Bible Believers' Newsletter 829
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship.
Our main article is an exposition of II Corinthians 10:1-6 with emphasis on the "present Truth—what Jesus is doing now." It shows that our warfare is not against flesh and blood or with violence, but against the demonic spirits that possess and oppress people, and with faith which is understanding founded in truth whereby we put on the full armour of God.
Our leading news item contains several reports on the fateful Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370; the key article is Andrew S. MacGregor's investigation which contains evidence. To learn some REAL HISTORY I encourage you to visit the links in the last two items.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott
Is Highly Classified Military Tech Key to Malaysia Airlines Mystery?
Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370: The Trillion Dollar Question to the US and Its Intelligence Services. Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 vs. The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: The Role of the Diego Garcia Military and Intelligence Base?
Flight MH370 Found? Not Quite – Now the Real Whitewash Begins. Why was the Malaysian MH370 Flight Not Detected by the Diego Garcia US Naval and Intelligence Base in the Indian Ocean?
Whatever goes up must come down. I shall start with the piece of flotsam first, the cargo hold fire extinguisher. When you look at the photographs of this article you will notice that it is still quite clean meaning that it has not been in the water for any period of time. If you check on the atoll on which it was found, you will see it is in the north and thus very close to Noonu Atoll where the Royal couple were holidaying. But the most important piece of understanding is that such items do not appear as jetsam, but flotsam. They are only activated when there is a fire in the cargo hold of the plane they are fitted to, and they would only be washed ashore after that plane has crashed into the sea. Now how many planes have been reported crashing into the sea in this area, or in fact anywhere within the vicinity of this piece of flotsam? None! So the reality is that it must come from MH370, and that MH370 went down near Noonu Atoll, after a fire in the cargo hold which just also could have been a 'bomb explosion'.
Now the plane seen at 6.15am was reported as a 'Jumbo' jet and was flying at 6.15am local time. It was also flying so low that witnesses could clearly see the doors to this jet. However, this sighting was in the south of the Maldives and the plane was heading south, or southwest, which is away from Noonu Atoll. Thus the 'flotsam' could not have come from this plane. Also, a Jumbo jet is very different from a Boeing 777 the Boeing being fitted with only two engines from what I can see from its photographs. What we do know about this aircraft is that it was not a passenger airline, as it was flying too low, and had it been a commercial airliner then that would have squashed all reports of it. The fact that this aircraft was flying so low also tells us that it was avoiding radar detection, and its flight path was taking it towards Diego Garcia, the US Airbase South of the Maldives. In other words, this aircraft to all intensive purposes would have been the controlling craft watching over MH370 on the final leg of its aborted flight.
Comment: Is it possible the 'Allies,' Britain, France, Australia, have created a diversion searching in the wrong position to cover a US assessment of Chinese military technology? Could this be one more false flag black op with Israel planting her customary seeds of deception?
Sanctions on Russia's Energy Sector: Shale Gas 'Fracking' will invade Europe?
March 28, 2014 — Fracking will be "good for our country," was a statement made by British Prime Minister David Cameron at a recent Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague according to the UK based news agency The Guardian. Cameron believes that the fracking industry will have the public's support since reliance on Russia's energy sources will be halted if sanctions are imposed due to the political crisis in the Ukraine. The Obama administration is also proposing a joint US-EU trade deal with its European partners that would reduce Europe's dependence on Russia's energy resources. The Guardian reported Cameron's statement regarding shale gas fracking in Europe:
The prime minister said that once wells are up and running later this year, there would be more public enthusiasm, and exploiting shale gas reserves could help Europe wean itself off reliance on exports from Russia" and that "The Ukraine crisis has increased the urgency of European efforts to find alternative sources of energy to reduce the leverage Russia's oil and gas supplies give it across the continent."
