 1971 by Gary Allen.
Actually, I destroyed Joe McCarthy because I introduced him to the real origins of Communism, which was the international bankers. He knew nothing about that. He thought Communists were little Jewish tailors on the Lower East Side of New York. I showed him the connections between international bankers like the Rothschilds and Communism. You can't have a worldwide movement without a lot of money behind it. It's like when the circus comes to town. You have to pay someone to hang the posters. [Interview 2003] by Tom Valentine.
We do know this, however. A clique of American financiers not only helped establish Communism in Russia, but has striven mightily ever since to keep it alive. Ever since 1918 this clique has been engaged in transferring money and, probably more important, technical information, to the Soviet Union. This is made abundantly clear in the three volume history Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development by scholar Antony Sutton of Stanford University's Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Using, for the most part, official State Department documents, Sutton shows conclusively that virtually everything the Soviets possess has been acquired from the West. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that the USSR was made in the USA. The landscape painters, unable to refute Sutton's monumental scholarship, simply paint him out of the picture. NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY by 1971 by Gary Allen.
They then introduced Communism in 1848 through Karl Marx. They tutored him in the British Museum, according to Alberto Rivera, an ex-Jesuit.
So Marx, the Jewish Freemason, was to be the one to put forward this Communism for the world, so that Communism would look like a Jewish brain-child, so that Communism could be blamed on the Jews. Well, what's not told is that the Jews involved in the implementing of Communism were Masonic Jews. Karl Marx was a 33rd-degree Freemason, a worshipper of Lucifer, whose father wanted nothing to do with him, because his father was a Baptist preacher.
Jewish Freemasonry, controlled by the Jesuits, implemented Communism in Russia. Lenin, the half-Jew, was a Freemason. That civil war that took place from 1917-1922, for 5 years, was given the appearance that it was primarily Yiddish. I mean, they're on the streets of Russia talking Yiddish; they had Yiddish signs; and it was wanted to give the impression to the world that this revolution was of Jewish origin.
For 10 years after the revolution, the Jews faired very well, but in 1922, Joseph Stalin, that great Jew-hater, who was educated by Jesuits in Georgia-which was a country south of Russia and, therefore, the Emperor's banning of the Jesuits from Russia, his Ukase, did not reach to Georgia. So the Jesuits stayed in Georgia, trained Joseph Stalin, brought him in after the Revolution, and made him Secretary of the Communist Party in 1922, until he died in 1953.
The Jesuits used Freemasonry and, of course, Stalin was also a brother Freemason. They used Freemasonry to implement Communism in Russia, and from there, China, and from there, throughout the world.
When Germany had their revolution after World War I, their Communist revolution-remember, they requested an armistice-they had never been beaten on the field of battle.
The Germans were foisted into that war; they never started World War I. It was started by France and Russia and England, for the purpose of destroying Germany, because Germany had expelled the Jesuits. During that war, the Germans requested an armistice to stop this Communist revolution in Germany.
And who lead the revolution? The German Freemasons.
According to the Kaiser, in his memoirs, it was German Freemasonry that got him off his throne and deposed him. He had to go into exile in Holland. He wrote his memoirs in 1935.
So the relationship between Jesuitism, Communism and Freemasonry we see evolving and expanding from the 1600s to the ultimate achievement in the Bolshevik Revolution.
In my book, I parallel the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution, and they are identical. It was French Freemasonry that caused the French Revolution and the Jacobins, and it was the Freemasons in Russia, with Bolsheviks, who caused the Russian Revolution, with their Bolsheviks, leading and ending in Joseph Stalin. In France, it ended with Napoleon; in Russia, it ended with Stalin. And so, that's the relationship there. The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps.
The Rothschilds (and other top Satanic families in a lesser way) financed a Jewish Mason and devote Satanist named Karl Marx to write his Das Kapital . The Satanists controlling key Masonic groups (along with some other groups they controlled) got Communism started. The original idea came from Satan, and was given at a Feast of the Beast in meticulous detail to those highest in the Satanic Hierarchy. Albert Pike, and Guiseppe Mazzini were two men in strategic positions of control that were let in on the plans.
After creating International Socialism (communism) a temporary antithesis was created called National Socialism (nazism). The process to create National Socialism was to turn again to the Masonic Lodges and other esoteric secret Societies to get it done. Therefore, the secret esoteric Gnostic and satanic societies along with the Illuminati helped create "the Thule Gesellshaft" (in English the Thule Society) . Adolf Hitler was some type of member of this occult Thule Society, along with many other men who later began leading Nazi leaders such as Rudolf Hess. The Thule Society used the Masonic/Hindu symbol the Swastika, which the Nazi party then also used as its symbol. In other words the grandmother of the Nazi Party was the Masonic Lodges in Germany. The Vril was another secret occult group that many of the Nazi leadership belonged to. Hitler also was a member of the Theosophical Society, which has strong Satanic and Masonic ties. Both Bailey and Hitler studied from Tibetians, Hindus, occultists, and black magicians. They also both studied the Gnostics, and every major Pagan/Occult religious system. A example of how valued the Swastika was for Freemasons before Hitler ruined its image, is a quote from Joseph Fort Newton, a Baptist Minister and high ranking Mason, "The second of these volumes also contains an essay . . . by Thomas Carr, with a list of Lodges, and a study of their history, customs, and emblems—especially the Swastika. Bloodlines of the Illuminati 11. Rothschild. communism.htm