(HTML Rae West. 4 July 2000. This file is http://www.big-lies.org/jews/jews-birdwood-longest-hatred.htm
Lady Jane Birdwood in Britain published 'The Longest Hatred – Anti-Gentilism' as a booklet... I assume the title was a riposte to Robert S. Wistrich's book, Anti-Semitism: The Longest Hatred, also first published 1991.
The authors or editors are anonymous. A prosecution against Jane Birdwood was (as far as I've been able to determine) dropped, with the probably bogus claim that she was senile or otherwise mentally impaired, leaving the document's copyright status uncertain—it seems to be in a legal limbo. It's reproduced below without any omissions or interpolations (including note references, so there are no links back to the top of the page). The paragraphing and bold and italic typefaces are exactly as in the original—or, if they aren't, that's my mistake.
I'm told the material on Darwin in the appendix was included at the request of a friend of Birdwood's.
According to recent newspaper obituaries, Joan Pollock Graham, after RADA and adopting the name 'Jane' to avoid confusion with a radio actress, and working as a secretary or organiser, met Lieutenant Colonel the Hon Christopher Birdwood in 1947, in Germany, where he worked with the British Red Cross. He was married, but Joan/Jane seems to have ousted his wife by going to live with him in London two or three years later. He died in 1962; she died on June 28th 2000, aged 87, which reminded me that I had a copy of this pamphlet. The Times obituary says: '.. In 1991 she was tried at the Old Bailey on ten charges under the 1986 Public Order Act.. found guilty on all ten counts, given a three-month suspended prison sentence, and ordered to pay £500 towards prosecution costs. [sic] .. She continued distributing crazed pamphlets with titles such as "The Longest Hatred" and "The Snides of March", was prosecuted again, and given a second suspended jail sentence...' The Times failed to mention her third prosecution, beginning 5th Jan 1998, which seems to have been dropped when she refused to undertake to discontinue her publishing. See my chronology below in which I summarise these cases. (Note that the Guinness/Saunders case showed, or proved, rather dramatically, that mental capacity may be a legal and not medical device).
Added later: Jane Birdwood died in 2000. A commentator said that, even in her obituaries, no mention was made of the fact that she had been mugged by black(s).
An Examination of Anti-Gentilismby Inter-City Researchers
Published in July 1991
Inter-City Research Centre
31 Eastvale, Acton Vale, London W3 7RU.
Telephone: 081-749 0629ISBN 1 873704 00 3
THE BANKING RACKET | The Bank Fraud: How It Works | The Bank Fraud: How It Was Invented
THE BANK 'OF ENGLAND' AND THE NATIONAL DEBT | U.S. 'Federal Reserve' A Similar Racket | Behind Those Bank TV Adverts...
CONTROL OF MONETARY ISSUE MUST RETURN TO THE CROWN | "Her Majesty's Inspector Of Taxes" A Lie | National Independence: Japan Shows The Way
THE BANKING SYSTEM CORRUPTS 'DEMOCRACY' | Banks Create Inflation And Recession | Parliament: The Tool Of The Bankers | The Centre Of The Money Power
COMMUNISM IS JEWISH | Bankers Control Capitalism And Communism | The 'Cold War' A Fraud | American Intelligence Officers Expose The Jews Behind Communism | Zionism And Communism: Jewish Twins | Why The Change In Eastern Europe?
THE REAL REASON FOR COLOURED IMMIGRATION INTO BRITAIN | Race-Mixing Is Deadlier Than The H-Bomb | The Race Laws | Plans Formulated Years Ago | Race-Mixing: The Lesson Of History Suppressed | "Make Racism A Dirty Word!" | Immigration And The Slave Trade: The Jewish Connection
'ANTI-SEMITISM' CAUSED BY JEWISH ANTI-GENTILISM | Talmudic Blasphemies | "Fundamentally, Judaism Is Anti-Christian" | 'The Jews And Their Lies' | Organised Evil
MASONIC SECRET SOCIETIES ARE CONTROLLED BY JEWRY | Planned Chaos | "Beloved Brethren Of Moses.. ."
THE TRUTH REVERSED IN 'HOLOCAUST' HOAX | Mass Extermination By Gas Chambers—How The Jews Say It Was Done | What Fred Leuchter's Evidence Revealed Was Done | Anne Frank's Story
Publisher's Foreword
IT IS NOT a very commendable truism that in the Christian West today, we live in a materialistic society. But was it always so?
There must be enlightenment somewhere if we only knew where to look for it.
A good starting point is undoubtedly The Bible where, for instance, in the New Testament we find St. Matthew's warning in Chapter 6, Verse 24 of his Gospel: "Ye cannot serve God and mammon"—i.e. worldliness, riches and greed. Those six words of caution immediately suggest Christian soundness and common sense. We should remember too that it was Christ himself who angrily drove the money-lenders out of the Temple.
Left to their own devices and their somewhat unusual ideas of a contented, rewarding life, native Britons in the past instinctively shunned great wealth, preferring simpler tastes, pastimes and possessions, free from the massive financial entanglements which bear so heavily on us as we approach the 21st Century.
So, what has gone wrong? How can we start to give money its proper place in 'the daily round and common task' of life, without the burdens of insatiable borrowing which bestow a crippling legacy of interest-bearing debt upon our hapless children?
Try taking a close look at what this little book has to say about the problems confronting all of us. It makes a lot of sense, as you can see for yourself, and "serving mammon" really has so little going for it. "Serving God", on the other hand, could quickly remind us that the 'power without responsibility' wielded by those who largely underpin and manipulate our day-to-day lives through money-mania, is no substitute for honest-to-goodness living.Jane Birdwood, London
July 1991
HAVE YOU ever wondered where the Banks get all their money from? When they grant you a loan or allow you an overdraft, where does the money come from? According to Frederick Soddy, former eminent Oxford University Professor, Banks are:
"Institutions which pretend to lend money, and do not lend it, but create it, and when it is repaid to them, de-create it and have achieved the physically impossible miracle thereby, not only of getting something for nothing but also of getting perennial interest from it."
So the Banks create money out of nothing and charge you, the customer, over 10% interest to borrow it. And woe betide you if you default.
It is a delusion promoted by the Banks themselves that they are merely the custodians of their customers' deposits, that they lend these same deposits, and that their profit consists of the difference in the rate of interest they pay depositors, and the interest they receive from borrowers.
The truth is that no Bank lends as much as a penny of the money deposited with it. Every Bank loan or overdraft is a creation of entirely new money (credit) and is a clear addition to the amount of money in the community. It is no more than a record in a Bank ledger or computer and is actually the creation of new money out of nothing.
When an account is drawn on by cheque and the cheque is lodged in another account at the same or another Bank, a deposit is created and the supply of money increased. Thus Bank loans create "deposits" which are not the source of loan money, but rather the other way round—they are the outcome of loans. Banks can create credit virtually without restraint. But usually sound Banking practice limits the creation of credit to nine or ten times the amount of cash or legal tender which a Bank holds.
When it is said that a particular Bank has so many million in deposits, it is erroneously believed that it actually has this amount of money to lend out. It is a complete delusion. Those deposits are not cash at all—they are nothing but an enormous superstructure of credit.
In the early thirties, the Great Depression was deliberately contrived by restricting credit (overdrafts, loans) and plunging nations into unemployment and bankruptcy for millions. In this planned crisis there was no shortage of goods, the shops and stores were full, but the Banks stopped the flow of money.
Governments, councils, businesses and industry are in bondage to the Banks. Banks being the only source of money, the community has to borrow from the Banks the money to pay the interest on the money it has already borrowed. Under this system we get deeper and deeper into debt. The debts owing on public undertakings are debts in perpetuity—they are seldom fully repaid. Debt is compounded on debt and interest on interest, ad infinitum.
On June 25th, 1863, the Rothschild Brothers sent a letter to Messrs Ikleheimer, Morton and Vandergould at No. 3 Wall Street, New York, which included the following passage setting out the system by which Banks monopolize the creation, control and distribution of the nation's money from nothing and charge exorbitant interest to borrow it:
"The few who understand the system ... will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand the great body of people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps even without suspecting that the system is inimical to them."
We are the mugs who bear its burdens.According to any dictionary definition, every Director of a Bank—if not every local branch Bank Manager—is guilty of a deliberate fraud and hoax against their individual clients and against the British people as a whole. The fraud or hoax is quite simple:
A Bank makes an entry in one of its own ledgers (nowadays a computer file). This act brings a sum of 'money' into 'existence'. That sum of 'money' is then loaned to a customer—generally by means of a 'credit' to his account, which he 'spends' by issuing cheques. The loan, however, must be secured by a collateral of real value such as a house, and must be repaid—'capital' and interest—in real money, that is, money that has had to be worked for and is therefore a token of real wealth. Thereafter, by another stroke of the pen (or tap of the computer keys) the 'capital' sum originally created can be made to disappear out of existence. It really is a magic trick!
Many people believe that Banks only lend their own capital and the cash which their clients leave on deposit with them. This is far from the case. The total amount of 'money' which the Banks lend far exceeds the amount they have on deposit. It is only belief on the part of the borrower and other members of society with whom he conducts transactions—that Banks' cheques and the nation's currency notes and coins—are tokens of real wealth that keeps the whole system functioning.THE BANK FRAUD: HOW IT WAS INVENTED
The Bankers discovered how to exploit human credibility in the days when they were goldsmiths in the Middle Ages. They were the people who had strong vaults in which to store their stock. Other rich folk would hire space in the goldsmiths' vaults to protect their valuables. The goldsmiths would issue written receipts for the gold and other precious items they took in for safe keeping. In due course these receipts became items of transaction. Then the goldsmiths realised that they could make loans in the form of paper receipts rather than actual gold or silver coinage.
To begin with, they only loaned an amount which was equivalent to the total worth of the valuables they held in store. Eventually, when they realised that rarely, if ever, all their clients simultaneously withdrew their valuables from storage, they began to issue 'paper' loans far in excess of the actual wealth in their vaults. Thus began the great swindle that was to accrete to the Bankers their enormous affluence and inordinate power.
How that wealth and power built up can be appreciated from the fact that in England, prior to their expulsion in 1290, Jewish bankers were charging their clients two pence (2d.) in the shilling per week interest. [12 pennies in one shilling, 20 shillings in £1—remember?] At the end of just one year, even at simple interest, the borrower would owe eight shillings and eight pence in interest plus the original one shilling 'capital'. At compound interest, at the end of a year the borrower would owe a staggering one hundred and eleven pounds, five shillings—plus the original shilling!
Early in 1991 a very brief reference to this usury was made in a BBC2 TV 'documentary' about the 'persecution' of the Jews in England in mediaeval times. The programme quite ignored the terrible social consequences of such usury, and merely remarked that such interest rates were "usual"! That fact served to show who was 'persecuting' whom in those days—as in these! As an aside, it is noteworthy that the Jewish-run film and TV media love to churn out films about Italian/Sicilian Mafia "loan sharks" whose activities are rightly put on a par with drug-dealing and prostitution. When did you last see a film about Jewish money-lenders—even mediaeval ones—with their activities thus described? Where Jewish money-lenders, of any era, are featured in films they are always depicted as self-sacrificing charity donors and/or sponsors of 'enlightened' political causes and/or great patrons of the Arts. Yet the man who consolidated the Mafia's 'banking operation' and thereby created the international crime syndicate known as the 'Cosa Nostra' was the Zionist Jew Meyer Lansky. That crime empire should more correctly be described as 'The Kosher Nostra'!
The Jewish Bankers in the mediaeval era were able in England and throughout Europe to enforce their usury on the generality of the population because they cleverly cut the local King in on their racket. The King's soldiers and Law Courts could be relied upon (usually) to provide the Jews with protection and enforce judgements against loan defaulters. (As a matter of fact, this is pretty much how the racket operates today, with power-hungry politicians frantic for Jewish patronage and anxious to stick all four trotters as well as their snouts in the Bankers' money trough!)
Fortunately for the English people in olden times an honest man in the form of King Edward the First came to the throne. He became known as "Good King Edward" and "The Law Giver". He opposed usury for sound moral reasons, took no bribes from the Jews, passed laws forbidding them to engage in usury and, when they persistently sought to evade this and also took up coin-clipping. He expelled them from the land in 1290 under the terms of The Statute of Jewry. (We will deal in greater detail with this great act of liberation in a later chapter.)
As we know to our cost, the Jews were allowed to settle in Britain again by the regicide dictator and commoner Oliver Cromwell, and by 1694 they had got their whole racket in top gear again with the creation of the Bank 'of England'.
"In 1694 JEWS created the Bank of England."—The Jews and Modern Capitalism.
The Bank of England is not English in origin and was not founded as a Government institution but a privately run Bank.
The Government of the day surrendered its sovereign prerogative over the issue and control of the nation's money into the hands of a private group of financiers. From this date to the present, successive British Governments have borrowed money from the Bankers to run the nation's business and fights its wars—money which the Bankers create out of nothing.
All unpaid 'loans' plus accumulated interest forms the National Debt. Income tax and all other taxes are not paid simply to meet all the current and anticipated expenses of Government—these are mainly paid for out of new loans—but in large part to service the National Debt which has been built up over centuries. Thus the whole country and its people are in pawn to the Banks and all the real power resides, therefore, not in Parliament but with the mega-Bankers who issue the nation's money and control its value and distribution.
The 'nationalisation' of the Bank of England in 1946 provided an opportunity to reverse this situation. But it was not taken, so the charade continues, although by slightly different means.
For centuries the British people have toiled, laboured, starved and begged; not because of any shortage of food, goods and services, but because the Banks have withheld the means of exchange. They have created poverty in the midst of plenty.