Has the Ukraine crisis opened the doors for shale gas fracking in Europe? The United States and the European Union are currently negotiating an agreement since July of 2013. In a recent report titled ‘No Fracking Way: How the EU-US trade agreement risks expanding fracking' by Friends of the Earth Europe, Corporate Europe Observatory and the Transnational Institute among others stated what the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is capable of in terms of the rights of corporations involved in the fracking industry:
The TTIP deal threatens to give more rights to companies through a clause called an 'investor-state dispute settlement' (ISDS). If included in the deal, this would enable corporations to claim damages in secret courts or ‘arbitration panels' if they deem their profits are adversely affected by changes in a regulation or policy. This threatens democratically agreed laws designed to protect communities and the environment. . . Full story:
Comment: With friends like David Cameron one would not need enemies. The US Navy is sending a guided missile destroyer the USS Donald Cook to the Black Sea to support Ukraine and participate in to-be-scheduled exercises with allies in the region. Pernicious Albion and belligerent USA are puppet colonies of the City of London with no mind of their own. They will lose this unnecessary war they are determined to foment, and their noses will be bloodied.
How the 'Holocaust' was faked
March 27, 2014 — The alleged "Holocaust" of "6 million Jews" at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity. The very idea that the Germans organized and executed a complex conspiracy involving "homicidal gas chambers" and other barbaric, sadistic forms of mass murder designed to exterminate European Jewry during WWII is laughable on its face when you stop and objectively think about it. National Socialist Germany and her allies were fighting a multi-front war against some of the most powerful nations in the world at the time, including the United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union. The idea that they would divert their precious and extremely scarce resources and manpower towards implementing a systematic campaign of mass murder specifically designed to annihilate European Jewry is absurd.
There was no German conspiracy to systematically genocide and destroy European Jewry during WWII. There were no "homicidal gas chambers" utilized to murder Jews and other "undesirables." The system of concentration camps throughout much of Europe developed and administered by the Germans and their allies during WWII was simply a network of labor, transit, industrial and detention facilities—not "death camps." Jews, political prisoners and Communist subversives (many of whom were in fact Jewish), homosexuals and many others were detained and either put to work or imprisoned in German-administered concentration camps and industrial facilities throughout Europe.
These forced laborers and prisoners were well-cared for, at least until the end of the war when Germany's supply lines broke down and chaos ensued as a result of the Soviet and Anglo-American invasion of German territory. They were well-fed, well-provided for, and given medical treatment and entertainment. They were allowed to attend concerts, organize plays, make music and play sports. If the Germans were hell bent on murdering these people, why would they provide medical care for them and allow them to entertain themselves?
The entire WWII narrative, especially the fake "Holocaust" story, is basically the exact opposite from what we've been told and taught.
The Jewish Bolshevik terrorists who overthrew the Russian monarchy during WWI and their allies—the USA and the UK, primarily—committed the real atrocities and genocides against the German people and their sympathizers during and after WWII. The British and Americans engaged in a systematic fire-bombing campaign specifically targeting German industrial and urban areas for destruction. Major cities all throughout Germany were fire-bombed on a regular basis, resulting in the horrific death for millions of innocent German civilians—men, women and children. . . Full story:
Black Preacher Ray Hagins honors Adolf Hitler
Dr. Ray Hagins is the Founder, Chief Elder & Spiritual Leader of The Afrikan Village & Cultural Center, Inc., with headquarters in St. Louis, MO. He is also a therapist, clinician, pilot, and a musician. I have no idea what he believes but he is not afraid to speak out on one item of historical truth, and if you are alert you will see he is protesting the "squeeze" planned from the nineteenth century manipulate your consciousness by implanting a lie and managing your conduct by thought control. Did you know that the original US salute was the Roman right straight arm salute adopted by the Nazi Party? And are you aware that the US Army Airforce originally flew with the Swastika logo as did the Finnish Air Force prior to World War II? Full story:
Comment: In the Journals and Letters of Reginald, Viscount Esher, one of Cecil Rhodes' executive committee members. Under August 3, 1917 he wrote: "No American is likely to be killed before November. This is unfortunate, as (President) Wilson may require to be steadied before then and only the death of young Americans can ensure him stability." Esher followed this on August 11 with the statement: "Mr. Henry Morgenthau asked me to call on him . . . (He) was one of the principal supporters of President Wilson in the campaign for the Presidency, and he possesses the friendship and confidence of the President . . . They are ready to sacrifice the lives of American citizens . . . Mr. Morgenthau realizes the importance upon the morale of the French army and the French people of cementing the Alliance by shedding American blood at the earliest possible moment. If many lives have to be sacrificed, the influence upon the American people can only be beneficent."
