Bible Believers' Newsletter 592
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660We welcome you to fellowship once again in the mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We have previously reported on Brother John Wilson's crusade against corruption. Once again he has been incarcerated by the Money Power that rules the world. Please remember him in prayer, asking God to uphold and use him for His glory.
Getting the sheep into the slaughter pen is a task Satan's useful idiots have been working at for six thousand years. Their methods include unbelief, ridicule, ostracism and manipulation by fear. Some notable psyops include the cold war, polio, Y2K, SARS, avian flu, swine flu, AIDS, hole in the ozone layer, Moon landing, global warming, nuclear winter, CO2 in the atmosphere, vaccination, Nazism, Communism, fractional reserve banking, inflation, recession, depression, financial crisis, "danger" of protectionism, peak oil, 9/11, 7/7, Port Arthur and many other massacres, bombings, holocausts, WMD in Iraq, pretence of a nuclear Iran, police thuggery, judicial corruption, assassination, military adventure and constant propaganda spread by alien-controlled media, entertainment and education to manipulate the perception of the non-thinking masses.
Throughout this unconscious-obedience training the sheep are being sheared by the banksters while their freedom of being, thought and expression is clipped by increasingly restrictive and draconian legislation under the puppet governments of our captive nations. Fortunately Christians only live once under the dominion of the god of this evil age.
Too many of us gain only an intellectual understanding of the present Truth, because we skim through the Newsletter and rest upon reasoning without following the links to the full story and proving all references in our main article. Please make your calling and election sure. Jesus promised, "The Truth shall make you free".
We invite you to welcome our guest contributor, Brother Boyd Reneau who has written on "Restoration," comparing the present Truth, with Scriptural shadows and types from the past. We appreciate Brother Boyd's depth of study, Biblical knowledge and clear revelation. I know you will blessed by his offering.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott
Swine Flu: What I Believe
July 22, 2009 – "I believe one of the goals of the swine flu vaccine is depopulation. Perhaps it is the goal of a swine flu epidemic as well, whether bio-warfare or hype around a flu season".
These days, I keep remembering my sense of urgency leaving the Bush Administration in 1991. . . As my efforts to find ways of reengineering government investment in communities failed to win political support, Washington and Wall Street moved forward with a debt bubble and globalization that was horrifying in its implications for humanity. Overwhelmed by what was happening, I estimated the end result. My simple calculations guessed that we were going to achieve economic sustainability on Earth by depopulating down to a population of approximately 500 million people from our then current global population of 6 billion. . . To me, we had to have radical change in how we governed resources or depopulate. It was a mathematical result . . . Sir James Goldsmith had warned of the consequences of GATT in 1994. He described the process under way, involving the loss of land and livelihood for 3 billion people, ". . . This is the establishment against the rest of society".
As trillions of dollars were shifted out of America by legal and illegal means to reinvest in Asia and emerging markets and to build a global military empire, we left a sovereign nation economic model behind. Finally, the expense and corruption of empire resulted in bailouts of $12-14 trillion, delivering a new financial war chest to the people leading the financial engineering. Now we have exploding unemployment, an exploding federal deficit, an Inspector General for the TARP bailout program predicting that the ultimate bailout cost could rise to $23.7 trillion and a Congressional Budget Director who is concluding that we can no longer afford the social safety net.
That is, unless you change the actuarial assumptions in the budget—like life expectancy. Lowering immune systems and increasing toxicity levels combined with poor food, water and terrorizing stress will help do the trick. Review the history of vaccines rushed into production without proper testing and peer review—it is clear about the potential side effects. In addition, a plague can so frighten and help control people that they will accept the end of their current benefits (and the resulting implications to life expectancy) without objection. And a plague with proper planning can be highly profitable. Whatever the truth of what swine flu and related vaccines is, it can be used as a way to keep control in a situation that is quickly shifting out of control.
In short, an epidemic can be used to offset the inflation of capital with increasing deflation of the value and income of labor and continual demand destruction. It is a great deal of time and money spent on something that will not help build a real economy. The disinformation and control opportunities are profound. They keep the slow burn going. It is the next, meaner face of "the establishment against the rest of society". . . Full story: Catherine Austin Fitts, (former Managing Director, Dillon Read &Co. Inc., Former Assistant Secretary of Housing, Federal Housing Commissioner, under President, George Herbert Walker Bush).
Comment: On July 13, a World Health Organization Global Alert headlined, "WHO Recommendations on Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Vaccinations" suggests that universally mandated [vaccinations] are coming. It stated that on July 7, the pharmaceutical industry-dominated Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization held an "extraordinary meeting in Geneva to discuss issues and make recommendations related to vaccine for the pandemic (H1N1) 2009."
There is no pandemic. Yet WHO said the virus "is considered unstoppable," . . . "new technologies are involved in the production of some pandemic vaccines, which have not yet been extensively evaluated for their safety in certain population groups. . ." WHO "recommendations" are binding on all 194 member countries in case a pandemic emergency is declared under the 2005 International Health Regulations Act and April 2009 WHO pandemic plan.
It's crucial to understand that these vaccines are experimental, untested, toxic and extremely dangerous to the human immune system. They contain squalene-based adjuvants that cause a host of annoying to life-threatening autoimmune diseases. They must be avoided, even if mandated. . . Full story:
WHO will be Killing You?
July 25, 2009 – World Health Organization Facts & Rumors:
1. An "informal" [i.e. illegal] clinical trial of the Avian Flu vaccine on about 200 Polish vagrants resulted in 11 immediate deaths and an additional set of 20 later deaths (approximately 15% of the test population). The doctors and nurses involved were charged with murder (Fact. 2008).
2. Approximately 3.500 Chinese children died in an Avian Flu vaccine experiment (Rumor, 2008).
3. The Philippine High Court convicted WHO of involuntarily sterilizing over 3 million Philippine women through the use of vaccines (Fact).