The Government offers Treasury Notes (the nation's IOUs) to the Banks in return for money to carry on the nation's business. Thus the national estate has been systematically pawned to the banks, and the people have been progressively sold into debt-and-tax bondage.
Every Government, every municipality, every public utility is debt-logged, and to meet their increasing interest obligations they must do one or all of three things:
1. Constantly increase the cost to the public of the services which they provide, i.e.: higher Government taxes/local Council rates, etc.
2. Invent new sources of income, i.e. selling off publicly-owned assets such as real estate and the 'privatisation' of Government-owned industries.
3. Borrow more debt money from the Banks.
As we know to our cost, they do all three, and the spiral of price, debt and taxation is ever upward.
Reginald McKenna, one-time Chancellor of the Exchequer and a Chairman of the Midland Bank, addressing a meeting of Bank shareholders in 1920 confirmed that the Bankers control the Government and direct its policy:
"Banks can and do create money. The amount of money in existence varies only with the action of the Banks in increasing and decreasing deposits and bank purchases. Every loan, overdraft or bank purchase creates a deposit, and every repayment of a loan, overdraft or bank sale destroys a deposit. And they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people." [our emphasis]
George Knupffer in his book The Struggle for World Power revealed that the founder (in 1694) of the Bank of England, William Patterson [The Financiers' 'Front'] stated openly that: "The Bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing."
Knupffer explained how the Bankers printed and issued banknotes, most of which was 'book-entry' money, passed on by cheque. (Over 90% of all payments nowadays are by cheque or credit card). He went on to state:
"The Bank of England ... was the first payment institution which was legally empowered to issue state-authorised paper currency and, therefore, the Government itself became its debtor. Thus the State not only renounced its monopoly on monetary emission, but also agreed to borrow the privately-created money from the bankers... Not only the thing being done, but even the very name was a deliberate fraud and deception [it should have been 'Bank of the Jews'] to conceal the essence of the deed. To create money out of nothing is to make valid and effective claim on all goods and services for no return, which is a fraud and theft, made worse by the circumstances that the money is lent out at interest ... it follows that those who have the power to 'create' out of nothing all the money in each country and the whole world and lend it as stated, have total power over all states, parties, firms, radio, press, individuals and so on. Therefore the powers or Parliament are largely ephemeral ... The power of Parliament in general, and especially with regard to money, is non-existent, and all the true sovereignty is in the hands of those private individuals who issue all money and determine its value and distribution."U.S. 'FEDERAL RESERVE' A SIMILAR RACKET
A racket similar to that operated by the Bank 'of England' was set up in the United States of America with the creation of the Federal Reserve Board in 1913. The matter was described in the South African patriotic periodical News of the World as follows: "Today in America the institution known as the Federal Reserve, which was also created by the International Bankers, carries more power than does either Congress or the President. In 1916 Woodrow Wilson said: 'A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men....—and these few men are the heirs of those who long ago laid the foundation for the takeover of the entire world! ... bankers such as the Rockefellers, the House of Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Kuhn Loeb & Co., Lehman Brothers, are among those bankers who have tremendous interest in the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has never had a public audit and all too often has acted in complete defiance of the Constitution of the United States..." It should also be mentioned that membership of the Board of the Federal Reserve has never been divulged officially; and that all the Chief Executive officers of 'The Fed' since its formation have been Jews. (Alan Greenspan is the latest.)
Contrary to all the glossy TV adverts about the kind and generous services offered by the banks to their customers, every year they destroy thousands of peoples' lives and businesses—driving some to suicide—as a result of their high interest rates and high pressure tactics. The Banks have loaned billions to corrupt Third World countries. Many of these loans are said to have been "written off". In fact what the Banks have done is cancel some of the debts owed by Third World nations and recoup their losses by upping their charges and interest rates to clients in North America and Europe. Set against this the fact that in Britain many elderly folk die each winter because they are unable to feed themselves properly and keep warm. An estimated hundred thousand people sleep rough.
ON 22nd DECEMBER 1964 Captain Henry Kirby, M. P., called upon the House of Commons to support the Motion that:
"The continued issue of all the means of exchange—be they coin, bank notes or credit largely passed on by cheque—by private firms as an interest-bearing debt against the public should cease forthwith; that the Sovereign power and duty of issuing money should be returned to the Crown, then be put into circulation free of all debt and interest obligations, as a public service, not as a private opportunity for profit and control for no tangible returns to the British people... so as to assure the State and Nation the benefits of that emission and relieve them of the immense and growing burdens of a parasitical National and private debt; and to make certain that control passes to the taxed and is taken out of the hands of the present hidden unlawful beneficiaries of taxation ... this House calls upon Her Majesty's Government to introduce the required legislation... to assure unprecedented prosperity with true sovereignty and liberty."
If our cowardly and contemptible bunch of politicians had supported Captain Kirby we would now have interest-free mortgages and virtually no taxation. We could have become the most prosperous nation on earth. But the Members of Parliament we vote for look after their own interests and faithfully serve the satanic Bankers who are wrecking and ruining Britain."HER MAJESTY'S INSPECTOR OF TAXES" A LIE
Captain Kirby's Motion made it clear that the name given to tax collectors—"Her Majesty's Inspectors of Taxes"—is more than just a misnomer, it is a lie. The name implies that control over the issue of money is in the hands of the Crown in Parliament. It is not. It is merely a Government-organised service whereby the general public are forced to pay interest to service the National Debt.
The real reason for the amazing Japanese success since the end of World War Two is that they control their own money system and are served by politicians who put Japanese interests first. They take advantage of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and other International Banker-created arrangements designed to promote "World Free Trade" by getting their goods into other nations' markets, but they erect all manner of barriers to inhibit, if not completely prevent, other nations selling their goods to the Japanese market. They pursue, in effect, economic nationalism, while British politicians of all the main Parliamentary parties—and indeed, the Establishment politicians of all the parties throughout most of the rest of the world—advance economic internationalism as a way of creating what they see as the ultimate goal for Mankind: "One World".
In fact, as we know, the only people to benefit from "One World" will be the Jewish International Bankers who will control its monetary and economic system and, thereby, control the World Government.
NO STUDY of the banking swindle would be complete without some reference to the House of Rothschild whose members have established themselves as hereditary Princes of Usury. The family business was started in Frankfurt in the 18th century by Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He send his sons to England, France and Austria to establish local branches, and within a generation this family held all the nations of Europe in the grip of debt.
Early in the 19th Century Nathan Rothschild, founder of the 'British' branch of the House of Rothschild ['Rothschild' = 'Red Shield' in German] declared: "Let me control a nation's money and I care not who writes its laws".
Nathan Rothschild was very annoyed to find in the earlier stages of his career in usury that the Bank of England refused to grant his banking house special privileges. How he brought the governors of the Bank to heel was explained by Virginia Cowles in her pro-Rothschild book The Rothschilds: A Family of Fortune (published in 1973 by the Jewish firm Weidenfeld and Nicolson):
He arrived one day at the Bank with a group of henchmen and presented Bills of Exchange to all the cashiers, demanding gold. (At that time banks were then required by law to exchange their paper money for gold upon demand.) He did this for the following two days, disrupting all other business. When the Bank's governors came to realise that he was prepared to demand at least £11 million in gold—worth scores of billions in today's values—they took fright and quickly granted the special privileges Rothschild had demanded!
It was on account of exploits such as this that in 1828 the Whig Member of Parliament for Hertford, T.P. Duncombe, addressed the following comments about Nathan Rothschild to the House of Commons:
"There is—deny it who can—a secret influence behind the Government whose form is never seen, whose name is never breathed, who has access to all the secrets of state and who arranges the sudden springs of Ministerial advancement...
" ... Closely connected with this invisible, this incorporeal influence stands a more solid and substantial form, a new and formidable power, till these days unknown in Europe; master of unbounded wealth, he boasts that he is the arbiter of peace and war and that the credit of nations depends on his nod; his correspondents are invulnerable; his couriers outrun those of sovereign princes and absolute sovereigns; Ministers of state are in his pay. Paramount in the cabinets of Europe, he aspires to domination of our own ...
"... I trust that the Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel will not allow the finances of this country to be controlled any longer by a Jew."—Hansard, 2nd. Series, XVIII, 542-3.
They did—and the stranglehold of the Rothschilds and other international Jewish Bankers over Britain's and the world's economy has got ever tighter. Duncombe started to write a book entitled The Jews in England, but unfortunately he died before it could be completed and published.A RUSSIAN COUNT ON THE ROTHSCHILD DYNASTY
Major-General Count Cherep-Spiridovich—a member of the old Russian aristocracy who saw his beloved Russia decimated by the Jewish Bolsheviks wrote in his book The Secret World Government or The Hidden Hand (which first appeared in 1926):
"Evil is enthroned in Moscow. The promoters are not Russians, they are Jews... all the Soviet Jews changed their names into Russian ... all the Czars were murdered by the Hidden Hand ... Modern history must be looked at as a mortal implacable assault of the Judeo-Mongol Invisible Government (headed by a Rothschild since 1770) against Christ, Christendom, Christian ideals and Monarchs.
"... Baron Edward A. Rothschild V. is today the 'Uncrowned Ruler of the World'. He controls the 300 men of the Hidden Hand, 300 billion dollars and 90% of the world's press. Most of the 'statesmen' are his obedient valets! Now the Rothschilds are the Dictators and Assassins of the World.
"The founders of the dynasty of the Occult Supreme World Emperors and World Assassins were Amschel Mayer, a Jew, and his wife, Gutter Schnapper, a Jewess, in Frankfurt-on-Main, in Southern Germany... Rothschilds are everywhere masters of the financial situation: there is one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild... The Rothschilds can start or prevent wars. Their word could make or break empires ...
"The 'French' Revolution, as the others, was organised and financed by the Rothschilds in order to murder the Christians, to plunder them and to obtain ‘all the kingdoms'. ... All the revolutions and world unrest have been and will be organised by the same Jewish Occult World Government ... every bloodshed since 1770 was organised by the Rothschilds; and as they control 90% of the world's press, it was ordered to keep silent about their nefarious deeds.
"The Rothschilds wish to whitewash themselves as much as possible. They fear that the so-called 'Christians' might cease to be unheard-of imbeciles, cowards and boot-lickers. Therefore the Rothschilds pretend or claim their motto is "Concordia, Industria, Integritas", while no family has done more to cause bloody discords and murders and has less integrity than these Satanists.
"... The Rothschilds have been the backbone of all political and financial happenings since 1770. Their name ought to be mentioned on each page of the history of every country. The authors, teachers, lecturers and politicians who do not speak of them, must be considered dupes, hypocrites or criminally ignorant."
THE PRATTLE of the Jewish former Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson are just so many lies and falsehoods for the British sheep. His master, the Rothschild's financial system, is totally to blame for rampant inflation, ever-more taxes and soaring interest rates—and this situation will get worse, not better. "Frankness and honesty are vices in politics"—The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
So-called 'democracy' is an illusion; it represents not the will of the people but control by the Bankers. Long ago Benjamin Disraeli, the Jewish Prime Minister and protégé of Lionel Rothschild, put the real truth in a few words in his book Coningsby:
"The World is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those not behind the scenes."
"Governments do not govern; they merely control the machinery of government being themselves controlled by the Hidden Hand."
All elections are an exercise in futility. A facetious choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledee. The pawns may change but the hand which moves them remains the same. Democracy is supposed to mean that the will of the majority is paramount. But even the unthinking can see that on all the really important issues like coloured immigration, entry into the European Community, the adoption of the Metric system to replace our ancient system of weights, measures and money, the wishes of the British people have counted for nothing, because politicians are the obedient servants of the mega-Bankers.BANKS CREATE INFLATION AND RECESSION
At the time of writing this work the main 'High Street' Banks are charging the average individual customer and small businesses requiring an overdraft up to 6 or 7 per cent interest above the Bank 'of England' Base Rate, currently about 12 per cent—i.e. a total of about 18 per cent interest! Attempts by the Conservative Government to revive the recession-gripped British economy (and their chances of getting re-elected!) by a series of 1/2 per cent reductions in the 'Bank Rate' have not been matched by the main clearing banks. The Banks' policy in this regard has been given the approval of the Governor of the Bank 'of England', Sir Robin Leigh-Pemberton—further proof that the Bankers are independent of Governmental authority. In addition to their interest rates the Banks also impose on their hapless clients sundry "commission", "transaction" and "arrangement" fees.
"Money is not a commodity, though regarded and operated as such. Money is a mechanism of distribution. If goods and services are available, restriction because of a shortage of money amounts to a sacrilege. Goods and services are the correct basis for money"—Lieut. Col. J. Creagh Scott, Hidden Government.
In Britain today, many old age pensioners are forced to penny-pinch on food and fuel when these are available in abundance.PARLIAMENT: THE TOOL OF THE BANKERS
With the notable exception of a few honest and courageous parliamentarians like the late Captain Henry Kirby and the late Duke of Bedford, all the people you elect to Parliament have made themselves the willing and obedient servants of International Jewish Finance.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion state:
The administrators whom we shall choose from among the public, with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the art of government, and will therefore easily become pawns in our game in the hands of men of genius who will be their advisers."