Wilson was elected on the platform, "He kept them out of war".
Remember The Maine! A false flag lie to create a war!
REMEMBER THE Lusitania! A false flag lie to involve us in world war I.
REMEMBER Pearl Harbor! A false flag created by the communist FDR to drag us into another world war.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident! A false flag LIE to escalate the Vietnam War.
The attack upon the USS Liberty! A false flag LIE to have the USA at war with Egypt.
Remember 911! A false flag LIE to bring the USA into serial wars against innocent Arab nations.
Libya must be liberated from Khadafy! A false flag created by the US as excuse for more imperialism.
Ukraine must be Liberated from Russians! A false flag created by US-funded rent a mob—Jews—and communists.
Since then we have had endless 'created' lies—virtually ALL fomented by Jews to get the US to start WWIII . . . LEARN REAL HISTORY! (Joe Cortina).
The Weapons of Our Warfare
In II Corinthians 10:1-6 Paul wrote to the Church at Corinth ahead of his visit haunted by the fear that he should have to visit them in anger and not in love, and test his apostolic power amongst them. An apostle is "one sent by God" and Paul's object now is to vindicate his apostolic character and authority against ill-disposed and arrogant opponents in the flock that have disrespected them so his tone becomes one of stern command. He no longer commends the Corinthians for their penitent zeal, but rebukes them for their want both of love and penitence. He still expresses his devotion for the Church, but it is mixed with sarcasm and irony.
II Corinthians 10:1-6, "I Paul myself appeal to you on the basis of Christ's meekness [or willingness to suffer, endure the pain and forgive] but gentleness [that corrects the faults of others with forbearance]—I who am so meek face-to-face with you and so bold toward you from afar. But I pray that you do not force such boldness upon me when I am present with such confidence as I intend to assume against some who entertain the notion that we behave from merely human motives—walking according to the flesh."
Paul's prayer is directed not towards God but to the Corinthian detractors who considered his personal presence base and of low degree. And although he does not name these individuals personally he characterizes them from the manner in which they were in the habit of judging him.
"For though we spend our life in a body of flesh, we do not make war according to the flesh." [Hereby Paul gives the reason for his prayer and exonerates himself from the charges made against him by his opponents. Although he moves in the realms of body and mortal spirit His actions are not influenced or determined by fleshly considerations as they imagine]. "For the weapons of our warfare are not physical and worldly, but have divine power for the pulling down of strong holds."
Paul is speaking of the kinds of spiritual weapons with which he conducts his ministry in contrast with the carnal means of his adversaries. And as his weapons bore no stamp of the flesh, there was no reason for protesting that his warfare as a Christian warrior was under the direction of the flesh. This verse is certainly strong testimony against the union of religion and state as we witness under Judaism, Judaeo-Roman Catholicism and Judaeo-Islam that have killed hundreds of millions, and are killing millions to impose perverse delusions of godliness by the sword (Genesis 9:6; 27:40-41; Revelation 13:10). The flesh is feeble, particularly in contending with the world system "in the Name of God" and illustrated in the demands of patriots and other well-intentioned but misguided individuals demanding the restoration of constitutional government and the spread of our alien-controlled Hegelian two party sham democratic mob rule. Reformation ended in 1963; we are at the end. Our sole authority is the revealed Word of God and the only might we possess is that which proceeds from Him.
Sensing the world system is falling apart men everywhere are afraid; the question on the 'net and in propaganda falsely labeled news is "Should I buy gold, a gun and ammo, or should I run"?