4. The WHO in 1985 documented that one of its primary goals for the use of a sterility vaccine disguised as a smallpox vaccine was to "eliminate 150 million excess Sub-Saharan Africans" (Fact, 1985-ongoing).
5. The WHO 5-shot vaccine programs for tetanus in third world countries in South and Central America caused the involuntary sterilization of millions of women (Fact, ongoing).
6. Monsanto's MON 810 corn causes sterility according to studies published by the Austrian Government (Fact, 2009). . . Full story:
Comment: The oral Sabin Polio vaccination of the WHO is killing African children by the thousand ( See Protocol 10:20.
The Dark Years are Here
July 14, 2009 – Starting in the next 6 months and culminating in 2011-12 the world will experience a series of tumultuous events which will be life changing for most people in the world. But 2011-12 will not be the beginning of an upturn in the world economy but instead the start of a long period of economic, political and social upheaval that could last for a couple of decades . . .
Empires are built on theft pillage, slave labour and finally money printing. . . The US dollar became the reserve currency of the world when the US was strong economically. But as the US economy started to weaken in the 1960-70?s the US government found a much better method for maintaining a strong economy. It started to print paper that it sold to other nations or exchanged for goods and services. For almost 50 years this has been the most clever way ever devised of maintaining the living standards of an economically deteriorating nation without even having to spend any resources on building an empire. It is a Ponzi scheme . . . Every single sector of the real economy is deteriorating whether it is production, unemployment, corporate profits, real estate, credit defaults, construction, federal deficits, local government and state deficits etc. And what is the government doing about it. They are doing the only thing they know which is to print more money. This is total lunacy! How can any intelligent person believe that printed pieces of paper can solve an economic catastrophe? Full story:
Rule by Fear or Rule by Law?
February 4, 2008 – Since 9/11, and seemingly without the notice of most Americans, the federal government has assumed the authority to institute martial law, arrest a wide swath of dissidents (citizen and noncitizen alike), and detain people without legal or constitutional recourse in the event of "an emergency influx of immigrants in the US, or to support the rapid development of new programs".
Beginning in 1999, (three years before 9/11, showing the continuity of leadership behind the Clinton, George II, and Sotero administrations – Ed), the government has entered into a series of single-bid contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) to build detention camps at undisclosed locations within the United States. The government has also contracted with several companies to build thousands of railcars; some reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly to transport detainees (See photograph).
According to diplomat and author Peter Dale Scott, the KBR contract is part of a Homeland Security plan titled ENDGAME, which sets as its goal the removal of "all removable aliens" and "potential terrorists". . . Full story: San Francisco Chronicle p. B—7,
Comment: Is this what happens to recalcitrants who refuse their 'flu shot?
Brother John Wilson is in Silverwater Jail!!!!!!
For over a decade, subscriber Dr. John Wilson has taken court action seeking to have judges, government and banks obey the law. As his Website explains:
"The banks have corrupted parliaments and courts in order to achieve their seemingly invincible position. Through the parliaments, banks have set in place legislation which forms the blue print and provides the means to realize their goal.
However, such legislation can only be enforced through the courts where, if justice were to prevail, bad laws would be vetoed and rejected in fair trials or tribunals. That is why the banks have to have dominance over the courts. They do this by firstly controlling the judges and secondly eliminating juries—thereby removing any possibility that the judges may "do right" or that the people may exercise their will.
But there is a chink in the banks' armour—an Achilles' heel. There is a way to smash the banks by proclaiming a simple truth which the banks have swept aside in the implementation of their practice of issuing loan contracts.
The truth is in the meaning of the word, "variable," as found in the Oxford English Dictionary. "Variable" means "uncertain" and "certain" means "not variable." For contracts to be valid under the common law there must be "certainty of terms" as an essential element. Therefore, all loan contracts in which the banks have incorporated variable interest rates are invalid. Those loans are illegal and the banks are common law criminals.
The judges know this and are concealing this serious offence. This website exposes the incompetence, corruption and treachery in the judiciary.
Magna Carta says, "To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay, Right or Justice." Unless the banks can be defeated, such noble principles are gone and the people, having no rights, are merely slaves".
The other day I received the following information by email:
Police came to arrest John on Thursday July 16; the first officer went away after John asked to see a warrant and told him he was trespassing. The police replied, "We don't need a warrant we are the police." A couple of hours later they came back in force. As John was videoing the goings on, they started on the screen door with a crowbar, after damaging the screen door and going to start on the main door, John told them to hold off and he will open the door, he put the camera down and opened the door, they proceeded to attack him, they had him on the ground, one had him in a head lock another jumped on his back and had his knees compressing his chest so he could hardly breath, John said that he thought that he was going to die, the policeman on top of him said, "That will teach you." Photo shows John Wilson's graffiti on his former dental surgery.
And all this without a warrant and no charge; are they acting under a new law??? The Mental Health Act?. . . so they put him in Silverwater Jail, the hearing is set down for the August 26, and to keep him out of circulation they are going to hear it with a camera link-up with Silverwater Jail, they won't let him have any paperwork to defend himself in court. How is that for a totalitarian police State!!! John has applied for bail, but he thinks that since they want him out of harm's way the chances of getting bail are slim, beside the fact that the Police are acting like terrorists, breaking every law that you can think of, trespass, break and enter, assault, robbery, (they stole his camera with all the evidence).
Since John will be out of action until at least the August 26 for any updates email John Bauskis. John has asked me to try and organize a peaceful protest at Parramatta Local Court on August 26, all carrying the Australian flag, and wearing tee shirts with "Trial by Jury is Democracy" or appropriate slogan, now this is our last chance to fight for our Rights.
Full story:
Comment: Hebrews 11:3, "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear".
God's Word is Spirit in a form we can receive by faith (revelation). We are born-again through a clear understanding of His unchanging Word for the hour in which we live, what Peter called "the present Truth." We are commanded to "walk in the Light He is fulfilling now," not to impersonate the Word for a day gone by. God is only writing letters of the present Truth—what Jesus is doing now."