It is the age of Rothschild "Think Tanks" and "Experts" and "Advisers" who stand behind every government. The political leaders of this world are no more than pawns in the game that is being played out. The late Duke of Bedford tried to expound the truth in the House of Lords and published a book. He met with a premature death (murdered?). Captain Henry Kirby M.P., put down two motions in the House of Commons in 1964 to return the power of the issue of money to the Crown. Kirby met with a premature death a few years later (murdered?). The late Archbishop Temple died immediately after saying that be would do something about the issue of money (murdered?). United States Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were assassinated for trying to return the issue of money to Congress as laid down in the US Constitution. The American War of Independence was fought over the payment of taxes to the Crown—i.e. the English Bankers. The money power is ruthless and will silence anyone who alerts the people to their planned take-over.Britain's great financial and commercial institutions, wealthy banks—dominated by the Rothschild-controlled Bank of 'England'—Lloyds of London, the London Stock Exchange and the offices of many leading international trading concerns are concentrated in that small area of London known as 'The City'—only 677 acres in extent and once known as "the wealthiest square mile on earth". 'The City' used to be the Capital of International Finance, and though still a very powerful centre of usury that title has long since fallen to the financial district of New York (Wall Street, Manhattan).
In New York are to be found, for example: The Rockefellers' Chase Manhattan Bank, The Federal Reserve Board, Kuhn Loeb & Co., the Rockefeller U.N. Building, the Rockefeller-run Council on Foreign Relations, the Warburg Bank and all the rest of the international money-and-power mongers. Perhaps New York is the "great city" referred to in Revelation, Chapter 18: "... for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived ... And in her was found the blood ... of all that were slain upon the earth".
In his book Descent into Slavery Des Griffin wrote:
"The small clique who rule the City dictate to the British Parliament. it tells them what to do and when In theory Britain is ruled by a Prime Minister and a Cabinet of close advisers. These fronts go to great lengths to create the impression that they are running the show but, in reality, they are mere puppets whose strings are pulled by the shadowy characters who dominate behind the scenes. History clearly reveals that the British government is the bond slave of the invisible and inaudible force centred in 'The City'. The City calls the tune. The 'visible and audible' leaders are mere puppets and dance to that tune on command. They have no power, they have no authority. In spite of the outward show they are mere pawns in the game being played by the financial elite."
OBVIOUSLY the day will come when incomes will not suffice to pay both for essentials and interest payments to the Money Gangsters. When it does, the whole system will collapse by having become an unbearable and unworkable scandal. Then the Money Moguls plan to introduce their 'Cashless Society'—which would make abject slaves of everyone—and set up their One-World Government with a World Dictator chosen from among the number of their own inner elite. This is the direction in which current trends are leading us.
As George Knupffer wrote in The Struggle for World Power:
"The steps being taken since the end of the last World War to create a European State are part of the preparations for the destruction of the national states and the establishment of the World Government".
To consolidate their stranglehold over peoples and nations, the Top Bankers will soon introduce their 'Cashless Society' in which all cash money—coins and notes—will be abolished. All financial transactions will be fully computerised. Individuals' incomes (wages, salaries, pensions, etc.) will be automatically credited to their Bank accounts, and all payments automatically deducted. All traded products will have a Bar Code in which product name, price, weight and other information will be computer-scanned at check-outs. This system is already in operation in most supermarkets. It is a system that will accelerate the destruction of small independent shops and tradesmen as only the big chain stores and conglomerates will be able to afford such systems.
In due course the Bankers plan to have every human being invisibly but indelibly marked at birth (by means of laser technology) with his or her own Bar Code. The six-bar Bar Code ('666') system will encode the individual's name, address, family antecedents, and social security number. This information can be added to and amended at various stages of life with details of education record, employment history, current financial status, business interests and associates, Court convictions, health record, social contacts, friends, enemies, visits abroad, political views and associations, hobbies, etc. Scanners in Banks, shops, Government and municipal offices, the personnel departments of potential employers, Police stations and patrol vehicles, etc., would be equipped to access relevant parts (and in some cases all) of this data.
In effect, people will become mobile credit cards. A simple version of just such a system has already been perfected to assist the authorities trace the owners of stray animals. This system would be the very ultimate in surveillance, making all of us abject slaves of the Financial Moguls and of the various kinds of State functionaries whose job it is to impose "Social Control".
Of course such a system would make certain types of crime, particularly financial fraud—except that of the Bankers!—all but impossible. But any such advantage would be infinitely outweighed by the stupendous power which such a system would bestow on those who operated it. Any individual who offended the Bankers or the Government hirelings who serve them could be cut off, electronically, from income, pension, employment, health care, housing and Social Security rights ... even the ability to effect a simple purchase from a shop. At the tap of a few computer keys any individual found to be out of step with the International Banker-imposed World Order would be cut off from society's increasingly computerised life-support systems and rendered an 'unperson'.
The horror of this development was foretold in the last volume of the New Testament—The Book of Revelation (otherwise known as The Apocalypse):
Chapter 13, Verses 16 & 17: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand or their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he had that mark, or the name of the beast or the number of his name."
Chapter 14, Verses 9—10: "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice If any man worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink the wine of the wrath of God..."
Chapter 16, Verse 2: "And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image."
[Emphasis ours throughout]WE HAVE all been led to believe that the Communists are the implacable enemies of the Capitalists, especially the super-wealthy, and seek to rob them of their fortunes. The truth is very different. In his book Zionism Rules the World Henry Klein, a Jewish New York lawyer, wrote: "In 1917, Schiff, Warburg and their associates (super-rich New York Jewish Bankers) financed Trotsky [Bronstein] and Lenin [Ulyanov] who overthrew the Russian government. Their revolutionary followers murdered the Czar and his family and millions of persons in the Ukraine ... Communism is no menace to money control—it is an instrument of money power."
An official American Intelligence Report at the time of the 'Russian' Revolution revealed: "In February 1916, we learned for the first time that a revolution was being fomented in Russia. We discovered that the persons and concerns given below were engaged in this work of destruction:
Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn, Mortimer Schiff, Jerome Hanauer, Charles Guggenheim and Max Breitung—Jewish Directors of Kuhn Loeb & Co (Jewish Bank, Rothschild subsidiary, New York). There is scarcely any doubt that the Russian Revolution, which broke out a year after the above information reached us, was worked up and launched by distinctly Jewish influences."
The Report listed all of the people who came into prominence in the first Soviet Government from Zinovieff [real name Apfelbaum] to Zibar [real name Martinow]. 'A' to 'Z', they were all Jews. (A full text of the report appears in the book Plans of the Synagogue of Satan.)
The Russian General Arsene de Goulevitch in Czarism and Revolution confirms that it was Jewish Bankers who financed the Revolution. Later on, (according to F. J. Irsigler in Who Makes Our Money?) the financing was handled by a syndicate of international Bankers which included J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller interests and Lord Rothschild. Rothschild "spent over 21 million roubles in financing the 'Russian' (sic) Revolution.
The financiers' participation in the Communist take-over of Russia was well known among Allied Intelligence services, but not a finger was lifted to stop them because they are the real masters of the world."
In a letter published in The Times on 14th November 1919, a British Army officer in Southern Russia—an eye-witness of the Bolshevik Revolution wrote: "The Bolshevists form about 5% of the population of Russia—Jews. (80-90% of the Commissaries are Jews). In towns captured by the Bolshevists the only unviolated sacred buildings are the synagogues, while churches are used for anything from movie shows to slaughter-houses. If a commissary, steeped in murder and rape, with mutilation, happens to be a Jew, as most of them are, should he receive exceptional treatment?" His letter goes on to describe in horrific detail the bestial tortures and mass killings inflicted on the Russian people by the Jewish Bolshevists.BANKERS CONTROL CAPITALISM AND COMMUNISM
A one-time Director of British Naval Intelligence, Admiral Sir Barry Domville, wrote in his memoirs From Admiral to Cabin-Boy that Parliament was controlled from behind the scenes by a "Judeo-Masonic Combination". Commander Guy Carr, R.N., in his book Pawns in the Game quoted Domville as stating: "International Jewry, headed by the Jewish bankers, was the secret power behind the world revolutionary movement".
(Carr's view was that the secret power Domville referred to was in fact the Masonic sect known as The Illuminati. Many students of secret societies and subversive cults hold that The Illuminati was Jewish in its intellectual inspiration—and probably also in its leading personnel. It owed many of its beliefs to The Cabbala and other esoteric Jewish texts. Certainly the opinions and techniques advocated by The Illuminati bear close comparison with the contents of The Protocols of the Learned Eiders of Zion. So in a sense both Domville and Carr were correct.)
The Gangster Bankers created and financed Communism and have kept it going throughout the years with massive infusions of Western aid. They created it and they control it. The confrontation between Communism and Capitalism is a pretence. The Bankers, according to Douglas Reed in Far and Wide "plan to achieve their objectives through the clash between these masses". Only recently a consortium of 'British' bankers granted a loan of £3 billion to China and some £2 billion to Soviet Russia. This means that they have given £5 billion in credit (created out of nothing) to Communists to buy British goods—mainly high-tech goods which could be used against us in another war. Think what £5 billion would do to help our under-funded hospitals, the aged and disabled.
The Capitalist West and the Communist East are controlled by exactly the same people. "Only recently our race has given the world a new prophet, but he has two faces and bears two names: on the one side, his name is Rothschild, the leader of all the Capitalists, on the other, Karl Marx, the Apostle of those who want to destroy the other."—Blumenthal, Judisk Tidskrift, 1929, Sweden.For nearly half a century the West spent untold billions of pounds/trillions of dollars to defend itself against an enemy which it created itself and continues to maintain. Communism in Russia would have collapsed years ago had it not been for the constant infusions of Western aid. And why? Because the Jews who control both camps have plundered the West to build up their system of Communism with which to threaten the rest of the world
The Soviet military machine is almost entirely the creation of the West, and there is no such thing as "Soviet technology"—only Western technology on Soviet soil. Since 1917, 90-95% of 'Soviet' technology has come from the United States and Western Europe. We have built for—or sold, or traded, or given outright to—the Communists everything from steel mills to tyre factories, from copper wire to motor vehicles, from missile equipment to computers. Major Jordan's Diaries (New York, 1951) revealed that America delivered to the Soviets "tons of materials for the manufacture of Atomic bombs". Commander Baillie Grohman, R.N., stated in the British newsletter Candour that Russia had complete access to all of Britain's technology. Professor Antony Sutton conducted a massive in-depth study of East-West trade and published his findings in National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union. He provided masses of evidence to prove and confirm that "Russia was made in America".
John Stockwell, of the US Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) broke his secrecy oath to reveal in his book In search of Enemies that America and Russia are not enemies but loyal allies pursuing the same objective: A One-World Socialist-Communist Dictatorship. (See Henry Kissinger—Soviet Agent by Frank Capell).
Louis Marshalko, on page 227 of his book World Conquerors, quoted Chaim Weizmann (the Rothschild-funded leader of Zionist-Jewry during the first half of the 20th Century) as saying:
"We are one people despite ostensible rifts, cracks and differences between the American and Soviet democracies. We are one people and it is not in our interest that the West should liberate the East, for in doing this and in liberating the enslaved nations the West would inevitably deprive Jewry of the eastern half of its world empire."AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS EXPOSE THE JEWS BEHIND COMMUNISM
Colonel John Beaty of US Military Intelligence stated in his book Iron Curtain Over America that Communism was imposed on Russia by Jews, that members of the same tribe had infiltrated the American Government and Administration and were the real directors of America foreign policy. Furthermore, they controlled the American media, were brainwashing the people, undermining the Constitution and destroying America from within.
Major Robert Williams of American Counter Intelligence, revealed in his book The Ultimate World Order that there was "A Jewish World Power movement hidden inside the Communist movement" and that "it is the Anglo-Saxon who must be undermined, softened, brainwashed, made to breed with the dark races if the Zionists are to win". He projected that the master strategists would precipitate a Third World War between the Zionist State of Israel—backed by America and the West—and the Arab-Moslem World, supposedly backed by the Soviets, the real objective, however, was to destroy the industrial and military capacity of the West and Communism. He regarded Communism as merely a temporary tool of Jewish ambition, and predicted that a Jewish World Super State would be built on the ruins created by such a war. He concluded: "Unless the American people recapture their government and smash the Zionist machine, the insane elements within that machine may wipe out Mankind".ZIONISM AND COMMUNISM: JEWISH TWINS
Douglas Reed stated that Communism and Zionism both sprang out of the Jewish ghettoes of Eastern Europe—one to undermine Government from above and the other from below, and that the final objective of both these movements is the same: Jewish World Government..
The late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia who, you will recall, was assassinated, revealed the truth about Communism when he described Zionism as "the Mother of Communism", in an interview published in Newsweek magazine on 2lst December 1970. He added "It helped to spread Communism around the world. It is now trying to weaken the US and if the plan succeeds they will inherit the world ... it's all a great plot. They [Russia and Israel] are only pretending to work against each other in the Middle East... The Zionists are deceiving the US.. the Communists are cheating the Arabs, but actually they are in league with the Zionists ... Zionism and Communism are working hand-in-glove to block any settlement [in the Middle East] that will restore peace."WHY THE CHANGE IN EASTERN EUROPE?
The present moves in Russia and elsewhere behind the so-called 'Iron Curtain' to give Communism a more human face may be no more than a propaganda exercise to deceive and soften-up the people of the West. However, we should remember the prediction of David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, published in Look magazine of 16th January 1962:
"The image of the world in 1987.. the Cold War will be a thing of the past. International pressure of the constantly growing intelligentsia in Russia for more freedom and the pressure of the masses for raising their living standards may lead to a gradual democratization of the Soviet Union.
"On the other hand, the increasing influence of the workers and farmers, and the rising political importance of men of science, may transform the United States into a Welfare State with a planned economy. Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states having a socialist and democratic regime—with the exception of USSR—as a Federated Eurasian state. All other continents will become united in a World Alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force ... Jerusalem will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind." [Emphasis ours].
In other words, the union of Eastern and Western Europe will be a prelude to Jewish World Government.