The answer is of course, "No." The enemy of God and man would have you do this, but the weapons of our warfare are not carnal; and if they were we would be no match against the world system which does not countenance dissent and plans to reduce global population to between 500,000 and 2,000,000. Fear is caused by ignorance of prophecy; prudence calls us to quicken our soul by understanding the present Truth—what Jesus is doing now. Faith eliminates ignorance, so nourish your soul for your flesh is dust with inbuilt obsolescence like guns, ammo, and gold.
This world is not our home; move closer and closer to the Lord, put on "the whole armour of God" and by all means run—into His loving arms. Build your faith muscles by becoming one with His Word in preparation for "the manifestation of the Sons of God" so that you can change in the atoms, and in the words of that great hymn, "fly away."
Unnecessary material possessions are a burden and responsibility tying us to this world. All such things will be forsaken when the "squeeze" comes down, so make the Lord your defence and strong tower.
Brother Branham said, "Compare the two Calvarys and their accusation. . . Because of organizational prejudice, because of indifference between scholars who ought to know God's Word and plan; because of this, God can take a little group of people that He can work through somewhere and reflect Hisself, who will humble themselves to the Word" (The Indictment, p. 20:131-133). God is calling us out from the world system and into Christ. We cannot place our faith in flesh. Jesus prophesied of our day: "The earth is corrupt before God, and the earth is filled with violence" (Genesis 6:11; Matthew 24:37). Look at the warfare today between Judaized apostate once Christian nations.
To illustrate this corruption, an entry on January 1919 in an unpublished copy of the diaries of Colonel House, President Wilson's [Jewish] chief adviser, who had been instrumental in founding the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) after the First World War, states: "I had a heart to heart talk with Clemenceau (Premier of France) about Bolshevism in Russia and its westward march. I made him confess that military intervention was impossible . . . Later in the afternoon when Orlando (Premier of Italy) called, I gave him very much the same kind of talk, and he too, agreed with my conclusions. I am trying, and have partially succeeded, to frighten not only the President (Wilson) but the English, French and Italians regarding what might be termed 'the Russian peril.' . . . I would not confess that military intervention was an impossibility, because I believe that it could be successfully accomplished if gone about properly. A voluntary and a mercenary army of very small proportions, equipped with artillery and tanks, would in my opinion do the work." House here admitted that the spread of the Bolshevik Revolution could have been stopped, but he deliberately misled world leaders, including President Wilson to whom he was chief adviser, to prevent them from stopping it! I thought of the millions of people who were eventually slaughtered by the Bolsheviks, and the costly arms race, and the Communists' threat of nuclear holocaust hanging over our heads the past almost seventy years, and asked myself why Col. House had done this. Then I remembered that he had anonymously authored "Philip Dru: Administrator" in 1912 promoting "Socialism as dreamed of by [the Jew] Karl Marx." The goal was to use Marx's "Hegelian" dialectic of Bolshevik Communism as the antithesis to the thesis of Western Capitalism, with a resulting synthesis into a World Socialist Government. This made a great deal of sense given what CFR member Lincoln Bloomfield wrote in his 1962 study, "A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations," in which he revealed that ". . . if the communist dynamic was greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it had for world government" (Dennis L. Cuddy, Conspiracy, Part 3).
Germany blocked the road to the Judaeo-Communist takeover of Europe. Hitler recovered Germany from 15 years of misrule under Jewry's Weimar Republic. Beyond their bloody takeover of Russia from 1915-1918, the Jew's USSR murdered a further 66 million mainly nominal Christians in Russia from 1919-1957. Jewish Premier Stalin disobeyed his Wall Street masters, the Rockefellers, who were also masters on the United States, by declining to pursue their global plan. He was assassinated and Premier Nikita Khrushchev de-Stalinized Russia. Now President Putin's reforms have set Russia in the way of the Talmudists and Judaeo-Roman church so the enemy of God and man has set the EU and USA against this seriously nominal Christian International Good Citizen against which the City of London and her murderous colonies cannot shine a moral candle.