Intentional corruption of language, whether it be the Word of God or the words or men is deceit and fraud. Incarnate in the man-like creature called the Serpent, Satan beguiled and vicariously seduced Eve by subterfuge, misquoting God by adding one word, "surely," enticing her to reason against faith. Those who pervert language, be they judges, legislators, or banksters establish the Words of Jesus Messiah, "You are of your father the Devil, and love to practice his evil desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and a hater of truth, because there is not one iota of truth in him. When he lies, he expresses his nature: for he is a liar and the father of lies".
European Court Ruling spells an End to Water Fluoridation.
May 10, 2009 – Fluoridated water must be treated as a medicine, and cannot be used to prepare foods. That is the decision of the European Court of Justice, in a landmark case dealing with the classification and regulation of 'functional drinks' in member states of the European Community. (HLH Warenvertriebs and Orthica (Joined Cases C-211/03, C-299/03, C-316/03 and C-318/03) 9 June 2005).
Functional drinks are those products that have two different purposes—for example, nutrition and exerting a positive effect on some medical condition. They include 'near-water drinks with added minerals' and, in view of the properties claimed for fluoridated water by fluoride advocates, it must be classified as a 'functional food,' and therefore falls within the scope of the relevant legislation.
The Court ruled that, where two different sets of rules appear to apply to a product, medicinal legislation must take precedent, and the product must be regulated as a medicine. It emphasised that medicines regulators in member states do not have the power to exercise discretion on the classification of such dual-function products. The repeated refusal of the British and Irish Regulators to recognise fluoridated water as a medicinal product is therefore an unlawful misuse of their powers, and one that requires immediate reversal.
But the ruling also has an equally profound implication for export trade in processed foods and drinks. The Court stated that even if a functional food product (or a food containing it) is legally marketed as a food in one member state, it cannot be exported to any other member state unless it has a medicinal licence. So any company making a consumable product using fluoridated water in its preparation or as an ingredient cannot now export that product to any other state in the EC, even if their product is permitted in their home state.
The economic implications are enormous. Not only does the ruling ban the use of fluoridated water for all retail catering and wholesale food processing in the UK and Ireland, it also prohibits such trade from these states to other member states of the EC.
But it goes much further than even this, because if British and Irish processed foods from fluoridated areas cannot be exported to the EC, this prohibition must also apply to the importing of such products into EC member states from any other country that practices water fluoridation. The decision effectively bans all processed food products from countries such as the USA, Australia and New Zealand, unless they can be positively proven to have been prepared using only water that was not fluoridated. Full story:
Worst Case Scenario
July 21, 2009 – The torture debate in America got real three weeks ago. . . the whole nature of the torture debate changed irrevocably when an American soldier from Idaho named Bowe Bergdahl somehow fell into the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan. . .
If the Taliban decide Bergdahl has information they want, they can waterboard him until he talks. They can compress his body and cover him with insects, they can rob him of sleep and deny him food, they can beat him and slather his body with his own waste, they can shove sticks into his rectum, they can rape him, and they can murder him. They can hand him over to representatives of another government and have him whisked away to some far-flung dungeon where "enhanced interrogation" has an even darker and more savage definition. For sure, they can deny him due process of any kind and never, ever, ever, ever let him go home again . . .
[The apostate USSA] set the table in such a way that torture is a positive action that saves lives, but videotapes are right out? . . . every American so-called Christian who has defended the practice [of torture] can appreciate the lesson: we reap what we sow. Full story:
By Brother Boyd Reneau
David, a man after God's own heart who would fulfill all His will, was Israel's second king but God's first choice as shepherd of His people Israel. David was so dearly beloved that Messiah's millennial title is Son of David. Saul the son of Kish, chosen by the people as their first king, symbolized many of the kings who would follow in unbelief and disobedience to the Word of the Lord. King Solomon, David's own son through Bathsheba, though wise and great in many respects, and to whom God twice appeared, provoked the Lord to anger with his many strange (Heb. 'nokriy' or Serpent's seed) women and the high places he built to their heathen gods, assuring judgment upon Israel. But because of His great love for David, God promised He would rend Israel in two after Solomon's reign and preserve Judah to fulfill the Messianic prophecies (Genesis 49:10; Numbers 24:17). So it was that in the days when Solomon's son Rehoboam was Judah's king the Word of the Lord came to pass (I Kings 11:9-11).
The ten northern tribes of Israel rebelled against the House of David and made Jeroboam their king. Fearing his kingdom would re-unite with Rehoboam if they went up to sacrifice at the House of the Lord in Jerusalem, Jeroboam took counsel and made two golden calves which he set up for the people to worship. One at Dan in the far north and the other at Bethel in the south a mere 12 miles from Jerusalem. And it became a great sin, for the people worshipped the idols at these two places, moving God to anger against them (I Kings 12:25-33).
II Kings continues the denunciation of its leaders and the recital of Israel's demise begun in I Kings. God judged and gave Israel over to the Assyrians because of their persistent idolatrous worship (II Kings 17:21-22; Trinitarianism). Judah would subsequently suffer judgment at the hands of God, exiled to Babylon because she did not learn from Israel's error but followed the sins of Manasseh whose reign epitomized the wickedness of Judah's kings (II Kings 21:1-16; Jeremiah 3; Ezekiel 23). And although Josiah was a good king whose reign saw the revival of Mosaic worship, it was not sufficient to turn away God's wrath. The basis of God's judgment was the Mosaic Covenant as described in Deuteronomy.
Many of the kings fell far short of the glory and the precepts of the Word and led their nation in rebellion against the Lord. Because Israel broke the Law by worshipping at the high places of the heathens; God called upon mount Ebal to testify against them; thus putting into motion the curses of the Covenant (Deuteronomy 27:13-26; 28:15-68). There is a recurring theme of divine judgment because people fail to see the severity with which God deals with disobedience.