The Eastern Bloc countries must seem to become more liberal and democratic preparatory to their absorption into a United States of Europe. A multi-billion pound 'loan' to Poland by the European Community is being mooted to prop up its inefficient economy. This means that British resources will pour into Poland instead of helping the British people. The Poles are hard-working and their present economic mess is due to the corrupt alliance between International Bankers and their previous Communist government.
It was recently announced that the industrialised nations—including Britain—have agreed on a £36 billion aid plan to "help the new European democracies to develop". Parallel with this is the setting up of a European Central Bank for the use of emergent Eastern Bloc nations requiring loans. This will bring new problems as once again the money is created out of nothing as an interest-bearing debt.
What price our government's claim that British workers' pay rises are fuelling inflation?
The newly-established European Central Bank must therefore be a stage in the eventual setting up of a Jewish One World Central Bank with a single currency. Moves are already under way to establish a single European currency.
It is significant that many of the leaders of the "new democratic parties" emerging in the Eastern Bloc are Jews. The electorate in Poland, however, has made a stand against the "Zhids".
THE REALITY is that the Gangster Bankers who created and financed Communism also control the 'British' Parliament from behind the scenes. The House of Commons is no more than a House of Traitors. For years politicians of all parties have furthered the plans and ambitions of the Money Power, not looked after the interests of the British people. There could be no more clear evidence of this than Coloured Immigration.
Against the clear wishes of the indigenous British people and in a manner which can only be described as treasonable, an estimated 10 million racially unassimilable aliens have been brought into our already overcrowded island. The incomers include: West Indians, Africans, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Iranians, Vietnamese, Tamils, Philippinos, Arabs, Egyptians, Indonesians, Malaysians, South and Central Americans, Chinese, Greek and Turkish Cypriots, etc., not to mention vast numbers of 'nearly-Whites' from southern Europe. Now we face the prospect of further millions from Hong Kong—and Turkey, if Turkey's application to join the 'European' Common Market is successful. The hostility which these various ethnic groups bear for us, the 'host' community, is often only exceeded by the imported ancestral hatreds which they nurture for each other
Why is this being done to our country? Because the almighty International Bankers—Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers and their associates have decided that all the peoples of the world are going to have a World Government imposed on them whether they like it or not, and breaking down the identities of the various sovereign nations is best achieved by mixing up their populations. As the pro-World Government spokesman Rabbi Abraham Feinberg put it "One World—One Race: the deliberate encouragement of inter-racial marriage."
Britain has been selected by the Bankers to be their first victim nation in the context of the Common Market and other developing World Government structures. To ensure that the planned destruction of our nation is total and permanent the Bankers have determined that our unique Anglo-Saxon-Celtic people must be obliterated as a distinct ethnic group by means of forced race mixing with hordes of Blacks, Browns and Yellows who are being deliberately brought into our country for this purpose
Eustace Mullins, in his book History of the Jews, quoted a speech by Rabbi Rabinovitch in Budapest forty years ago, which shows clearly what the intentions of the Jewish Bankers are: "Mixing the dark with the white means an end of the White man..... thus the White Race will disappear and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory".
The politicians you vote for have been fully co-operating with the Bankers in this strategy. To speed up the process of the destruction and decay of our race and nation and to create room for more new alien immigrants, the British people are being deluged with mass media propaganda to induce them to reduce their numbers by means of abortion, sterilization, vasectomy and contraception. Remember that mass media hacks, like Parliamentary politicians, are simply the obedient servants and handsomely-paid hirelings of the International Jewish Conspiracy.
Our race and nation is now being destroyed. What are you doing about it? A vote for any of the Parliamentary political parties is a vote of support for the Satanic Bankers and the destruction of your own kind.RACE-MIXING IS DEADLIER THAN THE H-BOMB
In his book Deadlier Than The H-Bomb Wing-Commander Leonard Young states that there are only two reasons for Coloured Immigration:
1. To pollute and destroy our race by mongrelization; and
2. To provide degenerate urban mobs which can be used for revolutionary purposes.
He clearly identified the real driving force behind the plan to destroy Britain when he wrote:
"The Banking System which was foisted on this country in 1694 and during succeeding years over most of the world has been the main means by which the Jews have brought misery and impoverishment everywhere. By their manipulation of finance they have been the cause of most wars and economic and social troubles. They have been able to obtain control of governments and of the means of publicity (Press, Radio, TV, Films, Publishing Houses, News Services, etc.) and so have been able to suppress the truth and propagate the lie. This has enabled them to fool and bully the people of the world into following the most suicidal courses until the Jews are now in the position of expecting to clamp final dominion upon the world by means of a supranational organisation and some form of irresistible world police force which they would control."
If you think we don't have censorship in Britain, try and buy a copy "from any good bookshop" or borrow one from a public library.
The United Nations is the prototype for World Government. A prominent Jew—Harold Wallace Rosenthal—wrote in his Confessions:"The U.N. is nothing but a trap door to the Red world's immense concentration camp ... We [i.e. the Jews] pretty much control the U.N."
The U.N. has declared in its numerous conventions that there should be international interbreeding and a uniform world population. Successive British governments have supported these aims by subscribing to The Charter of the United Nations. This foundation document of the U.N. was for the most part drafted by Alger Hiss, top foreign policy adviser to President Roosevelt. Hiss was later convicted of being a key member of a Soviet spy network in America. Apart from Hiss and the man who exposed him, all of the leading members of this network—including the Soviet Embassy officials who managed it—were Jews.
In 1912 Israel Cohen wrote a book on Communist tactics entitled A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century. It has proven to be prophetic:
"We must realise that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mould them to our program. The terms 'colonialism ' and 'imperialism ' must be featured in our propaganda. in America we will aim for subtle victory while inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavour to instil in the Whites a guilt complex for exploiting the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sport and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America [and Britain] to our cause."
This is why our Banker-controlled TV and advertising industry are working mightily to promote the Negro and why we now have Negroes and Asiatics reading the 'news' and entertaining our children. Just how successful has all their propaganda been can be seen throughout Britain by the increasing numbers of Britons rushing to commit racial suicide by cohabiting with the dark races and producing mongrels. Carried to finality this means the permanent and irreversible destruction of Britain and the British people, which is exactly what the Money Lords intend.The Zionist Board of Deputies of British Jews formulated the 'Race Laws' which now amend the Public Order Act and various other Statutes. The first Race Relations Bill was introduced into the House of Commons by the Labour Attorney General, the immigrant Russian Jew Sir Frank Soskice in 1965. Draconian amendments to the Race Relations Act of 1976 (which, for example, removed from the Crown the need to prove 'intent' in prosecutions for 'Incitement to Racial Hatred') was passed in the House of Commons with only 132 of the 635 Members being present. It is well known that numerous M.P.s are privately opposed to the Race Relations law but they were terrified that if they went to the House and spoke up and voted against the amendments they would be ...
1. Smeared in the Jewish-controlled mass media as being "racist", which might deprive them of the votes of the ever-increasing 'ethnic minority' communities and/or
2. Made targets of physical violence by Jewish organised and funded "antiracialist/anti-Fascist" 'Rentamob' organisations, and/or
3. Deprived of funding and patronage—personal as well as political—from Jewish sources ...
... so on that crucial occasion 80% of our M.P.s hid away in their funk holes. It is thanks to these craven traitors that the Jews are able to make a farce of Parliament and get their way even against the wishes of the vast majority of the British people.
A subsequent series of amendments to the Act were introduced to the House of Commons in 1986 by the Lithuanian Jew Home Secretary Leon Brittan(isky) now a European Community Commissioner.
You may wonder why all the various amendments to the Race Relations Act have had such extensive backing from the Home Office. Quite apart from the Jewish Home Secretaries and campaigning by pressure groups such as the Jewish Board of Deputies, there is the crucial factor of the behind-the-scenes influence of Jewish Civil Servants—one in particular being Neville Nagler.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s Nagler was the head of the Home Office Department responsible for race relations matters. The Jewish Chronicle has boasted of the influence of this Pinner, Middlesex, Synagogue official. It revealed that whenever a Cabinet Minister made a speech on the subject of race relations, notes for the text were always drafted by Nagler. The J.C. also made it clear that Nagler regularly "liaised" with top officials of the Jewish Board of Deputies. These reports only confirmed anti-Immigration campaigners' suspicions as to why the Board of Deputies was so well-informed about their activities, personnel and personal circumstances. The Board often betrayed (through its subsidiary organisations and publications, as well as through the boastful columns of the Jewish Chronicle) knowledge which could only have been gained through official (i.e.: Police/Special Branch/M.I.5) facilities. The Home Office, obviously, has right of access to these intelligence data sources.
Patriots were given further grounds for consternation when it was brayed in the J.C. early in 1991 that Nagler had retired from the Home Office and had been appointed full-time paid Chief Executive of the Board of Deputies of British Jews!The plans to promote racial chaos in the Gentile world were laid long ago. In 1850, Karl Marx (real name Moses Mordecai Levy) the son and grandson of Jewish Rabbis, published his Communist Manifesto. In this he advocated the abolition of the family, countries and nationalities together with "all religion" and "all morality". Who can doubt that this is now literally in process of fulfilment? The evidence is all around us with Coloured Immigration and officially-encouraged mongrelisation. The massive assault on marriage and the family, and morality generally, by the promotion of pornography, explicit sexual videos, sexual licence, a jungle cacophony that passes for 'music', and 'slip-slosh' 'daub-and-drivel' that the gullible are persuaded is 'art' ... ad infinitum.
In a letter to Karl Marx published in La Revue de Paris, the Jew Baruch Levy wrote:
"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will obtain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and the establishment of a World Republic."
This is now all very close to fulfilment. The near complete success of International Jewry's plan has been made possible by:
1. Their control of Money;
2. Their control of the Media;
3. Their ruthless exercise of the powers which go with Money and Media control to stampede the masses and manipulate key individuals.RACE-MIXING: THE LESSON OF HISTORY SUPPRESSED
At the International Court of Justice The Hague on June 23rd 1965, evidence was given relating to the impact of diverse ethnic groups upon each other. At this session Professor Van den Haag of New York University stated unequivocally before the Court that it was a fact of history that unregulated contact between ethnic groups resulted in social disorganisation and an increase in the crime rate. Needless to say, this warning placed before the World Court made the professor extremely unpopular and received little publicity.
There is in fact clear evidence from history that the mixing of different ethnic groups and alien elements with an established pure-bred population played a part in the decline and eventual fall of all the great empires and civilisations of history, one of the most recent examples being that of Portugal. In the 15th and 16th centuries the Portuguese were a race of navigators, explorers and adventurers. They established colonies in Asia, Africa and South America. As a result, Portugal become one of the wealthiest and most powerful nations in all Europe. However in 1441, after the voyages of discovery down the coast of Africa, the first Black slaves were imported into Portugal and within 100 years ten percent of the population was Black. In the 1911 edition of The Encyclopaedia Britannica—before the Jewish distorters of history had really intervened—is the following entry: "The Portuguese inter-married freely with their slaves and this infusion of alien blood profoundly modified the character and physique of the nation. It may be said without exaggeration that the Portuguese of the 17th and later centuries were two different races".
The Portugal of today is backward and impoverished; it is a living testimony to what happens to a White country when its population is decimated by Blacks. This crucial clue to an understanding of Portuguese history has been blotted out of all modern history books. No modern encyclopaedia or history book mentions the impact of race-mixing on the nation of Portugal. History is not only being distorted, it is being obliterated in order to hide from us the consequences of Coloured Immigration.Our ancestors fought and died to keep the Spanish, the French and the Germans out when they tried to invade our island home. But the present generation of Britons have been cowed into silence and inaction while the biggest invasion in our history is taking place. If our ancestors were to return they would consider us all mad or stupid—or traitors. Half the world would like to come to Britain, not just the 3,250,000 Chinese in Hong Kong who are poised to flood in. It is about time that our contemptible bunch of politicians started to put the British first in their own country. By using propaganda smear words like 'Racist' and 'Fascist', the Banker-controlled media have brainwashed the British into remaining passive and impotent while their race is destroyed and their country is stolen from them.
In 1922, the Bolshevik leader Selenkov stated in Moscow: "We must create a climate of anti-nationalism and anti-racialism amongst Whites. We must reduce patriotism and pride of race to meaningless abstractions and make racialism a dirty word". How successful that plan has been!
The British now shrink in fear of being called a 'racist'. It is worse than being called a thief. Yet 'racism' is no more than another word for patriotism—a righteous cause for which millions have died. To put one's own kind first is a virtue not a crime. It is the greatest of crimes to help an enemy destroy one's own race and nation, and the Mega-Bankers are the greatest enemies of the British nation in all history.IMMIGRATION AND THE SLAVE TRADE: THE JEWISH CONNECTION
By way of a postscript to our analysis of the way in which Jewry has sought to encourage race-mixing among Gentile peoples (while jealously asserting its right to defend itself against "assimilation" with any kind of non-Jew—White, Black, Brown or Yellow) we draw readers' attention to the book Who Brought the Slaves To America?, published by The Sons of Liberty in the USA.
This work is based on authentic contemporary records available in the Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They show that it was overwhelmingly Jewish merchants and ship owners who introduced the Negro to America. The book urges us to remember these figures: "Approximately one hundred and ten million Black people were captured and removed from their homelands in Africa. Only eleven million of these Black slaves reached the Colonies alive". It is time that the Negro people knew the truth about the obnoxious slave trade.
It is ironic that as part of their continual brainwashing campaign to promote race-mixing (among non-Jews) Jewish film and television moguls work overtime to give Negroes a sense of grievance and White people a sense of guilt by depicting White Gentiles as being responsible for the slave trade when in fact, as the historical records show, this vile business was operated by Jewish get-rich-quick artists.