"At the height of its power in the 14th Century, the "Old Order" of Christendom succeeded in expelling the Islamic Moors from Spain and subjecting the previously elite Jews of Spain to the Inquisition. The expelled Jews and Moors formed widely dispersed "Cabalistic" and "Sufi" commercial/intellectual networks that could be "organized" (literally!) and utilized by the City in subduing and replacing the "old order" of Christendom with a paradoxical "modern" mystical/scientific world order. International Islam and Judaism, in spite of their mutual antagonism, are, through financial and secret society penetration, allied to the "Crown" of the City against Christendom [so-called]."
"Note, it is now clear that the Vatican has had considerable success in cozying-up to Islam based on a shared antipathy to secularism, modernism, birth control, etc. Needless to say, the "Crown" cannot always count on voluntary alliance and must resort to balance of power tactics to keep these organisms vulnerable and, thus, subject to use.
After World War II, the Neo-British Empire "High Cabal" ended the expensive and unstable colonial period based on the "White Man's Burden" and replaced it with the dialectical, 3-Bloc balance of power system as explained in Orwell's "1984": Soviet Bloc, Anglo-American (Free World Bloc), and Red Chinese Bloc. The underdeveloped countries were supposed to provide a permanent arena for "safe", controlled, "no-win conflict" between the essentially invincible Blocs or Super Powers. The overwhelming post-WWII dominance of the "Free World" Bloc explains the frenzied efforts of the "High Cabal" to build-up the East Blocs and weaken the Free World as the 3-Bloc, permanent "balance of power" system cannot be stable unless the Blocs are relatively equal in strength. Fortunately for the "High Cabal" which prefers to live in the "Free World", the advent of the new great equalizer, nuclear weapons, and planned Free World cultural degeneration [sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll], brought the Blocs into the apparent balance until the collapse of the USSR. Now the stratagem is part three of the Illuminati's 1871 plan for the 'hot stage' of World War III (Neo-British Empire of the Crown).
Our great battle was won on Calvary, and so long as we have been baptized into Christ we are united because God and the soul that is joined together with God is one Spirit (I Corinthians 6:17). "God was in Christ, the Fullness of the Godhead bodily, in Him reflecting what God was to the people, letting the whole world know what God wanted each individual to be: a son and daughter. He took one Man and did it. And because that He didn't join with their organizational ranks, they condemned Him and crucified Him" (ibid, p. 20:132). Like Christ, we must be dead to the world and bring our body and spirit under preeminence to the Word.
Paul was not intending to establish a superlative but to emphasize this reality. It is not the ministers who are powerful but "our weapons" that are mighty through God. They are able to pull down the fortresses or strongholds of our flesh and mortal spirit that war against the Lord God in the senses of see, hear, taste, touch, feel and smell; conscience, reasoning, memory, imagination, and affection. God's mighty power is in the Absolute of His unchanging Word which we apply by grace through faith: we shun intellectual debate or dispute and speak the Word, "avoiding foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings about the Law; which are unprofitable and vain. A man who is a heretic after the first and second admonition reject, knowing that he is subverted, and sins, being condemned of himself" (Titus 3:9-11). Paul's metaphorical "strongholds" serve to defend unbelieving and carnal minds as fortresses serve as a refuge for the body in time of war. "A rich man's wealth is his strong city, and as a high wall in his imagination. The Name of the Lord is our strong tower: the righteous man runs into it, and is safe" (Proverbs 18:11, 10). Christians "stand" behind "the whole armour of God" (Ephesians 6:11-19), not their ten natural senses which are given him to contact this terrestrial world. Faith in God's Word "pulls down" these castles erected in our mortal spirit and flesh by the god of this evil age to obstruct "the perfecting of the saints in the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13).
Brother Branham explained, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And that Word was made flesh." God's thoughts was expressed in a human body, made flesh and dwelled among us. There you are."
"Now, if you have eternal Life today, you are in God. By God's being in you, you are God's expressed thought [or Word]. Whew! Then don't listen to any reasonings, lest your crown be taken and give to another. Don't take any reasonings at all. Just believe what God said is the Truth and stay with it."
"Reasonings through wisdom tries to make the Word say something it doesn't say" . . . Genesis 3:4; "And the Serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die".