As William Branham the prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 said, "God always sends warning before judgment," as we see repeatedly in the history of Israel. God's prophets solemnly warned the nation and urged them to repentance, and the judgments were withheld in short periods of contrition or carried out "according to the Word of the Lord" when repentance was not forthcoming. Seeking to save His people, God demonstrated His sovereign might and power by granting victory to a foreign nation in order to chastise them with a view to correction, and by the establishment or overthrow of their king.
The twenty-two year reign of Ahab and his wicked wife Jezebel was an exceptionally dark period in which Israel's spiritual life plunged to new depths. In this crisis God sent Elijah the Tishbite. His ministry had a profound effect on Israel and his many miracles honoured and glorified the Lord, confirming Jehovah alone was God in Israel. He restored the nation to God and to the Covenant they had offended. Such seminal episodes in the Old Testament become shadows and types of future events to take place in the New. Elijah's ministry of restoration was a perfect shadow of what has transpired in our day and set the type for the great restoration of the elect Israelites at the end time (Malachi 4:5-6; Acts 3:19-23).
In I Kings 17:1 Elijah told Ahab "As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there will be neither dew nor rain these years except by My word." The drought came to pass as prophesied and Elijah turned eastward to a brook Cherith where ravens brought him bread and meat morning and evening until the brook dried up. After this God told him to go to Zarephath "For I have commanded a widow there to sustain you." At the gate of the city he met the woman gathering sticks and called her to fetch him a drink of water. But as she was going to get the water he added, "And please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand." She replied, "As the Lord your God lives, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruise: and see, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and prepare it for me and my son, that we may eat it and die. And Elijah said to her, Fear not, go and do as you have said: but first bake me a little cake, and bring it to me and after bake for yourself and your son. For THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL, the barrel of meal shall not be spent, and the cruise of oil shall not fail until the Lord sends rain upon the earth" (I Kings 17:8-14).
What a situation confronted this widow; she was gathering two sticks symbolic of the cross, to prepare one last meal for she and her son before they starve, but this man told her to make him a cake first, and then bake for herself and her son. O how God makes demands of us when it looks humanly impossible. But subscribers to Bible Believers' Newsletters are admonished and know the importance of "Saying the right thing to God." She never expressed dismay at the inconsiderate nature of his request; nor asked why his church was not leading the relief operation. No such thing, because in her heart she was perhaps thinking, "Sir, I perceive you are a prophet," whereas he knew Something had struck her heart and that she was the woman of whom the Lord had spoken, for as she turned in obedience to make that little cake for Elijah, "THUS SAITH THE LORD" thundered forth and the 'third pull' sustained the widow, Elijah and her house for three and a half years.
Great things happen when we are certain of God, put Him first, endure hardship as a good soldier of Christ, and wait until He provides for our need. Yet the creation of the meal and oil was not the only miracle that widow witnessed. When her son became sick and died she took him to Elijah, who stretched himself three times upon the child and cried unto the Lord that the soul of the child would come into him again. The Lord heard his prayer and the child was restored to life much to the rejoicing of his mother, who acknowledged, "the Word of the Lord in the prophet's mouth is truth. And after many days, the Word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year saying, Go show yourself to Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth" (I Kings 18:1).
Throughout the land the impact of the drought was severe. So serious was the shortage of feed for the livestock that besides his honoured servant Obadiah, the king himself also searched for pasture in hopes they would not lose all the horses and mules (I Kings 18:5-6). They went their separate ways and Obadiah encountered Elijah. From their exchange we learn Ahab was intent on capturing and slaying Elijah. Not only had he searched throughout the land of Israel, he had pressed the neighboring kingdoms to extradite Elijah should he be found within their borders; and when they said, "He is not here," he bound the kingdom under oath that they had found no trace of him living (I Kings 18:10). But Obadiah was instructed, "Go tell Ahab, Behold Elijah is here".
Though King Ahab may have been fuming, he could not touch Elijah; nor could he intimidate the prophet with his, "Are you the one who troubles Israel?" Calmly and resolutely Elijah said, "I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father's house in that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord, and have followed Baalim".
In calling for a drought throughout the land, it was the Lord who had inspired the Word as judgment on apostate Israel. In Leviticus 26:1-5, 18-19, God told the people "You shall make no idols nor graven images, neither rear up a standing image, neither shall you set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God."
"If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, and do them; then I will give you rain in due season; your land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. Your threshing season will extend until the vintage season, and the vintage season will extend until the sowing season, so you will eat your bread to the full, and dwell safely in your land. And if you will not listen to Me, then I will punish you sevenfold more for your sins . . . I will make your heaven as iron and your earth as brass".
Ahab was so mired in sin he could not see this severe drought was God's response to his wrongdoing and the wickedness of his wife in leading Israel to serve false gods and bow before idols. Elijah however issued a challenge to Ahab: "Now therefore send and gather to me all Israel at Mount Carmel, and the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of the groves who eat at Jezebel's table" (I Kings 18:19). The nation was to be confronted with its sin a trial that would vindicate the righteous, condemn the guilty and turn an estranged people back to their God. The altar on which Israel had formerly offered to God had been torn down, but the stones remained. So Ahab sent messengers to all Israel and he assembled the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel.
Elijah demanded of the people, "How long do you halt between two opinions? If the Lord is the true God, then follow Him, but if Baal is, follow him!" The people answered not a word so it is not hard to discern their culpability. Then Elijah said, "I am the only prophet of the Lord who is left, but the prophets of Baal number four hundred and fifty. Let them provide two bulls for us, then let them choose one of the bulls for themselves, cut it up, lay it on the wood, but set no fire to it. I will do the same to the other bull and place it on the wood, but I will not set it on fire. Then you will invoke the name of your god, and I will invoke the Name of the Lord. The god who answers with fire, he will be the true God." The people liked the challenge and all responded, "This is well spoken."