This small illustration of what Jews of yester-year actually did and how the Jews who control the information media today manufacture lies to distort the historical record, should prompt even the most craven Gentile opponent of 'anti-Semitism' to ask their Jewish friends a few direct questions about the game Jewry is playing in the field of race relations. In the likely event that their questions are met with abuse and threats of prosecution under the Race Relations Act, we suggest they turn for a clue to Jewish strategy to George Orwell's book about a future tyrannous world super-state Nineteen-Eighty-Four: "He who controls the Present, controls the Past; he who controls the Past controls the Future".
The Jewish media debauches the historical record in order to manipulate our emotions and values and thereby warp our political judgement so that we can be made to accept willingly decisions which serve the interests of Jewry even when injurious to our own best interests.
We will explore this aspect of the Jewish propaganda war against the Gentile mind when we come to a later chapter dealing with the gigantic lie known as 'The Holocaust'.
OBVIOUSLY the people who have the power to create limitless amounts of money out of nothing and lend it out as stated, control nations and governments, education, the media, secret societies, the churches—in fact, everything of any consequence in the land. Their control of the media is almost total. They view the people as "stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them whether it be truth or lies" and "horses asses" whose opinion they shape and fashion. (Source: Confessions of Harold Wallace Rosenthal).
When you buy a newspaper or pay for your TV licence you are paying for the privilege of being lied-to, conned, brainwashed and deceived; kept occupied with masses of trivia that conceals much subversive material.
Former foreign correspondent of The Times, Douglas Reed, stated in his book The Controversy of Zion: "Opinion today is a manufactured product and can be produced in any form desired" and "The newspapers are under occult control" [i.e. under Zionist control]. The newspapers and all the rest of our mass communications media are in the pocket and firmly under the control of a few super-rich Jewish billionaires like Edgar Bronfman, Robert Maxwell, Harry Oppenheimer, Armand Hammer and the Rothschild family. Under the direction of these people journalism has be come an ever more disreputable business for professional propagandists and paid liars. A few years ago this fact was stated by one of their own number. At a retirement banquet given in his honour, the Managing Editor of the New York Times, John Swinton, declared:
"If any one of you dared to write the truth he would soon find himself on the street looking for a new job. The major function of a New York [or Fleet Street] journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie openly, to crawl at the feet of Mammon and sell his race and his country for his dally bread. We are the tools and puppets of rich men who stay behind the scenes; we are jumping jacks. They pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our resources, our very lives, belong to other men. We are spiritual prostitutes."
Professor Arthur Butz (head of the Engineering faculty at North-Western University, USA, and author of Hoax of the 20th Century, a devastating exposé of the Zionist 'Holocaust' fraud) put the position rather more concisely: "The media is exposed as constituting a lie machine of vaster extent than many of the more independently-minded have perceived."
FEW Gentiles realise that today's world 'Jewish' community is divided into two quite distinct racial strains. The majority (about 80%) are known as "Ashkenazim" or "East European" Jews. They are not the descendants of the 12 Jewish tribes of the Bible, but the descendants of a Turco-Mongoloid people who formed an empire in the area between eastern Turkey and southern Russia called The Empire of the Khazars. This empire flourished after the Roman Empire had crumbled and as the two great religions of Christianity and Mohommedanism were seeking converts (mainly by military conquest). The Khazar empire was trapped between these two religious power blocks. The Khazar emperor, wishing to maintain the independence of his domain, decided that he and his entire people should adopt a religious 'third way' and become converted to Judaism. At that time Jews of 'the Twelve Tribes' had mostly been scattered from the Holy Land and were weak. A part of the remnant found itself in the land of the Khazars, regarded the Khazar emperor's decision as a bit of a windfall and happily obliged him with the mass conversion process. The bulk of the 'authentic' Jews did not go northwards from Palestine but westwards along the coast of North Africa and from there they entered Spain. This minority strain of today's Jewry are called "Sephardim", or "Spanish and Portuguese" Jews. The history of the Khazar conversion to Judaism is given in the book The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler, the well-known Jewish author and student of mysticism. The Zionists are, of course, much embarrassed by Koestler's findings, because it means that their claim that "all Jews have a right to return to the land of their ancestors" can only be advanced by the Sephardim (and then only tentatively). The claim of the 80% Ashkenazim 'Jewish' majority is entirely bogus.
Christians are stultified in their attitude to Jewry because they believe that Jesus Christ was a Jew and that Christianity came out of Judaism. Both of these beliefs, although now well established, are lies. Jesus Christ was not a Jew. He was a direct descendant of Judah, the son of Jacob, which the Ashkenazim (Khazar) Jews have never been. Jesus was a Galilean as were all of his disciples, except Judas who was an Edomite Jew. It was the Jewish Pharisees and Sadducees who were Christ's bitterest opponents and finally had him crucified. Christ himself uttered the most scathing denunciations and rebukes against the Jews which today would certainly land him in the dock under our Jewish imposed Race Relations laws.
Christ called the Jews "a generation of vipers" (Matt. 23:33). According to the eminent Biblical scholar Scofield, in his Reference Bible, the word translated "generation" in the New Testament of the Bible means "race". Christ also seemed to hold the Jews responsible for all the innocent blood shed from the beginning of history (Matt. 23:25). The Jews, in fact, use the serpent as the symbol of their tribe and have stated that when the serpent entwines the globe they will rule the worldWith references human excrement and semen, what The Talmud teaches about Jesus Christ is unprintable. The Talmud, in fact, contains the most terrible blasphemies against Christ and incitements to hatred against Christians ever written. The hatred against Christ, Christianity, Christians and, in fact, all non-Jews ('Goyim') which is inculcated into many Jewish hearts and minds through the vile contents of The Talmud spills out into all kinds of cultural media—not least films. Jews have been in control of the film business, particularly Hollywood, since the very beginning of this medium. This stranglehold is re-enforced by the total Jewish domination of the major 'coast-to-coast' television networks in the United States. In fact, Jews dominate the films/TV media throughout most of the rest of the West. A recent example of Talmud-inspired hatred was the film The Last Temptation of Christ in which Christ is depicted as "a lunatic, a bungler ... a mental case who falls down in fits".
—The Jewish World, March 1923
The Jewish film producer and script writer Ben Hecht, in his book A Jew in Love expressed the Jewish hatred for Christ as follows:
"One of the finest things ever done by the mob was the crucifixion of Christ; intellectually it was a splendid gesture. But trust the mob to bungle. If I'd been in charge of executing Christ I'd have handled it differently. You see what I'd have done was to have him shipped to Rome and fed to the lions. They never could have made a saviour out of mince meat."
Can you imagine it being remotely possible for anybody to remain a top scriptwriter in Hollywood—or at the BBC TV here in Britain—who expressed similar opinions about Moses, or any notable character in Jewish history?The Talmud, is the guide to the practical performance of Judaism. It is in fact many books, a compilation of the sayings of Jewish "sages" down the years. It teaches that all non-Jews are beasts of burden created to serve Jews; that all the property of the 'Goyim' [a word translated by Jews in works written for the benefit of Gentiles as meaning simply 'non-Jews' but which in fact correctly translates as 'cattle'] rightfully belongs to the Jews. This is stated quite openly in, for example, Choszen Hamiszpat 388 of the Schulchan Aruch,which is a kind of résumé of the very much longer complete Talmud (29 volumes plus index in the Soncino English-language translation).
Martin Luther, (1483-1546) one of the key figures of the Reformation, a scholar of Hebrew and Aramaic, was one of the first to expose the evil contained in The Talmud. He did this in his last work entitled The Jews and Their Lies which in essence argued that the root cause of Gentile 'anti-Semitism' is Jewish anti-Gentilism.
The Talmud justifies and encourages every possible kind of depraved act—including acts of sexual intercourse with infants—to say nothing of murder, theft and perjury—providing that such acts are carried out against 'the Goyim', to whom the Jewish 'sages' concede the status of bipeds, but not fellow human beings. Numerous scholars since Martin Luther have exposed the vileness of The Talmud, such as Father I.B. Praniatis, a Lithuanian Roman Catholic Professor of Theology and Hebrew at St. Petersburg, Russia, during the 1890s whose book The Talmud Unmasked obtained an official Roman Catholic Church Imprimatur. (An English-language version of this book is available from: The Noontide Press, Suite 183, 1822« Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, California 92627, USA)
Benjamin Freedman, himself a Jew, included in his book Facts Are Facts a summary of the blatant and incorrigibly evil anti-Gentile teachings of The Talmud. He wrote:
"From the birth of Jesus until this day there never have been recorded more vicious and vile blasphemies of Jesus, of Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, anywhere or anytime that you will find between the covers of the infamous 63 books which are the legal code which forms the basis of Jewish religious law ... You will have to excuse the foul, obscene, indecent, lewd and vile language you will see from the official unabridged translation of The Talmud into English."In the 1920s Henry Ford, demonstrated that Jews were behind much of the organised evil in America His articles on the subject were originally published in his newspaper The Dearborn Independent, and later reprinted and expanded in his famous book The International Jew. The learned historian Nesta Webster, writing at about the same time as Ford, showed that much the same situation prevailed in Europe. Her book Secret Societies and Subversive Movements is of particular interest. Her researches constitute the starting point of the next chapter
IN THE days before Britain's security services were thoroughly penetrated by Communists, liberal internationalists and members of the Rothschild family, the historian Nesta Webster was often invited to give lectures to members of the Secret Service on the origins of world unrest and subversion. She traced the origins of the network of the Communist international subversion to their Jewish sources. She was familiar with much of the research material which we have published in our earlier chapter entitled 'Communism is Jewish'. Through her researches she was able to link the intellectual origins and techniques of subversion employed by the Communist International with the world of Masonic Secret Societies.
Indeed, she was able to show that both movements, at heart, were Jewish in inspiration and key personnel. When the core objectives of each movement are considered together with their Jewish intellectual inspiration it can be seen that they are essentially the same movement: a movement of Jewish revolt against Christian European Civilisation.
Nesta Webster was quite frank about the Jewish connection. She declared that another secret society existed within Freemasonry "for which the visible organisation of the latter serves merely as a cover". She identified the hidden controlling group within Freemasonry as "The Jewish Power".
The Protocols of Zion state: "It is this which has served as the basis for our organisation of secret masonry which is not known to, and aims which are not even so much as suspected by, these Goy cattle, attracted by us into the 'Show' army of Masonic Lodges in order to throw dust into the eyes of their fellows" ... "Masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects".
The Protocols speak with scathing contempt for Masons; they are simply the stupid "Goy cattle" in complete ignorance of its real aims and who exactly forms the controlling hierarchy. Freemasons are gullible pawns and dupes who have been enlisted in the service of International Jewry to further their secret aims and objectives. As demonstrated in this booklet, foremost is Satanic World Government and the destruction of all Gentile races and nations, and particularly the destruction of White European races and nations. Put succinctly, Freemasons are busily engaged in working for their own destruction.
According to some estimates, one in fifty British males is a Freemason. Many prominent people in politics, the civil service, the judiciary, financial institutions, education, etc., are Masons. The police service throughout the United Kingdom is especially noted for being dominated by Masonry.
Writing of the "Judeo-Masonic" control behind the drive towards World Government, Admiral Sir Barry Domville stated in From Admiral to Cabin Boy: It is a tragedy that the British people have been so ill-informed on this crucial matter and so careless in the way that they have been governed, as to permit this secret Junta to gain control over their affairs. The Jews form only a small minority in each country and would be unable to ensure the execution of their policy unless they could obtain the collaboration of persons in the government service. Obviously this could not be done openly, or the whole plan would be exposed and exploded. They must therefore build up some secret organisation and what could be better than the one already in hand [Masonry] in which Jews figure so prominently. That is the simple explanation, and it only became necessary to try and establish chosen men in key positions in the government offices, and in organisations like the police, to put the machine in working order".Commander Guy Carr—a life-long student of secret societies—was convinced that Freemasonry was controlled "at the top" by a Masonic sect known as The Illuminati. In his book Pawns in the Game he revealed that The Illuminati is an élite secret society founded by a Jew, Professor Adam Weishaupt, in 1776. The name of the sect is a reference to the Devil—"Lucifer, the angel of light" to Satanists. The Illuminati devised a plan to destroy Western Civilisation and literally to implement the programme of Satan on Earth in opposition to God. It never worked for immediate success, all its plans were long-term. Founder members included a number of Jewish bankers: Itzig, Friedlander and Meyer Amshel, founder of the Rothschild dynasty. Commander Guy Carr believed that The Illuminati has been behind all the troubles, misery and carnage of the past two centuries, including all the revolutions, wars and depressions and is, today, the driving power behind the mixing of races.
In a remarkable work published by John Robison, M.A., in 1789 entitled Proofs Of A Conspiracy Against All Religions And Governments Of Europe is the following statement by the Abbé Baruel concerning The Illuminati: "In the desires of a terrible and formidable sect, you have only reached the first stages of the plans it has formed for that general revolution which is to overthrow all thrones, all altars, annihilate all property, efface all laws and end up by dissolving all society".
The Protocols contain the outline or draft of the plan of action to destroy Christian civilisation and establish a One World Dictatorship controlled by Jews. The principles and policies of The Protocols are not new. The same morality of "limitless ambitions, burning greediness, merciless vengeance, hatreds and malice" is to be found in The Talmud. This is the motivation which has driven Jews throughout the centuries.
In 1492, Chemor, Chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin in Constantinople for advice when the expulsion of Jews from Spain was pending. The reply of the Sanhedrin is to be found in the 16th century book La Silva Curiosa by Julio Iniguez de Medrano. A photostat copy of the original and a translation are to be found in the edition of The Protocols published in the United States by The Sons of Liberty. The text of the reply is as follows:"Beloved Brethren in Moses:
We have received your letter in which you tell us of your anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by a great pain to hear it as yourselves.