"See what it presents? What is it? Trying to make the Word say something that it doesn't say. See? God said, "You shall die!"
"Wisdom, as Satan was presenting to her, said, "You shall not surely die!" See? It's trying to make the Word say something that it isn't so. That's what wisdom is today. Oh, brother, how we'd tarry on that. Seminaries, schools of theology, that's their very nest; that's their grass roots, is trying to make God's Word say something that it doesn't say."
"I challenge anybody to show me the Apostles' Creed in the Bible. I challenge anybody to show me "communion of saints" in the Bible. [Christmas, Easter, Trinity, or "Jew" (prior to the latter part of the 18th century) – Ed]. Both Protestant and Catholic believe it. I challenge you to show me any of those things in the Bible."
"See? It's the grass roots of wisdom trying to reason. Our warfare is not carnal, but mighty, casting away all reasons (See?), pulling down the strongholds of Satan, that great flowery, beautiful creature. Not a slick greaser, oh, no, that's on the inside; but outwardly sin is twice as pretty. You know sin's beautiful? . . ." (Wisdom versus Faith, p. 28:1-10).
". . . A man cannot sin until first he casts aside God's Word. He can't even sin (that's disbelieve) until first he gets rid of the Word of God, the Presence of God; he cannot sin."
"Eve could not sin, until she laid aside God's Word, opening up her channel of reasons to her soul and begin to reason. "Why certainly, my husband's never told me these things, but I believe that you . . . He told me I shouldn't do this, but you know, you make it so real; it's so plain. I believe it would be wonderful, because you're making it so plain to me."
"See? There was the first battle. And through that battle has caused every other war and every bloodshed that ever come was caused right there at Eden. She disbelieved God's Word."
"And if one little iota of God's Word was disbelieve, caused all this trouble, how we going to get back, disbelieving the Word? You can't do it. You got to shut off all these other things, conscience, memories and reasonings, and all these other things, "casting down reasonings." We don't reason about it at all, nothing at all. We just accept the Word upon the basis, "God said so"; and it sets a stream between you and God. Every channel comes open between you and God then. There's the battle, the very first front line" (The Greatest Battle ever Fought, p. 21:3-6).
II Corinthians 10:5-6, "Casting down reasonings, and every lofty thing that is raised against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ; and being ready to punish every failure in obedience when your obedience is fulfilled".
All of the prominent words in these verses have a military connotation. From the Greek word for "casting" or "pulling" down theoretical argumentations we derive the word "crow" as in "crowbar," employed as a lever with a pointed end resembling a crow's beak. When Brother Branham recalled how Brother Junior Jackson described the imagery in his dream [of February 1961] foretelling and signifying the opening of the Seals he said, "I dreamed a dream," and there it was. I just set still. And I listened and watched. He said, "I dreamed that there was a great big hill, like out in a field where bluegrass, or something was." He said, "Up on top of this hill, where the water had washed away the soil, there was a top rock up on top of the hill; like the top of the mountain. It was rock, no grass. And where the water had washed down, it had cut some kind of readings on these stones, and you were standing there interpreting this reading on these stones." He said, "All of it. . ." And here's the way he put it, said, "The brethren from Georgia, and from all around, we were all standing together, listening to you interpret that mysterious writing on those stones . . . that mountain."
And he said, "Then you picked up something, like from the air, something like a wrecking bar, or a crowbar," wasn't it, brother? Something like that, a wrecking bar, real sharp, and said, "How you done it, I don't know. You struck the top of that mountain, ripped it around, and lifted the cap of it off. It was in the shape of a pyramid. And you ripped the top of it off." Now, that was months and months and months before the pyramid message [The Stature of the Perfect Man] was preached [on October 14, 1962]. And said, "Beneath that was white stone, granite." And you said, "The sun, or the light, has never shined on this before." Look in on this. Watch this." (Is This the Sign of the End, Sir, p. 14:8 – 15:1).