The drama of the great mount Carmel showdown heightened as the false prophets invoked the name of Baal from morning until noon, saying, "O Baal, hear us." But there was no sound or response as they danced about the altar they had made. Then at noon Elijah mocked them (I love this brother, sister—he mocked them)! "Yell louder. After all he is a god; either he is talking, or he is taking a trip. Perhaps he is sleeping and needs to be awakened." So they yelled louder and mutilated themselves with swords and spears until their bodies were covered with blood. Throughout the afternoon they were in an ecstatic frenzy, but there was no sound, no answer, and NO response".
Such taunting must have infuriated those prophets, who received no response from their god. Elijah's mocking was intolerable, but if their god had power to create lightning and thunder, he could readily send fire to consume their bullock. These charismatic preachers, teachers and prophets, were exhausted from dancing, hoarse from shouting and speaking in tongues, and cut and bloodied all over from their desperate but futile attempt to solicit an "amen," or even a puff of smoke from their god. "They prophesied until the time of the evening sacrifice, [about three in the afternoon]. But still there was no voice; nor any answer, nor any recognition".
In His magnificent and royal dignity, God instructed His prophet to rebuild the altar. Elijah bade all the people to approach him, and he repaired the altar of the Lord that had been torn down. He took twelve stones corresponding to the twelve tribes of Israel, not ten stones representing the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom, but all twelve emblematic of Israel's revival. Although the nation was then divided, Elijah looked to the time following the Gentile dispensation when the nation will be re-united (Ezekiel 37), and with those twelve stones he "built an altar in the Name of the Lord." Then he instructed his helpers to dig a trench around the altar. He set the wood in order, cut the bullock in pieces and laid them on the wood, and commanded four barrels to be filled with water and poured on the offering and on the wood; not once, not twice, but three times, until the trench was filled. The people as it were held their breath.
"Then, at the time of the evening sacrifice, Elijah approached the altar and offered a simple but profound prayer: "O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your Word. Hear me, O Lord, and answer me, that this people may know that You are the Lord God and that You have turned their heart back again. Then fire from the Lord fell from the sky and consumed the burnt sacrifice and the wood, the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. When all the people saw this, they fell face down to the ground and said, "The Lord is the true God! The Lord is the true God!" Then Elijah, seizing the moment to offer a 'cherem' sacrifice, told the people: "Take the prophets of Baal! Let not even one of them escape!" So they took them, and Elijah led them down to the Kishon Valley and executed them" (I Kings 18:36-39).
Elijah did not pray for the king to repent, but "that this people will know that You are the Lord God who has turned their hearts back toward Him." The showdown was over. God had won. Elijah was His vindicated Word Prophet. The people fell on their faces and worshipped, acknowledging, "The Lord is the true God! The Lord is the true God!"
Then when Ahab went up to eat and drink Elijah went up to pray. His prayer for rain—unlike his prayer before all Israel—was private, on the top of Mount Carmel with his face between his knees. Elijah ordered his servant to look toward the sea, to see if the rain was yet coming. Six times the servant was sent to look, only to return as there was no rain in sight. Then the seventh time he announced a small cloud the size of a man's fist emerge from the sea which Elijah recognized as the first-fruit of an abundant rain from God.
It is important to note that Israel's sin invoked divine judgment—God ceased to give rain. Elijah was instructed to announce this to Ahab before the drought began (I Kings 17:1). But when God commanded Elijah to appear before Ahab in chapter 18, He says nothing of the rain until after the confrontation on Mount Carmel; after Israel's heart has been turned back in allegiance to God; after the nation proclaimed the Lord to be God, and after the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal had been slain. Not until then did Elijah declare that the Lord will send rain. God is sovereign, He will only withdraw the drought after Israel has repented and burnt all bridges to retreat. The confrontation on Mount Carmel was designed to turn Israel away from her idolatry and back to God in order that He might restore His Covenant blessings.
There is one more thing we would like to mention before typing Elijah's ministry to our day and that is the final scene of his supernatural catching up to heaven in a whirlwind; a truly dramatic end to an exceptional service on earth. II Kings 2:1-15, "When the Lord was about to take Elijah up into heaven by a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha left Gilgal. Elijah appealed to Elisha, stay on here, for the Lord has sent me to Bethel. But Elisha said, As sure as the Lord lives and you live, I will not leave you. So they went on to Bethel".
Elijah revealed that the Lord had also sent him to Jericho and finally to Jordan and told Elisha not to follow him, but Elisha insisted "As the Lord lives and you live, I will not leave you." When they reached the Jordan Elijah took his mantle and struck the waters and much to the amazement of the sons of the prophets who followed afar off, the river parted and they both went over on dry ground. Then the great prophet bade the one anointed in his room to ask a petition of him. Elisha asked for a double portion of the Spirit that was upon Elijah. Elijah said it was a hard thing he asked, "Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so".
Gilgal, which means "rolling," was the first camp of Israel east of Jordan. Here Joshua set up twelve stones from the dry river bed as a memorial after their miraculous crossing the river on dry land (Joshua 4:19-20); and here all males born in the wilderness were circumcised preparatory to their possession of the land. And Lord said to Joshua, "This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you," and they kept the Passover at Gilgal which became a campaign base for the conquest of Jericho and for several other military expeditions against the inhabitants of the lands Joshua conquered. Here Messiah, the Captain of the Host of the Lord, met Joshua who worshipped Him, and after its daily compass of Jericho the Ark of the Covenant returned to Gilgal.
Bethel, which means "the House of God and the gate of heaven," was where the Patriarch Jacob dreamt of a ladder standing on the earth whose top reached to heaven and the angels of God ascending and descending on it. At the top of the ladder stood the Lord Jehovah in His descent incarnate as "the beginning of the creation of God," the virgin-born flesh of the seed of Jacob. Here at Bethel God promised that He would give the land to Jacob and his seed which would be as the sand of the earth, "and in your Seed [who is Jesus Messiah] will all families of the earth be blessed. And here Jacob vowed he would surely give a tithe to the Lord" (Genesis 28:10-22).