The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians' lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
5. As for the many other vexations you complain of arrange for your sons to become advocates and lawyers and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order we give you, because you will find by experience that humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power. [Signed] The Prince of the Jews of Constantinople."LONG ago, Clausewitz, a student of war and exponent of military tactics, wrote: "Modern wars are the pursuit of policy by other means, that is to say that wars are prime fights between the populations of 'A' and 'B' for the benefit of 'C'."
In 1905, Lenin [Ulyanov] wrote in The Two Tactics of Social Democracy: "Ally yourselves with one of your enemies against another, and destroy them one by one." This has always been the policy of Jews.
George Knupffer wrote: "It is not difficult to see that precisely this technique is being used by the Soviets also in international relations. It is in this light that we must see the Red alliance with the Nazis and then the West in the Second World War."
In 1952 Rabbi Rabinovitch addressed a conference of European Rabbis in Bucharest behind closed doors—but his speech was leaked:
"... Our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate World War Three.. the Third World War will surpass in destruction all previous contests. Israel, of course, will remain neutral, and when both sides are devastated and exhausted we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commissions into all the wrecked countries. This war will end for all time our struggle against the Gentiles"
The full text of this speech was published in the periodical Canadian Intelligence Service in September 1952, and at about the same time in the American publication Common Sense.
In Le Contemporair, July 1st 1860, Rabbi Reichorn wrote: "We shall drive the Christians into wars by exploiting their national vanity and stupidity. They will then massacre each other, thus giving place to our people".
Colonel A.H. Lane wrote in his privately-published [1938] book The Hidden Hand: "In order to bring about Jewish World Domination it is necessary from time to time to engender wars so that the most virile and patriotic men are killed or crippled physically or mentally".
Clemanceau, French leader during the First World War, arrived at exactly the same conclusion. In a little book entitled A Pied Sinai he wrote: "The Semitic race has a programme for the extermination of other races and the peopling of the whole earth with their own blood. Their zeal for this cause is such that in comparison with this, nothing else matters at all. To this cause no sacrifice is too great, no suffering too terrible".
Kurt Kerlen, a spokesman for General Ludendorff, commander of the German Army in the First World War, wrote of "the skill" by which Jewry is able to divide white nations so that they cut each others' throats for Jewry's gain. (He was quoted in Nesta Webster's book Boche and Bolshevik).
In his book The Hidden Tyranny Benjamin Freedman claimed that the Jews prevented the First World War from ending in 1916 when a German peace offer was on the table at the British War Cabinet and needed only one signature to end the carnage: "Great Britain would have quickly accepted Germany's October 1916 peace offer if the World Zionist Organisation had not interfered. The British War Cabinet was then taking their instructions from Talmudist Jews in London".
Numerous Jewish sources have admitted that they were behind the two World Wars. The Jewish World of London, dated 16th January 1919 declared: "International Judaism forced Europe into war, not only to seize a large part of the gold (paid out in armaments and their seizing of the gold bullion in Russia), but to start a new 'Jewish World' with the help of this gold".
A prominent London Jew, Dr. Oscar Levy, wrote: "We Jews, who have posed as Saviours of the World, are today nothing but the World's seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners". Dr. Levy wrote the preface to a book by George Pitt-Rivers (1920) entitled The World Significance of the Russian Revolution.
Henry Ford wrote in his book The International Jew: "I studied the causes of war and I am convinced that nearly all wars were caused so that someone would profit, and those who profited and those who are profiting now are the international financiers, the Jews. ... Two very prominent Jews began telling me about the power of the Jewish race, how they controlled the world through gold, and that the Jew and no-one but the Jew could stop the war. [WW1] They went into details to tell me the means by which the Jews controlled the war... how they had the money, how they cornered all the basic materials needed to fight the war and all that, and they talked so long and so well that they convinced me. They said that the Jews had started the war and would continue it as long as they wished, and until they stopped the war it would not be stopped. ... Gather together the fifty most wealthy Jewish financiers, the men who create wars for their own profit, control them, and you will put an end to it all."
The fratricidal wars of this century, coloured immigration, the erosion standards and values, the promotion of perversion and degeneracy in all its forms, the corruption and debasement of music, art and literature is all part of the same programme: The annihilation of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic people of Britain, the incorporation of the British nation into a One World Government controlled by the very people behind all the mischief and carnage of the 20th century.If anything demonstrated the Jews' ability to get Gentiles fighting wars to serve Jewish power, it was the mobilisation of almost all the member nations of the United Nations Organisation to pursue firstly sanctioned and then all-out war against Iraq on the pretext that Iraq had invaded its neighbour, the Kingdom of Kuwait.
For centuries Kuwait was a part of Iraq during the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Kuwait was created by British administrators after the First World War. Arbitrary 'border' lines were drawn over the map of the Middle East probably with a school ruler. The most powerful families who had served Britain well during the war were rewarded with 'kingdoms'.
The artificial Kingdom of Kuwait was fortunately positioned over a huge lake of oil. Iraq had long campaigned for Arab oil-producing nations to ration their production and sale of oil to world markets in order to maintain a high price for this commodity, which in due course will run out. Iraq also wanted the Arab nations to use oil production as a lever to compel the West to deal more fairly with the Arab world in general and with the Palestinians in particular.
For decades, representatives of Arab oil-producing nations would meet under the auspices of their co-ordinating body OPEC to thrash out an agreed production quota for each nation and an agreed price. Within weeks, sometimes hours, of such agreements, smaller members of the body, notably little kingdoms such as Kuwait (ruled by a single family or clan who treat the country as if it were their own private corporation) would disregard the quota and price agreements and sell as much as they could for whatever price they could get.
As often as not, the main reason for this irresponsibility was the need for more ready cash to squander in the casinos and night clubs of the West and to maintain lifestyles of unimaginable luxury as and when they happened to return home. Kuwait did not need to behave in such a manner as its investments around the world were producing more income than their oil production—but the greed of former goat-herders-turned-billionaires knows no bounds.
The exasperation of Iraq finally boiled over when the Iraqis discovered that the Kuwaitis were not only pumping out their own oil at a rate in contravention of OPEC agreements, they were also pumping Iraqi reserves from under their mutual border. This was the immediate cause of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq, had no reason to suppose that the world would be mobilised against him. Over the previous couple of decades both the West and the Soviet Union had supplied him with armaments. Britain and America had sided with him in his war against Iran when that nation was believed to be the greatest threat to the West and Zionism. But with Iran exhausted by war and with a new and slightly less fanatical Muslim fundamentalist leadership, Iraq became the biggest single threat to the West and to Israel.
The West wants as much oil as it can get as cheaply as possible. It does not want Saddam Hussein imposing a production and price discipline on the Arab world The Zionists did not want Iraq to galvanise the previously disunited and chaotic Arab nations into putting up a united front against Israel and using oil as a weapon to force the West to give justice to the Palestinian people.
So the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait was made the excuse for mobilising the world to "defend poor little Kuwait"..."to uphold democratic standards", etc., etc. All this, of course, was sheerest hypocrisy.
The 'World Community' did not rise up and impose sanctions and then declare war on Israel when Israel invaded the Lebanon. 'The World Community' is still doing nothing about the Chinese invasion of Tibet and the extermination of the peaceful Tibetan people. The West still supports the genocidal Khmer Rouge terrorist force in Cambodia despite its monstrous record of genocide.
It must surely be obvious to all that the 'World Community' was not mobilised against Iraq for the sake of "Kuwait's freedom, democracy, civilised standards of international diplomacy" and other such propaganda objectives, but to crush Iraq as a threat to the Jewish-dominated international oil cartels and, above all, as a threat to Israel. (Military force—though on nothing like such a huge scale—was employed by America against General Gadaffi's Libya in 1985 for precisely the same reasons).
Those who doubt the truth of this analysis of why Iraq was crushed might care to ponder the reported words of President Mitterand of France: "I assure you France won't go to war in an American car driven by Israel".
It must be noted that the war against Iraq is now being used as a precedent for further 'Police actions' under the 'authority' of the United Nations. World Government tyranny is a few steps nearer, its way being prepared by President Bush's "New World Order". Nations who appear to threaten Jewish International Financial interests and/or the State of Israel can expect to find themselves bombed to smithereens. The Jewish controlled mass media will, of course, be relied upon to justify all such actions as being "in British interests" (or in France, "in French interests"; in the United States, "in America's interests" ... etc., etc.) and to whip up the ignorant Goyim into paroxysms of flag-wagging 'patriotism'.
How the Elders of Zion must laugh at us!
WINSTON Churchill identified Jewish leaders as the driving power behind Communism in an article entitled "Zionism versus Bolshevism: the Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People", published in The Illustrated Sunday Herald, London, in 1920.
As we have seen, the Jewish leaders of Communism have been behind the torture and deaths of hundreds of millions of anti-Communist and Christian people. Yet because of the unremitting outpouring of Jewish propaganda from the Jewish-controlled press and broadcasting media, the average person in the West, if asked to name the worst atrocity of the 20th Century would, in a preconditioned reaction reminiscent of a Pavlovian dog, declare: "The Holocaust—the systematic extermination of 6,000,000 Jews in the gas chambers of German Nazi concentration camps during the Second World War".
While it cannot be denied that there were massacres of Jews by German Nazis and their allies during WW2 (often in revenge for the ghastly activities of Jewish-led Communist secret police—then known as the N.K.V.D. or the 'Chekists') the total of such Jewish deaths can be computed in the hundreds of thousands, not millions as claimed in the 'Holocaust' legend.
The news film of emaciated Jews in newly-liberated German concentration camps like Belsen and Dachau, though horrific to see, are not evidence of "systematic extermination"... but of famine and typhus—phenomena which affected the whole of Germany and other parts of Europe at the end of the war, due to the massive extent of Allied bombing. More than two million German civilians died of famine and typhus during the years 1944-1947. That figure does not include the number of German civilians killed by bombing. As many as 300,000 civilians died in just three nights in the 1944 raid on Dresden, a non-military target crammed with refugees fleeing from the Russians.
Those who have studied 'Holocaust' propaganda over the years have long realised that the Jews (of both the Communist and Zionist variety) have grotesquely exaggerated—and in many cases invented—stories of Jewish suffering and 'extermination'. One need only examine pre-war Jewish sources on world Jewish population totals, and compare those figures with post-war world Jewish population totals, to realise that world Jewry could not possibly have maintained, indeed slightly increased, its total population during the Second World War and also have lost 6,000,000 in the 'Holocaust'.
Those who promote the 'Holocaust' legend point to the relatively small post-war Jewish populations of Germany, Austria, Hungary and other parts of Europe compared with the pre-war Jewish population figures. In fact, of course, before the war started hundreds of thousands of Jews left central and western Europe for the United States, Britain, Canada and South America; millions of Jews left eastern parts of Europe for the Soviet Union, where huge numbers were located east of the Urals for the duration of the war.
The Zionists used (and still use) the 'Holocaust' horror stories to bounce the world into accepting their conquest of the land of Palestine after WW2, and other Arab territory since then. They also use the 'Holocaust' as a way of raising vast sums of money: 'reparations' from Germany; gifts from soft-hearted and gullible Gentiles elsewhere.
The Communist Jews play up the 'Holocaust' story because they hope to distract world attention from the true horrors perpetrated by them in the Gulags of Siberia to false tales of German Nazi "Death Camps".
Bit by bit the Jewish 'Holocaust' story has become increasingly threadbare as various "eye-witness accounts" and items of "evidence" became subject to critical and intelligent examination by independent-minded historians and scholars in a variety of other academic disciplines. The following examples illustrate this point:
Firstly, many people think that the concentration camp at Dachau, Germany, was one of the legendary "Death Camps", which operated the gas chamber system for the "systematic extermination of Jewish inmates". Immediately on the capture of Dachau by American troops photographs were shown of the door of one such "gas chamber". Senior German officers who had been in charge of the camp were put on trial, convicted and hanged for "mass murder" by use of "gas chambers". Years later it was admitted that the only gas chamber that existed at Dachau was a small airtight room used for delousing clothes by means of hydro-cyanic acid gas. (This method of eliminating typhus-carrying lice was common throughout Europe at the time.) This was the facility which was depicted in earlier propaganda photographs as being the "gas chamber" used for the "mass murder of Jews"—a crime which did not happen, but for which innocent men were hanged by Allied War Crimes Tribunals! Even Greville Janner, Q.C., M.P., admitted in the House of Commons ten years ago, when he was Chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews: "... as everybody knows, there were no gas chambers in Dachau..."
Secondly, many people will recollect seeing photographs of a medical kidney dish with white lumps in it which were described as "human soap". This was an official exhibit at the Nuremberg War Crimes trials designed to prove that the Nazis melted down the corpses of their Jewish victims to make soap. Since then it has been admitted, even by Jewish 'Holocaust' study centres, that no such "human soap" ever existed and that this ludicrous Soviet exhibit (the authenticity of which went unchallenged by any of the Allied judges and prosecutors) was a propaganda hoax.
Much the same process happened after the First World War when horror stories about "The Kaiser's Tinned Human Flesh Factory" and "German troops riding into Belgium with babies impaled on their lances", etc., were disproved, formally withdrawn and apologised for by the British Government in 1925!