When the Prophet retold Brother Jackson's dream in his sermon "Standing in the Gap" he called the caagsone a "white rock that wasn't written on." It signified the Seventh unwritten Seal of Revelation 8:1 that is the revelation of Six written Seals of Revelation 6:1-17 which is the mystery uttered by the voices of the Seven Thunders that Daniel and John were forbidden to write (Daniel 12:4, 9; Revelation 10:4). Jesus said this mystery would be revealed "in the days of the Voice of the seventh angel," William Branham. It was revealed to the Prophet who died in 1965, yet his voice still declares the Message of the "midnight cry" of Matthew 25:6 and the "shout" of I Thessalonians 4:16, but these unwritten mysteries were not spelt out to his Laodicean church and must be revealed personally to the end-time Bride by Christ Himself. His secrets are exclusively ours; we are typed by John caught up in the Spirit into the Lord's Day after Laodicea. None of us was born-again when Christ revealed the Seals through His Prophet. The revelation began opening to us "in the days of the voice," ten or twelve years after his passing, separating us from the Pentecostal PART-Word saints, and manifesting their folly of trying to organize the "letter without the Spirit,"
Pergamos means "thoroughly married" and in the Pergamean Church Age the Judaeo-Roman church organized in union with the Roman State at the First Nicaea Council of AD325. Jesus condemned this Age for "Balaamism," which is the substitution of human reasoning expressed in a trinitarian godhead, baptism in three Titles, creed and dogma for the revealed Word of God; and for "Nicolaitanism" whereby the Spirit is usurped by a clerical hierarchy interposed between God and the laity. The promise to the overcomer in this Age was "to eat of the hidden manna, and a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knows but the recipient" (Revelation 3:14-17). The "Hidden manna" was typed by the shew bread in the sanctuary which only the Israelite priests might eat. It represents Christ the revealed Word: soul food of which only the kingdom of priests unto God and His Father, that is, Christians, may partake.
The "white stone" represents acquittal in judgment and righteousness for we paid the supreme penalty for sin in Christ, and when He was raised we rose in Him (II Corinthians 5:13-21). Romans 8:33b, "God says I am righteous" (Way Translation). A stone is a revelation, and like the unwritten Caagsone of Brother Jackson's dream, the revelation is written "in" the stone (Matthew 16:18; Revelation 8:1). By revelation you know you are "in" Christ and you know your position in the Body, but you can't tell anyone else. They will observe it by the Token on display and "ask a reason of the hope that is in you" (Acts 4:13; II Corinthians 3:2-3; I Peter 3:15). As His *wife we share the Name of our Husband, we are Christians.
Now we have almost reached the jubilee of Brother Branham's departure yet so few churches, pastors and Brethren in the circle of this Message see the revelation that alone can take them across the gap that separates the completed Body of the PART-Word saints from the Caagsone or Head of the Body which is Christ the fullness of the W_O_R_D (I Corinthians 13:10). The "living stone [or revelation of the end-time Message is] disallowed by these men . . . the Head of the Corner [or Caagsone remains] a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, [even to them] which stumble at the Word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed" (I Peter 2:4-8).
Under the Seventh Seal Brother Branham explained: "Now, notice. So help me, by God I tell the truth, that these [Seals] are spiritually discerned to me (See?), discerned by the Holy Spirit. And by every one of them, has identified his place in the Bible. Now, what this great secret is that lays beneath this [Seventh] Seal I do not know. I don't know it. I couldn't make it out. I couldn't tell it, just what it and just what it said. But I know that it was them seven thunders uttering themselves right close together, just banging seven different times, and it unfolded into something else that I seen." [A vision].
"Then when I seen that, I looked for the interpretation that flew across there, and I couldn't make it out. That's exactly right, friend. See? The hour isn't quite yet for it, but it's moving into that cycle. See? It's coming up close. So the thing for you to do is to remember that I speak to you in the Name of the Lord: Be prepared, for you don't know what time something can happen. [The Coming or 'parousia' of the Son of Man]."