Jericho, presented formidable opposition as a city fortified behind walls of unrighteousness. Its defeat was accomplished by the Word of the Lord, which commanded Joshua to have all the men of war compass the city once, for six days, and in a quick march seven times on the seventh day in which the priests would blow with their trumpets. And when they made a long blast with the ram's horn and the sound of the trumpet was heard, Israel shouted with a great shout, so that the walls fell down flat and the city was taken. Doesn't this bring to mind all those great stories and epic events we have read in the Bible?
Jordan was the scene of several miracles. Elisha would perform two miracles there. He healed Naaman by having him dip seven times in its waters, and he made an iron axe head borrowed by one of the "sons of the prophets" swim to a piece of wood he cast into the water (II Kings 5:14; 6:6). The third "Elijah," John the Baptist, baptized unto repentance in the Jordan and washed the sacrificial Lamb of God before He was offered in order "to fulfill all righteousness," then in a vision he saw the heavens open and the Spirit of God in the form of a dove descend and rest on the Lamb. And when Jesus' enemies sought to capture him, He took refuge in Bethabara at Jordan where He had been baptized (John 10:39-40). Jordan signifies separation or death (to self), so before his catching away, God lead Elijah through these stations of Israel's conquest.
There on the other side of Jordan the Shekinah in the form of a chariot of Fire and horses of Fire parted them and Elijah was taken up into heaven by a whirlwind. Elisha saw it and cried, "My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof. He rent his own clothes in two and took up Elijah's mantle which fell as he was taken up. Taking the mantle of Elijah, he smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? and when he had smitten the waters, they parted and Elisha went over." The sons of the prophets reverenced Elisha but did not perceive that a double portion of the Spirit was upon him as he had requested.
The events played out in the Old Testament days of Elijah would repeat in a nation that was her antitype, and in a world exhibiting the spirit of apostasy and idolatry evident in the days of King Ahab.
America was founded by the Pilgrim Fathers fleeing religious oppression in England to a land where they could freely serve God. The blessings of the Almighty were great; the Gospel of Jesus Christ was preached and missionaries reached out to other nations. The United States has become the greatest nation on the face of the earth, and like Solomon's Israel she became the wealthiest of nations with a governmental system and civil liberties once considered the best in the world, but as Israel had her Ahab with Jezebel behind him, America had her JFK with the Jezebel of Judaeo-Rome behind him.
The Laodicean Church Age opened with an outpouring of the Spirit in the Azusa Street Revival of 1906. God was restoring the revelation of Spiritual gifts in the Church, but as worship tended towards the gifts rather than the Giver an erroneous doctrine arose declaring, "speaking with unknown tongues is the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit or new birth." Scriptural sanctification and separation from worldly trends and pursuits gave way to an affinity to popular fashions, music, careless language and unchaste behaviour, which became inculcated into church life. Unlike the previous Church Ages that opened with the Spirit falling upon one man, the "angel" or messenger to the new dispensation, thence through a revelation of his Message to the elect of that Age, Laodicea opened with an outpouring upon all flesh, hence the appellation "Pentecost" as believers anticipated the "latter rain." However it was not until forty years after the start of Laodicea that the messenger to the Age received his Commission, and in May, 1946 spearheaded the great post war healing revivals. The "former or teaching rain" did not fall until Brother Branham received his "Elijah" anointing at the close of Laodicea to reveal the Seven Seals that restored the apostolic faith, finished the mystery of God, and called the wise and foolish virgin out from Rome and her Protestant daughters into the unity of the faith in preparation for the "latter rain" when it falls at the end of the Gentile dispensation. The great miracles anticipated by the Laodiceans will be performed in Israel by the two Hebrew (not Jewish) prophets of Revelation 11 during the first half of Daniel's Seventieth Week.
In the type, the scene in Israel opens with Elijah telling Ahab "There will be no rain these years until I call for it." Amos 8:11 gives us a clear understanding of the type of drought and famine facing the world in the time leading up to the end. "Behold the days come says the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, BUT FOR HEARING THE WORDS OF THE LORD."
So though the gifts of the spirit were on display, there was no Word to guide men into ALL Truth. The fact God has sent a famine is proof positive that His Word of the greater Covenant has been violated. The false doctrines of the Judeo-Roman Catholic Church and her once protestant daughters are idolized along with the gifts, and worship due God alone rendered to His Enemy. This famine is more dire than most conceive because material wealth is presumed to be God's signature of approval: material blessings have disguised Laodicean apostasy and souls are unconsciously imprisoned in denominational jail houses not knowing they will be dispossessed of all upon death. Many have blasphemed the Holy Spirit by attributing to Satan the Works of God in their midst.
In such a time God sent a gift of healing to the US and the entire world to gather the outcasts from "the highways and hedges; heal the maimed and halt," and open and turn blind eyes from spiritual darkness unto Light, and from the power of Satan unto God. This took place in the humble ministry of Brother William Branham, whom the Lord told to first "do the work of an evangelist" in order to attract believers by His miraculous works to receive the 'third pull' of his ministry, the spoken Word Message of the Seven Seals. Elijah's ministry of the supernatural in the Old Testament was truly a type of the tremendous demonstration of the Spirit in this fourth "Elijah." Even his critics such as Ern Baxter admit, "Branham never once made a mistake with the Word of knowledge in all the years I knew him" (New Wine, December 1978, p. 22).
Across denominational walls, hundreds of thousands were healed in campaigns around the world, and practically all of the "big name" gospel preachers were inspired by one of those "tent meetings." But by the jubilee of the Azusa revival in the middle of the 20th century, rather than walking in the liberty of the Spirit the Pentecostals had taken the broad road that leads to destruction, and America like Esau was in bondage, having come to the place of no more repentance. The land of the free and the home of the brave was now a scene of moral and spiritual impurity. Her federal government put God out of its judicature and bureaucracies, banned prayer in schools, sanctioned the abortion of over fifty million babies and sponsored deceptive communistic programs to destroy family values, take women out of the home, and usurp the authority of men. Hollywood's filthy "entertainment" of extreme violence, raw sex, pornography, drugs, drunkenness, fornication, devil worship and every kind of lust and unclean living has polluted the world, and that city will sink (Revelation 18:21-24). Meanwhile the nation's wealth has been replaced by staggering debt of trillions of dollars.