No such apology would seem to be in prospect in respect of the Second World War 'Holocaust' horror stories, even though 45 years have elapsed, because international Jewry is deriving such incredible benefits, political and financial, from instilling into the Gentile peoples of the world a massive guilt complex about the 'Holocaust'. Jewry is well able to cow and brainwash large sections of the world's population because, through their control of the world banking system, they have been able to achieve a virtual monopoly control of the international mass media: press, television, films, book publishing, theatre, etc. They use that media monopoly relentlessly to keep alive the 'Holocaust' legend in the minds of gullible brainwashed Gentiles, and, thereby, licence themselves to perpetrate all manner of crimes, from squalid financial frauds [e.g. the Guinness scandal in Britain], to treason and subversion [e.g. the Pollard spy scandal in America], to international terrorism and genocidal warfare [e.g. the Israeli invasion of the Lebanon and occupation of the West Bank].
It is because Jewry needs to have the propaganda weapon of the 'Holocaust' legend that it not only keeps on pumping out propaganda extravaganzas on the television but also bullies the politicians of nations throughout the world to mount "War Crimes Trials" against elderly men who served with the German forces during the last war, and who since the war have tried to build new lives for themselves in Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, etc. Britain's legal system has recently [April 1991] been corrupted by the House of Commons (with stout resistance from the House of Lords) solely as a result of Jewish pressure to legislate retrospectively so that show-trials can be mounted which would serve as a focus for the Jewish owned media to pump out yet more propaganda lies.
But the Jews do not have everything entirely their own way. Apart from the very brave resistance to the Jewish 'War Crimes Trials' lobby by many members of the House of Lords, there has also been the recent appearance of an item of research entitled The Leuchter Report which has severely rattled the Jewish 'Holocaust' industry.
About six years ago Jewish lobbyists in Canada persuaded the authorities to prosecute a German-Canadian, Ernst Zuendel, for distributing the international best-seller Did Six Million Really Die? by Richard Harwood. Charges were laid against Zundel under the terms of a law which prohibits "Spreading False Rumours". This law was enacted during the First World War (!) as a measure to hide from the civilian population the full extent of the horrors taking place at the battle front.
Zuendel was convicted at the first trial and on Appeal, the trial judge was held to be so biased against the Defendant that a new trial was ordered.
The key Defence witness at the second trial was Fred Leuchter, head of the American engineering firm Fred Leuchter Associates. This firm has America's—and therefore probably the world's—leading specialists in the design, construction and maintenance of execution gas chambers. Until recently, when American Jewish lobbyists intervened to try to destroy the firm, Fred Leuchter Associates had contracts of many years' standing with several States of the United States which still execute criminals convicted of capital crimes, in gas chambers. Mr. Leuchter and his firm have no political background or involvements whatsoever.
Prior to Zundel's second trial, Leuchter and a team of his firm's employees went to various of the so-called "Death Camps"—Auschwitz, Treblinka, etc., in order to examine the "gas chambers" and crematoria facilities to see if they were capable of executing and disposing of the remains of millions of people on the kind of factory 'mass-production' basis claimed by the 'Holocaust' propagandists.MASS EXTERMINATION BY GAS CHAMBERS—HOW THE JEWS SAY IT WAS DONE
At this point it might be well to refresh our memories of what the promoters of the 'Holocaust' legend claim, for it is only when we bear in mind the essential details of their account that we can appreciate the enormous importance of Leuchter's evidence:
They claim that many hundreds of Jews [and others—but mostly Jews] were crammed naked into gas chambers. Once inside and the door shut, a quantity of Zyklon B [chalk pellets containing hydrocyanic acid which give off lethal cyanide gas when exposed to the air] was tipped inside through a roof hatch. After an hour or so the door of the gas chamber would be opened and the bodies dragged out. The mouths of the corpses were immediately searched for gold fillings and extractions performed. Other orifices were also searched for hidden valuables. This work was carried out by camp inmates under the immediate supervision of their SS guards. Neither the inmates nor the SS men wore any breathing apparatus or any other kind of protective clothing; indeed, the guards often callously smoked and ate during the gruesome process. Thereafter, the corpses would be sent to the crematoria where they would be reduced to ashes in conventional coke-fired cremation ovens. On days that the ovens were too busy to cope with the workload, pits would be dug, corpses thrown in and incinerated. This process continued 24-hours a day for a period of years. In the case of Birkenau, in the Auschwitz complex of camps, this 'mass production' method was supposed to have sustained an extermination/incineration rate of 1,000 an hour—24,000 a day.
Even before we turn to the detail of Leuchter's evidence to the Canadian Court, the preposterous impudence of the Jewish 'Holocaust' story must be self-evident to those who can perform a little simple arithmetic: If Birkenau-Auschwitz exterminated 1,000 Jews an hour for a year that would result in 8,760,000 Jewish dead. [1,000 x 24 x 365]. As that "death factory" was supposed to be functional for about four years, we arrive at a figure of 35,040,000! Suppose we allow for just a little Levantine exaggeration, and cut the projected Birkenau-Auschwitz figure by 75%, that still leaves a total of 8,760,000. That number is nearly half the claimed Jewish population of the entire world in 1938! And let us not forget that gas chambers at other "Death Camps"—Treblinka, Chelmno, Sobibor, etc., were also supposed to have accounted for "millions" of Jews.WHAT FRED LEUCHTER'S EVIDENCE REVEALED
Fred Leuchter explained to the Court that the technology of execution gas chambers employing cyanide gas had been fully developed in the United States by the early 1920s. Literature concerning this technology circulated the globe thereafter and all of the relevant technical information would have been available to the Germans. In particular, they would have been aware:
A. That cyanide gas is so dangerous that if it is not to injure or kill those operating the gas chamber as well as the condemned person, the chamber must be specially constructed to be airtight and, specifically, the entry door must be gasketted.
B. Cyanide gas is persistent, that is, it clings in corners and holes—and in hair, in body folds and orifices for many hours after it has been released. Hence, after the condemned person has died it is necessary to have a ventilation system which can expel as much of the gas as possible from the chamber to a height where the gas can diffuse in the air without posing any danger to persons in the vicinity. In the interests of safety, the body should be left in the ventilated chamber for 24 hours before the gasketted door is opened. Only staff wearing breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be in the room in which the gas chamber is situated when the door is opened. Thereafter, staff should hose down the body and the entire chamber to disperse the final, potentially fatal, traces of the gas.
C. Cyanide gas had been used by the German and French armies in WW1 to delouse buildings and clothing. Both armies would post armed guards around—but a good distance away from—the building being used for this purpose. After 24 hours troops wearing breathing apparatus would open the doors and windows of the building, but retreat to a safe distance for a ventilation period of not less than 24 hours. Thereafter clothing, blankets, carpets, etc., from the building would be put on lines and beaten by personnel wearing breathing apparatus to dispel the final traces of the gas. Cyanide gas is potentially explosive and personnel connected with operations involving it were routinely searched for matches and lighters before commencing any delousing operation.
Leuchter told the Court that he and his team of experts had visited Birkenau-Auschwitz and other alleged "Death Camps" in Poland and had seen the buildings which are described as having been "gas chambers"; had taken samples from the walls of rooms said to have been "gas chambers" for later forensic analysis in the United States; had inspected the crematoria facilities and had inspected other buildings in—and the land surrounding—the camps. He reported as follows:
1. None of the rooms said to have been "gas chambers" had gasketted doors or were in any other aspect of airtight construction. Had cyanide gas been released in any of the alleged "gas chambers" the camp staff would themselves quickly have fallen victim to it. Indeed, at Auschwitz the "gas chamber" was directly adjacent to the SS hospital. A channel ran between the two buildings along which the gas would have accumulated, causing fatalities among the hospital patients, either by gassing or an explosion.
2. The rooms described as "gas chambers" were far too small to accommodate the hundreds of persons who were supposed to have been packed into them. Had it been possible to cram the rooms as claimed, the occupants would have died of asphyxiation, even though the doors were not gasketted, long before cyanide gas could have permeated the remaining space in the room not taken up by people. Had people been crammed in the rooms in the numbers claimed, and had the rooms been filled with cyanide gas, then the job of extracting the corpses without preliminary intensive ventilation would have led to the deaths of those performing the work—and those supervising it—if they wore no breathing apparatus, especially if searches of the corpses' orifices were conducted immediately on removal.
4. The crematoria at all camp sites were of the conventional type, fired by coke. Some cremation chambers (retorts) could accommodate two corpses, most only one. Such retorts could only reduce cadavers to a few bones (which thereafter would have to be pulverised) after a period of hours. None of the "extermination" sites had anything like the number of crematoria retorts capable of reducing to ashes the huge number of corpses which were allegedly being produced by the "gas chambers". Each of the camps examined had a necessary number of crematoria retorts in relationship to the camps' populations and the likely death rate from all of the usual natural causes (not including severe epidemics like typhus).
5. Any attempt to burn corpses in deep pits would be quite futile as all of the camps examined were built on marshland with a water table about 18 inches below the surface. Any hole deeper than that would quickly become a pond. Corpses cannot be burned under water, even with the assistance of petrol.
6. Leuchter's team had not only taken samples from the walls of alleged "gas chambers" at the camps visited, but also samples from rooms where all agree that clothes had been subjected to cyanide gas for delousing purposes. These samples bad been given to a reputable firm of forensic scientists who regularly undertake work for American Courts. They were not told where the samples had come from nor the reason for the examination. They were merely asked to report on the content of cyanide in the various samples. The forensic scientists' report, in the form of a sworn affidavit, indicated that the content of cyanide in the samples which came from the walls of rooms used to delouse clothes was extremely high, but the samples taken from rooms where supposedly millions of people over a period of years had been gassed to death, showed almost no cyanide content whatsoever.
The very small amount of cyanide to register from the samples taken from the walls of the alleged "gas chambers" was due to the universally acknowledged fact that those rooms, along with all other rooms in these camps, were periodically deloused by means of cyanide gas in an attempt (eventually in vain, as we have discussed earlier) to protect the inmates from outbreaks of typhus.As a footnote to the twin subjects of the reputation of Auschwitz as an "Extermination Camp" and the fatalities caused by typhus, we might observe that the tragic Anne Frank of Anne Frank's Diary fame was sent to Auschwitz after she and her family were captured by the Germans in Holland. If the 'Holocaust' horror story accounts of Auschwitz are to be believed, Anne would have been an early candidate for the "gas chamber" as she was too young and not strong enough to perform hard physical work. Yet even as publisher's postscripts to 'her' book, statements made by her by her father after the war (another member of the legion of 'Survivors'), and statements made by the 'Anne Frank Foundation' readily concede, Anne did not get gassed at Auschwitz. She did not even die at Auschwitz. For some reason, the cruel Third Reich, having built an "Extermination Camp" for just such hapless victims as she, and having sent her there at some expense by train, they added to it by keeping her alive and healthy and then, unaccountably, went to the yet further expense of sending her on another train journey, this time to Germany (to Belsen, in fact) where, near the end of the war she, along with so many of her fellow inmates, contracted typhus and died, with not a gas chamber in sight. (There were no "gas chambers" in Belsen, as even Jewish propagandists admit nowadays.)
Anne's end was tragic, but we think the events which immediately preceded it provide some additional perspectives by which we can judge the worth of 'Holocaust' fable.
[We think it right to state at this stage that the information which we have given above concerning the evidence supplied given by Fred Leuchter to the second trial of Ernst Zuendel in Canada, constitutes only a very abbreviated digest of the facts which he put on record under oath. However, we believe we have given sufficient of his evidence to indicate, when it is compared with the horror stories highlighted in Jewish propaganda, that the fundamental proposition of the 'Holocaust' legend: that the German Nazis set about the "systematic extermination" of the Jewish race on a mass production basis by means of "gas chambers" in "Death Camps" such as Auschwitz, has no foundation in fact and is, on the contrary, a propaganda invention designed morally to intimidate Gentiles and thus provide the Jews with a carte blanche to behave as the Lords of the Earth which they believe that they are—or are destined by their God to become. Those who wish to study Fred Leuchter's evidence in greater detail should obtain a copy of The Leuchter Report at £5 from: Focal Point Publications, Duke Street London, W1M 5DJ]
Leuchter's revelations caused high anxiety among Jewish 'Holocaust' propagandists, though they were quick to use their power to ensure that nowhere in the world did the mass media report any aspect of his evidence and have now set about trying to destroy his company and his livelihood. But despite their evil and subversive hounding of this honest and brave man the truth about the 'Holocaust' lie is leaking out. It is essential that it be exposed for it is the greatest single propaganda weapon in Jewry's arsenal. This big lie, together with the monopoly control which Jewish bankers exert over the mass media, constitute the principal means whereby the majority of Gentiles is kept in a passive trance of guilt, fear and ignorance.
THROUGHOUT history various nations which hospitably admitted an influx of Jews in the first instance eventually became aware that the Jews were ungrateful Gentile-hating cuckoos in the national nest, and so expelled them.
When King Edward the First came to the throne of England he soon became aware of the social and economic problems the Jewish community was causing as a result of their usury. Unlike other kings and national leaders then and now, Edward would not allow himself to be bribed by the Jews into protecting their money-lending activities. On the contrary, in 1275 he passed a law forbidding them from practising usury. It is often claimed by Jewish propagandists that their ancestors only took up usury in olden times because they were forbidden to engage in any other trade or occupation. This was not the case in Edward's England. In his law he declared that the Jews could only earn their living as merchants, farmers, craftsmen or soldiers—the honest occupations followed by their Gentile fellow-subjects. But the Jews were not happy with this law, so they secretly carried on with their usury, and also engaged in coin-clipping. They melted down the clippings from gold and silver coins of the realm and sold the bullion abroad, thus putting the economy of the nation in peril.
The King finally lost patience and in 1290 he promulgated the Statute of Jewry in which all Jews were ordered out of the realm and forbidden ever to return. The full details are recorded in The Calendar of Closed Rolls: 18 Edward I and Patent Roll, Edward I, mem. 21, 2lst June 1290.