"Now, when that gets on tape, which it is, that'll probably send ten thousand of my friends away from me, 'cause they're going to say that Brother Branham's trying to put himself and make himself a servant, or a prophet, or something before God. Let me tell you, my brethren, that is an error. I'm only telling you what I seen and what has been told to me, and now you do whatever you want to. I don't know what's going to take place. I do not know. I just know that those seven thunders holds that mystery, that heavens was quieted. [Revelation 8:1]. (Everybody understand?)" [Heaven was silent because the Word was here on earth in the "shout" of the Message].
"It may be time. It may be the hour now, that this Great Person that we're expecting to rise on the scene may rise on the scene. . ."
"Now, I want you to notice tonight that in the Sixth Seal there was a threefold purpose of the Sixth Seal. There was a threefold purpose of the horse riders. There's been a threefold purpose in all these things. That brings us back to a three and a seven again (See?), seven Seals, seven vials, and so forth . . ."
Now, now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal, it's also in a threefold mystery. This one I will speak and have spoke, that it is the mystery of the seven thunders. The seven thunders in heaven will unfold this mystery. It'll be right at the coming of Christ, because Christ said no one knew when He would return. . . nobody knows when He's coming. There'll be seven voices of these thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time" (The Revelation of the Seven Seals, p. 567:1-4; 574:2; 575:5). [The threefold mystery of the Seventh Seal is the threefold mystery of I Thessalonians 4:14-17; Revelation 16:15].
The "stronghold" in verse 4 is a metaphor similar to "every lofty thing that is raised against the knowledge of God" in verse 5, being something elevated to enable the enemy to maintain his ground in the great battle to prevent us from bringing our ten mortal senses under preeminence to the Word in our soul; it signifies every kind of human greatness which could be employed in such warfare—wisdom, eloquence, power, righteousness and wealth—"against the knowledge of God." Not subjectively as it existed in the minds of Paul's opponents, but objectively, something that met men in common life, and generally called forth their opposition, as for instance the revelation of the present Truth—what Jesus is doing now.
When you have "brought every thought [opposed to obedience] into captivity to the obedience of Christ" then your thoughts or designs become God's "strongholds" and His "lofty things" being subject to Christ in the obedience of faith by understanding or revelation.
Now in verse 6 we come to a point made last week as to the importance of visiting the links and the Scriptures to prove all things and ensure that our understanding is from Above, not learning the letter only, an error I may have made, or our own understanding not in accord with the written and spoken Word. Brother Branham said that the foolish virgin are believers in the Word for the hour but because they were slothful and did not prove all things their pastor taught, or were dilatory, putting off to some indefinite date what should be done today. "Being ready to punish every disobedience [(Gk.) failing to hear, or hearing amiss] when your obedience is fully expressed".
We are to submit ourselves to the fivefold ministry and our elders as the Bible instructs and we see from this verse that Paul regarded the Church at Corinth subject to his apostolic authority, and it was only in their return to him that he expected the completion of their obedience to Christ, which is axiomatic. The return to that obedience would determine the time in which he should exercise his disciplinary power upon the corrupting Judaizers who might persist in opposing his authority. In this verse Paul makes a distinction between the seducers and those who had been seduced. He admonishes that the latter would do well by their entire submission to his instructions, to escape the punishment he was about to inflict (Matthew 18:15-20).
When Brother Branham was preaching on faith in Portland, Oregon, a giant of a man came down the aisle, snorting and swinging his arms. The police rushed out to get him but the Prophet said, "This isn't flesh and blood, brother."
So I said, "What's the matter?"
He said, "Don't talk to me." He drew back his fist." Said, "I'll break every bone in your body."
"And when I looked at the man, I heard myself talking . . . it was the Holy Spirit speaking. And it said, "Because that you have defied the Spirit of God, tonight you will fall over my feet."
He said, "I'll show you whose feet I'll fall over."
And he drew his great big arm back and started to hit me like that, and I said, "Satan, come out of the man in the Name of the Lord Jesus." And he started going, "Ouu-ouu," and his eyes rolled back. He started going around and around like that, and fell down, till he just laid across my feet, and I couldn't move any way. The Spirit of God and the spirit was in him. Both of them made a challenge, so then something had to happen. That was the 'third pull'.
"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal" (When Love Projects). nl829.htm
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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