America has religion—lots of it—but no righteousness. O they loved the healings and the miracles that took place in the ministry of God's prophet, and William Branham became a household name; but the Word he preached was too strict and offended the Laodiceans (Matthew 11:6). As in the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, men appreciated water being turned into wine, and the multiplication of loaves and fishes, but when Jesus said "Except you eat My flesh and drink My blood, you have no eternal Life," even His seventy disciples turned away. "This is a hard saying, they murmured, who can bear it."
Doctrine separates the elect from the non-elect. Hosea 6:5-6, "I hewed them by the prophets; I slew them by the Words of My mouth: and My judgment breaks forth as the light. For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings".
People do not see the parallel similitude of the Lord's great ministries past, present and future. But God had great things in store for His people. Jesus said, "I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heavens were shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land; but unto none of them was Elijah sent, save to Serepta, a city of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow" (Luke 4:25-26).
God was sending His prophet to an elect Gentile who was a widow signifying in type that the husband or old nature over her soul was dead. Although unbelief is universal, nothing can hinder God. All the important sermons Brother Branham preached were also recorded which was unusual in the days of primitive wire recording equipment. They constitute the great storehouse of Spiritual Food that will sustain the saints until the "latter rain". And without THIS Food, no one can be born-again in this day.
"When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue fails for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them. I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water" (Isaiah 41:17-18). Jehovah-Jireh is ever the same, He provides a way to deliver and sustain His people.
After the Laodicean Church Age ended in apostasy, the "Elijah" anointing came upon Brother Branham at the time of the evening sacrifice (Zechariah 14:7). Vatican II was in progress employing the spirit of 'ecumenism' to entice Rome's harlot daughters back to the mother church, and the anointed ones at the end time were prophesying and shouting their false doctrines like the wild frenzy at Baal's altar. Pentecostals were impersonating every gift of God's vindicated messenger, "but like Jannes and Jambres, their folly will be manifest to all men." And Satan, personified as Death, is riding His pale horse and hell follows on the broad road to perdition. Men who had no real knowledge of God would critique the prophet; noting his grammar was poor and his theology worse. Ministers on his own team have said that so long as he stayed with divine healing he was great and his ministry popular but once he began teaching and expounding what they considered unscriptural doctrines, his popularity began to decline.
"Behold, you despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which you shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you" (Acts 13:41).
In this hour of apostasy the Lord did something that brought silence in heaven (Revelation 8:1). Having veiled Himself behind His prophet He discerned the thoughts and intents of the heart, restored sight to the blind, hearing and speech to deaf mutes, healed the crippled and infirm, cast out demons and raised the dead to reveal Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Luke 17:28-30), and at the time of the evening sacrifice the Lamb loosed the Seals and opened the Book of Redemption, revealing its mystery through His servant "Elijah".
"In the days of the Voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God as declared to His servants the prophets should be finished" (Revelation 10:7). His Message "finished the mystery of God" and the revelation of the Seven Seals brought Christ back to earth in W_O_R_D form (Revelation 10:1; I Corinthians 13:10). These divinely revealed mystery-truths literally turn the heart of the children back to the faith of their apostolic fathers (Malachi 4:5-6). When the revelation of the Seven Seals called Christ's end-time Bride out of Babylon to meet the Bridegroom, the Church Age saints were made up. Brother Branham's end-time Message is Christ, whose perfect revelation will draw His Bride into the unity of the apostolic Faith. By this revelation in our hearts we crown Christ as Lord and King of kings, as we are those kings who will reign with Him on the earth.
Quoting selectively from the false Bible written by Zionist stooge Cyrus Scofield, Brother Branham declared, "The greater mysteries revealed and expounded are as follows:
1. The mystery of the Kingdom of heaven. That's the one we are talking on now, Matthew 13:3-15.
The second mystery is the mystery of Israel's blindness during this Age: Romans 11:25 with the context.
The third mystery is the mystery of the translation of the living saints at the end time of this Age: I Corinthians 15 and also Thessalonians 4:14-17.
The fourth mystery, of the New Testament church as One Body, composed of both Jews and Gentiles: Ephesians 3:1-11, Romans 16:25, and also Ephesians 6:19, Colossians 4:3.
The fifth mystery is of the church, as the Bride of Christ: Ephesians 5:28-32.
The sixth mystery is of the living Christ, same yesterday, today and forever: Galatians 2:20 and Hebrews 13:8, many places like that.
The seventh mystery is of God, even Christ, as the incarnate fullness of the Godhead, embodied in Whom all Divine wisdom and godliness is restored to man. (The eighth mystery, the mystery of the processes by which godlikeness is restored to man I Timothy 3:16, was omitted).
The ninth mystery is the mystery of iniquity found in II Thessalonians and so forth.
The tenth mystery is of the seven stars of Revelation 1:20. We just been through that. The seven stars are the seven churches, the seven messengers, and so forth.
And the eleventh mystery is mystery Babylon, the prostitute: Revelations 17:5-7.
That is some of the mysteries that this angel is supposed to wind up—ALL the mysteries of God. And the other—May I say this with reverence, and not referring to myself, but referring to the Angel of God.
The serpent's seed, that's been a hidden mystery all through the years.
The grace straightened out, not disgrace, but real true grace.
No such a thing as an eternal burning hell. You'll burn for millions of years, but anything that was eternal had never beginning or end, and hell was created—all these mysteries.
The mystery of the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation, but the Person of Christ performing in you the same works that He did.