The King expelled the Jews because he was morally opposed to usury (as was the Church at that time) and appalled by its social consequences, not because he was a Jew-hating bigot. He afforded the Jews the full protection of the law until they left his realm and, indeed, he allowed them to take their possessions with them. During the period of the expulsion one family of Jews had all their possessions stolen by a rascally sea captain who loaded his ship with the Jews' goods at Dover, and then sailed off leaving them on the dockside tearing their hair. The King sent his navy after the ship. It was apprehended and the captain was hanged from his own yard-arm. The Jews, with their possessions, were then given safe escort over to France. One other family of Jews was not treated so decently during the expulsion. It was offloaded (minus possessions) onto Thames estuary mudbanks at low tide. All perished. It is noteworthy that while both these incidents are matters of historical record, a BBC2 TV 'documentary' broadcast early in 1991 about the expulsion of Jews from England only thought fit to mention the second incident, and deliberately suppressed mention of the first because it reflected well on the integrity of the man who delivered our land from the pestilence of Jewish usury and who was generally celebrated for his piety, valour and sense of justice. This was the same 'documentary' in which the sole comment on the usurious interest rates charged by Jewish bankers at that time—2 pence in the shilling per week—was that such interest rates were "usual". No 'cause-and-effect' link was suggested in the programme between such rapacious usury, the hatred for Jews which grew up among all classes of English people and the expulsion of all Jews from our land. Any such suggestion, needless to say, would have been "anti-semitism of the worst possible kind ... deeply offensive", etc.
Unfortunately for England and for Britain as a whole, the Jews were allowed to resettle in Britain by the dictator Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell needed money for his New Model Army and the Jews were prepared to lend him all he needed in order to get a toe-hold in England once again. In correspondence between Cromwell and the leader of European Jewry at that time, Menasseh Ben Israel, the proposition was canvassed by Cromwell that the Jews be allowed to have St. Paul's Cathedral in London (where Cromwell once stabled his cavalry horses) as their central synagogue. This unholy correspondence may still be examined at the British Museum.
As Captain Ramsay, M.P., made plain in his book The Nameless War, Cromwell, as a commoner, had no authority to disregard the Statute of Jewry. Indeed, the Statute has never lawfully been revoked. Hence all laws which Jewish Members of Parliament have instigated [e.g. the Race Relations Act] since they were permitted to re-establish themselves, may be viewed as unlawful.GOOD QUEEN BESS EXPELLED THE BLACKS
In this context, it is also noteworthy that by decree of Queen Elizabeth the First, all Blacks were expelled from Britain In the Acts of the Privy Council dated 11th August, 1596 it was decreed:
"Her Majestie, understanding that there are divers Blackamoors brought into this realme, of which kinde of people there are already too manie, considering how God has blessed this land with great increase of people of our own nation ... those kind of people should be sent forth of the land".
Though King Edward and Queen Elizabeth lived hundreds of years apart, the wording of their laws (and numerous other actions in their lives) demonstrates quite clearly that they saw themselves as the protector of their people and realised that they had an obligation to put the interests of their own folk, however lowly, first before foreigners. In short, they were patriots. What a contrast there is between those two great monarchs and those who are responsible for our nation's affairs today!
Great harm has befallen Britain as a result of King Edward's and Queen Elizabeth's laws being swept aside. Jewish usurers dominate our economy and warp our culture as a result of their domination of the opinion-forming media—and we have an Afro-Asian and half-caste population said to be as many as 12 million persons.
If the British people wish to survive they will have to find the courage, the energy and the leadership to unite and take action to re-impose these wise laws.
Publisher's Preface To Appendix
THE preceding chapters of this booklet deal with topics which a librarian might file under such categories as 'Politics', 'Finance', 'History', 'Sociology' and 'Philosophy'. Disparate though they may seem, we are confident that our Author has wedded them together to provide a coherent, valuable and viable insight into what has happened, is happening now and seems/likely to happen to our nation and the world at large—and why. The case he makes can be understood and we believe, accepted by perceptive readers from all manner of backgrounds who will not fail to take note that he has brought to his dissertations a strong Christian viewpoint.
The Appendix that follows highlights some of those views which the Author believes are crucial to a complete understanding of the central thesis of the booklet and offer encouragement to those prepared to do battle.
THE BIBLE, which forms the true basis of the Christian faith, nowhere teaches the amalgamation of races. What it does teach is that God is the author of racial separation and that He originally scattered the races across the face of the earth, assigning to each its own territory. God's law of reproduction states that "everything should bring forth of its own kind"—Genesis 1:11. In promoting and defending the mixing of races, ministers of religion have placed themselves firmly on the side of the enemies of God. It is the Communists, the Illuminati, the UNO and other assorted anti-God groups who are determined to destroy the God-given and ordained entity of race.
Of course, all of this is no wonder, for the religious leaders of the people have largely rejected The Bible for the twin errors of Evolution and Modernism—the so-called "Higher Criticism". This originated with Jews who confessed Christian conversion. Many of them taught in theological seminaries in Germany from where the "Higher Criticism" spread to the rest of the world Arthur Pachkofsky, in his book Israel and Judah wrote: "Since the time of Voltaire, Spinoza, Hegel, Kant, Paine and others, criticism of The Bible had begun. At about the same time a group of German Jewish critics, among them Straus, Hitzig, Kachne, Wellhausen and Ervald arose. They began to question every statement in The Bible and to destroy its authority. This 'Higher Criticism' which came out of Germany, not from Germans, but from Jews living in Germany".
As a consequence millions are stumbling over their faith while brainwashed and subverted clergymen preach Theology based on Jew-inspired 'Higher Criticism' or Judeo-Christianity to near empty pews. All exactly according to plans formulated long ago.THE PROTOCOLS of the Learned Elders of Zion state: "We have got our hands into ... education and training as being the corner-stones of free existence."
Our State system of education has been deliberately misdirected from the top down for years. We have witnessed the destruction of thousands of excellent village Primary schools and most of the Grammar and Modern schools to be replaced by inferior Middle and High schools—huge factory-like entities that can be more easily controlled from the top of the pyramid of power.
Teachers have been thoroughly brainwashed in their colleges of education in false and pernicious theories that have done incalculable harm to children in our schools. Misnamed "progressive methods of education" such as the 'Discovery Method' of teaching (which The Protocols describe as "a departure from the truth in every case"—and the fools that follow them as "brainless heads") have resulted in the erosion of real discipline and learning.
If you want proof of this, consider the fact that pupils are now doing millions of pounds worth of damage to their own schools, while schools themselves are turning out an ever-increasing number of weirdos, freaks and social misfits as standards of reading, writing, numeracy and examination achievements plummet. Opportunistic headmasters, chosen, as The Protocols suggest, "with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience" may be oblivious to the real significance of what has taken place but those at the top of the educational hierarchy know exactly what they are about. Education today has become a corrupt system for the mismanagement and misleading of the young.
Those blockheads who have shown themselves the most ready and willing to absorb and propagate whatever nonsense and filth is fed them from above, have been promoted and advanced. It is from this element that Heads are recruited. "Success" in education, no less than in politics, depends on subservience to all the destructive policies of the Hidden Hand of Jewry. As The Protocols state: "But above all let us control education, by this means we spread ideas that are useful to us and shape the children's brains as suits us". This control is now being revealed thanks to Freemasons, dupes and stooges in our Education Authorities and in our schools.OF ALL the many lies promoted and advanced by our lying news media and controlled State education system, none has more far-reaching consequences than the 'Man from Monkey' myth—the Theory of Evolution.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which numerous well-informed people claim spells out Jews' plan for the destruction of Christian Civilisation, state: "Think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism [Evolution] ... To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had on the minds of the Goyim [i.e. human cattle]... We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the Goyim by rearing them in principles and theories (like Evolution) which are known by us to be false, although it is by us that they have been inculcated ... We also robbed them of their faith in God"... Only years divide us from the moment of the complete wrecking of that Christian religion ..."
A copy of this remarkable document was placed in the British Museum in 1906. Most of it is prophetic and as 95% of it has now been meticulously fulfilled there can be little doubt that whoever wrote it has controlled the history of the Twentieth Century. The New York Jewish lawyer Henry Klein declared in his books Zionism Rules the World and A Jew Exposes the Jewish World Conspiracy that The Protocols were "... The world plan of the Jewish Sanhedrin—the Heads of Zionism—which desires world control ... led by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers... The Sanhedrin controls all sources of information. No newspaper is free from Zionist control. Every large radio and T.V. chain is under control... every system of education and religion is under control ... "
Intelligent people are aware that wars are conducted not just with martial weapons of death and destruction, but also with ideas, words, music, films ... in fact with propaganda through every medium which can reach the human mind. The Jewish Communists have refined propaganda warfare down to a fine and deeply cynical art which can be described as Mind Control. Their techniques were revealed in a book by Charles Stuckley entitled Brainwashing: A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psycho-Politics published by the College of Scientology, New York, in 1955. The Russian textbook had a Foreword by the Jewish Communist mass-murderer Levrenti Beria, Chief of the Soviet secret police during the 1940s (then known as the N.K.V.D.).
The book revealed that by means of "the scientific approach... man must be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic reaction... man must be consistently demonstrated to be a mechanism without individuality... Religion must become unfashionable by demonstrating that Man is an animal. We have battled since the century's turn to bring to nothing any and all Christian influences and we are succeeding... We must destroy all faiths in nations marked for conquest ... you must work until religion is synonymous with insanity".
It is the Theory of Evolution which teaches that "Man is an animal", and it is the Theory of Evolution that has done more than anything else to undermine and destroy the Christian faith and belief in God and The Bible.
In his introduction to the edition of The Origin of the Species published by Dent in the Everyman series, Professor W. R. Thompson confirmed that "the decline of Christianity is largely due to the influence of Darwin". Those who seek a concise and scathing refutation of the Theory of Evolution by an expert biologist would do well to read Prof. Thompson's 'Introduction'. He examined various lines of evidence usually advanced in support of the theory and demolishes them one by one. He wrote: "I am not satisfied that Darwin proved his point or that his influence on scientific and public thinking has been beneficial ... But the facts and interpretations on which Darwin relied have now ceased to convince. The long continued investigations on heredity and variation have undermined the Darwinian position ... since no one has explained to my satisfaction how evolution could happen, I do not feel impelled to say it has happened". This distinguished biologist stated the absolute truth when he wrote that Evolutionists attempted to maintain the credit of the Theory of Evolution with the public "... by the suppression of criticism and the elimination of difficulties".
In fact, discoveries have been made in recent years which prove the Theory of Evolution to be false. These discoveries include:
1. The discovery of shoe prints and human footprints in some of the most ancient rocks on earth. Perfect shoe prints in Cambrian rocks, claimed by Evolutionists to be 500 million years old, and dated beyond doubt because they contain small trilobites (ancient sea creatures) embedded in them proving that they must have been made when the rocks were soft mud. Prints in Permian sandstone, Carboniferous rocks and numerous shoe prints and bare foot prints in Cretaceous rocks, often side-by-side with footprints of dinosaurs, proving that men lived at the same time as the dinosaurs, not 80 million years apart as taught by Evolutionists. Men were alive when all the rocks of the Geological column were laid down. The discovery of these prints makes moonshine of the whole idea of Evolution.
2. The discovery of fossil pollen grains from Angiosperm and Gymnosperm plants in all of the rocks of the Grand Canyon in Arizona from top to bottom, including the pre-Cambrian Proterozoic rocks, claimed to be 1,000 million years old. This proves that the most advanced plants were alive and flourishing when all these rocks were laid down. Dr. Clifford L. Burdick who has done much work on fossil pollen in the Grand Canyon has tried to get his work published in Nature, The Scientific American [sic], etc., and has met a brick wall. The truth regarding the Theory of Evolution is being deliberately suppressed.
3. The discovery of fossil skulls of modern type, large-brained men in older rocks than any of the supposed links, proving man did not evolve. The Calaveras skull, now in the Peabody Museum of Harvard University in the United States, was found in the early Pliocene rocks dated, according to Evolutionists, at 10 million years, yet it has a bigger brain capacity than modern European man. These ancient skulls are not mentioned in any recent book on the subject. Evolutionists pretend they don't exist. But they do exist and prove the Theory of Evolution to be totally fraudulent.
Sir Cecil G. Wakely, Past-President of the Royal College of Surgeons, wrote in a Foreword to the book Creation or Evolution by Professor H. Enoch: "Scripture is quite definite that God created the World and I for one believe that to be fact not fiction. There is no evidence scientific or otherwise to support the Theory of Evolution yet it is still taught in our universities, schools and colleges."
It should be remembered that Marx offered to dedicate his new book Das Kapital to Charles Darwin. The Theory of Evolution forms the foundation stone of atheistic Marxism/Communism and Humanism and many other 'isms' which have plagued 20th century Man. Neither should it be forgotten that Darwin renounced and repudiated the Theory of Evolution on his death bed.
WHEN visiting London not long ago one of the contributors to this volume saw painted in large letters across a brick wall the anarchist symbol together with the slogan: "God is Dead". Let there be no doubt that God is very much alive! However, we must fight evil with all our might. The whole world is in chaos with world-wide pollution both human and environmental—but the ultimate picture is bright. Right and Truth is of God and will triumph in the end for no one defeats God. The current world situation and all the signs of the times make it clear that the intervention of God in world affairs and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is imminent. All the forces of evil, the secret subterranean powers that have for so long controlled events on this planet are doomed to destruction. This is why Jewish World Government will fail and all the machinations of evil men and their stooges will founder.
"For my sword shall appear in Heaven and shall come down upon Edom dooming that accursed race."
"For it is the day of the Lord's vengeance, and the year of recompense for the controversy of Zion"—Isaiah Ch. 34, v. 5 & 8, Moffat A.V.