The mystery of water baptism, where the extreme trinitarianism has brought it into Titles of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and the mystery of the Godhead being fulfilled in the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ according to the Book of the Revelation, that the church in this time was to receive. There are some of the mysteries.
The Pillar of Fire returning back. Amen. That's the thing that is supposed to take place, and we see it.
Oh, how we could go on naming the mysteries. Seeing that Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, the same one that struck down Saul on his road down to Damascus. And the same One, coming with the same power, doing the same things, and revealing the same Word, staying Word by Word with the Bible" (Is This the Sign of the End Sir? 31:1 – 32:4).
Few counted God faithful and believed that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Fewer still gave of their substance to his cause and fulfilled the Word He gave. But God is true and faithful and what the Locust, the cankerworm, the caterpillar and the Palmerworm had eaten, He has restored, sending the hidden manna from above.
The last sign Jesus promised we Gentiles before the end of our Dispensation was the Son of Man revealed "As it was in the days of Lot" (Luke 17:28-30). Bible students know that before the fire fell on Sodom, God veiled Himself behind the flesh of a created man, visited Abraham His elect and discerned the thoughts and intents of Sarah his wife. She was purged and their bodies renewed to receive the promised son. After two thousand years, a vindicated dispensational Word prophet has delivered the one Message ordained to cleanse, perfect and change the living saints into glorified form. As with Jezebel, the false church sought his life and will shortly pursue the true people of God wherever they are. The battle continues, and the Mount Zion showdown draws nigh between the few members of Christ Bride and the multiple millions of the World Council of Churches.
When Elijah thought he alone had survived, God said "I have reserved seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal nor kissed him." But how many really believe the revealed Word of God for this day? How many have made their calling and election sure? Ministers who were great names years ago and once supported Brother Branham have turned their backs and wrapped themselves in the Babylonish garment of Rome's trinity of false gods. Others have wives who cut their hair, wear men's attire, lead song service and even preach. Which Message were they reading or which sermons did they hear? Some ministers even host unregenerate sinners like Christ-denying non-Semitic Jewish rabbis to peddle their trash before Message believers (so-called). They count the pleasures of sin greater riches than the reward of Almighty God. Rather than receive the counsel of the Spirit to buy of Him gold tried in the purifying Fire of His righteousness, they seek the approval of men and the gold wedge of Rothschild in Lucifer's coming World Order.
Whereas the preachers and teachers of Elijah's day could not bring down fire from heaven, denominational ministers at the conference of the Greater Chicago Ministerial Association could not face Brother Branham with the Bible in that showdown or at any other time in his ministry. The Pillar of Fire accompanied the Prophet throughout his life; the Angel of God told him, "If you get the people to believe you, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayers, not even cancer." On the banks of the Ohio River whilst baptizing in the presence of thousands, a Light appeared over him in the form of a star, and a Voice said, "As John the Baptist forerun the first Coming of Christ, your Message will forerun His second Coming".
In 1946 at the same hour Israel was putting forth leaves of statehood, the Angel of the Lord appeared to explain Brother Branham's unusual life and said that God had commissioned him to take a gift of healing to the world (Matthew 24:32-34). The healings and miracles of his ministry outnumber those recorded in Scripture. When confronted by a hostile Baptist minister in 1950, the Shekinah appeared as a halo over Brother Branham's head in vindication of his ministry. The Sword of the Spirit will slay the wicked and all unbelievers, whose names have been blotted from the Book of Life. The Prophet was vindicated long before his great "Elijah" ministry began. At Sunset Mountain seven angels appeared, which were the seven portions of the Spirit that anointed the Church Age messengers, making the fullness of the Spirit that would crown his prophetic ministry, for the Spirit of "Elijah" in this day is the Lord Jesus Christ.
As Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind and his mantle fell upon Elisha in token of a double portion of the Spirit, a prophecy came forth after Brother Branham had addressed a Full Gospel Business Men's breakfast in February 1961:
"Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way, thou has walked of thy own choosing. Thou has picked the correct and precise decision, and it is My way. Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of heaven awaits thee. What a glorious decision thou has made. This in itself is that which will give and make come to pass the tremendous victory in the love divine".
As heaven consists of the Word, the "huge portion of heaven" was the fullness of the Spirit to introduce the second or 'parousia' Coming of Jesus Christ, who is the fullness of the Word!
Elijah typed Christ whilst Elisha types the Bride of Christ for after Jesus was taken up into heaven His mantle of the Holy Spirit came back upon her as a double portion of the Spirit that was on Elijah fell upon Elisha. Jesus said, "He who believes on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and more than these shall he do; because I go to My Father" (John 14:12). And when the unbelieving children mocked Elisha saying, "Go up, you bald head; go up [like Elijah] you bald head," those souls in prison were removed from the Book of Life, and our ministry is largely preaching to souls in prison now. But our double portion of the Spirit is the new birth and the body change and translation without death.
Christ's end-time Bride cannot be bothered with fickle-minded denominational "sons of the prophets" who doubt the power of God supposing the Spirit of God had taken up Elijah and cast him upon some mountain or into a valley, or believe Brother Branham will resurrect and preach in a tent or fly around the world picking up the Bride for the "rapture." Such people lack rapturing faith for translation grace in this hour.
When Elisha returned from his master's translation, the men of the city besought him, saying "the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees, but the water is bad, and the ground barren. And Elisha said, bring me a new cruse and put salt therein. And they brought it to him. And he went forth to the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said THUS SAITH THE LORD, I have healed these waters; henceforth they shall cause neither death nor miscarriage" (II Kings 2:19-21).
The waters of Life have been restored, purged of the death-bringing traditions of men to ensure we receive a live birth, receiving those "exceeding great and precious promises by which we might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that in the world through lust." The fulfillment of these promises will transport us into the sixth dimension and the Wedding Supper in the Skies where we will be reunited with the saints of all Ages crowned with the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.
"And God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away" (Revelation 21:4). nl592.htm
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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